It might actually be a bad idea to make him king if he wanted to let the mine lords slide and got mad when they got shut down. That was a terrible precedent to let go, and I don't trust his judgement.

I think either the general or the grandmaster. It might be better to let the general be a general and take the grandmaster to focus on getting our economy into shape. Build an actual treasury with decent income so we're not always riding the edge of failure.

We can take a support Hat action and continue building ships there.
A valid question is if we think the next king will take the chair before or after we finish taking the rest of our lands.

I want to say after and they will be able to turn inward, but realistically they are still going to be dealing with at least the Blacksheep.
I want to take Rhys as he is an Admin Hero. If he dies before becoming king or shortly after becoming king, then we can just elect a new candidate from the new selection of candidates.

I'm neutral on the Guildmaster, but I am against the other two. Dafydd isn't a bad choice, but he serves us better as a Dragon General than as a king while the Hathytta corrupt is the Hathytta governor @Aranfan and how old is he compared to our current king?
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A valid question is if we think the next king will take the chair before or after we finish taking the rest of our lands.

I want to say after and they will be able to turn inward, but realistically they are still going to be dealing with at least the Blacksheep.
Uhh, considering iirc we need the Mass Levy in order to retake the Thunder Plateau and maybe Western Wall territories, something tells me it's going to be quite a while before reunification occurs, if it does at all.

I also agree with @HanEmpire that letting the Hat governor be heir after the shenanigans with the Mine Lords is a pretty bad idea, personally. Someone who's willing to stomp all over the supposed values of the civ shouldn't be Melkut.

From what I understand of the system, there's not really a downside to making Rhys the heir? If he dies before Balthazar we can make one of the others heir; if he's still alive we benefit from the objectively most qualified person for the job having the job.

[X] Admin Chief Rhys (.9x)
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how corrupt is the Hathytta governor @Aranfan and how old is he compared to our current king?

The Hathayan Governor is no more corrupt than most of the nobles in your civ. He just had to make some hard choices during the collapse that the thread would probably consider wrongly decided, and a lot of his self esteem has been staked on saving Hathytta during the collapse. Idari is about the same age as Balthazar, but the throne ages people quickly so he'll almost certainly outlive Balthazar and eventually become Melek if chosen.
[-] Admin Chief Rhys (.9x)

Agreed - the mine lord stuff was sleazy.

EDIT: New info. Will reconsider.
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[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)

With the new information on him, I'm inclined to go with this.
[X] Admin Chief Rhys (.9x)

Eh, if he dies early, he dies early. If he takes the throne no overtime though.

[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)
But this remains my preferred option.
To clarify, Idari is absolutely corrupt.

So is Rhys, Dafydd, and Morcant.

Bedwyr was corrupt as well.

You are a state. Corruption is very popular.
I'm going to push getting Idari as our heir. If we do this, we don't have to worry about shoring up Hathytta's loyalty next turn (I'm assuming that picking their governor as heir will boost Hathytta's loyalty @Aranfan) and the man is competent. He did keep the Hathytta intact throughout the collapse and that is nothing to scoff at.
[X] Hathayan Governor Idari (1.3x)

Okay, with the new info I'm more comfortable with the decision. I'm still leery about the precedent being set, but it is what it is.
[X] War Chief, Dragon General Dafydd (1x)

I know people want the general to lead, and he might not be able to lead quite as much (though given just how ridiculously secure Ymaryn succession is its probably more than people suggest) but this is a massive time of institutional change in the military. Commoners are emerging into the officer corps, gunpowder is being introduced, we're experimenting with combined arms full time professional forces...

These are all massive institutional changes. And that means having a king that fully understands these implications, has everyone's faith in making these changes, has the authority to commit to these changes... etc. I want to completely revolutionize our military. We're ibn the fascinating state of being a highly centralized, technologically advanced state, that will have a ton of wealth to invest in the military in a decades time and the political will to commit to revolutionary ideas to improve the military.

Already our levy is more like an early industrial mobilization than an early modern state. I want to do things like expand on that and back stop it with something like Hungary's Black Army when we have the funds. I want a massive leap forward in the ability of our empire to project power and harness its industrial and population advantages. If we do that, we're liable to be the premier military juggernaut until the industrial revolution. And considering conquest outside of our core is unlikely, we can start shifting to something approaching Victorian era spheres of influence and have a captive market for our mountains of goods. A mere general isn't going to establish long term commitment to that kind of fiscal outlay.
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