Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

Carry your friends with you.
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Hanyi is not a non entity we want to simply steal from her home. As dangerous a wasted second may be, a single word spoken earnest, may make it easily up. We want to Hanyi to come with us and even if she has a hard time understanding why and must not be scared we can´t or at the very least shouldnt even try to steal what we want.
Wasn´t that what the whole story with the husband was about?
Maybe I am looking to deep, but maybe not.

[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's wmeight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
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[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
[X] Just keep her hand and get her walking as quickly as you can. It would be better not to alarm her further and she doubted she could rely on Zeqing to give further direction to her daughter
I'm in favor of piggybacking.

I can't help but notice that Hanyi has no relationship listed, despite being closer to us than people like Shen Hu. If we're lucky, this is because she's part of Zeqing and has an effective SL3.

I say lucky because Industrious Labor of Fall and Summer's Day Rising will be quite helpful in keeping her spirits up, more so if they're SL boosted.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

Carrying her is the safer option if we are traveling through an area under Zeqing's control while she is struggling with her desire to eat Hanyi.
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An interesting thing here, I think, is how SCS interacts with carrying someone. Does it allow that person to blur and move forward as well? We can carry items with us given that we always have our clothes and flute with us when we use SCS, but I have a feeling that someone with spiritual weight will have a different outcome.

The funny thing, here, is that Argent Storm might have been useful. You know, to do a boom leap while carrying Hanyi. I can't see where else it would be good, but I find it funny.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Mmm, perhaps one thing to think about here is our assumptions of the nature of the trial.

Piggybacking treats it implicitly as a physical one, but if we look at our first trial could it not be more spiritual?

Could the second option make more sense in that framing?
Mmm, perhaps one thing to think about here is our assumptions of the nature of the trial.

Piggybacking treats it implicitly as a physical one, but if we look at our first trial could it not be more spiritual?

Could the second option make more sense in that framing?
Piggybacking is also having the spiritual meaning of carrying Hanyi and not being separated from her, while 'taking her hands' has the classic 'fogs shroud you and you are now in different rooms'.
"Ling Qi… this isn't like that dream, or messing around in the forest you know?" Sixiang said, the wind falling silent as their voice returned to her thoughts. "I know I joke a lot… but you could die here. Did you even tell anyone what you were doing?"

Ling Qi opened her mouth, but ended up looking at the ground rather than replying. She had told Cai Renxiang That she would be secluding herself in cultivation for a day or two, but there was no reason to worry or frighten everyone else.
CRX: So, how did your cultivation go? *stares at what's left of the mountain*
A lovely update! (Thanks for the chapter >_>)

I liked how it showed Ling Qi's thoughts about revenge and retribution, and how her opinion on it evolved. How she is still a vengeful person at heart, but she sees perspective and at the very least doesn't condone blind revenge that hurts oneself. The callback to the Bloody Moon encounter and getting her to think about it was quite neat. Now, if only Ling Qi keeps remembering that one can get caught up in things and the perspective can get skewed, like with the Weilu leaders, we are on a good way to become a mature and sane Cultivator. Probably a first in a Xianxia setting.
I bet Ling Qi's view on things will keep evolving, that's the nature of life (and Cultivation) after all, but I doubt she'll ever become a very forgiving and merciful person. At least by modern standards. And she doesn't have to be. I wouldn't want to take those harsher tones away from her character at all.

Anyway, moving on. As expected, Zeqing is majorly struggling with her nature and conflicted about Ending, and keeping things. That was a strong scene, I liked it. The danger is also very clearly felt. A Green-2 Cultivator with some decent cold resistance is complaining about the freezing and deathly cold... yeeeah, we should have brought a pair of extra socks. Preferably knitted by Shenhua herself.

I feel for Hanyi, though. She understands less of what is going on that I had hoped. This is going to hit her hard. I hope we can keep the crisis and actual breakdown at bay until after the current crisis is done. Assuming Ling Qi survives. Which... isn't guaranteed, really. Like, getting off the mountain and escaping Zeqing etc is not easy, and dangerous, sure. But I am more concerned about what Meizhen is going to do to Ling Qi once she hears of this. Luckily, Ling Qi is pretty good at escaping in case Meizhen decides to keep her in a box, for safety reasons. Let's just hope that Meizhen isn't requesting some 'keep-suicidal-best-friends-safe' box from home. That would be a bother to escape.

Erm, getting sidetracked here. Regarding the course of action, at first glance things are obvious
[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Initially slower, maybe more straining (The last time Ling Qi tried to carry Hanyi she was Yellow-2, I believe? Green-2 is a big difference to that even if Ling Qi didn't train strength.) Might cause Hanyi to break down during the explanation.
[] Just keep her hand and get her walking as quickly as you can. It would be better not to alarm her further and she doubted she could rely on Zeqing to give further direction to her daughter
Initially faster. Doesn't risk Hanyi breaking down right now.

But honestly, I see the piggy-back option as far safer. It does sacrifice some initial speed, but leading Hanyi along with hand-holding just begs to get separated and having to search for her.
The same about the explanation, really. If we don't tell Hanyi anything right now, there's a decent chance that she'll break down in the middle of the escape which is probably worse than right now.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, it would set the tone of how we treat Hanyi and 'work together' with her. Treating her as a person, with respect and on an equal level (for all that she is a child). That would be a better start to our relationship than overriding her, or 'deceiving'(that's a bit too strong a word, though) her about this escape and situation. I think we can afford the seconds? to try and develop a good rapport with Hanyi and make the rest of the escape safer and cooperative.
Well her mother is only a mortal.

With resources she might be able to cultivate a bit and prolong her life but overall - the cultivation gap will likely grow.

Well, Qi shouldn't spar with her. That is the area in which Qingge truly is fragile.

But her being a mortal isn't super relevant here. Yes, she's a mortal, this is a totally different world to her, but I don't think it's neccessary to drip-feed her and shield her as much as Qi has done. She's still an extremely tough woman, who has endured a metric ton of shit in her life while remaining both empathetic to other people and deeply dedicated to providing her children the best that she can give them.
[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
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[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
...Papa is giving his life so Hanyi can go with Ling Qi. Let's go, child.​
[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

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The arc so far has been pretty tense and enjoyable. It was nice getting to see what became of Zeqing's husband firsthand and having to take Hanyi and manage to run away from Zeqing is a excellent tribulation and something I'm more emotionally invested in than random test.
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While i'm not entirely happy with this vote, i think the other one is even worse. We are here to allow Hanyi to grow up, not to keep her an innocent child safe from every danger that lurks out there.
[] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
An interesting thing here, I think, is how SCS interacts with carrying someone. Does it allow that person to blur and move forward as well?

This is definitely a thing to worry about l, but also a thing I'm sure Qi has tested offscreen, so I don't think we'll get a surprise.

With an actually bound spirit it wouldn't be a concern, but Hanyi isn't. Maybe she gets some leeway for being Darkness aligned herself.
While i'm not entirely happy with this vote, i think the other one is even worse. We are here to allow Hanyi to grow up, not to keep her an innocent child safe from every danger that lurks out there.

I assume that you don't like that we aren't telling her the whole truth. Well, we're about to try to flee from a spirit at least several cultivation levels higher then us through her realm, she'll learn what's going on really quickly.