[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

We want to get stable trigger and preferably stronger strigger and host modification to really amp her up. I don't want her to join the Wards, I want to tell her what's going down and hav me her be the centerpiece of KETTLEs public face, a new powerful team of heroes that can rival the Triumvirate.
Any preference on trigger timing?

I'll try to draw up an Omake tonight, which should hopefully knock out Human Biology. I'd like to use the single turn of Research to knock out Charge data, then see how much Thinker data we grab from Twin before deciding on whether to grab another Research branch and try to pop out three things at once.
Unless we are trying to push a trigger ASAP then we should be able to finish the human bio and the two trigger researches before Thanksgiving without omakes(outside of poor rolls) and even if we need an omake boost or two that would be more useful to do Thanksgiving week. Boosting focused research would do more to improving our ability to get research done thanks to bringing that online sooner.

Also for faster research 2, if we run low on info and are out of research only topics then we don't have to research 3 things. As it is though if each tier increases required research we are likely to always have research we can do that would use that third slot. However it is lower priority then then focused 1 and improved 1.
As for trigger timing, the date doesn't matter too much so long as she powerful without being crippingly traumatized.

The research could work like pregnancy. Where the birthing/trigger trauma is beyond imagination but rapidly fades in memory, or else why would any woman let herself get pregnant again? Taylor could remember the trauma but we could dull the emotional response related to it.
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Note on Taylor and Trigger Events: Keep in mind that one of the reasons that the Locker was extra-horrible was that the Trio had all but stopped bullying her prior to the Winter break.

Canon doesn't make this especially clear but I imagine the "cooloff period" would have been the entire month of December.

Given what's been happening with Sophia (and Emma) this may no longer be the case. I'm not so much saying the Locker won't happen, it's more that the "backing off" might not happen, with the possible exception of Sophia being functionally replaced by Madison over that time.

EDIT: Re: Research - you're getting drip-fed data from a number of Shards now, not just Shift (who is terrible at this). It won't be a lot, but you're in better shape than you were a few days ago.

EDIT2: Re: Triggers - playing for a 'strong Trigger' might end up being a waste of time assuming that you research the Trigger skill tree. You may wish to seriously consider the byplay between angling for a specific Trigger vs just going all the work yourself.
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As for trigger timing, the date doesn't matter too much so long as she powerful without being crippingly traumatized.
Date does matter for plotting research path if there is certain research we want done before then.

My two suggestions are Thanksgiving break (about 20 days) and winter break (about 45 to 50 days) to give her extended time off of school to get used to her powers.
Well so long as we get stronger trigger we can deal with that deal with less powerful trigger event. And so long as a trigger event doesn't come up before we have stronger stronger trigger, I don't care when we trigger her afterwards.

Is time to practice really a concern when we aren't pushing the conflict button and can in fact tell her that she should go make friends with New Wave and the Wards before getting into fights.

But Winter Break is better yes. Thanksgiving is probably too early.

Why would Madison be replacing Sophia, she's not the physical type. If Surveillance is egging her on we can talk to it.
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I mean we can probably tell shift to have Sophia ignore Taylor for a period of time/change her focus to another target to avoid early trigger events
Why would Madison be replacing Sophia, she's not the physical type. If Surveillance is egging her on we can talk to it.
While that isn't a bad plan, talking to Madison's Shard (when she's untriggered) won't help with Emma's decision to get alternate help if/when Sophia loses interest.

Emma may reach out to the outer circle (Julia, Alice) as well, it's just that Madison is the first person she'd ask in that case.

EDIT: Remember, as an undeployed Shard, Surveillance can't even view its Host.
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Oh yeah, forgot that. Well Shift isn't smart enough to understand complex commands but maybe if we explain exactly what we need it to do to help us trigger our host. We would then need to figure out how Shift could influence Sophia just right to keep things at a low simmer, and I'm just convincing myself this isn't going to work is it.
My two suggestions are Thanksgiving break (about 20 days) and winter break (about 45 to 50 days) to give her extended time off of school to get used to her powers.

We don't actually have much control over this. We can push a Trigger if we get the right circumstances, but with our Mothra-sized butterflies it's hard to say how things will turn out. We may end up having to ADC Coil to get her to Trigger, or, crazy thought, avoid Triggering her entirely and just push her towards being a normal, healthy Host.

Of course, knowing our luck, Sophia will somehow recruit an even worse person to head them and they'll Trigger Taylor extra hard.

Also for faster research 2, if we run low on info and are out of research only topics then we don't have to research 3 things. As it is though if each tier increases required research we are likely to always have research we can do that would use that third slot. However it is lower priority then then focused 1 and improved 1.

Look, I just really want Magic.

Considering no other Shard does anything with the data they collect, I'm not exactly sure why we're not just taking it all?
At least from the non-sapient ones. That would pay for a lot of things. I mean, we plan of eventually taking over the network anyway, right? The data's basically planned on being our already, might as well spend it.
Look, I just really want Magic.

Considering no other Shard does anything with the data they collect, I'm not exactly sure why we're not just taking it all?
At least from the non-sapient ones. That would pay for a lot of things. I mean, we plan of eventually taking over the network anyway, right? The data's basically planned on being our already, might as well spend it.
As long as I can get a list of wants from people and when they want them and if we can decide on a power set for Taylor I can figure out a research plan to accomadate that.
Considering no other Shard does anything with the data they collect, I'm not exactly sure why we're not just taking it all?

At least from the non-sapient ones. That would pay for a lot of things. I mean, we plan of eventually taking over the network anyway, right? The data's basically planned on being our already, might as well spend it.
The main risk here is that plan "GRAB ALL DATA NAOW" might, depending on how overt you are, attract Scion's attention.
I have an assist power suggestion:

[X] Manton Decree
-[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).
Amy could make her own sword. A living sword with a mind of its own.

Her own Samehada from Naruto would be fun :p. Heck, you know what is absolutely funny about this? That if it is sapient/sentient enough, it could receive a shard. If Dragon as an AI can, anything that is intelligent enough should be able as well.

To be fair though it may work with pretty much all Panacea's more intelligent creatures. And isn't that scary?

. . .
Now I want to grab magic, cross us over with Saberhagen's Sword series, and have her forge Soulcutter. Even though that is, objectively, the worst plan.

Now that you mention it, a very simply concept of Weapon summoning Trump would work based on fictional swords. Naruto, etc. Recently Magiswords is series with some ridiculous, while also versatile and/or strong sword concepts now.

S9 isn't a bad thing for us. It generates a lot of data.
However, S9 are opportunists, they don't attack cities unless everything's gone to fuck already in some way to make it easy.

In this case it's pretty much about how much you care about Valeria in this case.

The big issue with S9 is probably Broadcast, who's going to be an expert at shard infosecurity, given its role.

Or simply is really good at bribing and if this doesn't work, disrupting how other shard works, which is how Jack Slash is really, really hard to deal with for capes.

Its not really that iffy though. If you know large organizations, it looks more like perfect storm of self-interest and incomeptence. Looking at the invested parties:
-The school - They get extra budget from the PRT in exchange for the trouble, and as established they don't give a shit about the students. As such the easiest and most self-interested thing to do is to do nothing. They get paid anyway, and if they raise enough hell they have no illusions that transferring Sophia to another school would give the PRT any grief.

True, in big organizations this kind of oversight is pretty common, especially if bureaucracy is too complex. Only thing that makes me think that they should pay better attention to this situation is that Sophia is a cape with criminal history and they know that she is aggresive. Because if she does something under their noses and she gets caught, while it connects to them, then they are in trouble.

-The caseworker - Malice, laziness or incompetence? From what we've seen, Sophia is perfectly capable of keeping a front of playing along, as long as she gets to vent at some point. However, given the school's lack of giving a fuck the caseworker may have prioritized other situations like say, Vista's family breaking up since theres no fuss being made.

Personally the way I see it they shouldn't leave it to just one handler and teachers. She is as mentioned an aggresive cape on probation. With Stranger rating included in. Simply knowing this there should be more oversight on this. I suspect it may be a budget thing, but still, this could go in so many wrong ways. But maybe it's me simply trying to apply too much competence to this situation.

-The PRT - Piggot saw nothing amiss in the reports on her table, focused on the gangs instead. When the news broke a bunch of people probably got fired or their pay garnished, but Sophia was downright cooperative compared to say...Clockblocker and Kid Win. She was causing problems out of sight, but she's not the one bringing nuclear weaponry to a robbery or fouling up PR events for their own amusement.

This is ironically true as Kid Win and Clockblocker were in the end bigger troublemakers, at least when visible, compared to Sophia.

We don't actually have much control over this. We can push a Trigger if we get the right circumstances, but with our Mothra-sized butterflies it's hard to say how things will turn out. We may end up having to ADC Coil to get her to Trigger

In other words maybe it may be better to put FAR more limited timeline like 7 days and focus on what is absolute priority at the moment. Because I agree that SOMETHING bad may happen. Heck, wouldn't be this a potential gut punch when we are suddenly force to trigger because if we don't Taylor may for example die in random accident and we get something we completely don't want. Brockton Bay isn't a safe place.

crazy thought, avoid Triggering her entirely and just push her towards being a normal, healthy Host.

And I also wouldn't mind to see Taylor as a normal. Idea here may be to simply focus on improving Taylor biologically without any trigger. Slowly make her more healthy, smarter, etc. and nudge her towards learning new things.

In this case it would be turning Taylor into a 'badass normal'. Someone who is really smart and may simply pick her own career choice without powers. Heck, if she is good enough, turning Taylor into a mix of Green Arrow and Batman could be possible in the long run. Personally I wouldn't mind, but I suspect not many people would go for it.

But creating situation where Taylor is pretty much reduced to Slice of Life storyline, while we focus powers on others sounds fun. Also you mentioned Greg? Give him some power that may support others and make HIM help Taylor. I personally don't mind Greg as a character and fanon is REALLY extreme when it goes to his person. Let him prove that he cares, which could be a pretty interesting thing to read IMO.

Of course, knowing our luck, Sophia will somehow recruit an even worse person to head them and they'll Trigger Taylor extra hard.

In this case simply granting her enough power to simply beat them up to a pulp may be considered a justified self-defense. Because there are lines you simply don't cross. There is also supposed to be that 'trigger event defense' for someone who goes through it. If it would destroy reputation of Sophia, I would be all for it.

I'm going to be honest that if it weren't for Shift, I would straight up suggest to do research where we may hack computer systems, internet, etc. Hack her phones and release all evidence against her. I simply don't like Sophia as a character and her dissapearing from the story would be something I TOTALLY wouldn't mind. I don't want mindless brutality to fix a 'problem' but simply bring out so much heat on her head that she can't defend against it. And if Administrator would do it, then it would pretty much be really, REALLY hard to find out for anyone.

Look, I just really want Magic.

We need some dimensional research for this, right? So we find dimension(s) where Magic is in fact true.

I have an assist power suggestion:

[X] Manton Decree
-[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).

I may also have something. This one would focus on improving body of a host in the long run.

[X] From Zero to Hero: Peak Humanity
-[X] Trump 60 (I take 3 as absolute best humanity may possibly reach, but I think 40 would work as well): With this template hosts body slowly improves with each action commited by a host and maximize potential income of energy, proteins, etc. to make it as efficient as possible. Host simply doesn't waste anything with this template and reaches absolute peak of potential improvement standard human is capable of, both physically and mentally. Host with this template improves faster then it should be possible, but nothing on superhuman level and potential maximum which is possible by normal human standards would be considered 'genius level'.

I think this may work? I suspect Changer data could also work for this instead. But yeah, personally I find an idea of Taylor staying as normal, with possibly just a little help intriguing. And if she would end up not as combatant, but for example world class surgeon or something similar? From roleplaying point of view... it would be interesting IMO.
The main risk here is that plan "GRAB ALL DATA NAOW" might, depending on how overt you are, attract Scion's attention.

This is one reason I've so far only really suggested scrapping everything from broken Cauldron Shards, since we're obviously saving that data.
And I have no idea how much is too much, which is why I'm trying to play up that we're diagnosing and fixing issues right now. That way if Zion does notice us, we might get vague approval which can let us get away with more later.

Speaking of

[] Plan "Save the Data"
- Grab all data currency from Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap.
- Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap stream sense to you for more data collection.
- Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap send you the data they collect daily.

That should get us an okay pool of data, up our daily rates mildly, and stop Prosthetic from writing over what data it gets.

I wonder if Ash Beast is being treated as a power source here, in which case if we can contact him we could top up Vial Shard low on energy, which would let Twin run unrestricted for greater data gains.

Okay, speaking of Twin. Plans for Coil?
Assuming we ADC, what's our play?
- Stay a Villain? Coil, dastardly leader of KETTLE, the secret underground organization?
- Become a Hero? Gemini, leader of KETTLE, the new private response to the PRT?
- Become a Hero, join the Protectorate?
- Rejoin PRT, improve local branch, make them capable of standing on their own (since we know they are) while trying for that Directorship position?
- Play both sides? Coil's organization against KETTLE?

We need some dimensional research for this, right? So we find dimension(s) where Magic is in fact true.

Actually Magic and Dimensional are separate tech-trees. Apparently Magic exists here but the Entities are too uncreative to figure it out so have been ignoring it.
. . . There's not even an excuse for that.
Well I'm for replacing the blaster aspect entirely with tinker and refining the thinker. You'll just have to provide a better alternative and convince people to vote for it. What's your idea?

Basically I want to be lower key about this, from the looks of it Stansfield had a 2 slot power with low data counts. I'd say bring the counts up to the next hundred, make it a 400-600 data power overall, and add the multi-tasking, and maybe a simple tinker power for the armor.
Coil's organization can't go full hero, he's committed too many crimes and been too awful a person. We can try to rebrand him and scrub as much of his past as possible but no matter how good we think we are, someone will have dirt us. So vigilante at best, with Taylor aware that we're controlling it so we can coordinate.

Or, we bring Tattletale in and have her take over the organization with Coil taking a back seat.

Or we use host modification to change Coils body entirely so he just disappears, and we appear as someone new.

We could join the heroes as him, but again Cauldron would notice something was up and there would be a lot of loose ends. To go full protectorate we would have to use body mod, and change the power so Cauldron overlooks us.

It it that a host can have multiple powers but only 1000 data total right? And that's pushing it. Or is it multiple powers that can each go up to 1000? That's doesnt sound right.

And I don't like giving Valiant only enough tinker to maintain an armor. That's just.... ughh. Boring. Like I don't want to get caught but the whole point of a quest is to have fun with it. Emotional Magitech Knight and disco ball rapid fire is just more interesting.
and maybe a simple tinker power for the armor.

I'd like a strong enough Tinker ability that she could, in theory, devise a way to use Vicky's aura to power say a stun Blaster or something.
Or maybe use her as a battery to let the non-flying members of New Wave fly with Veronica's tech.

Coil's organization can't go full hero, he's committed too many crimes and been too awful a person. We can try to rebrand him and scrub as much of his past as possible but no matter how good we think we are, someone will have dirt us

If we went Hero, I'd expected us to separate him entirely from Coil. Like they were two entirely different people. Considering no one knows Coil's powers, this wouldn't be too hard, really.

Since we'd have to set up a whole new organization, i figure keeping Coil's group around as a foil isn't too bad, but juggling the two may cause issues, so maybe we'd want to avoid that and just let Coil disappear. Either that or take down Coil's group and set up someone like Creep to take a fatal fall as Coil.
Since we'd have to set up a whole new organization, i figure keeping Coil's group around as a foil isn't too bad, but juggling the two may cause issues, so maybe we'd want to avoid that and just let Coil disappear. Either that or take down Coil's group and set up someone like Creep to take a fatal fall as Coil.
We could use him to out a bunch of the gangs, specifically Kaiser, if it gets out that Max Anders is Kaiser his gang will be crippled as they loose the support of a major pharmaceutical company.
Re: Coil. Assuming that you consume Twin, there's nothing you can't do with time and research. You could alter any and all of Thomas' mind, body, and power(s).

Shards won't care because he's just a Host. Humans won't know what happened. Your main risk to using Coil to make a new character is, possibly, Cauldron would wonder what happened. But Administrator isn't very vulnerable to Thinker powers as it is.

Further research could make you all but immune to Host/Power-based Thinking.
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I'd like a strong enough Tinker ability that she could, in theory, devise a way to use Vicky's aura to power say a stun Blaster or something.
Or maybe use her as a battery to let the non-flying members of New Wave fly with Veronica's tech.

Isn't Vicky's aura already a stun blast for most intents and purposes? And Gallant already able to mimic it with hisher beams?
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So set up Creep as Coil, out most of the villains and then have him die like a chump while we alter Coil into a new form. That could work. I'd want to keep Purity and the Undersiders separate.

We could keep the power, buff it maybe, and turn him into a platypus that Taylor keeps as a pet. No one would ever have to know that her pet Perry was save scumming for her.

So look, I don't want to half-ass Valiants power. Either we buff the blaster to Bullet Hell or we replace it with emotional tinker.

Either way I say we buff the thinker power and add multitasking to everything. But we'd have to steal Blaster data from someone. Shift would give it to us I suppose, and Gregor is technically a blaster.

But please, no "he can only maintain his armor." That's boring.
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