So I realized after some talk on discord that the Ymaryn were probably a caste system during DGE.

This revelation is sapping my motivation to see them win.
Eh, we're in the process of fixing that - didn't DGE get downgraded to the next lowest tier with that crisis end vote we had?
The priests going and exploring helps with cosmopolitan acceptance and bring new ideas whereas there was previously stagnation, which hopefully helps with high stratification in our society.
Yeah, basically any society given long periods of stability would tend to calcify into some variation of caste system, its one of the lower energy configurations if you are born into your job, raised for the job, and then do that job.
[X] Plan Kushy Math and Khem

So I realized after some talk on discord that the Ymaryn were probably a caste system during DGE.

This revelation is sapping my motivation to see them win.
Yeah, there was a reason Divine Glorious Elite was disliked by many. It gave them a lot of power in return.

The half exiles system has also been a problem for millennium, our "solution" to our lack of slaves creating something similar to the Burakumin in Japan, who thanks to Purity and our taboo of the dead, work similar jobs.

Even our Cosmopolitan Acceptance causes problems. Our society is very weird and immigrants have trouble adapting to the new languages and different values, leaving them easy prey for abuse.

All of that is not to say we do not try to help, raising the wages of all half-exiles to standard before the war in Forhuch, reaching out to isolated communities within our borders, opening doors to the lower castes to better paying jobs, but opportunities are few and far in between considering the scale we work at and the time period the game is played.

Oh and probably not relevant anymore but
Also, how long was the fall after Not!Alexander? And how many years passed since our fall?
Like 1300? And it has been about 600 years since the collapse of the Ymaryn Empire.
There we go :V
We are about 1200 to 1300 with bigger states and less military tech like plate mail due to the Pax Yamar lowering the amount of war.
Did some googling, and this is about the same time the Crusades are happening. For military tech, we did adopt gunpowder weapons, probably no guns yet since they were invented by the west but grenades and bombs seem to be the main way it is used with Crossbows being the main means of ranged combat.
Did some googling, and this is about the same time the Crusades are happening. For military tech, we did adopt gunpowder weapons, probably no guns yet since they were invented by the west but grenades and bombs seem to be the main way it is used with Crossbows being the main means of ranged combat.
Eh, we're at the level of bombards. Man portable guns required either a cavalier attitude to death and maiming amongst the users or a lot better metallurgy.
Bombards are essentially catapults++. Crossbows are likely in the process of being replaced by primitive guns, essentially tiny canons on sticks.
Eh, our culverins propably aren't good enough to replace crossbows. They offer shock value and have decent stopping power, but aren't otherwise superior. Considering that our enemies include highly mobile nomads, we aren't likely to replace lighter weapons with heaver firearms in the foreseeable future.
Yeah, we need a tech list of what we have available. Bombards are huge cannons right?
Bombards are essentially cauldrons packed with powder, shot loaded on top and then ignited to launch.

Early bombards were often incredibly inaccurate and dangerous owing to cumulative metal fatigue, necessitating the whole thing be replaced frequently or risk sudden explosive failures. However, they brought a lot more power and rate of fire than catapults, while using less space, granting tactical flexibility.
Aren't Culverins light, horse drawn cannons? I recognize the name from Age of Empire3

Culverin - Wikipedia

Basically very early musket before we settled on the shoulder stock design. They did scale up to being small canons, but the hand Culverins is the archtypical concept.

The advantage over crossbows was cost, power, and ease of training. The downside was they had worse accuracy than a smoothbore musket.
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No idea and likely below the level of abstraction. The difference between a bombard and large Culverin is fairly academic.

The thing is that the techs all have large slow moveing bullets that use mass to do damage. Muskets and Canon use smaller shot fired faster due to better metallurgy and methods for making barrels that can survive the pressures.

That advancement pattern can continued basically into modern times with bullets getting smaller and faster with higher and higher gas pressures.
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