My vote comes down on two things.
1. No one could make a convincing argument (in my opinion.) on why we should not grab another apprentice. There is literally no greater action then to pass down our knowledge, especially after so many runesmiths & runelord's just died. There will always be things to research, I fail to see how one dwarf researching one project will be a greater deed, then thirty dwarfs research thirty projects.
2. What would Snorri do? Since turn one we went full Santa. The guy is practically living for taking care of his people's little ones. I think Snorri would grab a apprentice, I cannot think of a reason compelling enough that Snorri would not see as shameful. Many of Snorri's peers died, it could of been him, I think his drive of taking apprentices would be greater then ever. And this is what trumps any argument for me. Runelords are not always pragmatic or economical, when it comes to passions, like locking them selves away for research, or in Snorri's case, producing runesmiths out of beardlings, whilst other runelords produce great-works out of gromnil.
There are a lot of runelords who focus on research, on becoming better, knowing more, making the ancestors proud, and being better then there peers. Far to few, focus on passing on the knowledge to those with the gifts to use them. We could forge legendary armor after legendary armor, and it would still be less thrilling then throwing pocket gravel in the face of our apprentices.
[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. 1 Action
-[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
-[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 2 Prods.