Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
if you guys need to ignore the moratorium and vote without discussion, then can you at least format the vote properly?

here is the current skill plan

[X] Plan Cheerful Muse
-[X] 4 Dex* (8/40), 2 Presence** (12/40), 4 Manip** (20/40), 4 Comp** (28/40)
-[X] 3 Empathy*** (31/40), 4 Speech*** (35/40), 1 Spirit Ken*** (36/40)
-[X] 1 Woodwind*** (38/40), 1 Vanishing** (40/40)

as you can see we get 2 Skill points to assign, which means we can either get 1 Attribute die or 1 advanced Skill die or 2 normal Skill dice. War for example is a normal skill, so a war vote should look like this:

[]Plan War
-[] 2 War

or if you want 2 normal Skills

[]Plan Warpainting
-[] 1 War
-[] 1 Art
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Can we not progress to SS? Woodwind all the way; make people cry or laugh with a couple of sounds.
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"That's one way to look at it Ci," she drawled, glancing up to see her spirit's fuzzy snub nosed face peering down at her. Mostly it just reminded her how irrelevant she was.

"Please do not shorten my name Master, I am proud to be Cibei, the mercy which raise up those trodden upon by injustice!" The little bat said with a frustrated squeak. Though she early second realm now, the spirit hadn't grown much larger, wasn't the type for it, and that suited Su Ling just fine.
Yes! The adorable justice bat has advanced to the early second realm, and now we know her name! Although I have to wonder if Cibei was the name it chose for itself. Given its insistence on using that name, I would imagine Cibei did choose it.
if you guys need to ignore the moratorium and vote without discussion, then can you at least format the vote properly?

here is the current skill plan

as you can see we get 2 Skill points to assign, which means we can either get 1 Attribute die or 1 advanced Skill die or 2 normal Skill dice. War for example is a normal skill, so a war vote should look like this:

[]Plan War
-[] 2 War

or if you want 2 normal Skills

[]Plan Warpainting
-[] 1 War
-[] 1 Art
Oops. Thank you for the correction, I have []ed out my vote and redone it with plan format.
Can we not immediately vote when we all know there is a two hours before we can vote?

Anyway, as a remainder, here is what we are training this turn skill wise:
[] Plan Cheerful Muse
-[] 4 Dex* (8/40), 2 Presence** (12/40), 4 Manip** (20/40), 4 Comp** (28/40)
-[] 3 Empathy*** (31/40), 4 Speech*** (35/40), 1 Spirit Ken*** (36/40)
-[] 1 Vanishing** (40/40)

War is also no keyword, so it's much better to train it next turn than this one, as we train BKSD next turn. Personally, I'd say Presence, Empathy, Spirit Ken, Resolve are all very tempting.
Man, I hope that some of the Elders take note of what Su Ling did here. Protecting the little people is going to look really good for the Sect and seeing their outer sect members do it on their own is going to look even better.

I would not be surprised if there will be some public thanks and congratulations to Su Ling and GG in the near future.
I thought our woodwind is uncapped though? Or it's only up to a limit?

It is uncapped in the sense that we can continue to train it after hitting S.

a Green has a hard cap on all Attributes and Skills at S. so we would get the new advanced Skill but wouldnt be able to train it. 'uncapped' Attributes (like Dex for us) or Skills (like Music) can be trained further. The advanced Skill mechanics still apply though
[X] Love and Fight
-[X]Spirit Kin
I know, I know, now is not the time to train blades. But I can't pass this chance up.
Adhoc vote count started by Huo Yuhao on Nov 8, 2019 at 6:15 PM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.
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was weird how something as gating as stone scraping across metal could be seem tranquil.
Su Ling glanced at up at the feeling of the weight on her head shifting, tiny claws finding purchase in her thick, curly hair.
errant word
Though she early second realm now, the spirit hadn't grown much larger, wasn't the type for it, and that suited Su Ling just fine.
Though she was early second realm
She hunched her shoulders, scowling somehow she liked him better when he was acting like a feckless moron.
She hunched her shoulders, scowling. Somehow, she liked him better when he was acting like a feckless moron.

Or maybe just a coma after scowling, to make it not read as "scowling somehow"

"Of course I am. You are a courageous and virtuous woman, I would be most pleased to have you on my side," the cheeky fucker grinned at her.
Ooohhhh. Muscle Gan is putting on the MOVES!

Dude's canny and self aware enough to know that their commoner background might just mean they either gravitate in the same circles, or be looking for the same things. It seems like its slowly working as well. Good Job Muscle Gan!
Hmm wonder if mum and Biyu will mention the heroic fox lady and co when we next see them.

"Oh yeah, my co-worker and hunting buddy? Yeah they're cool."

...if Biyu becomes a fan of Mysterious Heroine Fox we're definitely introducing them, right?
Alright, so on a completely different note, PLR has been kind of awkward since forever. We were complaining about it (again) on Discord last night, and I was thinking about how it fits into our overall strategy. The problem, I feel, is that it either wants to be replacing FVM or FSS in our overall combat strategy, and historically it just hasn't really been good enough. It's taken a while to really get up to being useful, and because we had better options we've continually put it on the backburner. Trying to do FVM + PLR + FSS just gets kind of messy and confused, and we run out of actions.

My feeling is, however, that we can use different combinations of them in different situations. FVM is ideal in larger engagements where there are enough people for the mass debuffs to really shine, and low level opponents for us to shut down and bully. PLR I suggest works better in the smaller scale engagements where FVM falls off in effectiveness. With its new perfect dodge charges, and lockdown abilities, it is potentially really strong where there are a smaller number of dangerous enemies we need to defend against and manage. FSS ofc makes things dead, and this is often ideal.

Laying out the general scenarios:
  • Duel: PLR + FSS
    • with only one (or two) enemies, FVM really doesn't have enough targets to work well - though admittedly the darkness can maybe be a useful buff. PLR is likely stronger defensively though, and LW can potentially be a very useful tool. Use PLR as our field effect, and then move to the killin'
  • Small scale group combat with limited friends: PLR + FSS or FVM + PLR depending on how many friends we have
    • This continues in small scale group content where it is still, perhaps, unclear how useful FVM is. In these situations, we are likely to be fighting multiple strong opponents, and LW's CC is likely to be much more useful than FVM. Whether or not we should be using FSS or FVM on top of PLR, however, depends on how many friends we have. Broadly, if we only have like one friend or so, then the marginal value of our DPS contribution is probably relatively high, and we want to kill things. However, if we have a good number of friends - imagine, for example, taht we had Xiulan, Renxiang, and Meizhen with us - then the marginal value of our DPS might be significantly lower, it it may be better for us to focus fully on support (thus PLR + FVM).
  • Large scale combat: FVM + FSS
    • In larger scale fights, where we're wanting to control small armies with our awesomeness, FVM is obviously ideal. Most of the time, I think, we'd probably want to be using FSS for it's rad aoe to start cutting the enemy numbers down. That being said, there may be the odd situation where, for example, our allies have the dps covered and it's better for us to focus on trying to CC enemy officers, so PLR shouldn't be entirely ruled out.
That being said, whenever we have time to really set up beforehand, it's hard to say we shouldn't bring up FVM all the way.

That's my thoughts on our current setup anyway. PLR ofc really needs more training, and this balance will all be messed with once we get BKSD and UGM online, but it may provide a useful roadmap for thinking about how we want to approach things?
A whole section of the forest flipping up like a trapdoor and arachnid limbs reaching out to drag under centipedes bigger than houses.
Hmmm... I've got to wonder if this is Elder Ying's spiritual companion. A giant trapdoor spider-like spirit. If so, that's pretty scary, especially since Elder Ying seems perfectly capable of dragging things down to the earth.
Spirit Ken is the clear thing to train. We wanted more of it to take advantage of +es but couldn't fit in the dice, now we have the dice to improve it. As for the formatting that ship seems to be sailing, but if one thing wins I'm sure Yrs will just use it for both dice.

EDIT: With it approaching max it can probably only absorb one more die though. I'd throw one each at Spirit Ken and War maybe.
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I will say that I'm particularly happy with us training SSC and Melodies of Spirit Seekers this turn. With all the turmoil that is happening in the Sect and the larger sect grounds, having an individual who is able to placate spirits as well as move quickly from site to site will be even more important. Having Ling Qi go and quell various spirits of the land, mountain, and river in the area could be extremely useful in freeing up military resources that would have normally be sent to bludgeon them into an agreement.

It'll be interesting to see just what role our developing spirit diplomacy suite will have in the upcoming conflict.
That's my thoughts on our current setup anyway. PLR ofc really needs more training, and this balance will all be messed with once we get BKSD and UGM online, but it may provide a useful roadmap for thinking about how we want to approach things?
A few things:
  • PLR has really suffered from how awkward Dance as a new skill is, and how it is only getting to be getting a lot of levels by Green 3 but we have been too distracted to level it. If we had had PLR8 right now, the last fight probably would have looked very different.
  • IPF in particular shines in fights with many opponents... as long as perception-links for opponents doesn't completely negate it (but I think it doesn't?). In particular, while we did very well with only FVM in the last arc, we were very lucky that our dodge was more than adequate. If our opponents had higher accuracy, IPF would have been necessary so that we don't get insta-killed. Incidentally, more opponents = more multi attacker bonus to accuracy. As such, IPF scales particularly well against very large groups.
Basically, I would say that while FVM shines when it comes to bullying a large group of lower level people and negating some of their leader's support abilities, IPF is flat out better when it comes to surviving a large group of enemies and negating a few DPS.