Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X] Skill plan: Help with more finesse

I like putting more points in Dexterity.

Regarding the plan I am with Thors Twin on waiting on the stealth option for the Cai arts and/or deeper library levels. I also like the additional point in exploration in that plan although I would also appreciate a full 4 points in physical, it's lagging as is...
As far as I'm concerned, Exploration is fishing for Events, with Sites a decent, though not great, result.

Events like the one with Shen Hu, where we stumble across a major Trial (which resulted in a great site), or the one we're planning to do with Xuan Shi, where we explore an abandoned temple he found - except we'd be the one finding and exploring the place, rather than being asked to show up as a favor.

Other results are the equivalent of stumbling over Hanyi - and we just saw the end result of that - or the Forest Moon Deer.

The plus side of Events is that the sooner they're tripped over, the better, due to the long-term ramifications of the results.

The downside of Events is that they take up narrative space (meaning the turn they're in lasts longer), and can continue to take up narrative space for a long time.

And turn four is looking packed as far as Events are concerned - Training, Moon Quest, Tutoring FeFe, Zhengui waking up, and probably Plot Progression. To say nothing of our other Social interactions.

Sure, some Events will probably only be an update or two. Others will probably extend out five-six updates.

[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X] Skill plan: Help with more finesse

Changed vote, this way we, at least have 1 Exploration and training Dexterity.
P.S.: Can someone tell me why we keep wasting AP on Composure? It gives as nothing at all. Absolutely. And don't give me speech about narrative value, because it's a lie.
[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X] Skill plan: Help with more finesse

Changed vote, this way we, at least have 1 Exploration and training Dexterity.
P.S.: Can someone tell me why we keep wasting AP on Composure? It gives as nothing at all. Absolutely. And don't give me speech about narrative value, because it's a lie.

i think it is mostly because Composure is close to a rank up. (It is also nice to have for social stuff)
As a reminder to everyone, Dexterity is used in calculating Speed, Initiative, Stealth, Physical Avoid, Dance (PLR) Hit, Call to Ending Hit, and all Domain Weapon stats.

Presence, on the other hand, is used in calculating Spiritual Penetration.

Dexterity's experience level is B (19/60) while Presence's experience level is E (18/30).

Skill plans containing Dexterity instead of Presence include "Renxiang needs Help that won't get wrecked by spiritual attacks!" and "Help with more finesse."

"Renxiang needs Help!" is the only skill plan containing Presence instead of Dexterity.

"Lightning Ling Qi" and "Frost Backstab +10d6" contain both Dexterity and Presence.

"Renxiang needs Help that won't get wrecked by spiritual attacks!" and "Lightning Ling Qi" are the only two skill plans that don't contain Composure if anyone's curious.
As a reminder to everyone, Dexterity is used in calculating Speed, Initiative, Stealth, Physical Avoid, Dance (PLR) Hit, Call to Ending Hit, and all Domain Weapon stats.

Presence, on the other hand, is used in calculating Spiritual Penetration.

Dexterity's experience level is B (19/60) while Presence's experience level is E (18/30).

Skill plans containing Dexterity instead of Presence include "Renxiang needs Help that won't get wrecked by spiritual attacks!" and "Help with more finesse."

"Renxiang needs Help!" is the only skill plan containing Presence instead of Dexterity.

"Lightning Ling Qi" and "Frost Backstab +10d6" contain both Dexterity and Presence.

"Renxiang needs Help that won't get wrecked by spiritual attacks!" and "Lightning Ling Qi" are the only two skill plans that don't contain Composure if anyone's curious.
If it's not to much trouble plz add to your list that Composure used for nothing.
I just want to make sure that we wouldn't make this mistake in the future.
I wouldnt mind if we did something else instead, but it doesnt bother me enough to make a competing Skill plan and being decent at social stuff isnt entirely useless given that we do want connections to other nobles
We have Presence and Manipulation for covering this. You know, the attributes that actually useful for us.
If it's not to much trouble plz add to your list that Composure used for nothing.
I just want to make sure that we wouldn't make this mistake in the future.

There are other stats trained in some plans that don't have direct combat applications as well, such as Academics, Government, and Speech. I'd rather not be too biased. I only included Composure since you were just talking about it.
[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
[X]Skill plan: Help with more finesse
[X]Skill plan: Lightning Ling Qi
[X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help that won't get wrecked by spiritual attacks!
If it's not to much trouble plz add to your list that Composure used for nothing.
I just want to make sure that we wouldn't make this mistake in the future.

We have Presence and Manipulation for covering this. You know, the attributes that actually useful for us.

Composure- The characters ability to withstand social difficulties without embarassing themselves.
is something neither Presence nor Manipulation does and not useless, just less obvious

And again, I am not too motivated to make a competing Skill plan over this, but nobody will stop you from just making it yourself
There are other stats trained in some plans that don't have direct combat applications as well, such as Academics, Government, and Speech. I'd rather not be too biased. I only included Composure since you were just talking about it.
Academics, Government, and Speech are skills, Composure is Attribute and waste more training points.
To be fair Composure can be useful, both Sixiang and Hanyi without a problem use it instead of Resolve. It's just they have the same niche, and LQ has far higher Resolve than Composure. We didn't need Composure so long as our Resolve is higher.
And again, I am not too motivated to make a competing Skill plan over this, but nobody will stop you from just making it yourself
Next time i will do just that.
P.S.: Also wasting training pointsx2 on something that maybe has some narrative meaning is just stupid. If you need LQ to be able connecting with others train Speech, that way even if LQ did something embarrassing she can still talk herself out of it. Speech waste less points, so it's better.
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In case anyone missed Arkeus's reasoning for not doing exploration, we had Shen Hu the last time we did exploration, which gave us an extra roll for each invested AP and an extra AP as well. If we go with "Moon and Snakes," we're only investing 1 AP in exploration which will only give us two rolls.

This gives us a 1 - (0.65*0.65) = 57.75% chance of finding at least one minor site.

We also have a 1 - (0.75*0.75) = 43.75% chance of finding at least one major site.

Another issue is that the number of sites useful to us now is less than before. The only sites we would make use of would be Wind, Darkness, or Music related. Sites for other attributes are probably useless to us.

Additionally we will be taking sect jobs three to four times per month, each of which will provide us a penalized exploration roll. Depending on how large the penalty is, there's a good chance we'll find a site or something useful for us anyway. This is how we met Zeqing and Hanyi as well, although the system was different back then.
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Additionally we will be taking sect jobs three to four times per month, each of which will provide us a penalized exploration roll. Depending on how large the penalty is, there's a good chance we'll find a site or something useful for us anyway. This is how we met Zeqing and Hanyi as well, although the system was different back then.
It's also how we encountered the crow tribe Shaman.

Besides, once again, we're going to be exploring that weird temple site with Xuan Shi, and if anything the previous Exploration actions showed us that artifically created sites can become potent Qi loci entirely on their own
Glad you decided to soften your stance on something easily disprovable.

Those kinds of rants can very easily become an albatross around your neck when trying to get people to agree with you.
Well, now that i blow off some steam i feel better.:whistle:
But what do you think about Composure and Resolve?
I was unsure earlier, but that was because i didn't know that we can use Spiritual Cultivation to give bonus to Resolve. I just really didn't see any reason for us to train Composure instead of other attributes or skills that deserve it more.
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If I understand you correctly, you are saying "I am all for stealth, but in another handful of turns".

My problem with this reasoning is I want to be able to properly evaluate if stealth is viable before we begin looking for and training our latest iteration of our build before the tournament. I really don't want to train a couple of stealth arts to Threshold without having tested the viability of stealth in fights against peers.
We know that stealth is viable narratively given the presence of Liao Zhu in the sect. He's a clear indication on how strong stealth can be given his ranking as number 3 in the entire sect. There are clear mechanical advantages to stealth, and we have used stealth well outside of combat. Furthermore, we are on the verge of ranking up our stealth skill into something specialized, similar to Sable Grace.

To me, it's not a question of "is it viable" but rather 1) do we want to continue pursuing stealth; and 2) if so, how much are we willing to invest into stealth.

I see stealth as a means of pursuing our recent commitment to honing our wit and cleverness. Through use of stealth, we can gather information, place ourselves in advantages locations for a fight, avoid conflicts that don't need to occur, and secure resources without others knowing about them. As such, I want to continue pursuing stealth.

Additionally, I'm not sure how training ENM now will help make the determination for people. I can't see a situation currently where the type of ENM stealth will be useful in the next 2 turns. Challenges will be mainly handled off screen and there won't be many situations that would involve stealth. The one thing that I can think of is the Temple, but I would find it strange for there to be guards rather than traps and formations to avoid. It might have an overarching spirit similar to the house mission we did in the outer sect, but I have trouble imagining ENM would be useful against such a spirit.
A big reason to train stealth is the EPC bonus.

Edit: Exploration should also give EPC bonus for finding stuff.
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I think low hanging fruits that seem to have some level of redundancy are highly synergetic and provide outsized benefits when invested in them.

It's why I favor investing in formations, after all.
In English plz, (or in Russian if you know it) so i could understand what are you talking about.
Also, investing in formations should be nice once in a while.
In English plz, (or in Russian if you know it) so i could understand what are you talking about.
Also, investing in formations should be nice once in a while.
He is saying that skills often need at least a basic level in other skills to be effective. Such as Perceptiveness helps stealth by seeing people before they see you.
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No thanks. If I'm a bit too high level for you, then I can't say that I feel all that motivated to bring things to a point where mutual communication is possible.
A shame.
He is saying that skills often need at least a basic level in other skills to be effective. Such as Perceptiveness helps stealth by seeing people before they see you.
Good point. But i am not sure that is all what he was talking about.

Also @yrsillar can you add Hanyi bonus
+10 to Penetration of Cold Arts
+5 to Hit of music Arts
to our derived attributes and in calcs?