Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

Changing my mind, let's ferret things out for ourselves.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

Frankly, I didn't like the prince's attitude when asking for help...

On a more neutral option, we should be capable of subduing him non-lethally , which gives some more options for later.
*points at angry tree spirit*

You sure mini-Treebeard is gonna let him keep living?
I don't think that this fight is the one that matters. A battle between two green appraisal cultivators should not produce a memory that lasts for over 8,500 years. No, that is some higher level stuff, like Cyan or above. We know that there is more combat happening all around in the memory,

The weilu kill the treant but to slowly, and the time lost means that he can't help his father, who end up dying. It's a character defining moment for the weilu and he dream of it over and over again, even when he get to prism.

There are other explanations and this fight might truly be the most important of the dream.
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[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
To be honest, I do give Ling Qi and Shen Hu fair chances of avoiding combat if they limit themselves to get information.

Ling Qi did lead those commoners away from that siege where the flying Not!Mongols were looking out for runners all the way back from Jiao's test.
You realize that the fuckup there was you guys thinking you could outwit a hostile force that outnumbered you on unfamiliar ground in the jungle right. The part where you failed because the correct course of action wasnt spelled out in front of you?

And the correct decision was to double down on the opportunity that presented itself rather than bet that you'd be spoiled for choice on picking your fights?

The perfect is the enemy of the good enough, so why not apply that lesson here rather than take the opportunity to waste a crit on learning it once again?
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It's worth keeping in mind that this is a memory coloured by the Bloody Moon, that we found based on a crit from a Hidden Moon map. The choices we've been given show that influence: the Weilu and the ent options look like a choice between the vengeance and justice aspects of the Bloody Moon, and the search for more info one is very hidden moon. The rewards we get, if any, will probably be influenced by which aspect of the Moon we choose. Unfortunately, despite picking the HM as a patron, LQ is pretty trash at investigation, especially compared to her combat ability. Our best opportunity for doingdreally well and getting a grwag reward is one of the Bloody Moon combat options, and I prefer the ent option, since the oathbreaker comment makes me think it's the justice aspect option, and we did sign up with CRX.
I personally think that the leave and go look for things option is likely to be the most useful here. However, I'm a sucker for interacting with spirits, so despite thinking it's not the best choice, I'm voting to help the tree because that's what I want to read about happening.

[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge.
The dream has deliberately blurred out everything but this battle here. It did this for a reason and I'm pretty sure that means we're supposed to focus on this aspect until it gets resolved. I think telling it that we don't want to and walking off to get more details might not be a great idea, it'd probably annoy the dream if we don't play along with its story.
Alright, so most people seem to be on the side of the spirit, and I've been pretty much convinced by those arguments. That said, the spirit literally told us not to get involved. There might be reason for that. Given the inhuman mentality of spirits, it might not thank us for interfering when it already told us to bugger off. Also the entire situation is rather unclear, and I'd rather Ling Qi only jump to fight when she has a clearer reason than 'because my gut says so'.

Therefore, I choose to side with the spirits and Ling Qi's own common sense by picking

[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

Spirit doesn't want us interfering in this fight, let's go wander around, try to get more info, and see if we can jump into some more pivotal fight.
Adhoc vote count started by Kai Merah on Dec 19, 2018 at 11:01 PM, finished with 207 posts and 91 votes.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge
Alright, so most people seem to be on the side of the spirit, and I've been pretty much convinced by those arguments. That said, the spirit literally told us not to get involved. There might be reason for that. Given the inhuman mentality of spirits, it might not thank us for interfering when it already told us to bugger off. Also the entire situation is rather unclear, and I'd rather Ling Qi only jump to fight when she has a clearer reason than 'because my gut says so'.

Therefore, I choose to side with the spirits and Ling Qi's own common sense by picking

[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

Spirit doesn't want us interfering in this fight, let's go wander around, try to get more info, and see if we can jump into some more pivotal fight.
Or more likely get pulled into one, given that there are risks to wandering around in/near this battle as pointed out by TehChron.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

Power through Conflict!
Some observations on the update:

As Ling Qi circled him casually playing her melody, she once again felt the brush of his qi as another pulse washed over the field they sparred in. This time though, the half formed technique didn't slide off of her like the water from a ducks wings however, the warm placid qi stuck

Looks like Shen Hu's spirit has something similar to Harmony's perception tech. As we noted then, that kind of tech could be bad news for us. On the bright side though, this gives us the opportunity to practice countering it.

While she was nearing mastery of another Step of her movement art, she also felt like her improvement was slowing down when it came to her mundane ability to avoid attacks. Perhaps because she had relied so much on Thousand Ring Fortress in the Tournament, or because she had pushed the knowledge on reading enemies and efficient movements from Elder Zhou's lessons as far as they could go
You know... Lark could honestly be helpful here. SCS is just kinda "turn into shadow and be faster". Lark's description otoh suggests an actual dodge style. It also has the dance keyword. It might be just the kind of thing we need here?
Some observations on the update:

Looks like Shen Hu's spirit has something similar to Harmony's perception tech. As we noted then, that kind of tech could be bad news for us. On the bright side though, this gives us the opportunity to practice countering it.

You know... Lark could honestly be helpful here. SCS is just kinda "turn into shadow and be faster". Lark's description otoh suggests an actual dodge style. It also has the dance keyword. It might be just the kind of thing we need here?
I don't really see the connection to Harmony. Where/Why do you?

Given Six's comments I'm ready to wait for PLR to knock out some goodies first. Lark can come after if we like, really need it because we're getting stuck or something in my opinion.
Weliu to my understanding were the guys we got the TRF art from. Which is interesting to think about given that the big tree guy may very well have been who they got it from once they beat him into the ground...
Personally? Given the Weliu screwed up-long term I'm leaning towards the tree though the tree told us not to bother...
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
Hidden moon is the one we befriended initially, Bloody can come later on I think.
Weliu to my understanding were the guys we got the TRF art from. Which is interesting to think about given that the big tree guy may very well have been who they got it from once they beat him into the ground...
Personally? Given the Weliu screwed up-long term I'm leaning towards the tree though the tree told us not to bother...
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
Hidden moon is the one we befriended initially, Bloody can come later on I think.
Um. Not really? Like this tree is just a tree and they didn't get TRF from him. We don't really know who created TRF but it's implied to be the Weilu's immediate successors, the Xi.
I don't think that this fight is the one that matters. A battle between two green appraisal cultivators should not produce a memory that lasts for over 8,500 years. No, that is some higher level stuff, like Cyan or above. We know that there is more combat happening all around in the memory,

Which makes it strikingly unlikely that this bout of combat is the relevant combat. No, I think that the fight that the Weilu's father is in, or even a higher ranked Weilu, is the fight that matters.
I do agree that the fight we are seeing now isn't the main point of the dream (I think this is about a purge or some such), but Horned Prince and Ent being Green 2/Bronze 2 makes me think the actual dream is scaled on those entering it (So they are green 2 because Shen Hu is).
You know... Lark could honestly be helpful here. SCS is just kinda "turn into shadow and be faster". Lark's description otoh suggests an actual dodge style. It also has the dance keyword. It might be just the kind of thing we need here?
Mmmh, I still don't read Lark like an actual dodge style at all. Maybe it's because of how the techs were described, but speed seems primary and stealth secondary, with dodge tertiary.

[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

In a way, I think doing neither would actually be the true Wind option of 'check how things connect to each others + not being influenced by the first incident we see'. Given how the Tree isn't even asking us for our aid directly, it won't turn it against us. However, something to keep in mind is that doing neither IS still choosing to help the Tree's side. It's just learning exactly what we are doing by helping instead of focusing on actually helping.

So, focusing on curiosity and rather than action... but both choices are "take the spirit's side". Odds are, it means having to come back to the fight to a half dead tree and aiding it later in a much harder fight.

Sending out a pulse of qi that tags everyone nearby, allowing you to track them?
That seems a bit like a flimsy link.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 20, 2018 at 2:10 AM, finished with 220 posts and 97 votes.
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

Yeah, siding with a spirit and helping him kill a non-barbarian human cultivator prince is an incredibly weird choice, the spirit didn't even ask us to join. We have little Intel and joining the fight seems both the riskiest option from a standpoint of potential rewards, and kinda pointless unless a modern spirit is satisfied that we helped get revenge on those fucking oathbreakers. But that was a moon deer, which is super Weilu, and I just don't wanna fuck with any of that. I want to explore and figure some more stuff out, not jump into the first fight we see because we've instantly judged that this human prince dying is the best decision.