Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Isn't 4AP the maximum time investment per art per month?

No, we're allowed to overflow. However, each AP beyond the first four only counts as half an AP for the purposes of the AP input into the total number of dice formula.

So with 5 AP invested the formula is (T + S/4 + R) * 4.5, and with 6 AP it's (T + S/4 + R) * 5.

It's usually far more efficient to not dump extra AP beyond the first four into an Art, but under certain circumstances the cost is worth it - getting a virtual GSS/week (4/turn) would pay for itself immediately, for example, by saving us roughly 2000 RSS/turn.
We can now look at the next levels of our arts. Argent Current's next level is of particular importance, given that there is no firm consensus on whether we want to train it further or not.

And so, I present to you Argent Current's capstone art:
Floodswell: C
Usable only with Pressure crack active, the user channels the swirling qi of battle generated by their subordinates into their own body, until the rage of the current beats within their own hearts. When they next strike, the force of their blow explodes outward, like a river breaking through a levee. The users next melee attack hits as a one directional area of effect striking at Very Close Range. This attack retains the bonuses granted by Pressure Crack.

...color me unimpressed. The capstone turns a melee attack into an AoE striking Very Close Range, and that is it. If we were good at melee attacks, liked to be at close range, and had problems dealing with crowds, this would be a nice addition to our repertoire. As it stands, none of those apply.
It's usually far more efficient to not dump extra AP beyond the first four into an Art, but under certain circumstances the cost is worth it - getting a virtual GSS/week (4/turn) would pay for itself immediately, for example, by saving us roughly 2000 RSS/turn
Hardly. Right now we just don't use gss because they're too expensive.

What it actually does is give us +30 dice to everything which is pretty nice. It also allows us to use our GSS well when we want to.

Blowing all our actions on EPC like that though would be a horrible waste of stat/skill xp.
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after
Hardly. Right now we just don't use gss because they're too expensive.

What it actually does is give us +30 dice to everything which is pretty nice. It also allows us to use our GSS well when we want to.

Blowing all our actions on EPC like that though would be a horrible waste of stat/skill xp.

Ah, I'm not referring to right now, and I'm not saying we should. I'm saying it's an option for the first month we're in Green Two, as the extra hundred or so successes could mean the difference between continuing to power through at Max GSS and... not doing so.

It's almost certainly a better idea to go for the last 100 or so successes needed on average to hit EPC 7 with something from the Junior Pillmakers and work to find a good location for Moon Arts, putting Omake bonuses and Stealth Success bonuses into tilting other Arts over the edge for fewer AP.

The +30 dice to everything is nice, yes. Spending 1k RSS for that delicious extra +70 dice to everything we can do at Green Two is what I'm looking at doing, as we're under a rather extreme time crunch - and, thanks to the estimate of the Mirror's value, we can keep that 1k/month expenditure for the extra two GSS we need to buy to maintain max Green Two GSS up for ten+ months, without additional sources of income.

And thanks to the 'next level' of an Art being viewable when we're capable of learning it, we'll know if what I'm proposing is worth it or not when we're in planning for Turn Three.
Ok, I have a free 2 pooints from my omake, any pressing need that hasn't already been taken care of that 2 points can help?
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

Depending on who we are meeting, we may not be in the mood to enjoy family time afterwards...
So, Zhengui is going to be a big, big turtle snake. Knowing Zhengui, he'll probably try and be an overachiever and shoot for the 10m range of his growth, get as big as he can. It might be hard to visualize how big 10m is, so I found a 4.57m long alligator.

Zhengui is probably going to be twice as long. I know that our strategy for using him as a shield against Ji Rong wasn't particularly effective, which was partly due to his size, but Zhengui's new behemoth size should really put a dampener on any direct attacks against us. All in all, Zhengui is going to be a monster on the field, and getting through his shell and defenses will be even tougher.

However, I do believe we should be careful until he comes out of hibernation. This is the weakest we may ever be in the inner sect, with our primary spirit companion in a cultivation hibernation. If people wanted to challenge us for the sake of just challenging us, this would be the time to do so. Hopefully, we can get through this without any incident and then we can start simply dominating people.
his shell will be between seven and ten spans of imperial measure from front to back."

10 meters?! wtf, did not expect that growth rate, I was expecting, like maybe 4.


Turtle tank commander now, and then:
"As great as mountains and more. The clans of Xuan live and work upon the backs of of cousins, more than the lonely stones of the true islands of savage seas."

I vote now that whatever our domain is, we just put it all on "little" brother's back. Seems to work fine for the Han, and really, who doesn't want a castle on top of a volcano on top of a giant freaking turtle. All we need is some missiles and a scar, and we can hold the empire ransom.

Ok, now for the vote:

[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

I have no strong opinions on this. I think most people don't we kinda don't have enough to make an informed decision, so everyone just picks one more or less at random. I picked this one because Meizhen was cryptic enough that Im not entirely confident we won't run afoul of some strange Bai politics (read: infighting) and get into a fight with the new one, somehow. Better not show up poisoned and bloody at mom's.

Also, if we don't get bitten by the new snek, I still want to ask Meizhen for advice about domains, and who knows what that leads to. better free up the evening.

A good chunk of people on discord are discussing the merits of pushing a Formation training action next turn, and leveling up the Scouts and Silk Guardians opens both of them up to Omake point investment once again.

Pushing the Silk Guardian Formation also gives Ling Qi the possibility of pushing that Formation C into a Security Specialty, which just has disgusting levels of synergy with her existing skillset. Especially regarding the ability for the Scouts to infiltrate places that they really shouldn't be.

I'm honestly looking forward to it :V

I'm not on discord (how does one get there?) but I like this idea. more burglary is always good, especially if we can use it to steal Ji rong's stuff.
Presence. We're training it this turn but it could use some love to push it closer to assuredly leveling up.
*Looks at front page*, huh, yeah unless we high-roll massively presence is a two turn commitment. Even with my points it will still probably be one, but we might get high enough to only need one roll generally.

@yrsillar roll my 2 points into Presence please.