You know, framing LQ's heart demon, and the specific situations that aggravate it, as being about trust has always rubbed me the wrong way. A heart demon is a conflict between insights that are in the domain, and looking at it now, that's because the framing of LQ's domain has
nothing to do with trust. It's framed in terms of what she wants, her desires.
Here's the list of domain insights:
- Sincerity is the measure by which the worthiness of the self and ones guests should be measured.
- There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
- Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.
- There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
- Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
- Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing.
- -Empty-
- -Empty-
- -Empty-
- -Empty-
- -Empty-
- One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
Notice the lack of
Trust as a domain concept there. It's all about LQ wanting to present herself sincerely, to never stop growing, to find beauty and satisfaction in her life. You know, things she
wants. And the insight most revelant to this heart demon, "One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.", isn't about trusting family, it's about accounting for their desires. And this whole mess is tied back into how LQ doesn't want to be bound, but does want the ties that come with family.
So to look at the last vote: LQ knows that CRX wouldn't ever want LQ to put the mission at risk, even (and perhaps especially) if the cost of that is CRX getting hurt. LQ doesn't want to hurt her friends, ever, and has put herself at risk in the past to avoid doing so. So now the choice is between doing what LQ knows CRX would want and what's best for the mission, or doing what LQ wants and putting the mission at risk to avoid hurting a friend. Trust really has nothing to do with the heart of the dilemma here, it only really shows up in the aftermath: does LQ trust CRX to keep it together, does LQ trust her own ability to beat a cyan spirit at her own game?
And you can frame the inciting incident of the heart demon, the assassin, in the same way. LQ prioritized avoiding harm to her friends over avoiding harm to herself, and so she throat-tanked that blade to ensure that they wouldn't be hurt. Even though she damn well knew her friends and family wouldn't want that at all. And the backlash from that choice made LQ realize that continuing to disregard her family's desires would also hurt them, and indeed could cause her to lose them eventually, which is intolerable to her.
So yeah, LQ's a greedy girl. And (to my reading, anyway) this heart demon's about what she wants - a family, enough power to never have to do things she doesn't want to - and how the desires of her family might force her to do things she doesn't want to do in order to to avoid hurting or alienating them.