[] Create a surplus of Crusher Bones and use your vantage point to stay at range and protect Sparks. He can do the most damage from far away with his lightning.
My thoughts have dwelt on this before, but now is the time to follow through.
"Our paths shall conjoin here Sparks." You state, thrusting one paw down into the rock to uncover a Crusher Bone.
"... hrm? Thine words are..."
"We will fight together in this battle."
"Ah. Heh, seems Ardat's habit of nonsensical words have infected thee." The one armed Wizardmon chuckles, even as you repeat the process of gathering up projectiles.
"Twill be good to fight side by side with thee from the start."
Her attitude has infected me huh?... Zehaha.
MagnaAngemon frowns down at you for the declaration and for a moment you wonder if he's going to overrule your decision. But finally the humanoid mon just shrugs and turns his attention back to the others. Eighty-eight seconds later, the various groups have moved to position and you've set up your pile on the bowl's crest.
You take a final step up to the edge... and find your rear-paws traction on the wet stone vanishing. The slip is fast and unexpected, dropping you flat onto your back and sending you shoots down the slope. Holding back a curse, you twist around and slam both war-gauntlets down, arresting the momentum.
Darnit! The footing here is treacherous. Did any of them see me?
Whirling about, you prepare to defend yourself against a flurry of attacks. But are instead met by the wide confused eyes of a
long-necked armored bird digimon. It blinks once in surprise, looking first at you, then towards the ride and opens it's mouth to squawk-
Just in time for a pair of metal legs to lock around it's throat.
"Death, Behind" It's not a shout. Sealdramon's voice is entirely steady and clinical even as his knife plunges into the much larger champion's eye. You get the feeling that the *small* digimon is just stating a fact as he ruthlessly takes care of the witness.
"My tha-"
"No speaking. Back into position."
"Ri-..." you nods at the champion and hurry back up, glad for the darkness. In daylight you'd assuredly have been spotted by
everything in the nest.
Mere moments later, the attack begins in earnest as Imperius MagnaAngemon swoops down above the center pocket of combatants and raises his glowing purple wrist-blade. The angelic Ultimate draws the outline of a perfect circle through the air, his power manifesting into a faded gold rim plastered with arcane digimoji. His entrance produces cries of shock from the soldiers below along with a panicked squawk of "Move!", however the deadly shape has already been fully drawn.
"Heaven's Gate!" The physical tear in reality opens, creating a thirteen foot ring into the unknown. And the resulting
vacuum is a force that
cannot be denied. Two of the
central Ultimates find themselves sucked right through the gate along with two score of the remaining champions. All of them
screaming in terror at the fate which awaits them. Your body rocks back with the familiar sound, horror exploding free from your core as the slaughter(?) takes place. The image of so many mon being thrown free from the digital world, their faces... they all burn themselves right into your mind.
This... what just happened was... it-it.... I can't. I won't. How-Focus.
The last of your foes leadership managed to escape the area of effect beforehand and rushes up towards your commander, his hooked swords poised to strike. The Imperius is forced to abandon his technique, letting the gate vanish as he brings his weapon to bear against the faster Ultimate.
"Silver Blaze!"
"Shooting Star!"
"Needle Rain!"
"Holy Arrow!"
Your flying allies open up on the still tired and reeling soldiers, bombarding them with attacks from above. It's unfortunately just not possible to keep track of the exact casualties through the commotion, but the Vortex Isle's soldiers comparatively weak constitutions are certainly working against them here. Those attempting to fly up and away are targeted first and most attempts at fighting back seem entirely forgotten.
The time is now Verge. Clear heart. Focused mind... My Claws Are Heavy.
"Tis time we deleted these feathered freaks!"
"Crusher Bone!/Greater Sparkling Thunder!"
Sparks sweeps his staff through the tattered pockets, cutting several unfortunate mon in half, though by the looks of things, his spell seems to be losing a bit of it's punch in the rain given how it's only able to go through one or two digimon. Meanwhile, you begin tossing construct after construct down into the nest. You don't even have to aim that much given the concentration of foes, just throwing the projectiles vaguely in the direction of a group is more than enough to crush at least one of the bird digimon. They're even strong enough to flatten
the more armored challengers wholesale.
The Angemon led strikeforce flows down from the nest's opposite side, their sharp wedge formation easily cutting through the more numerous, ill-prepared avian digimon. Said formation only stalls when they run into an
Ultimate, who uses it's talons to wreak a deadly toll through your allies.
You don't have time to observe more as the Parrotmon from before streaks up the slope, baleful eyes focused upon
It wants to finish things. Very well. I will reciprocate.
A thick stream of lightning bounds out from it's head, but this time you're ready. The technique is far too speedy to catch on reaction, which is why your war-gauntlets' sweeping gesture is based on prediction. What would have ripped right through your sternum finds itself matched against what might as well be an impenetrable barrier. Still, the blast's force sends you sliding
up the ridge and it's only through sheer stubbornness that you avoid slipping.
"Verge watch-"
Most unfortunately the blocked attack leaves you wholly set in place when the feathered mon barrels right into your guard.
The two of you soar over the inner ridge, and impact
hard on the slicked stone outside. Your tussling forms coast down the steep decline, struggling to gain a superior position. The Parrotmon's gripping talons and greater strength would normally have leveraged him the advantage right away as he attempts to pin your forelimbs, but your greater experience in grappling allows you to twist out of the hold and and slam a pauldron against his beak.
I.. ergh. Don't have to. Win. This. Sparks is with me.
Your core
For a single nano-second you feel a connection being established.
New, utterly foreign strength trickles into your straining muscles. Not enough to overwhelm Parrotmon, but just enough to shift him up to meet the incoming blast of
empowered energy. The dark purple lightning
drills through your enemy's left shoulder, and sends him tumbling off your body.
Seizing this opportunity, you roll up onto all fours and pursue the Ultimate. As it stumbles back up, you pull back a claw and cover the last meters ready to finish this once and for all...
*Squawk* Surrender!"
=== (Choose One)
[] Divert your strike: The
honorable decision here is to accept the surrender... Albeit with some caution to avoid being sucker-punched. Like by that one Goblimon.
[] Stay on course: You will finish this fight and take it's
power for your own. Besides, logically speaking your force doesn't really have a good way of keeping an Ultimate like this contained.
[] Change your strike: Attempt to knock Parrotmon out with a hopefully non-lethal punch. Once it's unconscious you'll be able to ask your superiors about this subject.
Authors Note: Woot! Got this out when I said I would! Anyway, time for a potential prisoner dilemma. FUN!...Kekeke.