3rd Of Wind: Count Arrives & The Retreat: Vortex Isle Arc Ends
Proud GM
"Alright Scarface, it's about time for you to get up! Heaven's Cure!"
The pain, exhaustion and darkness shrouding your barely conscious mind recoils back under her words, though the physical damage is another matter. Several long seconds go by before your pulped eye to fully reverts to its normal state and longer still for your tongue and teeth to regrow.
I was... fighting. MetalTyrannomon was winning.... and then-Sparks!
You struggle up onto all fours, looking around wildly for the crippled Wizardmon. But in the mass battle taking place the mon seems wholly lost. That is until a sword-wielding Angewomon dives through what looks like a random pile of Vilemon, hoists the blackened figure of your friend up in one hand, then tosses him your way. Naturally you reach up and catch the recoil-damaged mon before he can land, cradling him in a paw to protect him from the battle.
The digimon you were fighting is gone, either deleted or dragged away. However the overwhelming Wrath you had felt when fighting him is gone... mostly. Anger still simmers at the corner of your mind, but the raging fire had burned away for what felt like minutes, leaving you feeling more numb than anything else. Every moment of that battle is vividly available within your mind, burnt into place by that fury, but for now you cast it aside. Your scar sizzles, lightly burning at your face, but growing worse with every moment. Which can only mean one thing.
Repulsa is here. Right now... I must observe.
Greymon barrels through a pair of Boogiemon and sprints towards you, the rigid form of Sealdramon held in his arms. The Gloaming champions soar after him, tridents at the ready, but are met with flashing steel as what can only be the evolved form of Darcmon intercepts the pair. Your superior utilizes her new form's power in conjunction with the longsword's weight to unleash a series of brutal slashes. It's anything but graceful, and yet... the practiced simplicity to her movements as the heavy chrome digizoid in her hands cleaves through weapon and digimon both is hypnotizing in it's own way.
You'd never considered how skilled the wommon had been before, especially since as a champion she'd barely been able to lift the sword. However now that she's regained her evolution as an Angewomon, her experience with a blade is shown in full as can the weapon's own powerful properties. The BlackGrowlmon you'd battled before before lunges her way one claw set to rend her in half. But the officer meets his attack head on, flying into the blow and putting her weight into a diagonal upward slash.
Her parry knocks the devil-dragon's arm off course and just as before he goes with the momentum. Only, so does the wommon and even if she's slower, the Ultimate's levers are far shorter. Before the dinosaur can even get halfway into his follow-up a spinning back-slash strikes his side, cleaving through his body and sending him stumbling back. A lesser digimon would have been cut in half, but your worthy opponent's sheer size keeps him from being dealt a mortal wound. You find an odd sense of relief in that fact.
"Hehehe, god it's fucking great to be back in this form!" The freshly evolved Ultimate laughs, hefting her weapon up triumphantly. "Now I can finally use this bloody thing, and it works against you shitty bastards just like I hoped!" Imperius Angewomon raises her blade up once, clearly readying herself to charge back in. You take a step forwards, ready to offer support, but run smack-dab into Greymon whose body is collapsing from a multitude of injuries. Biting back a disappointed groan, you move your attention to healing him.
"Catch!" Your commander blinks at the shout, then curses as Lekismon kicks Pit and Beat's kneeling forms directly at her. The former Darcmon is forced to sheathe her sword, lest it accidentally impale one of the champions she's trying to catch. For a moment you worry about the two's state, but breathe a sigh of relief as both twitching digimon prove to just be beaten up and in Pit's case, unconscious.
BlackGrowlmon looks ready to lunge at all three of them, but a single arrow of ice strikes his head, drawing his attention back to Lekismon. The Champion? Ultimate? You're not really sure beckons him back to her. He throws one last look over his shoulder, this time towards you for some reason, then grunts in disappointed affirmation and darts back.
The small, oddly familiar champion leaps up onto the devil-dinosaurs shoulder then... smiles towards you. It's a small thing, a simple flash of emotion opposite to the mon's normal dour expression, but... something about it hurts.
You tear your gaze away from the figure, finish the healing spell for Greymon and then look around. It's... not a pretty picture. Of the ground forces set to guard the Megadramon most look to have been deleted. Your pocket seems to be the only marginally sized resistance left, with everything else doing its very best to retreat towards you. Angewomon is so far keeping the enemy forces back through threat alone, with HippoGriffomon tangling with NeoDevimon in the sky above.
An odd, armored Dinohumon is amongst the enemy reinforcements, though the champion is just staring at you with open shock and... what feels like despair. The fact that he has a Youkomon nearby cements him as that particular Dinohumon with nothing but revenge on his mind, but for some odd reason he isn't screaming his head off about revenge. Which you suppose is just as well, given how as Gryzmon you'd be able to bring an end to his path with a single strike.
Overall, the situation looks dire. Your squad and the remaining survivors are surrounded and if the Asuramon pops back up, then he'd surely be able to team up with those two other champions to take on your leader. Even if you help, the chances of victory are slim. An invigorating challenge normally, but now it seems... more depressing to your mind than anything else.
But the Imperius hovering in front of you just laughs.
"Don't think you've won dipshits, you've forgotten one wee, very important thing!" Her left hand moves away to point back towards the aerial battle, or rather what had been a battle. The soldiers of Vortex Isle are in a clear rout, leaving over two thousand holy digimon to turn their attention this way. Sure the force has taken casualties but at least two thirds of their number still remains. Which is far more than what can be said of their enemies.
... Spirits above, I did not believe they'd obtain such a clear victory.
"Retreat!" Lekismon's smooth voice slices over the battlefield, almost hypnotic in their authority. You're halfway through a step backwards before it clicks that her order is meant for the enemy. Her order strikes the enemy forces in an almost physical waves, forcing the Vilemon and Bakemon to immediately drop whatever they're doing to move and even compelling the Devimon to stop their assaults and fly towards their escape route. Youkomon wraps her tails around the nearly comatose warrior and carries him away towards the tunnel. The last two to actually start moving are BlackGrowlmon and Lekismon, the latter of which tosses you a wink before her ride rushes towards the tunnel.
Pit sits up suddenly, his attention focused on a fleeing DeviDramon off in the distance. Golden fire flares across his wings, but surprisingly the angel doesn't chase after the enemy champion. Choosing to instead grip his rod tightly and growl under his breath.
Up above NeoDevimon forgoes the tunnel entirely, instead just backhanding HippoGriffomon away and soaring off by himself. A few moments later, the flying host forces finish closing the distance and unleash their fury on the few remaining stragglers. A Pegasusmon and two Angemon flash towards the tunnel, aiming to pick off the rear-most ranks-only for Lekismon to take a spinning leap up off the Dinosaur and thrust out her hand towards the advancing mon.
"Tear Arrows!"
All three vanish amidst a storm of glowing white icicles, their bodies ripped to shreds by the storm before they so much as scream. Horror and a small amount of pride (for some inexplicable reason) flow out from your core as she deletes three powerful champions with a single technique. Moments later after falling back down, the tunnel's mouth collapses, cutting off further pursuit.
The battle is over.
You slump in relief, trying hard to ignore the steadily growing pain and begin to turn towards the distant BishopChessmon.
Then everything vanishes in a haze of agony and your body seizes up, as if invaded by a force that demands it stay wholly still.
With clenched teeth you fight against the oppressive feeling, struggling to move again. It's exhausting, but you manage to force your limbs to start obeying your commands once more.
"Warriors of the Host! Retreat!" Cherub HolyAngemon screams desperately his voice actually tinted with fear. "To the Locomon, now!"
It's hard to think through the pain and pressure, but you don't see a reason not to follow his order and slowly begin to plod towards the distant Ultimates. Whose attendants are working furiously at setting up tracks and hooking up carry cars.
"Daemonshit! Something's wrong with Hefty! Ironsides get down here and help!" HippoGriffomon swoops down in front of you, his body covered in a myriad of claw marks and reaches out to grab you by the pauldron. Something else presses against your rear, pushing you forward while the bestial Ultimate pulls.
"They are under my protection!" BishopChessmon's rumbling voice booms over the battlefield, drawing your attention away to where he's fighting with-
Your hated foe hovers in the air in front of BishopChessmon. And he's not alone. The Legendary Warrior Shutumon poses beside him, as if intentionally showing off her unmarred body to the world. Sparks makes a gurgling sound of approval at the sight, prompting you to glare at the barely conscious champion.
Count says something back to the titanic Ultimate which makes him begin to shake, but he's too far away for you to make anything out. With that the Cherub lowers his staff, and both enemy digimon vanish.
Their battle continues on for several minutes as your force continues it's retreat, with the distraction of your scar it's impossible to even make out after-images. All that you see is the end results of attacks as the massive digimon is taken apart piece by piece.
Which all culminates when Count summons a red glow into his hand and flashes past your ally's hand. BishopChessmon's left index finger and thumb crash to the ground a moment later, along with his staff. Shutumon meanwhile strikes at his eyes, diving in to rip an excruciating looking line down his face.
You can't help but wince at the familiar injury, but turn away from the sickening sight and press on. Finally after reaching the group of Locomon, Angewomon flies away from your rear and streaks towards the slumped over form of Cherub HolyAngemon.
"Yeah, fuck this!" Your squad leader growls, pointing her sword towards the struggling Cherub. "HolyAngemon for gods sake he's going to die!"
"No." The robed angel murmurs, his voice strangely hollow "Stand... stand down. There's nothing we can do to help him against... Shutumon."
"To the Dark Zone with that you asshole!" She snarls, gesturing towards the large army of angels around her. "We can-"
"It is our duty to carry on for the Host." Her superior interrupts. "You will not throw your life away for a fight that we cannot win. The Elite Bellators are exhausted, and even together with your pet and every Ultimate here that Vamdemon alone would be enough to delete you" Angewomon glares at him for that and grips her chrome-digizoid sword hard enough that her knuckles turn white. "Cherub BishopChessmon gave me orders to evacuate in case there was no chance of victory, and... I will follow though."
We're just... leaving him behind? Is there really nothing we can do here?
The two angels glare at each other emitting a pressure you can physically feel. And in the end, she's the one to turn away.
"Get on the Locomon."
You eye the twenty Ultimate level machine digimon, watching as your crestfallen fellows move shamefully into the containers. And eventually settle for climbing atop the back of one. Pit and Beat, both freshly healed, fly up to join you. The former takes a seat in front you, his face twisted into a deep, unhappy frown.
"Comrades, this isn't right. The Lord would not want to us to leave our fellows behind!"
"We can survive now. Get stronger." Beat responds, glaring back towards the display of violence. By now BishopChessmon has been reduced to a single leg and arm, yet even now the blinded digimon fights on, struggling to crush Count behind his hands. You gaze at the sight, hoping to witness the Vamdemon's life come to an end, but Shutumon intervenes again, cutting through the back of one hand and allowing the undead digimon to break free. The certainty of his defeat rises even further and you turn away not wanting to see what comes next.
May your path's ending be swift.... I just wish I could have have the chance to know you.
A moment later the Locomon begin to move, taking exhausted and ground-bound members of the subjugation army away. Pit falls asleep on your back, Sparks in your paw, while Beat continues staring into the distance, his fists shaking.
Gradually the pain begins to fade, letting your thoughts become wholly clear once more.
The mission succeeded, BishopChessmon stopped the barrier and HolyAngemon led the army to escape without massive casualties. But, BishopChessmon stayed behind to let you escape. Shutumon survived and would certainly be a threat in the future. And then there's your Scar. Repulsa must have been somewhere close. Even with all the progress you've made she's still too strong. Even your power as a champion can't measure up. You nearly despair at the thought of ever defeating her. Nearly. Wrath, Devotion and your oaths refuse to let that be a reality.
No. Not yet. I will gain the power to avenge Agnimon.
Your eye closes exhaustion from the rage finally overwhelming the excitement. Sleep beckons.
Parrotmon. Slaughtered for being an enemy. Chackmon deleted by my own claw to save further suffering. Bishopchessmon, he tried to broker peace but was refused. His path ended in sacrifice for the rest of us. Those two digimon... so familiar but... and I don't know why. This is war.... What would Agnimon, a true hero have done?
You have a feeling that the ritual's failure will mark and end to the conflict against Vortex Isle, especially with GrandLocomon heading to destroy their temple.
But… this part of your life is just beginning.
The journey ahead shall be difficult but... I will rise up to the challenge.
I still need power.
=== End Arc Interlude: (Choose One)
[] A *Rival's* Mercy.
[] A LadyDevimon's Daily Life.
[] Hunts To Come.
[] Settling In The Big City.
===Authors Note: And here we go, the most depressing arc of part 2 is DONE! Funny thing is that this outline was smaller than the HolyAngemon section, but it ended up expanding more somehow.
The pain, exhaustion and darkness shrouding your barely conscious mind recoils back under her words, though the physical damage is another matter. Several long seconds go by before your pulped eye to fully reverts to its normal state and longer still for your tongue and teeth to regrow.
I was... fighting. MetalTyrannomon was winning.... and then-Sparks!
You struggle up onto all fours, looking around wildly for the crippled Wizardmon. But in the mass battle taking place the mon seems wholly lost. That is until a sword-wielding Angewomon dives through what looks like a random pile of Vilemon, hoists the blackened figure of your friend up in one hand, then tosses him your way. Naturally you reach up and catch the recoil-damaged mon before he can land, cradling him in a paw to protect him from the battle.
The digimon you were fighting is gone, either deleted or dragged away. However the overwhelming Wrath you had felt when fighting him is gone... mostly. Anger still simmers at the corner of your mind, but the raging fire had burned away for what felt like minutes, leaving you feeling more numb than anything else. Every moment of that battle is vividly available within your mind, burnt into place by that fury, but for now you cast it aside. Your scar sizzles, lightly burning at your face, but growing worse with every moment. Which can only mean one thing.
Repulsa is here. Right now... I must observe.
Greymon barrels through a pair of Boogiemon and sprints towards you, the rigid form of Sealdramon held in his arms. The Gloaming champions soar after him, tridents at the ready, but are met with flashing steel as what can only be the evolved form of Darcmon intercepts the pair. Your superior utilizes her new form's power in conjunction with the longsword's weight to unleash a series of brutal slashes. It's anything but graceful, and yet... the practiced simplicity to her movements as the heavy chrome digizoid in her hands cleaves through weapon and digimon both is hypnotizing in it's own way.
You'd never considered how skilled the wommon had been before, especially since as a champion she'd barely been able to lift the sword. However now that she's regained her evolution as an Angewomon, her experience with a blade is shown in full as can the weapon's own powerful properties. The BlackGrowlmon you'd battled before before lunges her way one claw set to rend her in half. But the officer meets his attack head on, flying into the blow and putting her weight into a diagonal upward slash.
Her parry knocks the devil-dragon's arm off course and just as before he goes with the momentum. Only, so does the wommon and even if she's slower, the Ultimate's levers are far shorter. Before the dinosaur can even get halfway into his follow-up a spinning back-slash strikes his side, cleaving through his body and sending him stumbling back. A lesser digimon would have been cut in half, but your worthy opponent's sheer size keeps him from being dealt a mortal wound. You find an odd sense of relief in that fact.
"Hehehe, god it's fucking great to be back in this form!" The freshly evolved Ultimate laughs, hefting her weapon up triumphantly. "Now I can finally use this bloody thing, and it works against you shitty bastards just like I hoped!" Imperius Angewomon raises her blade up once, clearly readying herself to charge back in. You take a step forwards, ready to offer support, but run smack-dab into Greymon whose body is collapsing from a multitude of injuries. Biting back a disappointed groan, you move your attention to healing him.
"Catch!" Your commander blinks at the shout, then curses as Lekismon kicks Pit and Beat's kneeling forms directly at her. The former Darcmon is forced to sheathe her sword, lest it accidentally impale one of the champions she's trying to catch. For a moment you worry about the two's state, but breathe a sigh of relief as both twitching digimon prove to just be beaten up and in Pit's case, unconscious.
BlackGrowlmon looks ready to lunge at all three of them, but a single arrow of ice strikes his head, drawing his attention back to Lekismon. The Champion? Ultimate? You're not really sure beckons him back to her. He throws one last look over his shoulder, this time towards you for some reason, then grunts in disappointed affirmation and darts back.
The small, oddly familiar champion leaps up onto the devil-dinosaurs shoulder then... smiles towards you. It's a small thing, a simple flash of emotion opposite to the mon's normal dour expression, but... something about it hurts.
You tear your gaze away from the figure, finish the healing spell for Greymon and then look around. It's... not a pretty picture. Of the ground forces set to guard the Megadramon most look to have been deleted. Your pocket seems to be the only marginally sized resistance left, with everything else doing its very best to retreat towards you. Angewomon is so far keeping the enemy forces back through threat alone, with HippoGriffomon tangling with NeoDevimon in the sky above.
An odd, armored Dinohumon is amongst the enemy reinforcements, though the champion is just staring at you with open shock and... what feels like despair. The fact that he has a Youkomon nearby cements him as that particular Dinohumon with nothing but revenge on his mind, but for some odd reason he isn't screaming his head off about revenge. Which you suppose is just as well, given how as Gryzmon you'd be able to bring an end to his path with a single strike.
Overall, the situation looks dire. Your squad and the remaining survivors are surrounded and if the Asuramon pops back up, then he'd surely be able to team up with those two other champions to take on your leader. Even if you help, the chances of victory are slim. An invigorating challenge normally, but now it seems... more depressing to your mind than anything else.
But the Imperius hovering in front of you just laughs.
"Don't think you've won dipshits, you've forgotten one wee, very important thing!" Her left hand moves away to point back towards the aerial battle, or rather what had been a battle. The soldiers of Vortex Isle are in a clear rout, leaving over two thousand holy digimon to turn their attention this way. Sure the force has taken casualties but at least two thirds of their number still remains. Which is far more than what can be said of their enemies.
... Spirits above, I did not believe they'd obtain such a clear victory.
"Retreat!" Lekismon's smooth voice slices over the battlefield, almost hypnotic in their authority. You're halfway through a step backwards before it clicks that her order is meant for the enemy. Her order strikes the enemy forces in an almost physical waves, forcing the Vilemon and Bakemon to immediately drop whatever they're doing to move and even compelling the Devimon to stop their assaults and fly towards their escape route. Youkomon wraps her tails around the nearly comatose warrior and carries him away towards the tunnel. The last two to actually start moving are BlackGrowlmon and Lekismon, the latter of which tosses you a wink before her ride rushes towards the tunnel.
Pit sits up suddenly, his attention focused on a fleeing DeviDramon off in the distance. Golden fire flares across his wings, but surprisingly the angel doesn't chase after the enemy champion. Choosing to instead grip his rod tightly and growl under his breath.
Up above NeoDevimon forgoes the tunnel entirely, instead just backhanding HippoGriffomon away and soaring off by himself. A few moments later, the flying host forces finish closing the distance and unleash their fury on the few remaining stragglers. A Pegasusmon and two Angemon flash towards the tunnel, aiming to pick off the rear-most ranks-only for Lekismon to take a spinning leap up off the Dinosaur and thrust out her hand towards the advancing mon.
"Tear Arrows!"
All three vanish amidst a storm of glowing white icicles, their bodies ripped to shreds by the storm before they so much as scream. Horror and a small amount of pride (for some inexplicable reason) flow out from your core as she deletes three powerful champions with a single technique. Moments later after falling back down, the tunnel's mouth collapses, cutting off further pursuit.
The battle is over.
You slump in relief, trying hard to ignore the steadily growing pain and begin to turn towards the distant BishopChessmon.
Then everything vanishes in a haze of agony and your body seizes up, as if invaded by a force that demands it stay wholly still.
With clenched teeth you fight against the oppressive feeling, struggling to move again. It's exhausting, but you manage to force your limbs to start obeying your commands once more.
"Warriors of the Host! Retreat!" Cherub HolyAngemon screams desperately his voice actually tinted with fear. "To the Locomon, now!"
It's hard to think through the pain and pressure, but you don't see a reason not to follow his order and slowly begin to plod towards the distant Ultimates. Whose attendants are working furiously at setting up tracks and hooking up carry cars.
"Daemonshit! Something's wrong with Hefty! Ironsides get down here and help!" HippoGriffomon swoops down in front of you, his body covered in a myriad of claw marks and reaches out to grab you by the pauldron. Something else presses against your rear, pushing you forward while the bestial Ultimate pulls.
"They are under my protection!" BishopChessmon's rumbling voice booms over the battlefield, drawing your attention away to where he's fighting with-
Your hated foe hovers in the air in front of BishopChessmon. And he's not alone. The Legendary Warrior Shutumon poses beside him, as if intentionally showing off her unmarred body to the world. Sparks makes a gurgling sound of approval at the sight, prompting you to glare at the barely conscious champion.
Count says something back to the titanic Ultimate which makes him begin to shake, but he's too far away for you to make anything out. With that the Cherub lowers his staff, and both enemy digimon vanish.
Their battle continues on for several minutes as your force continues it's retreat, with the distraction of your scar it's impossible to even make out after-images. All that you see is the end results of attacks as the massive digimon is taken apart piece by piece.
Which all culminates when Count summons a red glow into his hand and flashes past your ally's hand. BishopChessmon's left index finger and thumb crash to the ground a moment later, along with his staff. Shutumon meanwhile strikes at his eyes, diving in to rip an excruciating looking line down his face.
You can't help but wince at the familiar injury, but turn away from the sickening sight and press on. Finally after reaching the group of Locomon, Angewomon flies away from your rear and streaks towards the slumped over form of Cherub HolyAngemon.
"Yeah, fuck this!" Your squad leader growls, pointing her sword towards the struggling Cherub. "HolyAngemon for gods sake he's going to die!"
"No." The robed angel murmurs, his voice strangely hollow "Stand... stand down. There's nothing we can do to help him against... Shutumon."
"To the Dark Zone with that you asshole!" She snarls, gesturing towards the large army of angels around her. "We can-"
"It is our duty to carry on for the Host." Her superior interrupts. "You will not throw your life away for a fight that we cannot win. The Elite Bellators are exhausted, and even together with your pet and every Ultimate here that Vamdemon alone would be enough to delete you" Angewomon glares at him for that and grips her chrome-digizoid sword hard enough that her knuckles turn white. "Cherub BishopChessmon gave me orders to evacuate in case there was no chance of victory, and... I will follow though."
We're just... leaving him behind? Is there really nothing we can do here?
The two angels glare at each other emitting a pressure you can physically feel. And in the end, she's the one to turn away.
"Get on the Locomon."
You eye the twenty Ultimate level machine digimon, watching as your crestfallen fellows move shamefully into the containers. And eventually settle for climbing atop the back of one. Pit and Beat, both freshly healed, fly up to join you. The former takes a seat in front you, his face twisted into a deep, unhappy frown.
"Comrades, this isn't right. The Lord would not want to us to leave our fellows behind!"
"We can survive now. Get stronger." Beat responds, glaring back towards the display of violence. By now BishopChessmon has been reduced to a single leg and arm, yet even now the blinded digimon fights on, struggling to crush Count behind his hands. You gaze at the sight, hoping to witness the Vamdemon's life come to an end, but Shutumon intervenes again, cutting through the back of one hand and allowing the undead digimon to break free. The certainty of his defeat rises even further and you turn away not wanting to see what comes next.
May your path's ending be swift.... I just wish I could have have the chance to know you.
A moment later the Locomon begin to move, taking exhausted and ground-bound members of the subjugation army away. Pit falls asleep on your back, Sparks in your paw, while Beat continues staring into the distance, his fists shaking.
Gradually the pain begins to fade, letting your thoughts become wholly clear once more.
The mission succeeded, BishopChessmon stopped the barrier and HolyAngemon led the army to escape without massive casualties. But, BishopChessmon stayed behind to let you escape. Shutumon survived and would certainly be a threat in the future. And then there's your Scar. Repulsa must have been somewhere close. Even with all the progress you've made she's still too strong. Even your power as a champion can't measure up. You nearly despair at the thought of ever defeating her. Nearly. Wrath, Devotion and your oaths refuse to let that be a reality.
No. Not yet. I will gain the power to avenge Agnimon.
Your eye closes exhaustion from the rage finally overwhelming the excitement. Sleep beckons.
Parrotmon. Slaughtered for being an enemy. Chackmon deleted by my own claw to save further suffering. Bishopchessmon, he tried to broker peace but was refused. His path ended in sacrifice for the rest of us. Those two digimon... so familiar but... and I don't know why. This is war.... What would Agnimon, a true hero have done?
You have a feeling that the ritual's failure will mark and end to the conflict against Vortex Isle, especially with GrandLocomon heading to destroy their temple.
But… this part of your life is just beginning.
The journey ahead shall be difficult but... I will rise up to the challenge.
I still need power.
=== End Arc Interlude: (Choose One)
[] A *Rival's* Mercy.
[] A LadyDevimon's Daily Life.
[] Hunts To Come.
[] Settling In The Big City.
===Authors Note: And here we go, the most depressing arc of part 2 is DONE! Funny thing is that this outline was smaller than the HolyAngemon section, but it ended up expanding more somehow.
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