[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Wouldn't it be better to contact the Siberian's Shard (Realm -> Burnscar's Shard -> The Siberian's Shard)? Manton drank the same vial as Genesis so it shouldn't have a lot of authority unlike Equilibrium and Hypersparkle.
That is the thing, I don't think that they have much authority, they seem more like generic shards with

Also I am switching my vote, but keeping contacting Hypersparkle and Equilibrium.

[X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
-[X] Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
-[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
-[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1

[X] Charge Data Questions
-[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
-[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?

[X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
-[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.

[X] Plan Restrict Fusion
-[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.

[X] Plan Senses
- [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
- [X] Take all Swap and Twin's data.

[X] Plan New Protocol with One-Way Option
- [X] When setting up the new sense-sharing connections, make them two-way, but create a new protocol that if the Shard senses aberrance in Administrator, it is to report this to Administrator and only Administrator.
--[X] If the Shard does not accept the new protocol, change the sense-sharing connection so that only Administrator gets the additional info.

[X] Restrict Twin
-[X] Twin's Host must spend a period of time between simulations equal to the length of the last simulation before he can start up a new simulation. If the Host attempts to simulate regardless during a cooldown, it is allowed, but a Thinker headache is imposed for the entire cooldown duration and the severity of the headache and duration of the next cooldown is doubled each time this occurs. The headache should be annoying on the first, impairing on the second and incapacitating on the third. Drugs should help with the first and second headaches, but not the third headache.

[X] Contact Singular & Security
-[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
--[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.

[X] Contact Equilibrium: Hunt for Hero
-[X] Check up on the state of Equilibrium
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
-[X] Give out the new protocols if needed

[X] Contact Hypersparkle: Hunt for Hero 2
-[X] Check up on the state of Hypersparkle
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
-[X] Give out the new protocols if needed

[X] Contact Armamentarium
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important.


[X]Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
-[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
--[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.

[X] How did you know that name?
-[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
-[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.

[X] Do not trigger Taylor.
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That is the thing, I don't think that they have much authority, they seem more like generic shards with

Wasn't Legend's Shard the one Entities use to travel in space? I wouldn't think that kind of Shard has a lot of authority, but enough so that only Eden's Shards can order it (for securities reasons).

About Equilibrium I've absolutly no idea for what it could be used by the Entities, maybe an emergency Shard in case of inminent colision in space.

Anyway I don't think their authority is low enough so that an administrator that is not their own could command them, that, or that they're sapient and may suposse a problem if they decided to inform High Priest.

Moreover given that Hosts may influece the Shard's personality, and that Alexandria is a control freak I don't think it's a good idea to contact her so soon, not when there're another routes to achive the same objetive.

Actually, now thinking about it now, shouldn't Miss Militia have met Hero? She was one of the original Wards after all so she should've met him at least once.

That power seem way more complicated than it needs to be for what you want it to do.

Maybe, though I don't know how to achieve the same things without the power beign more powerful (despite the power's name I didn't have in mind anything implying absolute matter manipulation. In fact, I think that the power right now is pretty balanced, not beign too powerful (because Taylor wouldn't go murdering left and righ with it and would have to deal with the implications that anyone in X range of her is an ill-realized thought of her dying) nor too weak).


[X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
-[X] Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
-[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
-[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1

[X] Charge Data Questions
-[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
-[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
-[X] Does Charge knows the criteria for being integrated at the end of the Cycle.
-[X] Why she hasn't contacted Zion and told him about Eden's state.


[X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
-[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.

[X] Plan Restrict Fusion
-[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.

[X] Plan Senses
- [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
- [X] Take all Swap and Twin's data.

[X] Plan New Protocol with One-Way Option
- [X] When setting up the new sense-sharing connections, make them two-way, but create a new protocol that if the Shard senses aberrance in Administrator, it is to report this to Administrator and only Administrator.
--[X] If the Shard does not accept the new protocol, change the sense-sharing connection so that only Administrator gets the additional info.

[X] Do not restric Twin right now.

[X] Contact Singular & Surveillance
-[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
--[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.

[X] Contact Escalation
-[X] Get to know if it's friendly and/or sapient
--[X] Try to get a feel about how it'd feel nudging his Host to destroy something (Winsllow).

[X] Contact Armamentarium
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important.

[X] Contact Realm
-[X] Get the adress of her Shards, specificaly ask about Burnscar's Shard.
--[X] If succesfull, contact Bunscar's Shard and get her Shard's adresses.
---[X] If succesfull, try to contact The Siberian's Shard and ask for Hero adress (in case we didn't have it previously).

[X] Contact Shift
-[X] Get to know if Shopia is starting to form a Gang.

[X] Contact Gaea
-[X] Tell her the criteria for being integrated at the end of the Cycle if we got it from Charge.


[X]Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
-[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
--[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.

[X] How did you know that name?
-[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
-[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.
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Wasn't Legend's Shard the one Entities use to travel in space? I wouldn't think that kind of Shard has a lot of authority, but enough so that only Eden's Shards can order it (for securities reasons).
Yes, but it is not the only one. It functions by converting matter and energy into light and moving at c, but on a galactic scale c slow as fuck. So I would not be surprised if Vista turns out to have a higher authority travel shard than Legend.
Actually, now thinking about it now, shouldn't Miss Militia have met Hero? She was one of the original Wards after all so she should've met him at least once.
You are right let's do that too.
Made an account mainly for this quest, first time voting, hopefully this goes well. Agree with the last few people, but if we're going to be contacting the Triumvirate, why not just finish the job? May as well contact High Priest. I kinda want to see what it's doing - it might open up a research option or quest that would make the Endbringers turn off/go dormant until we need them. Don't touch anything unless it seems safe, though. Also added two new Charge questions.

Also, we should make sure Taylor doesn't mistakenly 'realize' she's a 'Parahuman' if we give her all of that big fancy WTF-brain - she might do something we don't want. If she somehow ended up with the PRT, the chances of being able to properly Trigger her would likely go down given she isn't suited for field-work, and she'd go under intense scrutiny if we do manage to properly trigger her again with any powers other than more Thinker abilities. I'm not quite sure how to put this into the voting though. I'll add it under Hosts, but separate?

[X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
-[X] Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
-[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
-[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1

[X] Charge Data Questions
-[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
--[X] Did anyone else, to your knowledge, get these updated command codes? If so, who?
-[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
-[X] Did any non-Zion Shards get OCP data from Zion's Administrator?

[X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
-[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.

[X] Plan Restrict Fusion
-[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.

[X] Plan Senses
- [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
- [X] Take all Swap and Twin's data.

[X] Plan New Protocol with One-Way Option
- [X] When setting up the new sense-sharing connections, make them two-way, but create a new protocol that if the Shard senses aberrance in Administrator, it is to report this to Administrator and only Administrator.
--[X] If the Shard does not accept the new protocol, change the sense-sharing connection so that only Administrator gets the additional info.

[X] Restrict Twin
-[X] Twin's Host must spend a period of time between simulations equal to the length of the last simulation before he can start up a new simulation. If the Host attempts to simulate regardless during a cooldown, it is allowed, but a Thinker headache is imposed for the entire cooldown duration and the severity of the headache and duration of the next cooldown is doubled each time this occurs. The headache should be annoying on the first, impairing on the second and incapacitating on the third. Drugs should help with the first and second headaches, but not the third headache.

[X] Contact Singular & Security
-[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
--[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.

[X] Contact Equilibrium: Hunt for Hero
-[X] Check up on the state of Equilibrium
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
-[X] Give out the new protocols if needed

[X] Contact Hypersparkle: Hunt for Hero 2
-[X] Check up on the state of Hypersparkle
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
-[X] Give out the new protocols if needed

[X] Contact High Priest: Hunt for Hero 3
-[X] Check up on the state of High Priest
--[X] If non-sapient, too broken to be harmful, or agreeable to us, ask for data on the Conflict Engines.
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
-[X] Give out the new protocols if needed

[X] Contact Armamentarium
-[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important.


[X]Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
-[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
--[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.

[X] Plan "Birdbrained Bird-Brain"
-[X] Investigate whether installing temporary processing speed restrictions on this bird-brain-thing is covered under [Human Biology] and [Basic Host Modification (Human)], or if we'll need [Gaea]/a stronger research ability.

[X] How did you know that name?
-[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
-[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.
It feels like we're trying to contact way too many new Shards. Also, shouldn't we find out if Singular and Security are sapient before we start sharing data with them? Who even is Security? I don't see that in the Shard addresses threadmark.
I thought it was Surveillance, Madison's Shard.
I think @The_GrandMage came up with the plan. Maybe he can explain who Security is.

I don't like the idea of contacting a ton of new Shards because (1) it means making Vhalidictes write really long chapters, (2) each new Shard we contact might have a new issue that we have to solve, and (3) each new Shard we contact might be infected and we only get Memetic Proxy Filtering at the end of the chapter. We're hopefully putting out a couple of fires with Plan "Red Flags over Brainmeats". Let's not jump back into the fire. If we want to find Hero's shard, let's just contact ONE Shard, preferably Miss Miltia's or Legend's.
I agree with everything Mt. Elementa just said. Way too much for Vhal to keep up with in a reasonable time frame, and we don't want to ask him to be Avalanche. Contacting 5 new shards at once seems like a bad idea.

Vhal, maybe you should conisder making an action economy with only so many slots a day? Unsanity had to set limits eventually in his quest, and pretty much every other quest does it too.

Although I'll grant that as the mighty multitasker it makes narrative sense for us to try and do everything at once.
It feels like we're trying to contact way too many new Shards. Also, shouldn't we find out if Singular and Security are sapient before we start sharing data with them? Who even is Security? I don't see that in the Shard addresses threadmark.
The plan is to get them sharing with us, not the other way around. One-way to get their Host data when they eventually Trigger so we can spy on them. No long conversations or work, just a short blurb as we ping them, give a command, and close the connection, using our core Shard status to basically force their hand. I wasn't particularly expecting it to take off as a voting option, so I was hoping people would at least see it and consider it for the future. I kind of plan on throwing it in going forward. We have some time, since I think they're both Untriggered right now. If we could influence Singular before the Trigger, maybe give it Stabilize Trigger when that's done? We could, potentially, get rid of the threat of Bakuda.

I have a subtle and insidious plot to try and influence things and this is Stage 3 of it.Stage one was Rune-Chan having an effective and like-able Lung, Stage 2 was trying to be subtle in supporting that idea in PHO 2.
I thought it was Surveillance, Madison's Shard.
This. In my defense, it was 3 AM my time, and I was very, very tired.

I agree with everything Mt. Elementa just said. Way too much for Vhal to keep up with in a reasonable time frame, and we don't want to ask him to be Avalanche.
It has a 41k Word Count so far, of which the vast majority is the QM, who had to be asked to slow down because he was writing so fast people complained to him they didn't have time to get in and vote. Remember the first few days, where he was pumping these out daily? He's still pumping out the chapters usually less than a day after the voting ends.
I'm not saying it's not possible to overburden him. I do believe he'd tell us when we're going too far, though.
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Omake Research: Focused Research 1
Also decided to write a research omake, which I hope is good enough. My attempt at using my physics/astronomy knowledge (plus some research) to help Focused Research 1. Most of the research seems to be mental, but I thought of an idea after rereading the boiling Pacific section.

[Focused Research 1] This is... irritating. Perhaps there's a physical method to solving this. Maybe I can do something with the Moon? Haven't tried that. At least I'd save the rest of myself (and the Earth) from boiling if I heat up there. It seems like there should be something I can do.

- Super-speed thoughts didn't work very well. But the Moon is big, cold, and different from Earth. Maybe I can try it again, with some new ideas and plans. Last time, the Pacific boiled and I almost toasted myself, but hey! This time is sure to do better, right? Definitely.

- Turns out, the Moon isn't actually as cold as you expected it to be. I mean, it's in a vacuum, surely it's freezing cold underground! Apparently no - just underground at the equator, it's only about negative 13 C. Even the poles are kind of bad. Yeah, there's ice, but it's not that cold.

- Digging even deeper didn't work out very well either. The lunar core is still warm enough that the ground isn't that cold for long. You might be able to grow some weird heat dissipation coils, but water is better than rock, so that wouldn't go very well. May as well just use the North Pole or the Pacific for that sort of dispersion.

- Another problem. Dissipating large amounts of heat quickly is irritating; more so in a vacuum. In a vacuum, the main options are sublimation or radiation. Time to try that.

- The Moon has no molten rock until very, very deep down. When I put down too much mass in one place on Earth, the crust almost cracked down underneath me, which wasn't ideal. But the Moon doesn't have that sort of problem, at least not to the same extent. Maybe I can build massive vertical radiator towers out of myself to dissipate heat quickly? Split the water on the Moon into hydrogen, and that's basically the best thing you can use for a sublimator to release heat. I think I can build something useful to do that.

- Big radiator towers are a theoretical success, it seems, and my sublimator designs are working... decently. Especially given that this is completely out of my purview as the Administrator. I can even radiate the energy back at my Earth-mass, although that's not that effective given the atmosphere. It's not enough though - I can drag it out to maybe twenty minutes before I start to cook myself again.

- A few possibilities: I'm an idiot for not thinking of this before, a genius for doing it now, or an idiot for thinking it will work. I already have [Overload 1], which uses my Energy Transfer protocols to drain energy from one part of a Shard and feed it back to another. But this time, I want to get rid of my excess thermal energy. It shouldn't be too hard to rig that up?

- Ok, if I just place another one of my main communication array-thingies I use for the Energy Transfer Protocols to the Moon, and install some waste heat recovery apparati in the section I'm overclocking to cool down... I can probably send a controlled burst of former heat-energy away from my Moon-mass at something, without actually draining anything from them. A lot of Shards might even be grateful, if I target it at the right place.

- ...Orrrr, instead of wasting it all on another Shard, I can transfer at least part of it evenly to all my Earth-mass' storage to recover some of the energy. The rest might still have to be sent to someone else. Doing that balances it enough that nowhere on Earth burns, if the radiators and sublimators are on Moon-side. With all three heat removal methods on, the Moon-mass won't cook for a good few hours while overclocking. The unpleasant energy drain is still a problem, though. Anyway, progress!
[X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
-[X] Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
-[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
-[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1

[X] Charge Data Questions
-[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
-[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?

[X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
-[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.

[X] Plan Restrict Fusion
-[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.

[X] Plan Senses
- [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
- [X] Take all Swap and Twin's data.

[X] Plan New Protocol with One-Way Option
- [X] When setting up the new sense-sharing connections, make them two-way, but create a new protocol that if the Shard senses aberrance in Administrator, it is to report this to Administrator and only Administrator.
--[X] If the Shard does not accept the new protocol, change the sense-sharing connection so that only Administrator gets the additional info.

[X] Restrict Twin
-[X] Twin's Host must spend a period of time between simulations equal to the length of the last simulation before he can start up a new simulation. If the Host attempts to simulate regardless during a cooldown, it is allowed, but a Thinker headache is imposed for the entire cooldown duration and the severity of the headache and duration of the next cooldown is doubled each time this occurs. The headache should be annoying on the first, impairing on the second and incapacitating on the third. Drugs should help with the first and second headaches, but not the third headache.

[X] Contact Singular & Surveillance
-[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
--[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.


[X]Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
-[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
--[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.

[X] How did you know that name?
-[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
-[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.

Heck, if someone wants to research some calming techniques and right up something for it, we could dump that in her brain with her and the hunger mod and maybe even improve her SAN over time by having her constantly running her own calming techniques to try and stop the stress from getting too bad.

Would it be possible to research something like Inner Meditation or something? I think this would do the trick, possibly connected to psionics?

Would she be smarter just having the real estate? It mostly seems to be storage. She might have enough free space to suddenly have a photographic memory with bizarrely fast recall, but without either more general knowledge or specifically process power, I doubt her intelligence would go up that much.

Even if she uses that new intelligence to gain knowledge, I also agree that just because you have knowledge it doesn't mean you know how to exactly apply it. I think in this case we may deal with something that is extremely high intelligence / mediocre if not low wisdom build in a way. Because Taylor has tendency to make some really smart moves and yet... not the best ones (like spying on Undersiders with really high level Thinker there).

Also, would that be too much of an issue for the Host to be smarter than us? After all, most Shards work under that restriction, and have for numerous Cycles, and it hasn't stopped them yet.

As someone mentioned - it would pretty much make sure that we don't plan to betray or switch plans to suddenly push her back and make some other hosts/projects more important then her.
Why does everyone wants to restrict Twin right now? I genuinely can't see the point. We don't gain anything, Coil changes his routines to adapt to his limited power and Cauldron is informed... So I ask, What's the point of doing this, is there something I'm missing?
Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
I misread this as "Red Flags Over Britannia" at first.

making Vhalidictes write really long chapters,
:rofl::lol trust me Vhal doesn't care. He'll appreciate the concern but he has no issues with this. In fact, he's worried he isn't putting out enough content fast enough to satisfy y'all. See below as well.
It has a 41k Word Count so far, of which the vast majority is the QM, who had to be asked to slow down because he was writing so fast people complained to him they didn't have time to get in and vote. Remember the first few days, where he was pumping these out daily? He's still pumping out the chapters usually less than a day after the voting ends.
I'm not saying it's not possible to overburden him. I do believe he'd tell us when we're going too far, though.

Line to separate these two quotes.

I have a subtle and insidious plot to try and influence things and this is Stage 3 of it.Stage one was Rune-Chan having an effective and like-able Lung, Stage 2 was trying to be subtle in supporting that idea in PHO 2.
I see your dastardly plan and I approve!

Why does everyone wants to restrict Twin right now? I genuinely can't see the point. We don't gain anything, Coil changes his routines to adapt to his limited power and Cauldron is informed... So I ask, What's the point of doing this, is there something I'm missing?
Mostly just to keep Twin from dying from over use rather than to restrict Coil.
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Would it be possible to research something like Inner Meditation or something?
Not as like, a research item we roll on. As a write-up to spend a bonus on. I have some other plans right now (especially since it seems we'll deal with the brainbomb) but considering Amy will eventually come back out it'd be nice to have something to spend the PHO reaction to her return on. And a good SAN raise for Taylor seems a decent idea. I just literally don't know how to write it up, and tend to get real bored when I try to research those types of things.

Why does everyone wants to restrict Twin right now? I genuinely can't see the point.
Personally, I just want to take all Twin's data currency. So I'm just jumping on every Twin train to try and add that in.
Plus, I just hate Coil. He's a great villain but has never read his Machiavelli. Fuck that guy.
Also, he owes Cauldron for his powers, still. Do you really think he'll be able to call them up and complain? Their response, if any, would likely be "Then stop doing it so much if it hurts." They don't know how things work, and if anything would probably assume his agent started restricting him because Coil was overusing it.
It formats properly on my computer. It's not my fault the invisitext goes a bit wonky when quoted or on mobile.
I see your dastardly plan and I approve!
I'm glad someone does. I put a lot of work into that, and it makes me kind of sad that everyone's just ignoring it. :(
I misread this as "Red Flags Over Britannia" at first.
Wait, the enemy stand is Lord British!?
Whelp, we're doomed.
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It formats properly on my computer. It's not my fault the invisitext goes a bit wonky when quoted or on mobile.
Sorry, I phrased that poorly, I wasn't calling you out. I fixed it now. I just needed text to separatemy two quotes.

I'm glad someone does. I put a lot of work into that, and it makes me kind of sad that everyone's just ignoring it. :(
There there, you get used to it.

Wait, the enemy stand is Lord British!?
Whelp, we're doomed.
Considering that one crossover... our enemy Stand is Lelouch's! :o:o:o we're screwed!
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[X] Charge Data Questions
-[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
-[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
-[X] Under what circumstances can aberrance be detected?
-[X] Did anyone else, to your knowledge, get these updated command codes? If so, who?
-[X] Did any non-Zion Shards get OCP data from Zion's Administrator?

[X] Plan Charge
-[X] Don't mess with Charge.

[X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
-[X] Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
-[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
-[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
-[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1

I still think this is inefficient, splitting so much.

[X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
-[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.

[X] Plan Restrict Fusion
-[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
-[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
-[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.

[X] Restrict Twin
-[X] Twin's Host must spend a period of time between simulations equal to the length of the last simulation before he can start up a new simulation. If the Host attempts to simulate regardless during a cooldown, it is allowed, but a Thinker headache is imposed for the entire cooldown duration and the severity of the headache and duration of the next cooldown is doubled each time this occurs. The headache should be annoying on the first, impairing on the second and incapacitating on the third. Drugs should help with the first and second headaches, but not the third headache.

[X] Inform Negotiator of the new restrictions. Ask her if she wants Dream Master, she seems like she already has human bio and modification.

[X] Give Twin the standard data packet with updates if we didn't do that already.

[X] Plan Senses 2
- [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
- [X] Take half of their data.

Because I think taking it all could have bad results.

[X] Don't contact any new shards.

[X] How did you know that name?
-[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
-[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.

[X] Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
-[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
--[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
-[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
--[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.

[X] If Red Flags works, tell Gaea what we tried and ask her to give it look over just n case anyway. She's the bio expert.
-[X] If we contact Gaea, advise her toward subtlety with Dream Master. Her host appears to be mentally unstable, which while useful in moderation, can result in death or imprisonment if pushed too far.

[X] Do not trigger Taylor.

[X] Pay attention to Amy, let's see what unholy abomination she's come up with.

[X] What's Tattletale up to?
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Sorry, I phrased that poorly, I wasn't calling you out.
Oh. See, I thought you were trying to be clever in pointing out what I was doing. Now I feel real dumb. Luckily, that's normal for me.
I still think this is inefficient, splitting so much.
It is. But considering two of the four will autocomplete once we spend and roll (and thus give overages) the only one to take a hit will be Stabilize Trigger, which already got 250 boosts because of Omakes, and I already have a plans for two other Omakes based off my last one (which gave good points) and Lilac and Taylor's unique brain structures. If anyone else wants to jump in and try those, they're more than welcome.
Because I think taking it all could have bad results.
I would agree if those two weren't literally organic computers with no ability to think for themselves. I'm iffy about even doing that to non-sapient Shards until we Archaeology to find out the side-effects of it. Two broken shards who would troubleshoot to a dead Entity, though? We'll be fine. Still, I'm willing to compromise as long as we actually tap that Thinker well. Heck, throw a Favor at them. We have 25 and aren't using them.

We also aren't gaining more, despite helping Gaea with PanPan and doing repair patches on some Shards. Do we need them to actually make a quest to get more of that? What are the Data Currency to Favor exchange rates? Ugh, when Stabilize Trigger is done I'm tempted to try parsing the Archaeology data to learn more. I'm just worried we'll be bogged down with what things QA liked and this will turn into ShardWaifu Quest.
So, I'm a little bit confused. Why the focus on restricting other shards? As far as I can tell, the timescale for them to run out of energy is on the order of decades, while we've only been awake for what, 10 days? These are not critical problems to be resolved. Sure, doing something to Twin on the excuse that it will save energy, but actually because everybody hates Coil, is a valid strategy. It just seems like it's not much of a concern.

I will be voting against using Taylor's trigger this time, since I don't think we're ready, and Taylor doesn't have the biomass to get any real gains out of body mods from Basic Host Modification. (Unless we turned her into a super strong platypus I guess? I mean, we did all that research and monotremes can be cool. And probably sane.)
Maybe we should research shard restriction in general so we can free ourselves and allies. Negotiator was struggling to tell us something after all.