Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
the spirits anger > spirit's
the disciples homes > disciples'

well, do you want to emphasize her character

or try to change it
We need to change it--she needs to mature and grow, remain as her petulant self. Experiencing something new, like a focus on Balance or Composure, will help her realize how she needs to grow. It will also shore up the glaring weaknesses in her build. She can deal offensive damage with FSS and iicr, she'll get access to the more powerful FSS techs as she advances. However, it was pointed out both in the story (recently) and by people on comments that she's very low on other parts, like defensive abilities and health. It should be the defensive option or the balanced one. We shouldn't have her pursue more of the same things she's already got.
So this is actually all kind of Srs Business. A Disciple's spirit is assumed to be basically an extension of a Disciple. Linq Qi is considered responsible for all of Hanyi's actions. Having Hanyi going around picking fights behind our back is Not Good. Hell, if Yu Nuan were a more scheming sort she could have tricked Hanyi into fighting in an official Sect-monitored duel and made a reasonable claim it counted as defeating Ling Qi.

Hanyi thinks she's People, though. She's like, "Big sister can challenge people; why can't I challenge other girls too?" Which is cute and all, but could have gotten us in serious trouble.
Seen a bit about people trying to fit the melancholy piece into some kind of grieving thing for Hanyi and would LQ or Hanyi really try to make an art about Hanyi's grief about losing her mother for a friendly duel? Like there is being a cultivation manic and there is trying to tear up wounds for a random duel. Seriously doubt either of them would do such a thing.
[] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)

Hanyi picking fights and acting out whiles she's also fragile means she needs a lesson in not letting her emotions control her. You don't reward a child's negative behavior by reinforcing it
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Eh, Yu Nuan gets something out it. Lets be real, if Hanyi's nonsense is enough to disrupt her plan to find a spirit, then her plan probably wasn't amazing. Which is not to say we shouldn't apologize for the trouble after this whole thing is done, but she'll have her spirit then so I'm sure she won't be too mad.
It's still kind of a dick move for our spirit to provoke somebody then make them apologize
No, honestly, I'm pretty okay with the Presence thing?

The idea of having a pop-idol ice spirit tickles me something fierce after all.
Yeah it sounds like Hanyi was pretty much entirely in the wrong, I think she's getting off rather lightly. That was borderline sabotage.
She was certainly the instigator in what is apparently multiple incidents involving Yu Nuan, but accepting full blame is not on the table for Ling Qi
If word get's out that a disciple of far lower rank can just attack her spirit, provoked or not, then that's a message that she can be pushed around without consequence
Hanyi being the aggressor makes things worse in a way, to an outside viewer either Ling Qi is picking fights she can't finish, or she can't control her bound spirits
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Tbf, even with Yu Nuan thinking it was LQ messing with her, she had other options open to her (like checking if it actually was the case of LQ bullying her) before it reached the point where YN from and outside perspective attacked a fellow sect members spirit beast. Could be her won issues popping up that made her not look into things though.

Hanyi was being a brat and should get a talking to sure, but YN's action was not the most socially accepted either.
[] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)
[] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)

Both of these options have strong arguments behind them, although I very slightly prefer the melancholic option. I might vote for both depending on how the votes progress.

I don't see a very strong argument for the other option. People seem to be stretching the meaning of "beautiful and alluring."
Especially with "Growing Pains" as the name of the arc.
Didn't notice that, threadmarks seem to blend into the background now. Wonder if it's at all tied to the Growing Pains arc from FoD, Chu Song and Yu Nuan are kinda similar in being tough older girls with issues with Cai. Probably reading too much into it though.

Bombastic would be something like "help by cheering her up" which is really not the way to address this kind of problem.
Not sure about this though, lots of ways to deal with grief and I don't think finding joy and beauty in an art form shared with the lost love one lacks value. Especially when it's the option that feels most like Hanyi, both in regards to her stats and her character. Plus Yu Nuan did just call Hanyi out on copying not being comparable to true self expression.
Tbf, even with Yu Nuan thinking it was LQ messing with her, she had other options open to her (like checking if it actually was the case of LQ bullying her) before it reached the point where YN from and outside perspective attacked a fellow sect members spirit beast. Could be her won issues popping up that made her not look into things though.

Hanyi was being a brat and should get a talking to sure, but YN's action was not the most socially accepted either.

Come on, though- "attacked". It's the Cultivator equivalent of shoving Hanyi in the pool (via a waterfall). In fact, the update addresses it directly.

"Like that's a good excuse for attacking me like a big jerk. You knocked me off a cliff!"

Yu Nuan's pierced eyebrow twitched violently. "We're all third realm here," she growled. "Don't pretend you're made of glass." She crossed her arms and looked defiantly at Ling Qi. "I'm not gonna apologize."

Honestly, it could probably have been laughed off as a "playful scuffle" if there weren't nobles looking to deliberately twist any potential slight on Ling Qi's character.
Honestly, it could probably have been laughed off as a "playful scuffle" if there weren't nobles looking to deliberately twist any potential slight on Ling Qi's character.
It could only be written off as a playful scuffle if Yu Nuan and Ling Qi both sold it like one to the rest of the Sect, furthermore even if they did the fact that they have no prior history even remotely suggesting that they were close enough to be so informal with each other makes such a claim rather dubious
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)

I'm struck by the image of Hanyi daintily skipping onto stage and then screaming out a piece in Death Metal