Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Something I thought of here which in hindsight is obvious to me. The King of the Forest isn't talking about the Weilu Prince or the Burning Tree, it's talking about that gigantic fourth realm stag we ran into which gave us the moon map in the first place. It dropped the box that gave us the map, said map leading to the Rave Tower.

What with the Moon Stag image marking this I would argue that Stag is probably watching us. And thus this is the return of that particular storyline.

I had the same thought. And it appears that the fourth realm stag we ran into has deep connections with the forest, since we ran into it at a shrine in a redwood tree with a skull of a stag in it:

The final shrine was a vast redwood tree, stretching over a hundred meters tall. It clung tenaciously to the edge of the sinkhole, roots as thick as a human torso curling out into empty air while others anchored it to the remaining earth. By all logic, it looked like it should have tipped into the hole, and yet it stood steady. The actual shrine took the form of a hollow carved into trunk a few handspans wide and perhaps a meter high.

The skull of a stag, seemingly cast from liquid silver that gleamed in the moonlight in the moonlight was affixed to the wood just above of the hollow, which held a small shelf for offerings. Unlike the others, it was not damaged, merely neglected. The blank eye sockets stared down at her as she busied herself arranging the prepared offerings. Dried and treated fruits, a portion of cured meat, and other such knicknacks, meant to appease the spirit which presided over the place.

With everything in place, she carefully kneeled among the roots and lowered her head, offering the correct words of propitiation. It took time for the last of the hostile air to fade, but when she opened her eyes, the offerings were gone, save for a few scraps.

She carefully swept those back into the bag, letting out a breath of satisfaction now that the job was done. As she turned around though, she froze.

Behind barely three meters away, there loomed a massive shadow, great many pointed horns curved into the air, gleaming with the light of the moon meters above her head. One did not normally think of a deer as a frightening animal, but the massive black furred mountain of muscle, more than three times her height at the shoulder, certainly put the lie to that. The potent mass of its qi, a match for what she felt in Zeqing's storms put to rest any other doubts.

She stared into the creatures silver eyes for a few horrifying seconds as it bent its neck to peer at her, nostrils flaring as it scented her. Slowly, almost mechanically, she clapped her hands together and bowed her head in silent respect. What else could she do at this point?

Moments ticked by while Ling Qi tried to calm her nerves. She had not made any mistakes, she would be fine. It was difficult to to flinch when she felt the spirit beasts breath on her face, felt her hair fluttering in the breeze it kicked up as it snorted, but then it was gone. The weight of its presence vanished, and she heard a soft thump as something landed at her feet.

She opened her eyes, seeing nothing but the ragged landscape of fallen trees, and four deep depressions in the earth in the shape of hooves. She glanced down, and found a small wooden cube covered in complex silver patterns. Carefully picking it up, she found that the silver lines picked out dozens of tiny wood slats, some of which moved when pushed.

She had seen puzzle boxes before, but never one so complex. On its side though, covering the largest solid piece, was a black circle chased in white. The sign of the new moon. Ling Qi peered around, but she still alone. Perhaps Xin was still looking out for her?

+15 Sect Points
Gained New Moon Puzzle Box
Still, I think we should probably investigate the situation first.
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
Shen Hu doggedly followed her trail, eyes aglow with the colors of sunset
So this spirit of Shen Hu expresses its power in the color of reds and oranges, and uses Lake as (one of) its primary element(s). We know "lazy summer" is a theme for one of its techniques. I'd think a Lake/Fire spirit akin to Su Ling's spirit fox heritage or a Sun spirit counterpart to the Dreaming Moon as the most probable possibilities for its identity, so long as were confining ourselves to elements that have already shown up in-quest.

"Your qi just never runs out does it? How did you cultivate so much?"

"You know I can't answer that," Ling Qi said wryly,
Ling Qi can't answer how she cultivated Qi so much because she never cultivated qi! It's always hilarious how everyone just doesn't know how she could have so much qi when Ling Qi just relied on super-ducal-tier pills.

(It's rather unfortunate that, unless Xin feels up to give more bennies to Ling Qi, everyone will catch up relatively soon in terms of qi. It's a nice joke, while it lasts.)

rearing stag with a moon disc held in its antlers
A stag for the Horned Sage, and the disc for the Moon. Or possibly combined sigil for the children of Tsu. Rather obvious first layer of meaning, but the other layers, if any, are opaque to me.

(I wonder, where are the stag with sun? The Horned Sages followed both Sun and Moon, and the seasons, the secrets of which were one of the most notable of Tsu the Diviner's claims to fame, should bear the mark of the Sun, not just of the Moon only.)

"I don't think it's a trap exactly," Ling Qi began slowly as Sixiang fed her more information. "It's more like...this valley is part way into a dream?"
Hey — if this place is partway into a dream, does this mean Sixiang can materialize herself here? That is to say, if Ling Qi finds herself in a situation where talking is the best option, could she baton pass Sixiang in to take her place?

(Also, freaky space-warping shenanigans. We know of the broken-space around the Weilu tomb, and now this dream — is the mark of the Weilu weird reality-breaking regions?)

this guy, he really would go in with nothing but his spirit beast and not a single scrap of information. Of course, she couldn't say she was any better. She hated wasting time.
Yes, good. Finding commonality between yourself and another is a good way to gather boytoys for yourself, Ling Qi.

It was as if one of the ancient trees of the deeper forest had uprooted itself and been reshaped into the vague outline of a man.
Interesting. Fire isn't out of the ordinary for Wood, but a burning canopy is a bad sign — the destruction of the leaves and branches prevents regeneration from those sites. The prince calling it mad might have some merit, though this is all magic and any speculation at this early stage can't really be argued properly.

Also, this is a tree spirit made in the image of a man. I doubt spirits without extended and comprehensive contact with humans would look humanlike, so this tree must have had an arrangement with the local humans to develop a self-image consistent with the human body form. Speculation: might the prince be part of an effort to clearcut this section of the forest in an effort to expand agricultural operations, breaking the agreement between the forest and humans?

Another thing, the mark for this location is that of a stag with moon — suggesting the dream of this place is that of the prince. Did the prince fail and had to retreat, leaving his father behind? Ling Qi remarked this was much like a bad dream.

If Ling Qi helps the prince, will the memory weaken, allowing her and Shen Hu to plunder the unspoiled valley. (Though there aren't any spirits or beasts to loot.) If Ling Qi helps the spirit, will the memory worsen, intruding further into the waking world?
(It's rather unfortunate that, unless Xin feels up to give more bennies to Ling Qi, everyone will catch up relatively soon in terms of qi. It's a nice joke, while it lasts.)
We get 4 free rolls of qi every turn, with a bonus to each roll. Very few people will be catching up to us unless they devote significant resources and time just to qi cultivation, or have a similar cultivation art. And with how there are other exciting things to be cultivating, I don't think anyone will be doing that.

I think we will have a comfortable amount of qi compared to pretty much everyone else for the foreseeable future.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

This is my bias speaking... I'd rather aid spirit than human most times. :p
So this spirit of Shen Hu expresses its power in the color of reds and oranges, and uses Lake as (one of) its primary element(s). We know "lazy summer" is a theme for one of its techniques. I'd think a Lake/Fire spirit akin to Su Ling's spirit fox heritage or a Sun spirit counterpart to the Dreaming Moon as the most probable possibilities for its identity, so long as were confining ourselves to elements that have already shown up in-quest.

Ling Qi can't answer how she cultivated Qi so much because she never cultivated qi! It's always hilarious how everyone just doesn't know how she could have so much qi when Ling Qi just relied on super-ducal-tier pills.

(It's rather unfortunate that, unless Xin feels up to give more bennies to Ling Qi, everyone will catch up relatively soon in terms of qi. It's a nice joke, while it lasts.)

A stag for the Horned Sage, and the disc for the Moon. Or possibly combined sigil for the children of Tsu. Rather obvious first layer of meaning, but the other layers, if any, are opaque to me.

(I wonder, where are the stag with sun? The Horned Sages followed both Sun and Moon, and the seasons, the secrets of which were one of the most notable of Tsu the Diviner's claims to fame, should bear the mark of the Sun, not just of the Moon only.)

Hey — if this place is partway into a dream, does this mean Sixiang can materialize herself here? That is to say, if Ling Qi finds herself in a situation where talking is the best option, could she baton pass Sixiang in to take her place?

(Also, freaky space-warping shenanigans. We know of the broken-space around the Weilu tomb, and now this dream — is the mark of the Weilu weird reality-breaking regions?)

Yes, good. Finding commonality between yourself and another is a good way to gather boytoys for yourself, Ling Qi.

Interesting. Fire isn't out of the ordinary for Wood, but a burning canopy is a bad sign — the destruction of the leaves and branches prevents regeneration from those sites. The prince calling it mad might have some merit, though this is all magic and any speculation at this early stage can't really be argued properly.

Also, this is a tree spirit made in the image of a man. I doubt spirits without extended and comprehensive contact with humans would look humanlike, so this tree must have had an arrangement with the local humans to develop a self-image consistent with the human body form. Speculation: might the prince be part of an effort to clearcut this section of the forest in an effort to expand agricultural operations, breaking the agreement between the forest and humans?

Another thing, the mark for this location is that of a stag with moon — suggesting the dream of this place is that of the prince. Did the prince fail and had to retreat, leaving his father behind? Ling Qi remarked this was much like a bad dream.

If Ling Qi helps the prince, will the memory weaken, allowing her and Shen Hu to plunder the unspoiled valley. (Though there aren't any spirits or beasts to loot.) If Ling Qi helps the spirit, will the memory worsen, intruding further into the waking world?
The lack of Sun is a good marker to me, along with where we got the map from, to indicate that this dream is probably from the Prince but the Moon Stag we met a while back is also somehow involved. You don't use basically your symbol on something unimportant. i.e I don't think the symbol is purely a Weilu symbol.
Arbitrating between spirits and humans is much of what a cultivator does, and at present it's unclear who's in the right. At the same time, just leaving to gather intel probably means that the fight ends before said intel would matter.

Therefore, I propose a different option:

[X] Offer to mediate the dispute. If either or both of them reject said offer, beat whoever did so into submission and then reiterate it.
-[X] If there's time-sensitive reasons why either of them can't stick around, extract an oath (metaphysically binding if possible) to return for arbitration afterwards. Refusal to do so will be met by beating the refusing one into submission and continuing with the mediation process.
Arbitrating between spirits and humans is much of what a cultivator does, and at present it's unclear who's in the right. At the same time, just leaving to gather intel probably means that the fight ends before said intel would matter.

Therefore, I propose a different option:

[X] Offer to mediate the dispute. If either or both of them reject said offer, beat whoever did so into submission and then reiterate it.
-[X] If there's time-sensitive reasons why either of them can't stick around, extract an oath (metaphysically binding if possible) to return for arbitration afterwards. Refusal to do so will be met by beating the refusing one into submission and continuing with the mediation process.
I don't agree with this path because we are not powerful enough together to enforce it. The Prince can freely just leave and the Tree will probably try to explain and then insist we murder the fuck out of the Prince because spirit minds aren't human.

Also this is like... way past the point of mediation. The spears have literally come out and gotten sunk in people and there is a literal battle going on.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 19, 2018 at 6:22 PM, finished with 4444 posts and 64 votes.
Hmm, I do wonder if the "hill and river" the ent mentions might be the old tribes that did not join the Empire. The same ones the Pale manual was from.
[x] Aid the prince, it was better to err on the side of the human

Our experience with Xin and Zeqing are coloring our judgement. Spirits are ordinarily bad ju ju. Let's not whitewash them.

I would rather err on the side of the Weilu, whose mojo I (and others as well I would say) wish to inherit.
[X] Aid neither, leave them to it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
Also this is like... way past the point of mediation. The spears have literally come out and gotten sunk in people and there is a literal battle going on.
In addition, the Ent is calling the Weilu prince an oathbreaker. Mediations require a level of trust between the parties not to stab each other in the back the moment the overwhelming force is gone. The Ent has no reason the Weilu will uphold his end of the mediation agreement. And the Weilu probably has little reason to uphold it if he has already broken an oath with the Ents.

There is also the matter that another battle is going on. This is not a dispute between a spirit beast and a cultivator, this is a dispute between what seems to be factions. The Prince called us soldiers, which implies an army. This has gone far beyond the ability we have to resolve it through mediation.
I don't agree with this path because we are not powerful enough together to enforce it. The Prince can freely just leave and the Tree will probably try to explain and then insist we murder the fuck out of the Prince because spirit minds aren't human.

Also this is like... way past the point of mediation. The spears have literally come out and gotten sunk in people and there is a literal battle going on.
...if that's so, then screw it. Changing my vote to the more-likely-to-be-just of the two options:

[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge
While I like the way the votes are heading (and especially the way the conversation is moving) I think it would be premature to assume that the third option is wholly useless because neutrality is a form of gutless waffling. If it is useless, it must be because we have sufficient information to act upon.

Remember the Moon Ling Qi chose as her second trial for EPC, remember why she was chosen by Cai Renxiang: secrets are our bread and butter. If the dream were a video game, options one and two would be a pivotal storyline choice, while the third likely represents a hunt for an Easter egg.

That said, the discussion has been quality so far, dollare to donuts we would discover a secret anyway this way. :V
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge.

Because I agree with the people discussion pro tree. And because when get to this lvl you start to need to make deals and trade favors. I don't want to side with the guy that break these with spirits. Because there a huge number of strong spirits still in this world (and above it).
Personally I prefer to help the spirit for several reasons:

-it's may be the only time when we can side with spirits instead of humans without real life consequences. Witnessing the results of this kind of choices might be important in the future.
-it seems with the term "Oathbreaker" thrown we might be in the bad parts of Weilu history
-the tree spirit is Wood/Fire like Zhengui. We might get information or rewards related to him
-Humans harming Nature with their greed is a known trope and the spirit doesn't seem malevolent
-Shen Hu and Ling Qi are more involved with spirits that the average cultivator of their age . We should continue to explore this portion of their characterization.
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

The mad beast seems quite reasonable to me. And you don't throw terms like oathbreaker around willy nilly.
[X] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 19, 2018 at 6:30 PM, finished with 4448 posts and 67 votes.
Oh hey @yrsillar

A question.

About how long did it take before the Bai to loosen their grip on the bronze they had access to as part of their big trump card in the early days?

Because the fact the guy's using a bronze spear rather than something of wood, bone, or stone suggests that this is definitely taking place post-unification.

I think as we literally were roommates with a Bai for a while, and our Academics skill is at least decent, that this is something that Ling Qi should have an idea of ICly.