Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ling Qi expects Meizhen to accept when she herself got to Zeqing for a 'you can die now' Tribulation, or to Moon Parties. Ling Qi was asked by Xiulan to accept that Xiulan herself does her own tribulations.

Shen Hu was actually very clear about his desires to do the exact kind of things he was doing. That Ling Qi brings it all about herself and her morality is a normal selfishness way of thinking, but I am disappointed that Meizhen didn't call her out on hypocrisy when she herself asks friends to stand aside when she is doing dangerous things for experiences and doesn't one think her acquaintance who asked to do that tribulation purposefully actually has the right to do it.

It has nothing to do with 'It is a Elder test so it is safe', because Ling Qi has and will accept non-Elder tests that are not quite safe for herself. That she can't accept her friends to do the same is discomforting.

[x] Disciples 802-814

Going 'Shen Hu totally choose to get mauled by a cyan+ entity and Ling Qi should respect his choice' is a really weird take???

Shen Hu explicitly went to protect the mortals both because it was the right thing to do, and because he didn't want to involve himself in the high level stuff. Moreover, both Shen Hu and Ling Qi treated the dream as real and thought that death has meaning (and indeed we saw Shen Hu wounds in the waking world).

Ling Qi choosing the boon while being fully aware that she might have killed Shen Hu with her choice (or was complicit in his death) is the thing that rattled her, with the excuse of 'well I have only known him for a couple of days' while knowing full well that it was bunk.

Like, I don't think you grasp how Ling Qi felt during this entire event?
Let's be honest. Sun being less aggressive in pushing forward than us is probably not something we have to be worried about.
*glances at most recent demerit Ling Qi got, and how Sun also got a similar harrowing personal experience*

I'm not sure. I expect her to challenge for sure, but after Meizhen beat her and seeing actual hard proof such defeats can affect cultivation in the King of the Forest I've begun to theorize that she may be facing cultivation issues. There's also the whole... "way" (finger quotes) the challenges are set up, they don't feed her cultivation as well as the outer sect did. She'll probably be doing a lot more exploring to make up for that.

Sun Liling won't do that, because she knows we can turn it into either a music or a stealth contest and she doesn't have that much of either.
*shrug* We could, and probably would, but it's not exactly certain she wouldn't challenge Ling Qi anyway. We don't know a whole lot about her skillset, but we do know she's pretty good at the whole hunting thing which has some overlap with Ling Qi's stealth portfolio and she doesn't know for sure what Ling Qi would pick. Also it's not exactly impossible to bait Ling Qi into a specific challenge type.

Basically treat it as the idea she doesn't know what we know, and from her view point might have a chance in theory. That in theory is why we can't rule her out.
It doesn't work like that I don't think. Like, do you think it's an accident that the challenge we just saw was something both parties were good at?

Also, Sun is good at stealth. We know this.

I suspect it's a case that you can be an asshole with the contest and choose something really obscure that no-one but you has a chance at.

It's just that if you do, then people will know you do that and stop challenging you.

And if you don't get challenges that's a major source of points gone, and good fucking luck progressing up the ranks with no points.
I suspect it's a case that you can be an asshole with the contest and choose something really obscure that no-one but you has a chance at.

It's just that if you do, then people will know you do that and stop challenging you.

And if you don't get challenges that's a major source of points gone, and good fucking luck progressing up the ranks with no points.
I'm really rather sure it's not like that. Challenge selection is governed by rule 6 "6. Upon acceptance of a challenge, the disciple of superior rank will be given a choice of challenge types to pick from by the Official or Elder providing oversight to the challenge." and the officials have no reason to offer inane challenges irrelevant to the values of the sect and the needs of the Empire.
I suspect it's a case that you can be an asshole with the contest and choose something really obscure that no-one but you has a chance at.

It's just that if you do, then people will know you do that and stop challenging you.

And if you don't get challenges that's a major source of points gone, and good fucking luck progressing up the ranks with no points.
I'll point out that we get a selection of challenges from the Official or Elder. We don't get free reign to pick willy nilly.

4. Upon issuing a challenge through official channels, the challenging disciple must place a portion of their total Contribution Points as collateral to the challenge.
5. Upon receiving a official challenge, a disciple may choose to refuse it. If they do so, a number of points equal to the collateral will be deducted from their total, and the collateral will be refunded to the challenger.
a. A disciple may not refuse a challenge if the number of points placed in collateral exceeds their total
6. Upon acceptance of a challenge, the disciple of superior rank will be given a choice of challenge types to pick from by the Official or Elder providing oversight to the challenge.
I'll point out that we get a selection of challenges from the Official or Elder. We don't get free reign to pick willy nilly.
Well with that in mind, combat's probably always on the list, along with a few skills, presumably ones both disciples have so that there's a competition. So if Liling challenged us, stealth would probably be on the list, but not music unless it turns out she knows how to play an instrument.
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[x] Disciples 815-825

Any of them is a rank up, so why push it further than that ?

i'll point out that this bracket, having the 2nd floor access reward, implies that it's expecting you to be Green 2.
Yeah, we can punch up, but we have already been shown that a Green 2 can easily demolish us.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jan 2, 2019 at 3:39 PM, finished with 65 posts and 32 votes.
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Looking at the structure of this, btw:

In addition to researching the other tournament winners and potential challengers from below. Ling Qi chose to focus her research on…

[] Disciples 815-825:
Includes Du Feng, 825, so effectively 10 extra
[] Disciples 802-814: Includes CRX and Sun Liling, so effectively 11 extra

If we wanted to make a really ambitious write in, it would probably look something like:

[] Disciples 789-799: This would be 11, but 795 we already saw CRX challenge and beat and he can't be challenged again, so it's more like 10.
I mean she was questioning whether or not this was anything like a structured test where passing it in the right way would reward you.

Moreover, even if you treat it as a challenge, then assuming they are being graded entirely separately (despite entering as a team), or that Ling Qi choosing to try to save him from immanent danger would invalidate his choices would also seem unjustified. Like, unless the test for him here was "how do you feel about being slaughtered by a Cyan+ spirit" then I don't think it would be reasonable to treat it like that?
Why are you talking about grading?

Ling Qi is getting the experience to talk to the King and the problems/boons that go with it. Shen Hu is getting the experience of defending a village of mortals and the problems/boons that go with it. I don't think there needs to be any kind of 'grade' there. Do you think that Zeqing or Xiulan tribulation actually had them being 'rewarded' rather than 'It pushes you to get stronger or die'?

If Ling Qi asks to spare Shen Hu, that does mean that his own experience will be short changed because it would be on a lower level of difficulty, and thus he will learn less from it.
Going 'Shen Hu totally choose to get mauled by a cyan+ entity and Ling Qi should respect his choice' is a really weird take???

Shen Hu explicitly went to protect the mortals both because it was the right thing to do, and because he didn't want to involve himself in the high level stuff. Moreover, both Shen Hu and Ling Qi treated the dream as real and thought that death has meaning (and indeed we saw Shen Hu wounds in the waking world).

Ling Qi choosing the boon while being fully aware that she might have killed Shen Hu with her choice (or was complicit in his death) is the thing that rattled her, with the excuse of 'well I have only known him for a couple of days' while knowing full well that it was bunk.

Like, I don't think you grasp how Ling Qi felt during this entire event?
I completely agree that Ling Qi didn't feel like that, I just think it's hypocritical as fuck.

Shen Hu went into the dream because he felt he was stagnating and wanting to get back into doing difficult and life threatening things. He flat out said it. He then decided to protect mortals because he thought that no matter what this action couldn't be wrong. Once he failed, he was grateful for the experience because it's explicitly the kind of thing he expects to do once he goes back home.

I agree on what thing rattled Ling Qi, I just think it's extremely selfish of her to not realise that it would go against Shen Hu's own desire. If it was Xiulan in Shen Hu's place, can you imagine how pissed she would be if Ling Qi had asked to save her and stolen her own tribulation away?

Anyway, about the challenges, I am a bit disappointed by the inability to do research on 785-800. 800-825 bracket only gives us +20YSS/month, which is nice, but ultimately not worth the 2AP we spend on the research itself even assuming we won.
Are we not challenging people every month? I thought we would be. If the plan is to challenge people only every other month, I'll reconsider and vote to challenge higher then.
Two things I'd note here: 1) we can't really challenge that often without them getting repetitive and boring and killing the pacing, and 2) it makes no sense to challenge regularly like that because our power doesn't increase evenly. Rather, it increases in fits and starts as we attain key breakpoints. We should be challenging when we have gotten significantly stronger and can thus target a meaningfully higher rank.

That being said, a fair argument could be made that if Renxiang was only prepared to challenge 15 ranks up, this could be sign to us about what is reasonable at this stage. Also, in a couple of months we'll be Appraisal with significant art upgrades, making us substantially more powerful and ready to push up higher. Leaving off the bigger jumps until then would not be unreasonable.
Well with that in mind, combat's probably always on the list, along with a few skills, presumably ones both disciples have so that there's a competition. So if Liling challenged us, stealth would probably be on the list, but not music unless it turns out she knows how to play an instrument.

Combat is not actually always on the list. The sect wants to promote the crafters, and as such in case a crafter wants to challenge somebody from a combat track, the crafter would have no cance of victory. As such, in case of crosstrack challenge, things get creative, as shown by the Cai challenge. We got WoG in regards to that.
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I think we gotta go high.

[X] Disciples 802-814
Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Jan 2, 2019 at 3:49 PM, finished with 71 posts and 34 votes.
Ling Qi is getting the experience to talk to the King and the problems/boons that go with it. Shen Hu is getting the experience of defending a village of mortals and the problems/boons that go with it. I don't think there needs to be any kind of 'grade' there. Do you think that Zeqing or Xiulan tribulation actually had them being 'rewarded' rather than 'It pushes you to get stronger or die'?

If Ling Qi asks to spare Shen Hu, that does mean that his own experience will be short changed because it would be on a lower level of difficulty, and thus he will learn less from it.
Yes. They are rewards. The tribulations are ordeals that are specifically designed such that defeating them provides you with significant gains in power. Just getting into fights might be educational, but it's not the same, and the risk/reward calculations have to be made accounting for that.
Meizhen and Ling Qi's talk about the dream was pretty cool. Knowing the Bai's view on revenge and being feared makes sense that they'd associate with the Bloody Moon sometimes.

The paper work duel was amazing.

[X] Disciples 802-814
Yes. They are rewards. The tribulations are ordeals that are specifically designed such that defeating them provides you with significant gains in power. Just getting into fights might be educational, but it's not the same, and the risk/reward calculations have to be made accounting for that.
What Arkeus is badly explaining is the concept of "I am taking a risk to get stronger, don't fuck with it Ling Qi because wouldn't you hate it if I fucked with your chance"?

From that view Ling Qi's regrets are hypocritical because they deprive Shen Hu of his agency in making the choice(i.e fucking with his chance) to enter the dream by blameshifting the issue onto herself.
What Arkeus is badly explaining is the concept of "I am taking a risk to get stronger, don't fuck with it Ling Qi because wouldn't you hate it if I fucked with your chance"?

From that view Ling Qi's regrets are hypocritical because they deprive Shen Hu of his agency in making the choice to enter the dream by blameshifting the issue onto herself.
And them entering the dream together was that decision.

Acting as if they shouldn't help each other out at all later on once they're in there would, I think, be highly questionable.
And them entering the dream together was that decision.

Acting as if they shouldn't help each other out at all later on once they're in there would, I think, be highly questionable.
It is, if some time into it Shen Hu didn't go and make another choice to split up. After which point from my perspective and reading of Shen Hu he was taking his own safety into his own hands instead of the joined hands of the team.

E: and yes I know this is basically goalpost shifting but I was an idiot who misspoke on my first post. Like, I see this regret thing she has as a variation of the Hero trying to carry every burden and every consequence on their shoulders instead of letting the people carry them and essentially invalidating other character's ability to affect their own path. That old sausage.
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