Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Meet Meizhen first, and see who she wanted to introduce, she would visit mother after

Business first, then pleasure in my opinion.
"Ling Qi," Bai Meizhen spoke, catching her attention. "What are your plans for this week?"

Ling Qi blew on the drying ink one last time and looked up? "I'm… not sure? I will be cultivating at night and in the evenings, but I don't really have my days planned out yet. I was going to be discussing that with Lady Cai later, I think."

"I see," Meizhen replied, pursing her lips as she stood, her white gown shimmering like water under the pale light in the grotto. "Will you be visiting the town in the foothills at all?"

Ling Qi nodded, beginning to pack up her utensils and notes. "I'll want to visit my mother sometime, sure."

"Inform me when you intend to do so, and make plans for a further stay before or after then," Meizhen said crisply. "There is someone I should be introducing you to."

Ling Qi blinked, pausing in her clean up. Looking up at her friend, she felt a thread of concern. "...This isn't a marriage thing, right?"

She saw a flicker of horrified surprise in Bai Meizhen's eyes though it didn't touch of the rest of her expression. "No, of course not. It is only one of my lesser branch cousins. Certain things need to be made clear," she replied hurriedly.
For folks interested in what Meizhen said regarding this meeting.
So, stealing @PrimalShadow 's job for a bit.

EPC6 said:
+20 +25 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 3
+15 +20 dice to Physical cultivation up until Bronze 3
+15 +25 dice to the cultivation of all Yin Arts
+10 +20 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
-Grants the user a 2 4 'virtual' stones of up to Yellow grade per week(8 16 per turn)
-Allows the user to bind spirits of up to Grade three
+3 +4 free qi cultivation dice per turn up to S rank
-When passing stealth challenges during adventure mode the user receives bonus successes equal to 5x the letter rank of the challenges passed to spiritual or physical cultivation, or Moon or Yin aligned arts, as selected at turn start. Bonus successes cap at 90 120. -permanent
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Combat or Social Perception test per turn
-Gain a 6 10 point bonus on Combat and Social perception
-User receives between 1 and 30 successes toward spiritual, physical, Moon, or Yin aligned arts when discovering unknown information or hidden treasure, depending on value.

SCS7 said:
+15 bonus to Speed
+10 bonus to initiative
+5 +10 bonus to Stealth
Speed Bonus increases by 5 in Low Light or Darkness
Stealth bonus increases by 5 in darkness
+10 bonus to Hit and Penetration if making the opening attack of a combat
+5 +10 bonus to Hit against Unaware or Unready targets
+5 bonus to Avoid in environments which allow for stealth
-10 penalty applied to all attempts to track the user, penalty increases -40 if attempt is made without an activated technique. Permanent

Grinning Crescent Dancer: B rank
Duration: Long
Calling upon the favor of the Grinning Moon, and using their skill at manipulating dark qi, the user's becomes an indistinct phantom, a flicker of shadow dancing between lights. Greatly enhances the dancers ability to avoid attacks and stay ahead of foes. The deeper the darkness grows the quicker their reactions and movement become. No mundane obstacle may block the movement of the Dancer, so long as they can perceive their destination, and entrapping them through wholly physical means becomes near impossible.

One with Shadow: C rank
Duration: Short Persistent
The user merges with the shadows and dark, dematerializing entirely. In this form they may slip from shadow to shadow, without crossing the space between so long as the destination shadow is large enough to hold them. at least moderately sized. In this form the users presence is muted, even to spiritual senses. If the user slips successfully into the shadow of an opponent, their connection grants their first attack against that enemy a great potency. However, an attack on the shadow the user inhabits can harm the user, and damage will break this technique.

Kinda too lazy to do AC.
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-Grants the user a 4 'virtual' stones of up to Yellow grade per week(16 per turn)


This fits my hoped-for curve! The next one *should* be one 'virtual' stone of up to Green grade per week (4 per turn), at EPC 7 in Green Two. I expect that we'll have to get a Moon Quest in first.
If we hang onto both GSS next turn, we should be at five GSS come Month Three - one unspent for this turn, two unspent for Month Two, and two for Month Three, putting our expenses at 1500 RSS to buy the GSS for that turn, barring any unexpected changes.

Also, Experience requirements have been posted for all known Arts:
EPC: Experience Required: 500, 750, 1000

SCS: Experience Needed: 500, 750

FVM: Experience Needed: 750

TRF: Experience Needed: 750

AE: Experience Needed: 400, 600, 800, 1200

AC: Experience Needed: 240

AS: Experience Needed: 120, 240

FSS: Experience Needed: 300, 600, 900

PLR: Experience Needed: 250, 400, 550, 700, 900, 1200, 1500
AG is not listed because we haven't learned it yet.

With EPC 7 requiring 750 successes, we're definitely going to want a Moon/Yin rare pill and an applicable location multiplier before Month Three - this should tilt EPC over the edge required to hit 750 in four AP, depending upon the strength of the pill and the location.

EPC: 8 GSS, 8 YSS, Green Two, +0.3 location multiplier (total).
S/4: (4*5 + 4*10 + 4*40 + 4*80)/4 = (135*4)/4 = 135.
T = 6
A = 4
R = 20 (EPC 6 Moon) + 25 (EPC 6 Yin) + 6 ( Stealth Ranks) + 20 (High Resources) + x (Rare Pill) = 71 + x
M = 1.7
% = .55

(T + S/4 + R) * A * % * M = (6 + 135 + 71 + x) * 4 * .55 * 1.7 = (212 + x) * 3.74 = 792.88 + 3.74x on average.

Hm. Set M = 1.4, dropping the location multiplier...

(212 + x) * 3.08 = 652.96 + 3.08x > 750
3.08x > 97.04
x >~ 32

We'd need a damn good pill at that point.

With Luck, Omake, and putting the adventure mode stealth successes into EPC we've got a solid shot at hitting EPC 7 in four AP on turn 3 without any further investment on our parts. Five AP puts us almost there without Omake or stealth successes, and 6 AP should be enough to all but guarantee it.

That means that while our first month of full GSS should cost about 1500 RSS, our second month should cost roughly 1000 RSS. With the proceeds from the Mirror, we can maintain that for approximately ten months, more than enough time to see us to Green Three. Provided by speculation is correct.

Getting additional virtual GSS is probably going to be harder, however. If the Argent Vents increase in potency at approximately the same rate as EPC provides Virtual Stones, then, based up this passage here:

Ranking above Eight Hundred Fifty, but below Eight Hundred Twenty Five, she would receive a stipend of ten yellow spirit stones every week, and the rights to a home and cultivation site centered around one of the first Inner Mountains middle quality Argent Vents. In addition to that, ranking above Nine Hundred gave her the right to attend freely the lessons of the Elders on the first mountain, and peruse the first floor of the Inner Sect's arts archive freely.

I believe that the one GSS/Week quality Vents are located no sooner than the 701-750 range, with 651-700 being equally likely - part of the whole 'push yourself' thing the Inner Sect has going on.

I also don't expect EPC 8 or AG 6 to provide 2 GSS/Week, no matter how absurdly convenient it would be. We'll need to obtain additional resources or expand our income further to achieve max GSS at Green Three - probably beyond the obvious of 'Raising Sect Rank means the Sect provides a higher stipend' and 'Going up in Cultivation means CRX provides us with a higher stipend'.
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

Seems to me that mom first would probably be the least likely to have any weird emotional state for the Meihen meeting, while the Meizhen meeting may or may not have a weird emotional state for the mom meeting?
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

Mom first, potentially awkward meizhen meeting second.
[X] Meet Meizhen first, and see who she wanted to introduce, she would visit mother after