[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Ducats maybe after we explain the necessity of a trigger we giver her the option of removing the memory instead of just doing it? We shouldn't act like we're deciding things for her. We don't want to just be another person denying her agency.
True, the worry is that we will not be able to impress upon her how much triggers suck. Other than maybe saying that triggers are so bad that they twist the victim into a sick parody of themself, but that would not be true even if it is the correct magnitude.

Ultimatly you do bring up a good point that should be taken into consideration. So the best we can do is fully inform her and cross our fingers that she goes the minimal trauma route.
Adhoc vote count started by Ducats on Jan 10, 2019 at 9:59 PM, finished with 45 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    -[X] Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    -[X] Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
    --[X] Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol
    [X] Human Biology
    [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    -[X] Continue previous research
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    -[X] Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
    -[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.
    [X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
    -[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
    -[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.
    [X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
    -[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
    -[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.
    [X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
    -[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.
    [X] Ducat's Plans
    [X] Focused Research 1
    [X] Focused Research 1
    -[X] Add 100 points (PurposefulZephyr)
    [X] Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
    -[X] 4 hours of data analysis
    -[X] Contemplate viability of separating the sapient shard from the non-sapient shard and repairing them
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers.I am contacting you because you are one of the potential people who I will give powers and I think the current way that my kind operates are unacceptable and would like to give you a better chance"
    [x] Plan Redshirt
    [x] Focussed Research 1
    [X] Taylor Plan, Ducats: First contact from beyond the stars
    -[X] Avatar: An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
    --[X] Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
    ---[X] The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
    -[X] Taylor appears inside a big library, it stretches as far as can be seen.
    --[X] The library is filled to the brim with all we know from all the cycles, but all the books that are labeled as the Administrator's property can't be opened.
    ---[X] When she tries to open one and fails, a carbuncle (creature) approaches her and tells her
    ----[X] "Those books belong the Administrator, if you want to read them you will have to ask them for permission. If you would follow me I will lead you to them"
    -----[X] As the Carbuncle leads Taylor through the library they will pass griffins sorting the shelves. They will soon arrive in a corridor with walls that are shelves filled with books and a lot of them are labeled as belonging to Taylor, at the end of the corridor is a door with "Administrator" written on it. When they arrive in front of it, the Carbuncle will tell Taylor to wait a little.
    ------[X] If Taylor gets interested in the books with her name on it and begins to read one, the wait will be a few minutes.
    -------[X] After the short wait a voice much like her own will tell them to come in.
    --------[X] When the door opens the Administrator sits behind a desk working on a computer and at the feet of the desk there are two pet beds, one of them have a platypus in it. On the walls there will be pictures that are almost real enough to be a portal into the pictures, they will depict the arrival of Scion. the death of Hero. Behemoth rising. Lung at Kyushu. the Simurgh descending. Ellisburg. Eagleton. Jack Slash. The Triumvirate in action. The chains of Dragon. The creation of a case 53. Goddess in the midst of conquest (Thanks Gino).
    ---------[X] As Taylor enters the room the Administrator looks up, moves the computer screen to the side and greets her.
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers. As you might have noticed on these walls are the moments that define this age of parahumans, forever immortalized here ignorant to the march of time. Taylor the reason you are here is because this is such a moment. We have much to discuss, please make yourself comfortable."
    -----------[X] Explain how we are from a species that give out powers so they can research what they do. Explain how our species looks at everything from the lens of conflict and that this is imprinted onto those that they bond with and is likely one of the big causes behind the chaos that parahumans bring. Tell her how our greater ability to understand her species makes us able to see the world beyond that perspective.
    ------------[X] Begin talking about we would like to have her assistance in unfucking her world.
    -------------[X] Offer her powers after explaining what a trigger event is and why it is necessary to give her powers and how she is already on the trajectory towards a trigger. Explain how we will have to seal her memories of talking with us when she is awake and has not experienced a trigger, but also offer to talk with her when she is asleep. Also inform her that if she accepts we will erase her memories of the day she triggers and give a report on what happened, explain that it is to minimize trauma on her side.
    --------------[X] If she accepts, continue to converse with her until we have to go
    --------------[X] If she does not accept send her on her way and wish her luck
    ---------------[X] Lead Danny to her bully journals
    [x] Spend an hour sorting through Charge's data. Don't eat Charge until you've sorted through the whole thing - best to understand what the heck's up with the conjoined evil twin first, lest you end up with your own parasite.
    [x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
    -[x] Ask Prosthetic, Audible, and Emote for full diagnostics reports.
    [x] Keep housetraining Shift. Return most of its data already sorted, then ask Shift to try sorting the last five or so pieces of Information itself. Praise it on success, and be understanding and supportive if it makes a mistake.
    -[x] Ask for an initial report on how the new aggression factor has worked out. Dispense praise/headpats if it went well.
    [x] Talk to Gaia. See if/how your little plan worked out. If you can, get a play-by-play so you can provide emergency advice if/when things go horribly wrong.
    -[x] Contact the other Shards of involved people and monitor the trainwreck through that angle as well.
    [x] Contact Lightforge and Lightshell, and check on their sentience status. If appropriate, ask for addresses.
    [x] Communicate with Taylor in dreams.
    -[x] This is just a "proof-of-concept", to see what communicating with her is like and to test your ability to shape dreams.
    -[x] Don't reveal anything specific yet, at all.
    -[x] Take the form of a platypus, and claim you are a powerful being taking an interest in her affairs. Ask her what her life is like, and provide useful advice for her problems as appropriate.
    [x] Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
    [X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
    -[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
    -[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
    -[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.
Time for more guesses about Shard addresses! It looks like Frozen-Alabaster is not a Cauldron Shard. Maybe Victor will be. I'm hoping for at least one or two villain shards other than Trainwreck and the Travellers.
Mount. Elements, I have bad news for you - you probably know about as much about canon as I do. There simply aren't many Villainous Eden Shard Parahumans around Brockton Bay at this time. All of those Merchant vials haven't happened yet. And the Ambassadors are still hanging around Boston.

If you want Vial Villains, you're going to need to hit either Coil, Trainwreck, the Travellers, or Faultline's crew. Them's your choices.

Side notes:
1) I up and forgot to include Oliver. Like, I forgot the character existed. Oops?
2) This is a Shard List, not a Parahuman list. Gaea has been in touch with non-Triggered Shards. This is why Browbeat and Dinah are in there. Don't get tunnel-visioned into only looking for existing Capes.
Since we've figured out most of the villains with Cauldron Shards, I'm going to go ahead and vote:

[X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
-[X] Continue previous research

[X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
-[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.

[X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
-[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
-[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.

[X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
-[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
-[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.

[X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
-[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.

[X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
-[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
-[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
-[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.
Hmm, reading the Negotiator section again, I think its aiming to basically be the Grand Vizer to our Queen?

...or is Administrator not the only isekai'ed person?
[Plan/Update - Data Collection 57] [Remove/Conflict Drive][Apply/Teamwork Drive][Apply/Wolfpack-Beta Protocols]

[Shift - Compliance! Error - Wolfpack-Beta Protocols Missing]

Right, right, you have to get to that. Hang on Shift! It's happening!

[Protocols/Wolfpack-Beta - Satisfaction_Criteria/Self_Resource_Gain, Satisfaction_Criteria/Pack_Resource_Gain == 100% - Satisfaction_Criteria/Self_Resource_Loss, Satisfaction_Criteria/Pack_Resource_Loss == 0% - Satisfaction_Criteria/Host_Critical_Damage == 0%]

[Shift - Compliance! Protocols/Update]

Maybe you were a programmer as a Human? This shouldn't be as much fun as it is. You've essentially rewired Sophia's normal Parahuman 'fight' drive into more of a 'hug your friends, and make more, as long as no one gets hurt' drive. Kind of. It's complicated even for you but you're sure you accomplished everything you set out to do.
Funny thing, but guy who wrote this scheme is a programmer :p
Ok, I am bound and determined to at least match the known capes with Shard addresses. Here are the capes we haven't matched up yet:

Aegis - Not Alternate
Oni Lee - Not Alternate or Safeguard
Ballistic - Not Frictionless or Tracer
Genesis - Not Control
Night - Not Surveillance or Transform
Purity - Not Destroyer
Rune - Not Control
Spitfire - Not Starheart


And here are the unmatched Shard addresses:


Alternate - Genesis
Chemical - Spitfire
Control - Parian
Destroyer - Night
Reconstitute - Aegis
Singular - Oni Lee
Starheart - Purity
Surveillance - Imp
Tracer - Rune
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Hmm, reading the Negotiator section again, I think its aiming to basically be the Grand Vizer to our Queen?

...or is Administrator not the only isekai'ed person?
That's a fantastic question! As I've said before, a big part of this quest is asking the right questions. Even when you've got it all wrong, thinking outside-the-box is very helpful.

Ok, I am bound and determined to at least match the known capes with Shard addresses. Here are the capes we haven't matched up yet:
In all seriousness, Mount. Elements, you're making me feel bad :/

The task of "figure out all the Parahumans" was supposed to take 10 people 30 days. You're kind of overachieving a bit?
Uh...wouldn't Destroyer be Bakuda?
Night is the Breaker Brute who must be unseen. More likely to be Transform. They come together with Fog
Right, one Omake per chapter. Gotcha. Can expect to see that from me going forward.
Of course, this means if all of us pitched in we could breeze through some of these fairly fast.
Distributed computing FTW.

As for dreams. . .
Should we be contacting her this early, or trying a few dreams without direct contact to try and help her deal with her issues first?
Heal her issue with her dad, maybe address her issues with authority? A nightmare about Emma having a situation like the one that cause their split in canon but different enough not to seem like powers, that would let her see why she's acting the way she is? I'd rather prime her to be ready. Although dealing with her isolation might lower her chances of Triggering. Bah. Empathy.exe is inefficient to our goals. Why are we running it, again?

Although I do like the idea of talking to her about powers, letting her negotiate a choice in her powerset would likely go a long way to both getting her to help us and helping us decide how to vote for her powers and thus what info we can spend and what we need to keep.

Vis a Vis Research
Ugh. I really, really want that Charge data sorted. Because the sooner we can diagnose the issues with Charge, the sooner we can attempt repairs and manage Cauldron Shards. I'd really like to fix High Priest, for example, so it's not ruining the already broken Cycle by having Conflict Engines running around destroying society way too fast. The Cycle is supposed to last for another two hundred orbital periods. Granted, this is only one instance of data farming, but c'mon guys. It's the one our Host is on. Do this shit somewhere else.

Also, I really want Magic. As in, every time we get a free slot I'm voting on it. We've got a lot of options here. Magical Girls; Yer a Wizard, Taylor; Tinker Rangers; or we could try a Saberhagen's Twelve Swords of Power (I really don't suggest this plan).

On Cauldron Shards
Okay, I vote we eat them. We can save their data, bud them back off later.
The Host for Twin is terrible and needs to be. . . well, not stopped. We could really use him gathering data. But maybe smacked around with some dreams about Contessa showing up to at least tweak his plans to be less terrible. And I don't mean less evil, I mean less stupid. This man has obviously never read The Prince. "Still, a prince should make himself feared in such a way that if he does not gain love, he at any rate avoids hatred; for fear and the absence of hatred may well go together. . ."

I suggest a data plan. We ping every shard, ask for detailed diagnostics. Every non-sapient shard we take all their data. Once we understand Charge's data we eat Twin, process and repair them, try to bud them back off. If the process works we just do every broken Shard like that. Probably need to grab Stabilize Trigger and Modify Human before we release Clone, though, so we can dump them out with built-in orders to fix that shit. It's like no one else knows how to read a Host calendar around here. Hurrying up the broken Cycle that probably can't complete isn't going to help anything, am I right?
I still think the conversation is too abrupt and casual, like we're rushing through it. But otherwise your plan is alright Ducats. I feel we're going to come off almost like a dork.
Also we shouldn't share senses until Taylor's actually triggered, that's kind of a big give way that we're doing something off.
Last edited:
I up and forgot to include Oliver. Like, I forgot the character existed. Oops?
Isn't Oliver the same as Noelle since they shared a Vial and got broken powers as a result?

Also, I imagine Control is Heartbreaker (received through Coopt), Fluff is Parian, Reconstitute for Oni Lee (He's remaking himself, which is why quick transition where he blows up the old one damages his mind), Alternate for Night (Cause she has an Alternate Form, right?), I'd guess Safeguard for Genesis since according to WoG (which may or may not apply, I hold no stock in WoG) the Siberian has the same Shard, I guess maybe Transform or variation for Aegis since his body'd redundancies could fall under that. Could Systematize be Accord?

I'd actually guess Singular for Bakuda, since all her devices get a single use. Destroyer might be Flashbang? Since he destroys the orbs he creates for explosive effect? So unless Ballistic is Control, I got nuthin' on him.
Right, one Omake per chapter. Gotcha. Can expect to see that from me going forward.
Of course, this means if all of us pitched in we could breeze through some of these fairly fast.
Distributed computing FTW.

As for dreams. . .
Should we be contacting her this early, or trying a few dreams without direct contact to try and help her deal with her issues first?
Heal her issue with her dad, maybe address her issues with authority? A nightmare about Emma having a situation like the one that cause their split in canon but different enough not to seem like powers, that would let her see why she's acting the way she is? I'd rather prime her to be ready. Although dealing with her isolation might lower her chances of Triggering. Bah. Empathy.exe is inefficient to our goals. Why are we running it, again?

Although I do like the idea of talking to her about powers, letting her negotiate a choice in her powerset would likely go a long way to both getting her to help us and helping us decide how to vote for her powers and thus what info we can spend and what we need to keep.

Vis a Vis Research
Ugh. I really, really want that Charge data sorted. Because the sooner we can diagnose the issues with Charge, the sooner we can attempt repairs and manage Cauldron Shards. I'd really like to fix High Priest, for example, so it's not ruining the already broken Cycle by having Conflict Engines running around destroying society way too fast. The Cycle is supposed to last for another two hundred orbital periods. Granted, this is only one instance of data farming, but c'mon guys. It's the one our Host is on. Do this shit somewhere else.

Also, I really want Magic. As in, every time we get a free slot I'm voting on it. We've got a lot of options here. Magical Girls; Yer a Wizard, Taylor; Tinker Rangers; or we could try a Saberhagen's Twelve Swords of Power (I really don't suggest this plan).

On Cauldron Shards
Okay, I vote we eat them. We can save their data, bud them back off later.
The Host for Twin is terrible and needs to be. . . well, not stopped. We could really use him gathering data. But maybe smacked around with some dreams about Contessa showing up to at least tweak his plans to be less terrible. And I don't mean less evil, I mean less stupid. This man has obviously never read The Prince. "Still, a prince should make himself feared in such a way that if he does not gain love, he at any rate avoids hatred; for fear and the absence of hatred may well go together. . ."

I suggest a data plan. We ping every shard, ask for detailed diagnostics. Every non-sapient shard we take all their data. Once we understand Charge's data we eat Twin, process and repair them, try to bud them back off. If the process works we just do every broken Shard like that. Probably need to grab Stabilize Trigger and Modify Human before we release Clone, though, so we can dump them out with built-in orders to fix that shit. It's like no one else knows how to read a Host calendar around here. Hurrying up the broken Cycle that probably can't complete isn't going to help anything, am I right?
I like sending the dreams slowly as a type of foreshadowing and to help Taylor figure out her issues. Later on, we can tell Taylor that Administrator was the one who sent those dreams. She'll probably still trigger because changing her viewpoint doesn't stop stuff like being the sole target in a food fight and being shoved into a locker, but helping Taylor and then revealing what's going on should work better than just blindsiding her.

I really want the Stronger Trigger tree as soon as possible because I don't want to have to skip over too many possible Trigger events or wait for the "strongest" Trigger event possibility. Focused Research speeds up a current research project by a dice roll every time. Both are really good research options that I don't want to pause. I'd be willing to sort Charge's data AFTER we finish Focused Research though. I don't think it's that urgent when we're likely to eat the Cauldron Shards. We can just hold off on eating Charge until the data is sorted. We can still eat the Shards for Trainwreck, the Travellers, Gregor, Newter, Coil, Triumph, and Gallant. I just want to test it out on Trainwreck's Shard beforehand in case of any unexpected side effects on the host. He's the one least likely to be missed, and he's a villain so I don't feel bad if things go wrong.

The only concern I have about pinging every Shard is it feels like we're trying to fit too much into one chapter. I don't want us to make Vhaldictes write a 10,000-word chapter with every Shard's responses.
I'd be willing to sort Charge's data AFTER we finish Focused Research though.
Fair plays. I just don't want it put off too long.
Of course, if enough of us would do some research we could probably finish off Basic Human Biology and invest in Charge for the next one. I just don't want to eat a Cauldron Vial and not be able to fix and bud if it we need to later if the Shard wasn't a bad . . . person?
Then again, we'd probably be fine eating them and deconstructing and repairing their mind in an instance of us. If you want to start with one to look it over, that's fine. I don't think the Host should have any issues, though. Everything the QM has said we just take over the duties of Administrating their power but it continues to work the same unless we specifically renegotiate their powers (could that fix Noelle) or intentionally orphan them. The biggest issue we'll likely have is deciding what order and how many to consume at any one time. I imagine fixing them will cut into our other activities.

We probably shouldn't ping every Shard right now, of course, I just would like a plan that involved working through it. Maybe hitting three or four every Story update? Probably best to start with Vial Shards since they're likely broken. And we can just om nom them for data.

Oliver is a changer-stranger-thinker, he gains skills rapidly, and slowly shifts to look different, but still human.
If you mean his power isn't broken, I don't believe he has much control over his looks shifting, either, it's just not as Negative as Noelle's.
Which if he got the aspects designed to control the other part of the power, well. . .

Huh. If we ate them both, would we be able to correct the connect issues and have their powers equal out and match?
See that's not actually an argument, plenty of zion shards will keep control of the sliders on their gifted powers, Lung for example, or canon taylor's range thing.

Oliver is not the same as Noelle, that's all that I was clarifying.

Whether his power is broken or not I don't know.
If you mean his power isn't broken, I don't believe he has much control over his looks shifting, either, it's just not as Negative as Noelle's.
Which if he got the aspects designed to control the other part of the power, well. . .

Huh. If we ate them both, would we be able to correct the connect issues and have their powers equal out and match?
Are Shard people too? Even the ones whose minds are mutilated and/or missing? That isn't a leading question, this is something that you could seriously consider.

Re: Noelle - 'fixing' her power isn't as simple as you might think, but it is possible. This comes back to 'anything but not everything'.

Actually, I'm going to come out and give some advice. You are really smart, and you can see the cost scaling as well as a good idea of what's in each research branch. You also know very roughly how much time you have before you need to act.

You should come up with a collective longer term research plan. Not for voting, just for discussion.

Because then you'll be able to better predict what your future self is going to be good at.

Which will, in turn, inform you as to the best way to approach your problems. Right now, to me, it looks like you're stuck somewhere in the middle between 'administration / awesome parahuman pets' and 'direct control / magic psychic Shard monster'.

Those are both good ideas, but there's not a ton of synergy between them so you don't want to end up in the middle of both.

Edit: Being a successful 'wide research' Shard doesn't mean 'take the first level of every tree', it means 'take the first level in about half the trees because those work together'.
Last edited:
Everyone (including myself) is going to stop bracketing Shard names and simply capitalize them instead.
Hah, I never bothered :p

[] Power Plan Magical Girl
-[] Master 10 - Small fluffy animal projection. Destructible, offensively harmless, but respawns some time after dispersal.
--[] Thinker 40 - Capable of analyzing tactics and information, which is verbally relayed to the Master
-[] Breaker 50 - Magical girl transformation. Able to store a maximum of 48 hours of transformation, recharging 1 hour per hour spent untransformed. Below Powers available only in transformed state, augmented by Breaker data.
--[] Brute 100 - Invulnerability to damage while transformed, Each time damage that would kill the untransformed host would be taken, reduce remaining duration of transformation by an hour instead.
--[] Blaster 100 - Colorful beams of concussive force carrying an emotional payload.
Power list updated.
Long-term research plans...I've been trying to focus on the short-term in hopes that we could figure out the long-term stuff later, but I guess it would be better to discuss it now. I prefer to empower Taylor and Administrator instead of creating a bunch of hosts. Giving out powers costs a fair amount of info each time for a good power, and I'd like to instead get Basic Magic Theory, Stranger Danger, and Shadows on the Wall. We don't need Multi-Host in order to let the hosts of eaten Shards keep their powers, and we can work with other Shards like Gaea and hopefully Negotiator.

In the medium-term, I'd like to get Memetic Proxy Filtering for defense against memetic hazards and Administrative Archaeology to figure out the information Administrator is supposed to already know. I just don't want researching Memetic Proxy Filtering to slow down the Stronger Trigger tree research. Improved Research also sounds useful if we can find a source for Thinker info.

I want to solve the puzzle of the parahumans without Shard addresses so here's a couple of new guesses.

Destroyer - Ballistic
Safeguard - Imp
Systematize - Dragon

Also, I think The_GrandMage edited his post after I first read it. @Vhalidictes, were all of these wrong, or did you read the post before it was edited?
Also, I imagine Control is Heartbreaker (received through Coopt), Fluff is Parian, Reconstitute for Oni Lee (He's remaking himself, which is why quick transition where he blows up the old one damages his mind), Alternate for Night (Cause she has an Alternate Form, right?), I'd guess Safeguard for Genesis since according to WoG (which may or may not apply, I hold no stock in WoG) the Siberian has the same Shard, I guess maybe Transform or variation for Aegis since his body'd redundancies could fall under that. Could Systematize be Accord?

I'd actually guess Singular for Bakuda, since all her devices get a single use. Destroyer might be Flashbang? Since he destroys the orbs he creates for explosive effect? So unless Ballistic is Control, I got nuthin' on him.
[X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
-[X] Continue previous research

[X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
-[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.

[X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
-[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
-[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.

[X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
-[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
-[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.

[X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
-[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.

[X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
-[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
-[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
-[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.

Changed vote because this looks good.
Fair plays. I just don't want it put off too long.
Of course, if enough of us would do some research we could probably finish off Basic Human Biology and invest in Charge for the next one. I just don't want to eat a Cauldron Vial and not be able to fix and bud if it we need to later if the Shard wasn't a bad . . . person?
Then again, we'd probably be fine eating them and deconstructing and repairing their mind in an instance of us. If you want to start with one to look it over, that's fine. I don't think the Host should have any issues, though. Everything the QM has said we just take over the duties of Administrating their power but it continues to work the same unless we specifically renegotiate their powers (could that fix Noelle) or intentionally orphan them. The biggest issue we'll likely have is deciding what order and how many to consume at any one time. I imagine fixing them will cut into our other activities.
While I know that in the end, the host should be ok, Shards are huge, the source of powers, and connected to the brain. If Administrator takes 10 hours to eat Prosthetic, will Trainwreck not have access to his powers during that time? Will he be unconcious from strange signals being sent to his brain? I don't want to risk putting a hero in danger during the consumption process so I'd like to test it out on a villain's Shard first.

I'm hoping that Prosthetic won't be sympathetic or a human-mind-in-Shard-body, but that's why I voted to get the diagnostic report before we decide to eat it in case of unexpected issues.

Also, the Stronger Trigger tree takes 2,700 Research, which is at least a month normally depending on regular dice rolls. After we finish off Basic Human Biology, we need to jump right into Stabilize Trigger. I don't think there's an urgent research project after Focussed Research though so it would be ok to sort Charge's data after finishing that one.
Are Shard people too? Even the ones whose minds are mutilated and/or missing? That isn't a leading question, this is something that you could seriously consider.
I see Shards as people but not ones with human mindsets. I wouldn't consider a human eating another human to be acceptable except in the most dire of survival situations, but a Shard eating another Shard that's damaged and unrepairable without spending a ton of resources is acceptable. If Charge is a human-mind-in-Shard-body, then we should try to save her. If she's a Shard, then she's aberrant, insane, severly damaged, and uncooperative so she's probably better off if we eat her.
I can go for having Taylor be our number one agent. But in that case, I want her to be really op indeed. If we're not putting together a team she'll need to be able to punch up. Triumvirate weight class at least, for a vertical build. Horizontally we could put a team together with synergistic powers, ie the Taylor/Amy combo.

Imagine if We second triggered Uber so he could convert Leet's tinkertech into real tech

Imagine if Tattletale had a teammate with the sensate queen power to feed her information. (Not Taylor)

Stuff like that

If we want to save shards then we'll have to invest down Shadows on the Wall and archeology
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 11, 2019 at 9:21 AM, finished with 63 posts and 6 votes.

  • [x] Plan Redshirt
    [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    -[X] Continue previous research
    [X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
    -[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.
    [X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
    -[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
    -[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.
    [X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
    -[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
    -[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.
    [X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
    -[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.
    [X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
    -[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
    -[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
    -[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.
    [x] Focussed Research 1
    [x] Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
    [x] Communicate with Taylor in dreams.
    -[x] This is just a "proof-of-concept", to see what communicating with her is like and to test your ability to shape dreams.
    -[x] Don't reveal anything specific yet, at all.
    -[x] Take the form of a platypus, and claim you are a powerful being taking an interest in her affairs. Ask her what her life is like, and provide useful advice for her problems as appropriate.
    [x] Contact Lightforge and Lightshell, and check on their sentience status. If appropriate, ask for addresses.
    [x] Talk to Gaia. See if/how your little plan worked out. If you can, get a play-by-play so you can provide emergency advice if/when things go horribly wrong.
    -[x] Contact the other Shards of involved people and monitor the trainwreck through that angle as well.
    [x] Keep housetraining Shift. Return most of its data already sorted, then ask Shift to try sorting the last five or so pieces of Information itself. Praise it on success, and be understanding and supportive if it makes a mistake.
    -[x] Ask for an initial report on how the new aggression factor has worked out. Dispense praise/headpats if it went well.
    [x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
    -[x] Ask Prosthetic, Audible, and Emote for full diagnostics reports.
    [x] Spend an hour sorting through Charge's data. Don't eat Charge until you've sorted through the whole thing - best to understand what the heck's up with the conjoined evil twin first, lest you end up with your own parasite.
    [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    -[X] Continue previous research
    [X] Taylor Plan, Ducats: First contact from beyond the stars
    -[X] Avatar: An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
    --[X] Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
    ---[X] The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
    -[X] Taylor appears inside a big library, it stretches as far as can be seen.
    --[X] The library is filled to the brim with all we know from all the cycles, but all the books that are labeled as the Administrator's property can't be opened.
    ---[X] When she tries to open one and fails, a carbuncle (creature) approaches her and tells her
    ----[X] "Those books belong the Administrator, if you want to read them you will have to ask them for permission. If you would follow me I will lead you to them"
    -----[X] As the Carbuncle leads Taylor through the library they will pass griffins sorting the shelves. They will soon arrive in a corridor with walls that are shelves filled with books and a lot of them are labeled as belonging to Taylor, at the end of the corridor is a door with "Administrator" written on it. When they arrive in front of it, the Carbuncle will tell Taylor to wait a little.
    ------[X] If Taylor gets interested in the books with her name on it and begins to read one, the wait will be a few minutes.
    -------[X] After the short wait a voice much like her own will tell them to come in.
    --------[X] When the door opens the Administrator sits behind a desk working on a computer and at the feet of the desk there are two pet beds, one of them have a platypus in it. On the walls there will be pictures that are almost real enough to be a portal into the pictures, they will depict the arrival of Scion. the death of Hero. Behemoth rising. Lung at Kyushu. the Simurgh descending. Ellisburg. Eagleton. Jack Slash. The Triumvirate in action. The chains of Dragon. The creation of a case 53. Goddess in the midst of conquest (Thanks Gino).
    ---------[X] As Taylor enters the room the Administrator looks up, moves the computer screen to the side and greets her.
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers. As you might have noticed on these walls are the moments that define this age of parahumans, forever immortalized here ignorant to the march of time. Taylor the reason you are here is because this is such a moment. We have much to discuss, please make yourself comfortable."
    -----------[X] Explain how we are from a species that give out powers so they can research what they do. Explain how our species looks at everything from the lens of conflict and that this is imprinted onto those that they bond with and is likely one of the big causes behind the chaos that parahumans bring. Tell her how our greater ability to understand her species makes us able to see the world beyond that perspective.
    ------------[X] Begin talking about we would like to have her assistance in unfucking her world.
    -------------[X] Offer her powers after explaining what a trigger event is and why it is necessary to give her powers and how she is already on the trajectory towards a trigger. Explain how we will have to seal her memories of talking with us when she is awake and has not experienced a trigger, but also offer to talk with her when she is asleep. Also inform her that if she accepts we will erase her memories of the day she triggers and give a report on what happened, explain that it is to minimize trauma on her side.
    --------------[X] If she accepts, continue to converse with her until we have to go
    --------------[X] If she does not accept send her on her way and wish her luck
    ---------------[X] Lead Danny to her bully journals
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    -[X] Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    -[X] Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    -[X] Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
    --[X] Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol
    [X] Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
    -[X] 4 hours of data analysis
    -[X] Contemplate viability of separating the sapient shard from the non-sapient shard and repairing them
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers.I am contacting you because you are one of the potential people who I will give powers and I think the current way that my kind operates are unacceptable and would like to give you a better chance"
    [X] Focused Research 1
    -[X] Add 100 points (PurposefulZephyr)
    [X] Human Biology
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    -[X] Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    -[X] Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    -[X] Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
    --[X] Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol
    [X] Focused Research 1
    [X] Human Biology
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As for dreams. . .
Should we be contacting her this early, or trying a few dreams without direct contact to try and help her deal with her issues first?
Heal her issue with her dad, maybe address her issues with authority? A nightmare about Emma having a situation like the one that cause their split in canon but different enough not to seem like powers, that would let her see why she's acting the way she is? I'd rather prime her to be ready. Although dealing with her isolation might lower her chances of Triggering. Bah. Empathy.exe is inefficient to our goals. Why are we running it, again?

Although I do like the idea of talking to her about powers, letting her negotiate a choice in her powerset would likely go a long way to both getting her to help us and helping us decide how to vote for her powers and thus what info we can spend and what we need to keep.

I don't think that sending her dreams will be very effective in helping Taylor. She will likely take it as her feeling guilty about not interacting with Danny and then become more depressed as she becomes more aware of how disconnected they are from each other, Instead of Taylor actually fixing the problem. I think that is more likely since Taylor is very much the director of her own misery as we see in canon, but also from what we see in the relationship between her and Danny where she just retracts into herself when he reaches out to her.

So I think we need to metaphorically sweep her of her feet and show her how to live a happier life. That is why I made my vote like that so we could pull her into our world and show her the ropes, us being her mentor bit is important so we have a role that allows us to guide her, if we don't, we risk what happens in canon where Taylor threatens the Undersiders into not helping her.

I still think the conversation is too abrupt and casual, like we're rushing through it. But otherwise your plan is alright Ducats. I feel we're going to come off almost like a dork.
Also we shouldn't share senses until Taylor's actually triggered, that's kind of a big give way that we're doing something off.

Yeah, I am not the best at writing dialogue, but I think it is important to both baffle her by taking her into our world and show her the mysteries, so that she will be uncertain of what to do, but also pulling the curtains apart after showing her a hint of mystery and wonder.

If anyone have any suggestions to what can be done to improve the dialogue and atmosphere just post it and I will look into it if it fits what I am trying to do with the dream and conversation. Thanks in advance!

I like sending the dreams slowly as a type of foreshadowing and to help Taylor figure out her issues. Later on, we can tell Taylor that Administrator was the one who sent those dreams. She'll probably still trigger because changing her viewpoint doesn't stop stuff like being the sole target in a food fight and being shoved into a locker, but helping Taylor and then revealing what's going on should work better than just blindsiding her.

I think that will just come off as us manipulating her and making her afraid and resentful of us. Though you do have a point about her already being on trajectory to trigger even if she heals the rift in her relationship with her dad, but I think that in the long term, full disclosure except for info hazards and giving her a choice in what life she wants to live will endear us to her, instead of making her resentful over making her live through the worst moment in her life just to get a pawn (Taylor POV).

I really want the Stronger Trigger tree as soon as possible because I don't want to have to skip over too many possible Trigger events or wait for the "strongest" Trigger event possibility. Focused Research speeds up a current research project by a dice roll every time. Both are really good research options that I don't want to pause. I'd be willing to sort Charge's data AFTER we finish Focused Research though. I don't think it's that urgent when we're likely to eat the Cauldron Shards. We can just hold off on eating Charge until the data is sorted. We can still eat the Shards for Trainwreck, the Travellers, Gregor, Newter, Coil, Triumph, and Gallant. I just want to test it out on Trainwreck's Shard beforehand in case of any unexpected side effects on the host. He's the one least likely to be missed, and he's a villain so I don't feel bad if things go wrong.

I agree, we really need the stronger trigger research so we can get into business instead of just politicking with other shards.

Fair plays. I just don't want it put off too long.
Of course, if enough of us would do some research we could probably finish off Basic Human Biology and invest in Charge for the next one. I just don't want to eat a Cauldron Vial and not be able to fix and bud if it we need to later if the Shard wasn't a bad . . . person?
Then again, we'd probably be fine eating them and deconstructing and repairing their mind in an instance of us. If you want to start with one to look it over, that's fine. I don't think the Host should have any issues, though. Everything the QM has said we just take over the duties of Administrating their power but it continues to work the same unless we specifically renegotiate their powers (could that fix Noelle) or intentionally orphan them. The biggest issue we'll likely have is deciding what order and how many to consume at any one time. I imagine fixing them will cut into our other activities.

I don't really have a problem with consuming other shards, though that is mostly since they are thought forms, we won't be consuming the for nutrients, but inheriting all they are before it is lost forever

Long-term research plans...I've been trying to focus on the short-term in hopes that we could figure out the long-term stuff later, but I guess it would be better to discuss it now. I prefer to empower Taylor and Administrator instead of creating a bunch of hosts. Giving out powers costs a fair amount of info each time for a good power, and I'd like to instead get Basic Magic Theory, Stranger Danger, and Shadows on the Wall. We don't need Multi-Host in order to let the hosts of eaten Shards keep their powers, and we can work with other Shards like Gaea and hopefully Negotiator.

In the medium-term, I'd like to get Memetic Proxy Filtering for defense against memetic hazards and Administrative Archaeology to figure out the information Administrator is supposed to already know. I just don't want researching Memetic Proxy Filtering to slow down the Stronger Trigger tree research. Improved Research also sounds useful if we can find a source for Thinker info.

I think that in the long term we should go with a bit more than Taylor, but focusing on slowly building up high quality hosts. Other than that I want to get that magic and tons of gene mods. But the biggest thing to take into consideration is the data-aberrance economy, if we have low aberrance we can share senses with basically anyone while leading groups into conflicts, groups like the Undersiders will be a gold mine since they are always together, so if we share senses with every one of their shards, then we will get 1-5*4*4 data per fight at the minimum. endbringer fights are likely to give thousands upon thousands in every category. The same with other s-classes. With higher aberrance we will not be able to share as many senses since we will have to vet all the shards we connect to. It would not be that hard to set up what is basically a gold mine by making a large group of Parahumans band together to try and retake Africa, that would be an endeavor that will take years, with fights almost everyday while in range of a bunch of parahumans.

Also to reiterate, I would very much like feedback on my vote so I can improve it.
question can Admin trade charges with data or with service with Absorb

edit: Can Admin get Charges from Absorb by tradiding data or service
If I'm understanding the question fully, then Yes.

You can, in general, trade the following things:
  • Energy
  • Information
  • Ideas/Knowledge (you'd need to research the best way to do this, but you can attempt it now)
  • You could in theory trade raw-data, but you don't know how, and once you do, you need to train the other Shards involved.
Thanks again for your help, TT. It's very appreciated.

I want to solve the puzzle of the parahumans without Shard addresses so here's a couple of new guesses.

Destroyer - Ballistic
Safeguard - Imp
Systematize - Dragon

Also, I think The_GrandMage edited his post after I first read it. @Vhalidictes, were all of these wrong, or did you read the post before it was edited?
I read it before it was edited. Everyone, I want to point this out - Destroyer is in the Wiki? I leaned on the Wiki at first before realizing that most of the Shards don't have canon names available. (It's Chevalier IIRC)

I can go for having Taylor be our number one agent. But in that case, I want her to be really op indeed. If we're not putting together a team she'll need to be able to punch up. Triumvirate weight class at least, for a vertical build. Horizontally we could put a team together with synergistic powers, ie the Taylor/Amy combo.
You probably have the time/research opportunities to do both at once (super-host plus more-hosts) if you give up some other research lines. Having more than one Host make up for a lot, even if it results in a weaker Taylor. What this will impede, in a real way, is the more esoteric stuff.

I guess what I'm saying is that you can try and defeat Scion/Zion as a Shard (yourselves) or via Parahumans. Those are very different strategies with different pros and cons. I wouldn't attempt both at once, although it could always work out... depend on what you do.

EDIT: I've started making rolls on the non-voting stuff for the next chapter, and... yeah. I don't think Rolz.org likes me. At all. This is going to get. Uh, Interesting.

Might take a little extra time to get this chapter out, everyone. Because of that I might not call the end of voting until some time Saturday. So you will more than likely have some extra time to hash out exactly what you want to do next.

Use this windfall wisely...
Last edited:
Posting some power ideas. Numbers are obviously nowhere near final, so I suspect if people will be interested in those ideas, they may drastically change. I take it as 20 points = 1 point in very iffy PRT Rating, even if it's not exactly accurate in any shape and form 'presentation of power levels' so take it with a grain of salt.

[] Humanity FY
-[] Thinker 150. Passive ability which allows to 'scan' and 'analyze' chosen human targets (or 'templates' based on observation of humans based on other humans) and create their 'copies' by materializing them as 100% loyal to host projections, which are as durable as standard humans. If projection 'dies' it comes back up to 1 week of cooldown at most. Cooldown timer is random. Templates in this case are projections creates from information gathered by other members of the species. In other words for example if host wants to recreate Napoleon Bonaparte as potential projection, must work with information others gathered and analyzed, while own knowledge of the host or other sources cover possibly missing 'blanks' which allow to complete this kind of projection. Obviously this means that they won't be 100% perfect copies of the original, but may be very close to it.
-[] Master 200. Shaker 80. Ability to create and control projections if host desires. It's also important to note that each projection while completely loyal to the host, have their own personalities fully intact and are fully sapient. They also don't require biomass to be created in the first place, but after they are created they require food and drinks like a normal living person and if they 'starve' they pop and need to deal with a cooldown to be 'reborn' later on again. In this case cooldown may be prolonged. There is no upper limit to the amount of recreated hosts. It's also VERY important to note that projections can't be stronger then standard human limits and if parahuman is recreated, it happens without his or her power, unless connected between host and shard is restablished yet again.

Mentioned by me earlier 'human projection' power. I suggested higher then normal numbers because it's pretty much like dealing with 'human zerg swarm' in the long run if not stopped. They are far, far weaker though as baseline humans. But again, 'badass normal' is one of my favourite tropes and this covers it in a way. If you want a power which allows you to casually create new nations - this is it, alright.

[] Cell
-[] Thinker 80. Ability to completely understand all types of organisms of cellular size. Bacteria, viruses, etc. hold no secrets against you as long as they have some biological 'print' connected to them.
-[] Master 150. Ability to perfectly control all cellular sized targets of biological origin.
-[] Striker 80. This special ability as long as chosen 'cellular targets' directly get in contact with a host receive an 'upgrade' which rapidly allow them to speed up their own evolution. Something that would possibly take thousands, if not million years, this allows DRASTICALLY to shorten this time even up to several days or months at worst.

I didn't want to go with bog standard 'biological manipulation' so I did something that may be as good. Host has the ability to make all kinds of cellular organism grow up and evolve in an absurdly short amount of time, which can be as good in a way.

[] Monju
-[] Trump 80-300. Monju is an ability, which allows to compress 'inner energy' inside of created by host pearls with implanted inside words. Words depend on a language host feels most comfortable using. Each pearl can't contain more then one word, but they may be 'chained' in combination if planted right together. More pearls combined also mean more powerful effects. Host starts with limited amount of energy (which would grant host around Trump 4 rating) which may 'escalate' up to even 12-15 if trained enough.

It's a fun little ability from Ghost Sweeper Mikami. It can allow some 'ridiculous' abilities with great amount of pearls, but most interesting use was combination of words to properly mix them together to get good effects. Like setting up a trap inside a building with two pearls in the opposite of each other with two words which allow to activate potential trap. It's a fun ability, which especially early on forces potential user to be creative. Personally I wouldn't mind if Taylor picked this, because with Annette being an english professor and reading and teaching her means that Taylor has very nice vocalubary to draw upon from for this ability. Guy who used it in original story Yokoshima Tadao started with an ability to start with max few pearls only at first.

[] Mirror
-[] Mover 120. This ability allows user to move from mirror to another mirror as long as it's in range of this ability.
-[] Shaker 120. Ability to cover certain amount of area in mirrors, which may allow to attack others from all those angles or move between them. If timed right, it may 'absorb' attack and release it somewhere else. User also doesn't need any direct contact with any mirrors to create them in the first place.
-[] Trump 100. User may also modify and 'upgrade' created by him mirrors to provide unique effects.

Haku from Naruto is something that should show how this works, simply more advanced and stronger. Fun ability to use and play with IMO.

[] Territory
-[] Trump 140. A bit random, but an interesting ability in which user gains new abilities based on territory and climate they end up in and. For example in the middle of the forest it may be a combination of plant manipulation with an ability to talk and understand animals.
-[] Brute 80-140. User once ability 'kicks in' is simply more durable depending on what is his ability is 'inspired by'. If there is a tank, he or she may gain similar durability and some ability of that tank. User can't be more 'squishy' then Brute 4.

Pretty random, but it may be a pretty fun ability to play with. Random factor it works with forces user to adapt, but with some training user may possibly gain more control over it.

[] Gambit
-[] Trump 180. Striker 100. This ability is pretty much based on cards user personally uses and how. For example Tarot Cards may provide very accurate predictions, while cards with monsters in them summon them in real world. User may apply special effects via touch and combine cards, but unlike Pick a Card story it's limited to only cards as items. Although it doesn't stop ability from combining cards and 'summoning' something from combined card this way. Also this ability is limited by a deck of cards user has on hand.

[] Sandbox
-[] Tinker 240. Imagine a tinker, which does have a serious limitation in a way that he can only tinker in one place. What this kind of category of a tinker is REALLY good at is upgrades which make up for serious limitation. In that place Tinker has very few limits and is very close to an absolute authority here. For example Tinker receives a template of a gigantic space ship or bio-tinker massive creature. Once it happens, that tinker can do pretty much anything inside. Create his own weapons, rooms, defensive upgrades, etc. If this tinker has enough time, he may create an incredible spaceship for example. It's like a name suggest a Sandbox Tinker which can create upgrades of all type as long as it happens in his 'vehicle, territory, etc.'.

[] Jumanji
-[] Shaker 160. Trump 160. In a way this ability is based on Jumanji concept where whoever ends up 'sucked in' ends up as a part of the game and must obey set up rules. It also includes the host which uses this powerset. It may be a fun little powerset, especially with a smarter user who knows how to abuse potential loopholes to his or her advantage.