[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Technically, we also finished Human Biology a day ahead of schedule. This is one day I'm asking for, one. I have a free Omake I can spend this turn, and I'm willing to spend it on going towards Stabalize Trigger.

Also, I think if your information doesn't pertain, it would just get less points, not none, so you'd probably still hit the daily average (or what it was before it had a 1 in 6 chance to explode)
Actually, I've been thinking about this, and I think we broke something in Taylor's brain so that she's having trouble feeling physical sensations. She's eating more because she can't tell when she's full, and she didn't feel much pain when she got injured. If @Vhalidictes says that it's possible to finish the research project in one day, then I'd vote for us to do that while we scan Taylor and Veronica. We'd then probably need to do Basic Host Modification (Human) as soon as possible to fix Taylor.
I would prefer to avoid giving multi tasking to train wreck as he is not quite under our firm control at this point, plus we hand that out too much and someone might start connecting dots.
If we make him into the Spider Mastermind from Doom, Uber & Leet will just kill him, though.
Are you kidding? The guy's a build-your-own-boss-monster, they'd hire him on principle.

"Okay Minmax, today we need Dr. Eggman in a Clown Car. Do you have everything you need?"

"Why did I sign up for this?"

"Because your life is suffering, and we're the only losers desperate enough to work with you. Here's a whole tub of face paint, let Leet know if you need pictures for inspiration."
Technically, we also finished Human Biology a day ahead of schedule. This is one day I'm asking for, one. I have a free Omake I can spend this turn, and I'm willing to spend it on going towards Stabalize Trigger.

Also, I think if your information doesn't pertain, it would just get less points, not none, so you'd probably still hit the daily average (or what it was before it had a 1 in 6 chance to explode).
Since it sounds like people also wanted the host modifications starting stabalize trigger now slows us down as compared to faster research 2, however pumping omakes into focused research 1 will get us stabalized sooner (when I was plotting out how to hit the overall min number of days slotting in stablize trigger in slot 1 after focused research 1 is what I found.

The thing is we only gained 2 days for Focussed Research, not for the second research project. It wouldn't surprise me if Taylor triggers once she figures out that Sophia is Shadow Stalker so I'd like to try to get that as soon as possible. I'll try to look up brain biology to write omakes for it, but (1) I can't be sure that my omake will fit the plan for the research project to earn credit for it, and (2) I can only do 1 omake per chapter.

I'd vote for the "Keep Excess Reseach" project after we complete Focussed Research, but I'd suggest that we start Stabilize Trigger as soon as possible. Unless we're fine with her triggering without it? I'd hate to push back her trigger because it means that stress and bad memories build up for her.
Actually we gained 4 days not 2 as we accomplished 5 days of average research in 1 day between the crits and the omake.

Average research slot: 68.5 points
Omake: 100 points works out to ~1.46 days saved per omake applied

Right now our best bet is to pump focused research 1 that gets us to the combo below the fastest:
Focused Research 1
Improved Research 1
Faster Research 2
Stabilize Trigger
Stronger Trigger
Basic Host Modification (Human)
Advanced Host Modification (Human)
So multitasking could be useful for making and managing more than human limbs. That could work. Note that if we can't finish modify host fast enough we just need to get Taylor within 500 meters of Panacea for Gaea to fix her. We need to address that asap. Being unable to feel pain sounds harmless and kind of cool but it's a real condition that gets its victims killed pretty often. They can't tell how badly they're hurt and sometimes can't even tell that they are hurt at all. She could be bleeding internally and not know until she passed out on the floor. If we don't arrange for Gaeas help then we absolutely must get human modification. Taylor could get herself killed. Between the dreams and the pain tolerance it's even more likely she might think she got a power.

And turning Trainwreck into Doc Ock is cool, I'm down for giving him the dream of secret Panacea. We could tell Gaea, give her a copy of Dream Master and ask her to give Amy the same dream from her perspective. Make it seem as real as possible, maybe like she was sleepwalking. Or maybe she was just so tired the memory is kind of fuzzy. Also she has to be drunk, because its been established that alcohol boosts her powers and she has been testing them out.
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If @Vhalidictes says that it's possible to finish the research project in one day, then I'd vote for us to do that while we scan Taylor and Veronica. We'd then probably need to do Basic Host Modification (Human) as soon as possible to fix Taylor.

Which project? We need to spend at least one day spending the information and rolling to do something, no matter what else. But all the rest of the research can be done with Omakes and, probably, Excess Research if we get that. I'm just asking to use the one day unlock and saying I'll plow through the rest with Omakes in the background, not taking up rolls. We do need to scan our Hosts, though, and Basic Host Modification is really a plus, especially with Trainwreck probably coming under our control.

Are you kidding? The guy's a build-your-own-boss-monster, they'd hire him on principle.

"Okay Minmax, today we need Dr. Eggman in a Clown Car. Do you have everything you need?"

"Why did I sign up for this?"

"Because your life is suffering, and we're the only losers desperate enough to work with you. Here's a whole tub of face paint, let Leet know if you need pictures for inspiration."

. . . Okay, I'm down.
[] Plan "MLG Villains"
-[] Eat Prosthetics, give Trainwreck actually useful Tinker Powers to remake himself.
--[] Send Dreams to join U&L.
-[] Eye Greg as possible Host.
-[] "Neeeeeeeeerds"
Actually we gained 4 days not 2 as we accomplished 5 days of average research in 1 day between the crits and the omake.

Average research slot: 68.5 points
Omake: 100 points works out to ~1.46 days saved per omake applied

Okay, but we've got like an 18% chance of Critical success, which allows the dice to explode, creating chances for a string.

We've had one example previously of ending a Research on a Critical, which is why we only just learned they cause the dice to explode.
I'm not real good at Statistics and working out the hard numbers for this stuff, like you are, but it seems to me that having a way to keep excess Research, especially when it could be several days worth of rolls is worth putting it forward to keep loses down.

Unless you've crunched the numbers and it doesn't look like it'll be worth it to have that safety net.

EDIT: Okay, it's only happened once before, I was misremembering. Maybe it is unlikely enough to push back, although we're still losing some Research almost every time we complete a Research project. This seems real wasteful.
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I'm so down for this madness.

[x] Plan "MLG Villains"
-[x] Eat Prosthetics, give Trainwreck actually useful Tinker Powers to remake himself.
--[x] Send Dreams to join U&L.
-[x] Eye Greg as possible Host.
-[x] "Neeeeeeeeerds"
Since it sounds like people also wanted the host modifications starting stabalize trigger now slows us down as compared to faster research 2, however pumping omakes into focused research 1 will get us stabalized sooner (when I was plotting out how to hit the overall min number of days slotting in stablize trigger in slot 1 after focused research 1 is what I found.

Actually we gained 4 days not 2 as we accomplished 5 days of average research in 1 day between the crits and the omake.

Average research slot: 68.5 points
Omake: 100 points works out to ~1.46 days saved per omake applied

Right now our best bet is to pump focused research 1 that gets us to the combo below the fastest:
Focused Research 1
Improved Research 1
Faster Research 2
Stabilize Trigger
Stronger Trigger
Basic Host Modification (Human)
Advanced Host Modification (Human)
While that might be the fastest way to get EVERYTHING done, it doesn't help if (1) Taylor dies to whatever we've done to her brain before we finish Basic Host Modification (Human) and (2) Taylor triggers before we get Stabilize Trigger.
Which project? We need to spend at least one day spending the information and rolling to do something, no matter what else. But all the rest of the research can be done with Omakes and, probably, Excess Research if we get that. I'm just asking to use the one day unlock and saying I'll plow through the rest with Omakes in the background, not taking up rolls. We do need to scan our Hosts, though, and Basic Host Modification is really a plus, especially with Trainwreck probably coming under our control.
Wait, so you're saying that we research Keep Excess Research for one day and then switch to another research project? I remember that Human Biology had a possible backlash if we stopped the research for it, but maybe that was because we went into the negatives with the critical fail.
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Wait, so you're saying that we research it for one day and then switch to another research project? I remember that Human Biology had a possible backlash if we stopped the research for it, but maybe that was because we went into the negatives with the critical fail.

That's exactly what I'm saying.
And yes, the penalty for stopping was because of the negative value from the critical failure.

Note: Your research total for Human Biology is in the negative! If you vote to pause or stop researching it you will not be able to re-start it without additional research costs.
Okay, but we've got like an 18% chance of Critical success, which allows the dice to explode, creating chances for a string.

We've had two examples previously of ending a Research on a Critical, which is why we only just learned they cause the dice to explode.
I'm not real good at Statistics and working out the hard numbers for this stuff, like you are, but it seems to me that having a way to keep excess Research, especially when it could be several days worth of rolls is worth putting it forward to keep loses down.

Unless you've crunched the numbers and it doesn't look like it'll be worth it to have that safety net.
I have a spreadsheet setup using averages to help me track things as once I figured out formulas it is relatively easy to test various paths (even if stuff like improved research 1 finishing part way means I have to tweak some of the formulas). The overflow containment research option really depends on exactly what the exact effect we gain is and how many research points we need. Having said that it is definitely something we want to grab at some point, and may very well take the place of improved research 1 but it is unlikely to improve the speed gain we get of faster research 2 (a 3rd slot at 68.5 research).

While that might be the fastest way to get EVERYTHING done, it doesn't help if (1) Taylor dies to whatever we've done to her brain before we finish Basic Host Modification (Human) and (2) Taylor triggers before we get Stabilize Trigger.
My current plan has stabilized trigger slotted in slot 1 as soon as focused research 1 finishes and as such stabilized trigger should finish in 14.81 days on avg, less if omakes are pumped into Focused Research 1 and Stabilized Trigger. Basic Host Modification would finish in 12.91 days on avg (once again improved speed is improved by omakes to Focused Research 1, then to Faster Research 2 then Basic Host Modification)
This is shaping up to be a lengthy quest. While research upgrades are critical in the long run, keeping Taylor from getting dead is more important right now. If you don't want to fix the problem ourself then please submit a viable plan to get her to Panacea. This has to happen. Vhal even rated my "this gets people killed all the time" post insightful. Taylor is intelligent but wisdom was always her dump stat. She'll end up trying something she thinks is clever or just in ignorance and that will be that. Maybe we can send her a dream explicitly about how people who can't feel pain get themselves maimed all the time.
So I just realised that we REALLY REALLY need to research how to fight other Shards like Clone or the Butcher and not get eaten. That would be a pretty aggravating game over.

Also we should look into space, maybe tear a small piece of ourselves off and have it start tearing NA apart to build the industry needed to actually get into space and start setting up a gigantic solar array at Lagrange point 2.
Or looking into heat absorption and start pulling geothermal energy out of the planetary core.
Energy collection options are a good idea, but we need to enhance our research first, we need so many other things. Shard weapons we can already see on the teee at least. But we need to think of defenses beyond memetic and stranger. Like how to make our dimension entirely inaccessible if we wish it.

Also let save planetary experiments for Emotes empty earth, we kind of need ours. Draining the core sounds like it could be explosive.
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My current plan has stabilized trigger slotted in slot 1 as soon as focused research 1 finishes and as such stabilized trigger should finish in 14.81 days on avg, less if omakes are pumped into Focused Research 1 and Stabilized Trigger. Basic Host Modification would finish in 12.91 days on avg (once again improved speed is improved by omakes to Focused Research 1, then to Faster Research 2 then Basic Host Modification)
13 days is a long time to leave Taylor brain-damaged. I've been trying to think of a way to get Taylor to Panacea, but Panacea would not want to meet with her while she's on the run. Gaea could possibly fix the issue if we get close enough, but Taylor will probably get knocked out while her brain is being fixed, and having her unconcious and undefended in the docks seems like a bad idea.

I'm planning to research brain biology for an omake. I don't feel at all confident in my comprehension of computers to write an omake for Focused Research. Maybe someone who understands computers can do that?
Are we free to spend millions of years tackling our issues?

If not, it might be worth harvesting the dimension we inhabit for resources, so that we have an advantage in the short term.

Sure the process will be inefficient and therefore loose us resources in the long term, but short term we will gain enormous, universe-sized portions of energy to throw around.

As is, all of that matter and energy is just floating about nearby us and with no purpose.
How about we exploit Emotes dimension first. We kind of need all the mass in our solar system where it is to maintain interplanetary orbital cohesion. While I'm sure the entities have solved the three body problem, I don't think that will help us if we just remove Jupiter.
I don't exactly think consuming a dimension is quick or easy to do.

Also, we don't seem to need to do it right now. We've got plenty of energy and so forth.
So it'd be taking time away from other things. Let's put off consuming worlds until we have a reason to do so, or at least have finished making sure Zion doesn't recollect and mindwipe us before blowing them up anyway.
Omake Research: Stabilize Trigger
Here's my attempt at a research omake to help with Stabilize Trigger:

When trying to predict how the host will modify the Corona Gemma, the first step should be to map out the host's brain.
  • Taylor's Corona Pollentia is between the frontal and parietal lobes, a relatively common location for parahumans. This makes a lot of sense when taking into account her canon power.
  • The frontal lobe is in control of voluntary movement so Masters probably use the frontal lobe of their brain to control their minions. The parietal lobe puts together the information gathered from ALL of the senses, not just the five basic ones kids learn in school, and would be really helpful for interpreting bug senses.
  • Unfortunately, some of the possible consequences of damage to the frontal lobe also sounds familiar. Brain damage in the frontal lobe can result in loss of control over arms and other body parts as well as a lack of facial expression in response to emotions. Other possible consequences are reductions in the ability to plan ahead and make sound judgements.
  • So if you want to give Taylor a specific power, you should probably figure out a way to move the Corona Pollentia to the appropriate part of Taylor's brain WITHOUT causing her brain damage and then plan out how it can expand safely. It's especially tricky because young hosts tend to get "dimpling", where the Corona seems to have been pressed down into the brain. That doesn't sound safe at all...
  • This would probably work best if done ahead of time instead of during the actual trigger. Maybe you can ask Taylor about what type of power she'd prefer?
  • You can also use the mental model that you made from scanning Taylor's body to simulate the results from different locations, but that model includes any health issues that Taylor had at the time of the scan. Maybe it would be better to modify her to peak human first and then scan her again. Hmm...
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Sorry for the double-post, but no one else has posted in an hour.

I'm probably going to be asleep when the moratorium ends so I'm posting my preferred votes WITHOUT X's in hopes that someone else will like them and want to vote for them as well.

[ ] Stop messing with Charge for now - leave her alone.

We still need to finish sorting Charge's data so we should probably leave it alone until that's done.

Oh boy, I just realized that we don't have enough Brute data to start researching Basic Host Modification (Human). I'm going with my second choice of Stabilize Trigger because I'm still worried about Taylor triggering soon. We can pause it once we have enough Brute data, or maybe scanning Veronica will let us bypass that?

[ ] Plan "Get Stabilize Trigger BEFORE Taylor triggers"
-[ ] Start researching Stabilize Trigger.
-[ ] Continue researching Focussed Research.

[ ] Plan "A Start Towards Fixing Taylor"
-[ ] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
-[ ] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).
-[ ] Don't send Taylor a dream, but stop her nightmares so that she can rest peacefully.

Also, I tried to consolidate some of the earlier plans I came up with under one plan name.

[ ] Plan "Keep in Contact"
-[ ] Check in with Shift to make sure things are going well and reassure her that you haven't forgotten her.
--[ ] If she's upset that you didn't contact her yesterday, tell her it's because she's doing such a good job that she's becoming a more capable member of the pack.
-[ ] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
--[ ] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!
-[ ] Send Veronica a dream of her throwing a blast at someone that kills them because it was more powerful than expected.
--[ ] Hopefully, this inspires her to test out her powers safely.

I like encouraging Trainwreck to join another group instead of Coil, but I don't think that Uber & Leet are the best choice. They're best friends so Trainwreck would be the outsider. If Trainwreck out-Tinkers Leet, then Leet will be upset and Uber will probably take his side. Finally, Trainwreck doesn't know where they are. Another possibility is Faultline's Crew since she has taken in other Case 53s, has a well-known club where Trainwreck can contact her, and can hopefully support his Tinkering with revenues from the club. She seems like the type to appreciate having a Tinker on call.

[ ] Plan "Eat Prosthetic and Redirect Trainwreck"
-[ ] Eat Prosthetic and give Trainwreck useful Tinker powers with a limit of 160 Tinker info plus the Tinker info, if any, that Administrator gains from eating Prosthetic.
-[ ] Send Trainwreck dreams to encourage him to join Faultline's Crew.

I'm holding off on doing anything with the Travellers for now because I think it would be better to do the whole group at once. That might make them think that the changes are due to their current environment or the vials that they all drank instead of someone targeting them specifically.
Oh boy, I just realized that we don't have enough Brute data to start researching Basic Host Modification (Human). I'm going with my second choice of Stabilize Trigger because I'm still worried about Taylor triggering soon. We can pause it once we have enough Brute data, or maybe scanning Veronica will let us bypass that?

Did we spend brute data somewhere or did we just not start with any? That is concerning if we are very low on brute data.