Doomed Wombat
Let's go Darling!
- Location
- Dancing on wires!
Hear hear.When the High Council comes up I think we should lobby for evacuating the surrounding human polities. It will be difficult and won't be strategically optimal, but really I just want to do something properly heroic. The last and perhaps only time we've gone out and acted in someone else's favour out of altruism was during the Grand Conclave. 355 years and only once have we done a great charitable thing. I want to do more. We should do more.
Lets see with the 8 still standing in our region that makes 30 billion extra people.
We'd have to use Rids actions to screen em extensively, but **** it I'll take em, hopefully we don't add too much to the Trust's conservatives.
Minor remnants and Minor aliens on the other hands...sigh. Its probably non doable to evacuate all of them **** I don't think we have room for a combined 4.3 trillion people. Maybe the worlds of interest, but I do think we can offer 2 things minimum.
1. Guaranteed that if they fall then refugees can head our way.
2. More importantly, that they can send people to us now to ensure survival of their culture? This could be a few million people-billion people, maybe a squad or two of astartes/geneseed from the 7000 assorted ones around. Their job would be to ensure that if nothing else something of them survives. The aliens would likely need to come to Avernus or Jotunheim, but better that then go extinct.