Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Songseeker's Ceremony

The cultivation art rewards feats of daring, self expression, and dealings with the spirits of the world.
Sooo, the art rewards getting a dangerous spirit music mentor, allowing Ling Qi's musical art cultivation to —

cultivation art, teacher, site

Triple-dip on bonuses?

More evidence for the last thread's theories on how non-Imperial cultivation work: they set you down one way to follow with absolutely ridiculous multipliers so that everything you do becomes cultivation.

User gains up to 100 successes to physical or spiritual cultivation(whichever is lower) when composing, teaching or performing musical or artistic activities.
This means that Ling Qi gets base cultivation progress whenever she fights or cultivates her music arts, right? Because she fights by performing music, yeah? :p

"There has been a disturbance on the border. A town in Meng lands has been sacked by bandits."
And Sun Liling was spotted talking with Meng De at this month's Cai party, hmm. I doubt we could have gotten much — neither would have spilled enough info — but taking that option could have left us with some more slack room if Renxiang (or Cai Shenhua) was able to extrapolate more from the acquired hints.

Our exchange with the Bai included some access to their library of arts in return for a great deal of infrastructure investment and materials
Wood and Water, most likely. That's what they gave the Sun, and that's what the Cai would like to have if they want to reward clans in the Emerald Seas proper instead of the mountainous south. *cough replace the Meng cough*

Identify any spirits in the area and bribe them to help if possible. Clarify that direct combat is not required.

Use the scouting force. To do this, she should endeavor to split the threats from the scrubs. Leave the scouts to delay the scrubs, confuse/mislead the real threats back towards CRX. True, we could probably use the scrubs for leeching, but with that many a single decent support or counter would mean almost certain failure. Split the group as best she can. If done properly she should be able to induce enough confusion to halt their advance. Consider leaving the spirits with the scouts to help muddle the scrubs.

Survivability above all - all we need is a draw here. With their forces split we can use our numbers against their higher levels with LQ buffing. Just need to achieve. Once that's done, scrub are zero threat.

Leave an option to retreat. This sounds like it's more or less a trap. Someone in that group is going to try and smoke us. She shouldn't be afraid to break for CRX for backup if things go terribad.

Identify any spirits in the area and bribe them to help if possible. Clarify that direct combat is not required.

Use the scouting force. To do this, she should endeavor to split the threats from the scrubs. Leave the scouts to delay the scrubs, confuse/mislead the real threats back towards CRX. True, we could probably use the scrubs for leeching, but with that many a single decent support or counter would mean almost certain failure. Split the group as best she can. If done properly she should be able to induce enough confusion to halt their advance. Consider leaving the spirits with the scouts to help muddle the scrubs.

Survivability above all - all we need is a draw here. With their forces split we can use our numbers against their higher levels with LQ buffing. Just need to achieve. Once that's done, scrub are zero threat.

Leave an option to retreat. This sounds like it's more or less a trap. Someone in that group is going to try and smoke us. She shouldn't be afraid to break for CRX for backup if things go terribad.

Takes too long, we have 2 hours max.
Why does Night Parade come within sight? It seems an unnecessarily close detail in addition to being awfully close to their main body considering that we're assuming the third combatant is covering their rear.

Well, that's a nitpick. Ultimately I just don't see the difference between this plan and one that says 'lol just run into them and fight' and it seems really musclehead...
[x] Plan Control and Capture
-[x] Get ahead of the enemy without being detected and roughen their route with ice or Zhengui to divert them to rougher terrain and potentially draw out their veiled problem solver for direct confrontation. Any time the environment is favorable, attempt to ensnare the enemy formation in our mists and target leaders with song and dancers to disrupt rallying efforts. Try to keep up an area perception technique and if anyone manages to escape the mists, or is detected outside of them, leave the Travellers End reinforced mists behind to pursue immediately. Keep our spirits close in case of emergencies, but trust them to keep watch over shed mists if necessary.

Current plans aren't bad, but this is my preference. Tried to limit explicit mention of techniques, but I only managed to reduce it to one and still feel confident in execution matching my intent. :(

One immediate complaint about my plan is that using ice on terrain in front of them would let them know there's a significant cultivator in pursuit. My response is yes and no. It's not clear to me how much intel they have on us specifically, and unnaturally frozen shit could be taken as a sign of a spirit or beast laying on their path. Something they'd like to avoid. It's a risk I'm willing to take, and if it invites investigation from their mystery escort, it's potentially beneficial for us.
Why does Night Parade come within sight? It seems an unnecessarily close detail in addition to being awfully close to their main body considering that we're assuming the third combatant is covering their rear.

Well, that's a nitpick. Ultimately I just don't see the difference between this plan and one that says 'lol just run into them and fight' and it seems really musclehead...

I'm pretty sure "In sight" is still a good ways off, but I'll just make that more vague and let LIng Qi decide.
Do we know what the border's terrain actually looks like? What are their likely routes? If the Bai border with Emerald Seas is foothills then that's a different situation from running through grassland or fen.

e-found my answer

"Meng clan, controls the western marshes.
thick woodland marsh to the north
"Our mounts would only slow us in the marsh,
I think this is an important detail that should be taken into account in plans, but I don't see any that do.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by AbeoLogos on May 25, 2019 at 12:15 AM, finished with 249 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Approach to within sight of the targets from one of their flanks and raise up defenses (especially SES and TRF, but getting Persistant effects like one with shadow up and running in advance to shroud us from any scouting stunts). Activate Forgotten Vale Melody at maximum radius while making final approach, scale up to Traveller's End--as fast as we can and hopefully have that shield in place by the time they're in the net. Use Elegy to isolate the illusionist, and maintain defenses and PLR control effects while sneaking Hannyi and Zhengui as a team into the mists to launch ambushes to chip away at the lower realm 'Bandits'. Stall them and contain them by abusing our mobility and stealth to limit counterattacks, but ensure that defenses are in place to endure a potential sneak attack from the third target. Respond to any surprises or us being cornred (Such as a backstab by third target on any allies) by detonating Traveller's End with Joyous Toast boost, in hopes of the paralyze effect giving us a chance to disengage and regain control.
    [X] Plan If It Bleeds...
    -[X] Lean on all your skills to turn into a shadow and track the source of the false trails, the assassin who undou btedly serves as the trump card of that raiding force using your superior speed. Once you've located his inevitable location around his fellows, use all your skills in perception, tracking, and stealth to locate him remembering the techniques favored by Lu Feng (For obviously this is what Sun Liling was taunting you with) and ambush the assassin with your Spirits. Once you've engaged the assassin, begin preparing your full suite of arts for mass combat, then once you've confirmed the kill, take them with you to attack the main force by dropping Zhengui and Hanyi on them from above, while using PLR and Elegy of the Lost to isolate the relevant combatants, specifically the illusionist, and crush them with FVMs ultimate technique before holding out as best you can until reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Approach to within sight of the targets from one of their flanks and raise up defenses (especially SES and TRF, but getting persistents up and running in advance) and then activate Forgotten Vale Melody at maximum radius while making final approach, scale up to Traveller's End--timed to complete this as we make contact. Use Elegy to isolate the illusionist, and maintain defenses and PLR control effects while sneaking Hannyi and Zhengui as a team into the mists to launch ambushes to chip away at the lower realm 'Bandits'. Stall them and contain them by abusing our mobility and stealth, but ensure that defenses are in place to endure a potential sneak attack from the third target. Respond to any surprises (Such as a backstab by third target on any allies) by detonating Traveller's End--boosted through Joyous Toast and Sixiang's support, and if anything remains intact, use all means necessary to contain any survivors until Renxiang and reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Alpha Strike 2.0
    -[X]while still out of range, set up the Full FVM art to maximum range (Very Far) and use JT to boost Travellers End to Rank A/Damage A. In addition use TRF and SCS to prepare our defense. Then use our superior speed to catch up to the enemy group and trigger the Travellers End AoE once the entire group is caught. Then release and team up with our Spirits and use PLR to fight and capture the Green opponents. If Sixiang doesnt need to dispel, have them boost PLRs Resist. If the plan fails, fight defensive to delay until reinforcement arrives.
    [X] Plan: Wait Them Out
    -[x] Set up mists between the enemy and the border and hide within them. Retreat if pressed by a prepared offense. Push back when enemy enhancement techniques weaken, or if the enemy makes significant progress to the border. If the enemy splits up, defeat in detail. If a battle is inevitable, hold nothing back.
    [x] Plan Control and Capture
    -[x] Get ahead of the enemy without being detected and roughen their route with ice or Zhengui to divert them to rougher terrain and potentially draw out their veiled problem solver for direct confrontation. Any time the environment is favorable, attempt to ensnare the enemy formation in our mists and target leaders with song and dancers to disrupt rallying efforts. Try to keep up an area perception technique and if anyone manages to escape the mists, or is detected outside of them, leave the Travellers End reinforced mists behind to pursue immediately. Keep our spirits close in case of emergencies, but trust them to keep watch over shed mists if necessary.
@Alectai I'm a little concerned that if we approach too close before ramping up our FVM, they'll dispel it before we can hit Traveler's End, since we can assume this is a Sun-backed force that would be prepared for our mist. What do you think of the possibility of ramping up while far away, then rushing at them full speed, like we did for the Tournament? I realise that this probably gives them more time to prepare, but I doubt they can split before we catch up to them and bring them all into the mist.

Another option we might use, alone or in combination with my previous suggestion, is using Spring Breeze Canto once we've got the army ensnared. Art description states that "While using any Music Art carries the musician's perception among her listeners out to Far Range, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last." This means that we should be aware of what the Greens are doing at all times, and if the assassin can hear us, we have a boosted chance to perceive them too. Furthermore, if Sun has hidden any strong ganking or dispelling talismans in the crowd of scrubs, we'll hopefully be able to identify them and shut down their efforts before they can do anything clever.

I'm just throwing out suggestions to hopefully improve the plan here, but I know you must have spent a long time hashing things out in Discord, so thanks for coming up with a fairly solid plan in the first place!
[x] Plan Control and Capture

I like this plan a lot more than Night Parade, ultimately because Night Parade has a lot of language about holding back or disengaging to ensure Ling Qi's safety. I don't think that's the right attitude to have for this operation, even if there are still unknowns. And even a lot of Night Parade's safety-language is overly specific, responding to preset threats, which isn't how you retain the flexibility needed to respond to unknowns in the first place, so I find it to be a self-defeating and neurotic plan. And if we're going to ram a deathball into an enemy force then why are we stopping nearby to set up? It just bleeds out all of its own metaphorical and strategic momentum.

Control, by contrast, is nonspecific about its details, instead outlining a general strategy of harrying while maintaining an ear out for escapees and unknowns.

I also prefer that kind of writing over Night Parade. Yrsillar was nonspecific about details in the update—the important things are present while nitty-gritties like maps are left aside—and I think that we should take our writing cues from that style, instead of the usual forum obsessions with contingencies.
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[x] Plan Control and Capture

Feels like the better way to leverage the massive force coming from behind that needs time.
[x] Plan Control and Capture

I like this plan a lot more than Night Parade, ultimately because Night Parade has a lot of language about holding back or disengaging to ensure Ling Qi's safety. I don't think that's the right attitude to have for this operation, even if there are still unknowns. And even a lot of Night Parade's safety-language is overly specific, responding to preset threats, which isn't how you retain the flexibility needed to respond to unknowns in the first place, so I find it to be a self-defeating and neurotic plan. And if we're going to ram a deathball into an enemy force then why are we stopping nearby to set up? It just bleeds out all of its own metaphorical and strategic momentum.

Control, by contrast, is nonspecific about its details, instead outlining a general strategy of harrying while maintaining an ear out for escapees and unknowns.

I also prefer that kind of writing over Night Parade. Yrsillar was nonspecific about details in the update—the important things are present while nitty-gritties like maps are left aside—and I think that we should take our writing cues from that style, instead of the usual forum obsessions with contingencies.
Yeah, I mostly trust Ling Qi to throw up defensive techniques as relevant for herself and her spirits and didn't want to clutter up my plan with them.

Edit: One big strategic benefit of FVM's capstone is that the technique is self-sustaining. I didn't feel like other plans were making use of that much, which is why I was inspired to make my own. Ling Qi can cut and run from her mists and they'll stick around trapping people pretty effectively. Not as well as if she's there in person, but since she'll be leaving in the same direction that escapees have to flee to, it doesn't seem like a big issue.
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