Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] She flew back home to the Argent Vent, with its solid foundation building qi

I'd rather secure a solid foundation for Six before worrying about other aspects.
I do not share that point of view. As far as i'm concerned moon qi is heavily affected by the eight moon phases.

Since Six asked for "better background Qi", i believe that's what s/he wants.
No matter how meek the phrase come in as, lets not assume Six suddenly became retarded...
I believe it would have asked the "most powerful Qi" or "better moon Qi" if that was what it wanted.

[X] She flew back home to the Argent Vent, with its solid foundation building qi
And I believe she would've asked for less noisy or more balanced qi if the Vent was what she specifically wanted. She only said better and all of these options are better. It's up to what sort of impact we want to have on the breakthrough to what we choose.
Our moon spirit's need for qi's more important than our discomfort. Moon qi seems the best option.

[x] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
For a friend we can face a little trauma.

[X] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by TotallyNotEvil on Feb 20, 2019 at 3:07 PM, finished with 82 posts and 56 votes.
[X] She flew back home to the Argent Vent, with its solid foundation building qi

I'd rather secure a solid foundation for Six before worrying about other aspects.
A spirit changing like this is a rare opportunity; I very much doubt there will be any further chances to choose another aspect.
Our moon spirit's need for qi's more important than our discomfort. Moon qi seems the best option.

[x] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
She's semi-permanently taking up residence in our head; it's not unfair to account for our traumas when deciding how her nature changes. Her taking on aspects of the Bloody Moon could cause us real harm and she wouldn't want to harm us. Sixiang gave us no indications that only Moon qi would work, so we shouldn't take actions that could potentially drive a wedge between us.
[X] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew

Ling Qi just had an adventure with Suyin and reaffirmed her resolve. Facing the place that made her question herself after she didnt help her almost friend to help her friend seems thematically appropriate.
Mmm, I'd say that I'm not too worried about Bloody Moon contamination (unlike say Argent or Cold) because both Ling Qi and Sixiang don't like the Bloody Moon and that's been strongly established, so it would be narratively weird for the Bloody Moon to become a thing again right after they rejected us.

Regarding the implications, I think it should also be noted that Sixiang's thing here is also fundamentally rooted in being a response to that event already. Indeed, one could suggest that given that, going back there to resolve things is narratively appropriate.

And, of course, the simple argument is that it's moon and they're moon and moon is good :p

[x] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
The big issue is this turn is already super long, and asking @yrsillar to add more when he thought it wouldn't have a challenge is sad.
I keep reading this "argument", and not just on this thread, and honestly i fail to see how time in-quest has any sort of meaning.
We are reading a story, what does it matter if the action is over a day or a year ?
In Happy Potter each tome is a full year.
In the Lord of the Rings all three books is a few months.
Star Wars spawns from a few weeks (/months?) to way more than a lifetime depending on how many films you watch.
Does that make one series better than the other ???
A spirit changing like this is a rare opportunity; I very much doubt there will be any further chances to choose another aspect.

Right, a spirit like this is a rare opportunity. I'd rather they have a firm foundation to help ensure they last, rather than a more powerful but fragile result.
Can I say that I'm really excited to see what Sixiang has crafted? I mean... it sounds like she almost killed herself in doing it, but that just makes me think she was going for some pretty big results. It's going to be interesting to see what exactly her finished product is.
[x] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew

Sixiang started doing whatever it is she's doing because of what happened there. I like the symmetry of going back. Plus there's no reason to think the Silent Stones are Bloody Moon only, or even Bloody Moon aligned - after all, the Bloody Moon isn't affiliated with Sun or Earth qi as far as I know, and the site also boosts those types of qi. The best qi for Sixiang, I think, would be moon qi, and this is the best/only source that we know of.
Our moon spirit's need for qi's more important than our discomfort. Moon qi seems the best option.

Would normally agree with you, but it isn't just implications and discomfort for us, the moon challenge is also where Sixiangs 'failure' was, which spurred her onto improvement.

If this is them finishing off their domain and hitting their Green equivalent, I wouldn't want them doing it somewhere like that (unless it was some 'overcoming the trauma' thing, but this certainly doesn't seem to be that).
Is there a reason we can't instead head to either Meizhen or Cai's Argent vent as they have a standard version in comparison to our lesser?
I keep reading this "argument", and not just on this thread, and honestly i fail to see how time in-quest has any sort of meaning.
We are reading a story, what does it matter if the action is over a day or a year ?
In Happy Potter each tome is a full year.
In the Lord of the Rings all three books is a few months.
Star Wars spawns from a few weeks (/months?) to way more than a lifetime depending on how many films you watch.
Does that make one series better than the other ???
Yes. Ballooning up a chapter so it it's noticable larger is bad pacing.
[X] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
I keep reading this "argument", and not just on this thread, and honestly i fail to see how time in-quest has any sort of meaning.
We are reading a story, what does it matter if the action is over a day or a year ?
In Happy Potter each tome is a full year.
In the Lord of the Rings all three books is a few months.
Star Wars spawns from a few weeks (/months?) to way more than a lifetime depending on how many films you watch.
Does that make one series better than the other ???
Well, in our case I can see the value in the perspective 'there is an end point we are moving towards in quest-time and it's going to take longer in real-time to reach it'.

That is, if you're looking forward to Ling Qi participating in the inter-sect competition or leaving the sect with CRX and setting up a fief, then you'd be happy about getting to those points faster.

The argument still doesn't ring true for me, though, because even though I am interested in those events I also find what's going on here pretty interesting too, and if there's meaningful and engaging stuff to see here and now then I don't really want to rush through it all. Suyin's adventure took a week or so to complete, but it was really fun so I don't regret it.
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Right, a spirit like this is a rare opportunity. I'd rather they have a firm foundation to help ensure they last, rather than a more powerful but fragile result.
Yeah that's fair enough, though personally I'm more concerned about Sixiang having the power to take qualitatively superior preservation actions than I am about the elemental alignment of the background qi at Zeqing's home causing instability.
She hadn't expected it to be so dull though. Sitting off in a corner, a tome on imperial history open in her hands, Ling Qi tried to keep her mind from wandering. Keeping her ears open, listening the murmur of small conversations throughout the archive, she thought she might go a little stir crazy. While she knew that she wouldn't get anything really interesting with this method, the mundanity of peoples day to day lives still surprised her sometimes.

Remembering the cavern, and the nightmare before it, it seemed so incongruous that people could still be interested in petty little concerns when they were, one and all, people with real power at their fingertips, in a world filled with tribulations and challenges. She supposed she wasn't any better, hadn't she spent yesterday morning just chatting with Meizhen about nothing in particular?

She was being unfair she knew, but it didn't help that even Sixiang was silent again, leaving her alone in her own head to try and focus on other people when the siren call of cultivation was singing in the back of her mind.
Bad Ling Qi! Don't get addicted to power, or you'll become like those crazy hermits who simply cultivate for the sake of cultivating! And we don't want that. Compartmentalize, is the key. When you aren't cultivating, don't think about cultivation and how great it would be to be cultivating. When you are cultivating, then you can enjoy the activity.