[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)

The thing about Rhys is, it's not just a free admin hero king for a few years as chief if they outlive the current king. Transfers of power are absolutely the most dangerous and destabilizing times a state has to face. Every time the crown changes heads, there's the danger of rebellion, instability, invasions, usurpation, coups and various other problems. It's true that the Ymaryn are an old polity, remarkably stable overall and with long traditions with the whole elective monarchy thing, but it's absolutely not free or good for us to change rulers often.
A reminder: Rhys provides us 1+ income by himself. Best not to age him fast. until we gte our shit together.

[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)
The thing about Rhys is, it's not just a free admin hero king for a few years as chief if they outlive the current king. Transfers of power are absolutely the most dangerous and destabilizing times a state has to face. Every time the crown changes heads, there's the danger of rebellion, instability, invasions, usurpation, coups and various other problems. It's true that the Ymaryn are an old polity, remarkably stable overall and with long traditions with the whole elective monarchy thing, but it's absolutely not free or good for us to change rulers often.

The first time your king and heir died too close together to keep the line of succession clear cut, it ended with Phygrif burning down Xohyr.
[X] Admin Chief Rhys (.9x)
[X] War Chief, Dragon General Dafydd (1x)
[X] Grandmaster Morcant of the Dyers Guild (1x)
[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)

It is not corruption, it is politics :V
To be fair, sticking your dick in the lowlands meatgrinder is also a contributing cause of most of the crises that happened later. Where do you think the Second Sons got the idea?
The other part is ballooning to over twice our previous size with not easily defendable lands.

AN even called the time before Phygrif, the boring time since we were at our most stable there(Almost full roads, walls and mountains on all our borders and completely forested to make it even more difficult for them.
Rethinking yet again: We don't need to spend an authority on Pomp bureaucratic reform, since it isn't strictly necessary that they succeed every turn. Instead, we can spend an influence on it.

Everything else is either warships(which helps increase our income in prep for when Rhys finally die), or selling guns to support our activities.
@Aranfan How worried should we be about Idari reversing Bedwyr's policies (e.g. with the Mine Lords)?

Also, does infiltration/spy network count for Revaunchism? (If so, it might be beneficial to infiltrate the Black Sheep so that we're addressing both it and Txollan concerns. If not, starting a Banner Company, perhaps.)

Edit: is Txollan Concerns defined broadly enough to be:
  1. Increasing Prestige for the Ymaryn as a whole (such as with medical giveaways)
  2. "Appease the Revaunchivists within Txolla"? I assume not, since that would make it redundant with revaunchism, but perhaps a lesser version, like outright-revaunchist actions satisfying Txollan concerns?
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My tentative plan for next turn is this:
Authority on Sell Bombards, Pamplona for guaranteed money since we will be spending a bunch next turn.
Influence on Assist Bureaucratic Reform, Pamplona to get a strong ally on the other side of the Saffron Sea and to stop fuedalism from spreading.
Influence on Construct Warships, New Blackmouth because we need the warships for Yllython Mor campaigns to deal with pirates.
Influence on Construct Warships, Redshore because we need the warships for Yllython Mor campaigns and to deal with pirates
Influence on Sell Bombards to whoever else can pay enough to be Profitable

Both warships actions and the Pamplona assistance action both give us a chance of appease the revanchists while the ongoing war effort against the Blacksheep handles the Txollan King malus. Since we would be constructing warships, we would need the Authority on Selling Bombards to ensure that we got more than 1 Treasury available to us while helping Pamplona gives us a strong and non-feudal ally in the future.
Influence on Construct Warships, New Blackmouth because we need the warships for Yllython Mor campaigns to deal with pirates.
Influence on Construct Warships, Redshore because we need the warships for Yllython Mor campaigns and to deal with pirates

I worry that this might use up too much Treasury on this year, where the Revaunchivists have to be appeased every year, so I'd tentatively prefer a Diplomatic Outreach to try to open up more markets. (We seem to have only one Profitable source of bombards left, though it might reset, so we'll need another market next turn regardless.)

Edit: maybe I'm misunderstanding Revaunchivism. If we need more than one military build-up action at the same time, then there probably aren't any better choices. Maybe Diplo Outreach if the last sell slot isn't Profitable.

Edit 2: I'm also a bit leery on the Assist Pamplona action due to the -5 rolls on Praise the Sun (from which we've just removed 1 Influence). Can it wait 2-3 years--after which, presumably, the most heated part of the debate should have passed?
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I doubt it's very unlikely that building spy networks or intrigue actions would satisfy revanchism. It rather defeats the purpose if the entire nation knows about it.
Right. This is not a surmountable lead.

Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Dec 5, 2020 at 10:31 PM, finished with 47 posts and 20 votes.
Edit 2: I'm also a bit leery on the Assist Pamplona action due to the -5 rolls on Praise the Sun (from which we've just removed 1 Influence). Can it wait 2-3 years--after which, presumably, the most heated part of the debate should have passed?

It's a time limited opportuntiy. The Pomp aren't going to wait around forever. Priests being stabby with each other just means that the King half exile more priests than usual.
I would have used the maps from PoI, but then I'd have no idea where natural boundries were and I'd wind up making countries that look like colonial africa.
And...would that really have been so bad at this point in time? We never really had solid borders until PoI which was all the way to 1800s.

Also despite me asking several times, you never really answered what sort of natural boundries you are asking for.
And...would that really have been so bad at this point in time? We never really had solid borders until PoI which was all the way to 1800s.

Also despite me asking several times, you never really answered what sort of natural boundries you are asking for.

mountains, valleys, hills, rivers. the usual