Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

I think all of these insights can be twisted, and that they can all have value.

But I'm choosing this one because it might bring the narrative closer to what I really care about both for myself as the reader and for Ling Qi as the character. Her friends, family and allies have thoughts and feelings that need to be taken into account. They have value, both on an emotional and practical level.

When I'm super duper hopeful I image us getting some kind of bonus from this that let's us interact more discerningly with our social links. Perhaps a future insight where we stratify, or at least prioritise, our interactions better.

Already we carry around Sixiang with us at all times, best turtle and Hanyi will be close by most of the time as well. Then add Meizhen and Renxiang we have five high priority social links fighting for screen time. Then there's mom, ice mom, our nebulous but hopefully far off love interest, any friends, Su ling, Gu Xiulan and so. Many. More.

It's too much, and so I feels it's important that Ling Qi start gaining a deeper insight into what she really cares about when it comes to family and the path she wants to walk, where she understands that to be a real family they must be valued, and preferably that Ling Qi does not have infinite value to give.
I wondered about something after reading the update; Could Shen Hu have theoretically obtained an advanced insight from the BM dream?

For him it was a test of his beliefs and at the end he did manage to affirm his purpose, which strikes me as exactly the sort of stuff needed to reach a realization.
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why is smol imouto so heavy?

Zhengui: I can drop like meteor! Being heavy is awesome! I am the heaviest!

Hanyi: Nuh uh! I am! Watch this!

The Mountain lost an inch of height that day, its rivals around it laughs at it echoingly.
I don't think anyone is particularly sure, but the myths that seem to have inspired Zeqing and Hanyi has the child weigh like a boulder when people attempt to carry them.

A more, in world, explanation could be that the weight of Hanyi is the desire that Zeqing has not to part with her. As such, when people try to take Hanyi away, the weight increases dramatically so that they are dissuaded from taking her.
It's implied directly in the update

Hanyi gave a shallow nod, and finally did as she asked. Soon, Hanyi was perched on her back, legs tucked under her arms and arms around Ling Qi's neck. Taking a deep breath, Ling Qi stood, and the moment she did, she nearly staggered. Hanyi's weight, which had been like a feather a moment ago seemed to redouble again and again, until it felt as if Ling Qi had a boulder tied to her back.

"It's gonna get worse," Sixiang warned. "The weight… it's connected to this place."

LQ is pretty good at that already. To the extent of outright obsession.
The former has us largely rejecting the utility of dreams and fantasies and relegating them largely to the field of inspiration. While the rest of the idea is..something I can swallow, I think adopting such a mindset would be a mistake, and not just because we're going Moon build which will have dreams and fleeting experiences as part and parcel of our continued cultivation.
I'm not really sure doubling down on hard work is that wise, and the family one doesn't really inspire me the way this one does.

Option 1 is about "you need to put in actual work to make your dreams come true instead of merely saying you want "More Justice" or "a home/family" which Ling Qi is bad at (so far she only puts hard work into cultivating and training instead of concrete steps towards her goals)

Already we carry around Sixiang with us at all times, best turtle and Hanyi will be close by most of the time as well. Then add Meizhen and Renxiang we have five high priority social links fighting for screen time. Then there's mom, ice mom, our nebulous but hopefully far off love interest, any friends, Su ling, Gu Xiulan and so. Many. More.
>implying Six won't be our Moon Husbando

[X] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
Option 1 is about "you need to put in actual work to make your dreams come true instead of merely saying you want "More Justice" or "a home/family" which Ling Qi is bad at (so far she only puts hard work into cultivating and training instead of concrete steps towards her goals)
Her main goal is "never EVER be that old Ling Qi that everybody can push as they wish". Which she's slavishly devoted to. And Cultivation is a big step on said path.

All her other goals are just not prioritized enough in comparison to that, LQ is never wishy washy to wait that something would happen by itself.
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[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Something more people should internalize. Relationships have to be two way (at least) and they have to work for everyone involved.
[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

I am leaning towards this choice for now but I will say I am feeling wary. I feel like if we go too far down this path then our bonds will become so important to our way that when Mom dies of age or one of our friends in combat it could shatter us similar to Jiao. On the other hand, the other two options:

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

Both of these feel like it would mean we could overcome such an event. Either we must face the cruel reality of a dead friend and despite it create beauty, or understanding that these endings come and accepting they can just be new beginnings.

For now, with this being her first insight, I believe the bonds aspect should be more central and so am leaning towards the bonds/home/family choice, but for future choices we should definitely take this into account. Reinforcing a Way so doggedly just makes it less flexible and easier to break.

Still, gonna wait a bit before actually voting, sleep on it and see what other arguments come up.
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

I don't hate any of them. I like being committed to put in effort to achieve your own dreams, and I like breaking the small comforting lies before you build an entire house on a corrupted foundation. But this one is connected to her recent dream in a lovely way, Yrs said that the thing that felt most wrong about that dream was that all of her friends were putting aside their own desires in deference to Qi's desire to grab all of them and roam free.
[X] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.
Ling Qi's house of Friends and Families on Precious back is just the saddest thing.
I disagree. The saddest thing was leaving Ling Qi's mother abode. Specifically this.

he felt the mounting panic of a woman who woke to find her daughter gone, and the increasing desperation as her search turned up nothing, as pleas for aid in that search fell on indifferent ears. The collapse that followed as hours turned into days and hope guttered out and died.
This is just so sad to me. The guttering hope as despair and resignation come to replace. Pleas for help ignored because no one cared.

Edit: in fact it's making me go back and reread all the letters we sent.
I want to draw people's attention to the way that we got out of the two dream sequences.

There are almost certainly other ways of interpreting it, but I'm going to view the rejection of these dreams based on our domain insights.
Ling Qi sobbed, curling up on the ground as the storm of emotions assailed her. Could anything be worth that? She was going to hurt her Mama so much, and she was going to hurt so much. Memories of cold, empty bellies and broken bones assailed her. Memories of fear and brushes with death crushed her. Why was she doing this? Why was she leaving? Mama wasn't perfect, but she loved Ling Qi, even if she got mad, she would get hurt if it kept Ling Qi safe.

"No," Ling Qi muttered into the dirty street, pushing herself back up to her knees. The world flickered dizzyingly, and she felt her limbs stretch and grow. Was she a child or an Immortal? In that moment she couldn't say. "I can't go back."

Why not? Her own voice seemed to echo back.

Ling Qi struggled for a moment to answer, clenching her hands in the dirt/snow. "Because I don't want that," she hissed. "And Mom didn't want that. Even if it hurt, even if I hated it, didn't it come to a good end?"
In the first dream, we are faced with the grievous harm that we dealt our mother and later ourselves by leaving her. (This matches Hanyi's position in potentially leaving Zeqing, thereby hurting them both.) How can we justify doing such harm?

The answer is that pain is worth suffering if it accomplishes something good for those we care about. Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.

"Qi? What is the meaning of this, you just returned," Meizhen replied, laying hands on her shoulders. The shorter girl looked up at her with confusion and alarm on her stoic features. "Is something wrong? Please tell me."

The things at the edges of her vision began to warp. "This isn't right," she replied, pushing Meizhen's hands away. "This… this whole thing."

Her friend looked hurt, as if Ling Qi had struck her, and in that moment, Ling Qi's resolve wavered. "Why? We are together. Everyone is together, and there is no reason for us to ever part. What could be wrong with that?"

"Life doesn't work like that," Ling Qi hissed, the pain in her head redoubling.
In the second dream, we are presented with a idealistic vision of ourselves and all of our friends/family together, with no remaining ties but to each other. (This could be said to match Zeqing and Hanyi's situation right now, or more intriguingly Zeqing, Hanyi AND Ling Qi's situation if Zeqing were to absorb us.) Why reject such a world?

Because even if it may be beautify, it is a lie. Sincerity is the measure by which the worthiness of the self and ones guests should be measured.