Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
i wonder if these insights are the stealth way of deciding how Qi resolves this challenge. So ones desires alone = convince snow mom to let go, face the world = just endure the challenge and muscle through and harsh endings = break it to hanya that snow mom wants to eat her.

really not sure which one i want to pick
I have to admit that while I like it, #2 doesn't really seem to build off our domain or the actual trial the same way the other two do.

It really only seems to build off home + AM, and doesn't clearly connect to what Ling Qi said in the dream. It feels like something that would work much better if we'd slotted HDW, and possibly had a different trial...
I have to admit that while I like it, #2 doesn't really seem to build off our domain or the actual trial the same way the other two do.

It really only seems to build off home + AM, and doesn't clearly connect to what Ling Qi said in the dream. It feels like something that would work much better if we'd slotted HDW, and possibly had a different trial...
I mean the trial is only coming about due to Zeqing's yandere side and its one-sided desire for what's HERS to never ever leave her even if she has to eat it to keep it close?

In which case #2 is directly refuting that desire.
I'm a bit disappointed that AM's insight, the one that's specifically geared towards allowing us to see through illusions utterly failed. Not even a mention of it!
It seems the new version of it we gained from leveling up our domain is not actually an upgrade at all :(

Seems we need to take this to make up for something we used to have covered.
[X] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

Like how do you think I can incorporate a bonus about not allowing you to lie to yourself except by having ling qi reject lies put in front of her eyes?

If you expect me to devote a sentence to it as a discrete thing rather than a part of ling qi's basic mode of operation your gonna be disapointed. It'd be like me describing scs activating every time you decide to pick up your walking pace
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
I like that in the dream, Han Jian decides "screw family" to be with Xiulan. To abandon family and tradition in order to be with the ones they love. Too bad it's just a dream :( (aka totally would've voted for more Han Jian if I was in last thread)

Everyone is talking all the nice things in the second dream while I see something that made me a bit sad and disappointed; the fact that CRX is there with us, alone in her office. Imagine her sister taking her dreams and purpose in life, Shenhua discarding and abandoning CRX for her uselessness, then her solution to it all is running away from it all to start anew (that's my interpretation of the scene anyway).

It totally ain't gonna happen but even at a high cost, I would not be completely surprised if Xiulan, and Meizhen, heck even Han Jian (who is significantly even lower than Meizhen) decide to run and go adventuring with Ling Qi, riding on Zhengui, but not CRX, never CRX. Out of all the characters, CRX is the one person who I would never see doing that even if the possibility of her sister usurping her is still a very real since it is like the very abandonment of the very thing that defines herself.

....and now an omake idea has come to me even though I'm not a writer.

Really love the update! Really wish I woke up a bit earlier so I can do my own take on the insights.

[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Depending on how the vote goes, I may or may not be inclined to switch ships. AM+FVM or AM+Domain base. Both I believe pushes Ling Qi to take action more often while the third insight, AM+FSS seems to be about breaking hesitation, hardening us more to prepare for the future, which I'm not completely oppose aside from base flavour text, but FSS I want to save that insight for when something else like for example, FVM+FSS comes since I really like the synergy between the two. Really glad we took in FSS insight since no matter what, it's about hardening and accepting future hardship and endings. Ling Qi would really need it.
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by tryrar on Mar 18, 2019 at 8:35 PM, finished with 142 posts and 79 votes.
I don't hate any of them. I like being committed to put in effort to achieve your own dreams, and I like breaking the small comforting lies before you build an entire house on a corrupted foundation. But this one is connected to her recent dream in a lovely way, Yrs said that the thing that felt most wrong about that dream was that all of her friends were putting aside their own desires in deference to Qi's desire to grab all of them and roam free.

I have to admit that while I like it, #2 doesn't really seem to build off our domain or the actual trial the same way the other two do.

I'm on mobile so rearranging quotes is a pain, but this should help.
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.

Imma check later on this

To abandon family and tradition in order to be with the ones they love
Didnt Han Jian realize that his feelings for xuilan were childhood infatuations? He literally never hung out with any other female child like Xuilan
"Exhausting yourself again I see. Will you never consider your own health?"

Ling Qi's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Meizhen's voice and she sat up in her chair, sending the blanket that had been laid over her fell into her lap.A fire burned merrily in the hearth in front of her, and she sighed in comfort at the slow creeping warmth that she could feel sapping the stress from her tired limbs. Still as she blinked, looking around at the snug wood paneled room, she couldn't help but think that something was off.

"Where are we?" Ling Qi asked, looking to her friend, who kneeled gracefully before the fire, warming her hands.

Meizhen arched an eyebrow at her. "Did you strike your head? We are at home. You spent so long out hunting that Xiulan had to bring you back."

Ling Qi furrowed her brow, rubbing her temples to ease the persistent ache there, it was like someone was shouting inside of her skull. Right, she remembered now. She and her friends had left. The sect, the empire, and all of its baggage was behind them. There was no pursuit, none of them were important enough for that. The house rocked under her feet, and she knew it to be Zhengui's stride, taking them on a slow route through the far flung boreal valleys deep in the Wall.

"Where is everyone?" Ling Qi asked absently, rubbing her head still. Maybe she had hit her head on something, this ache wouldn't go away.

"Your hangers on are tinkering with the formations arrays outside, and your mother and sister are resting," Meizhen replied smoothly. "Xiulan is warming herself in the bath after retrieving you, and Han Jian is in the mapping chamber."

"Sorry," Ling Qi apologized sheepishly. "What about Renxiang though?"

"In the office, you know how she is," Meizhen replied, turning back to the fire.

"Right," Ling Qi replied, grimacing. She didn't feel a bruise. Still something was bothering her. Had they really just left? Sure Renxiang's little sister had ended up becoming heir, and Jian and Xiulan had broken from their families for each other, but… would they really get to leave so easily? And why had they all come to her? She closed her eyes as the headache redoubled.

"Are you alright, Qi?" Meizhen asked, concern clear in her voice. Ling Qi heard the rustling of cloth, and then a cool hand pressing against her forehead. "I did not detect any odd fluctuations in your qi, but…"

Ling Qi opened her eyes, looking up to see Meizhen leaning in uncomfortably close, her lips pursed. Her eyes traced the curve of the girls throat, and Ling Qi felt strange. "Meizhen...why...why are you here. Don't you have...responsibilities…" her words came out with difficulty, and her thoughts felt fuzzy and muddled.

She simply gave Ling Qi a patient look, as she straightened up. Meizhen let her hand drift down to rest atop Ling Qi's." Qi, my clan can do without me. That aside, I love you, of course I would follow."

Ling Qi felt her vision blur. Of course, Meizhen was her first and best friend, the hand that had given her the first and most important boost into the world of Immortals. What sort of terrible world would it be where Ling Qi couldn't return her feelings? Yet…. no it felt wrong. This fantastical scenario, this...
Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but this section is what Ling Qi desires most.

Does this mean Ling Qi wants to return Meizhen's feelings?

yrsillar why do you get my hopes up like this?
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I really like all of these insights...
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
[X] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
[X] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.