Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Am i the only one that find this particularly disappointing for an advanced insight?
An effect that gives a dispel attempt, but only against charm effects ? And only if it's turning you against a ally? That's all ?
Even leaving aside the issue that as far as i remember we never seen a charm effect in the quest, how can this possibly be the vital keystone that allows Ling Qi to continue further on the cultivation path ?
Bear in mind that it doesn't occupy a domain slot. (And also that it works against illusions and direct body control effects and a handful of other things as well, though that's less important.)
Am i the only one that find this particularly disappointing for an advanced insight?
An effect that gives a dispel attempt, but only against charm effects ? And only if it's turning you against a ally? That's all ?
Even leaving aside the issue that as far as i remember we never seen a charm effect in the quest, how can this possibly be the vital keystone that allows Ling Qi to continue further on the cultivation path ?
Because the mechanical payoff of this arc is Hanyi, not the Insight (Well that and the passive Dark/Cold cultivation Bonuses).

The Advanced Insight is a sublimation of ingrained lessons. Less "Vital keystone" and more "Evolved comprehension".

Of course its basic.

It's Ling Qi's first one. So was Ling Qi's Domain effect when she first completed her Third Realm breakthrough. Even so, a passive dispel when a person has limited to no control over their actions is incredibly powerful in a group fight. We've seen how necessary it can be before, in fact.
Let's also not forget, unlike a lot of Ling Qi's Domain Effects, this is one that works even for people she only knows and kinda likes. It's a broader effect--but it also means you can drop her as an auxiliary in a spirit-hunting force and make them a lot more likely to dismantle it.

Plus, Domain Effects tend to get stronger as your own Domain score improves. We are at the bare minimum to acquire Advanced Insights.
Let's also not forget, unlike a lot of Ling Qi's Domain Effects, this is one that works even for people she only knows and kinda likes. It's a broader effect--but it also means you can drop her as an auxiliary in a spirit-hunting force and make them a lot more likely to dismantle it.

Plus, Domain Effects tend to get stronger as your own Domain score improves. We are at the bare minimum to acquire Advanced Insights.
Yeah, this stacks with Ling Qi's other Domain Effects to make her almost hilariously powerful in group combat against the Cloud Shamans based on what we know of their toolkit.

Ling Qi being an unmitigated monster against masses of opponents continues to be a thing.
Am i the only one that find this particularly disappointing for an advanced insight?
An effect that gives a dispel attempt, but only against charm effects ? And only if it's turning you against a ally? That's all ?
Even leaving aside the issue that as far as i remember we never seen a charm effect in the quest, how can this possibly be the vital keystone that allows Ling Qi to continue further on the cultivation path ?
I actually like the mechanical implementation of this insight. I can't say that it is particularly disappointing given that we have no other advanced insights to compare it to, but it functionally means that pretty much everyone we will be fighting with (all of our spirit beasts and all of our friends) will have a free dispell attempt. Yes, the conditions that are needed to proc the dispell attempt are niche, but we have seen them before.

Lu Feng, in particular, used a fairly potent technique which caused one of Gan Guangli's allies to turn on him causing some damage and hurting the formation when it was needed most. Because this advance insight doesn't just deal with charm effects, it deals with any effect that would cause an individual to act against another individual they have 2 positive relationship rank with it is actually more inclusive than what it may initially appear. Which includes puppetry arts like Lu Feng's.

Additionally, we are seeing more and more effects that change or manipulate the mental state. Hanyi's LWM, Coveteous Wraith, and whatever Dharitari's effect was. As we progress and advance, I expect to see people who specialize in such mental trickery and the effects they can use becoming more potent and more dangerous. So yes, it's a niche insight, but in that niche, it seems particularly strong for us given our numerous spirit companions and the fact that the Intersect competition will be fought in teams.
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Shiny. I wouldn't mind having some additional useful Formations in Linq Qi's utility belt. There are problems that can't easily be solved by face-punching.

It does look nice, but given our rough and demanding schedule, I'm not going to hold out much hope unless it's spelled out we need to get better at formations breaking in the narrative, much less any more fun uses for formations.
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Bear in mind that it doesn't occupy a domain slot. (And also that it works against illusions and direct body control effects and a handful of other things as well, though that's less important.)
Huh, you're right, for some reason i read it in the regular insight list rather a part of it. :oops:
It still feels thematically weak but at least it's not a mechanic drawback, so that's nice.

We've seen how necessary it can be before, in fact.
We did ?
Please remind me when was last time an enemy forced us, or one of our allies, to attack us. Because i sure don't remember ever being in that situation.
Huh, you're right, for some reason i read it in the regular insight list rather a part of it. :oops:
It still feels thematically weak but at least it's not a mechanic drawback, so that's nice.

We did ?
Please remind me when was last time an enemy forced us, or one of our allies, to attack us. Because i sure don't remember ever being in that situation.

Not us personally, but we saw Gan get dunked on by Lu Feng puppeteering his guys to attack him.

And given how we're going to be a spiritmaster-type, making sure nobody takes our little menagerie and turns them against each other is pretty key, you know?
We did ?
Please remind me when was last time an enemy forced us, or one of our allies, to attack us. Because i sure don't remember ever being in that situation.
The insight is broader than simply our allies attacking us. It also prevents allies of our allies from attacking our allies. Here's the advanced insight for reference.

One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Ling Qi and allies within close range receive a free dispel attempt against effects which would force them to act directly against someone with whom they have at least 2 ranks of positive relation
emphasis mine.

The key is the relationship that the ally has with the person they are attacking. Not our relationship with the person affected or our relationship with who the affected person is attacking.

For instance, if we were in the GG/Ji Rong + Lu Feng fight, then GG's ally would have had a free dispell attempt when he was forced to attack GG (assuming that the person has 2 positive relationship with GG).

Now... the dispell attempt might not have changed anything, but it could have changed the outcome of the fight. Either way, the advanced insight is actually much broader than simply giving a dispell attempt when our allies attack us.
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"I," the little girl murmured, shaking like a leaf. "I… I want to be like Mama!" She cried out, and immediately Ling Qi felt the weight on her back grow lighter. "I want to be strong, and smart and pretty and..." her voice choked off in a sob. "I wanna be able to go and come back!"
I think this was my favourite part of the update. When Ling Qi had her little darkness breakthrough thinking about what she'd learned with Zeqing and just needed a bit more to to get out, she asks Hanyi what she wants and gets this answer.

That was a fantastic ending to this arc. Goodbye snow mom.

*groan* Did not want to wake up in the morning for this.

I mean, we arguably gained more than we lost, but still :cry: Zeqing.....

Also my fears just came true. We're taking in Hanyi (whom I previously stated that I think we not ready yet). Then when next turn comes, Zhengui gets an increase. our poor poor Qi. Can't wait to upgrade that shit
The insight is broader than simply our allies attacking us. It also prevents allies of our allies from attacking our allies. Here's the advanced insight for reference.

emphasis mine.

The key is that the relationship that the ally has with the person they are attacking. Not our relationship with the person affected or our relationship with who the affected person is attacking.

For instance, if we were in the GG/Ji Rong + Lu Feng fight, then GG's ally would have had a free dispell attempt when he was forced to attack GG (assuming that the person has 2 positive relationship with GG).

Now... the dispell attempt might not have changed anything, but it could have changed the outcome of the fight. Either way, the advanced insight is actually much broader than simply giving a dispell attempt when our allies attack us.
Which is a very niche kind of effect-the occasion you named is literally the only time we've seen it happen. Considering it's only likely to work on people significantly weaker than the person using it, that means it's useless for us unless we're fighting someone we really shouldn't (and they happen to have this kind of effect).
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Also my fears just came true. We're taking in Hanyi (whom I previously stated that I think we not ready yet). Then when next turn comes, Zhengui gets an increase. our poor poor Qi. Can't wait to upgrade that shit
Our qi is not nearly as bad as it might seem. Right now, with Hanyi's costs added to our total upkeep, we are at a nice B20 qi. Zhengui already takes up 10 qi, and given that Sixiang and Hanyi both take up 15 qi each (Green 2 and Green 1 respectively) it is likely that Zhengui will only increase to 15 or 20 qi total. Which means that we will still be in the B range of qi while maintaining 3 green companion spirits.

Which is pretty ridiculous to be honest. Additionally, we have a ton of free qi rolls every turn, which are amplified given Argent Soul's permanent bonuses. All of this means that we will constantly be getting more qi and we will likely be set with qi for some time.
what was the issue with water? :???:
We don't talk about Water.


*groan* Did not want to wake up in the morning for this.

I mean, we arguably gained more than we lost, but still :cry: Zeqing.....

Also my fears just came true. We're taking in Hanyi (whom I previously stated that I think we not ready yet). Then when next turn comes, Zhengui gets an increase. our poor poor Qi. Can't wait to upgrade that shit
Our Qi will be okay. I doubt we'll drop below B5 in our qi when Zhengui wakes up, and the math says we'll be A rank qi in month 6.

And I'm going to wager 3 contracted Green spirits is a huge equaliser in that equation. I doubt any other of our year group has that kind of quantity of qi and that quality *and* quantity of Spirits.
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Okay so before I try to dabble with the derived attributes aka my worst nightmare for the changes

Hit: (Manipulation B, Woodwind A) = B20 + Unqualified Bonus: Way 3, Equip 10 (flute 5, shawl 5), Sixiang 10, HDW 10 = A13
Qualified Bonuses: +5 unaware (SCS), +10 first strike (SCS)

Penetration: (Presence E, Woodwind A) = C + Unqualified Bonus: Way 13, Equip (flute) 10, FSS 5 = C28
Qualified Bonuses: +10 first strike (SCS)

Hit: (Manipulation B, Woodwind A) = B20 + Unqualified Bonus: Way 3, Equip 10 (flute 5, shawl 5), Sixiang 10, HDW 10 = A13
Qualified Bonuses: +10 unaware (SCS), +10 first strike (SCS)

Penetration: (Presence E, Woodwind A) = C + Unqualified Bonus: Way 13, Equip (flute) 10, FSS 20 = B13
Qualified Bonuses: +10 first strike (SCS)

Call to Ending (touch)
Hit: (Dexterity B, Dance D) = C + Unqualified Bonus: Way 3, Equip 5 (shawl 5), Sixiang 10 = C18
Qualified Bonuses: +10 unaware (SCS)

So...should the Hit be A23? (this is still not accounting Hanyi bonus)
No we won't. Qi takes a lot longer than that to level.
Does it? People earlier in the thread seemed to think it'd reach there at that point.

We'll hit A-10 base Qi by month Six without any assistance, because we roll 4d6+4 each month without spending any training points on it.

And it isn't worth training Qi before month Six, because it alongside EPC adds another +2 or so for each die, meaning that month our Qi rolls will be 8d6+24.
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Because the mechanical payoff of this arc is Hanyi, not the Insight (Well that and the passive Dark/Cold cultivation Bonuses).
That's irrelevant. The fact that the advanced insight is weak has further reaching implications than just this arc rewards. The least of which is that it provides the baseline for the following advanced insights...

Now, as other people have pointed out, the insight does seem to not be limited by SL dots so that's nice, but it's still a simple single unbuffed reroll on an extremely niche situation.
I mean, compare it with something like Six basically auto-dispelling all debuffs we're faced with. Or SCS's de-materialization little tech. That's a game changer, something that significantly affect the cultivator, how s/he fights and sees challenges ahead of him/her.
This insight barely changes anything, and for something that basically is the gating process on a cultivator's path for Green 4+, it feels weak and entirely forgettable. Basically it feels like the armor insight we got from the tournament: was lauded to be such a great effect and yet has been entirely forgotten a month later.

I am disappointed that the advanced insight just doesn't stand on it's own as a thing.

So what's the deal with Water and Cold?
Basically the hidden hold Water had on us just solidified and is now inescapable. :rolleyes:
[X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
-[X] Pay Household expenses: 6 RSS
-[X] use 8 GSS (4 free GSS + 4 paid GSS) and 12 free YSS
-[X] use high pills (35 YSS (14x25 RSS))
-[X] EPC to Spiritual Cultivation
-[X] Physical x3
-[X] Spiritual x4
-[X] Jobs x3
-[X] Meridian Openings x1 (Head, Lung)
-[X] PLR x2
-[X] CDE x2
-[X] TRF x1
-[X] SCS x1
-[X] Moon Quest x1
-[X] Xiao Fen tutoring x1
-[X] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map x1
-[X] equip CDE
-[X] unequip AC

this plan is a slightly altered version of what has been discussed before: 4 jobs (the tutoring counts as one) should make it possible to buy rare pills again. PLR, TRF and CDE are done enough that we can finish them next turn and SCS is slow rolled to get the bonus for the Sable Grace Skill longer. This plan sacrifies a physical AP for an exploration action, because our best location just died and the high pills are used because we get somewhat reasonable odds of getting Green 3 at the end of the next turn and we have the money to do it

Edit: also voting for the Skill plan:

[X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help!
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