@Fezzes @Nix's Warden this should settle the start now or start later matter. The goal is to chip away at it not risk all of our slanns minds receiving permanent damage, one slann does exactly the option of ripping slann away from the fog with regularity.
Exactly! But still on the matter of the Parasite, I don't trust it...frankly the prophecy was just icing on the cake as while it seems to be a sentient (not a true Sapient) I remember that part of it said that the garden will rage once it finds out about its purpose or something akin to that. Plus it was Rotten when Eaten...that sounds allot like what happened to our Skink when it ate the meat in the trap and was attacked by the parasites.
This started the chain reaction of them wanting the lizardmen for hosts, and considering that each lizardmen has secrets in their bio-forms as well as what probably happens if a parasite attaches the host to the oversoul and gets it consumed? that seems more akin to a morbid Daemon in the making or a possible species oversoul...kind of like the God-Emperor (throne version). Needless to say this is a very bad thing if chaos ever gets it claws on that oversoul. Probably as bad as a maiden worlds own world soul getting nomed by chaos. (probably why Daemon Worlds Exist in the first place)
But the reason I think some people are against it is because of society showing us that Parasitic species and non-parasites relations never end well. Symbiotic beings however do live but are considered to be more akin to paranoia. Plus there is the matter that trying to alter the Parasites into Symbiote's would be to much at the time when were dealing with a Ork Waagghh on our doorstep. But anyway im drifting from the main point:
My point is that the parasites had a purpose, and its become corrupted overtime. While there may be parallels to the lizardmen when the old ones made us (there is every possibility that the Eldar Gods had a hand in this worlds making...or golden age of technology humanity, ect. ect.) we were made from scratch...and had a plan for us. Yeah we were dicks before then but considering we were falling from grace because of the major chaos invasion, not to mention nowhere said that the lizardmen realized that the dwarves were living in the area that Maz raised those mountains…
Anyway I agree that some of the grim darkness needs to be banished...and that we should take care to guide races. But we also have to temper that to prevent our ambitions to being the white knights of the galaxy from blinding us to the reality of our situation...we are low on numbers, surrounded by parasites wanting our flesh (and possible adding us to their oversoul which would equally be bad), an Ork Waagghh is on the way sometime within I say around the next 5 turns if they do well and we don't pop the orks with Geo-Rituals.
The point is that I don't think it would be worth having the Parasites as part of the lizardmen collective unless its only to study the surviving samples and try to access its true secrets. Plus in the numbers that they are they could easily swarm us if we gave them a skink...I would rather not risk that happening without a Mag 3 web and a strong army protecting the cities.
I know that you will find faults in my thinking and I'm pretty sure I could find them to. But the thing is I really cant trust the parasite species on my own principles as well as the danger they present. If we had a better starting position and they hadn't tried to eat us, maybe I would have been open to guiding them to symbiotic relationship one day...but for now its too risky with what we are dealing with right now. As well as the fact that unless we figure out a way to protect the minds and souls of our species I don't trust handing anything over that requires a body and/or soul connection to another being. Plus this is 40k where hope goes to die a horrible death, (considering that one of the gods of chaos has Hope as part of its domain...yeah you can see why its not a good idea for such a thing)
Also there are rumors on the reason why the imperial grand crusade hates Xeno's is because the second legion was Eaten by the Rangdan...which resulted in the first legion going to purge them (leading to massive loss of life for the First) pretty sure the Wolves had to do the butcher work of giving their brothers the emperors peace from being mind-eaten as well as puppeted by the Rangdan while the 2nd Primarch was their toy.
Also the fact that he trusted Xeno's to such a extent shows that they could not trust them considering that the rangdan pretty much fucked over any kind of relationship with Xeno empires that the imperium could have, not to mention Xeno's having human slaves in such horrific conditions as well as fucking over humanity during the men of iron rebellion (especially the ones that humanity told to stop doing fucking evil shit or they get the big stick...well the stick is gone and they going back to doing what they were doing before!) has led to the emperor pretty much deciding that only humanity had the right to the galaxy.
-Note: the emperor has lived a fuck-ton long time...and has defended humanity from COSTANT xeno invasions and other horrific things until it wasn't viable for him to do so alone, so he probably kept to the shadows and moved things along like a chess-master to guide humanity to the heights of which had them sign a peace treaty with fucking ORKS of all beings along with The Eldar Empire!
Anyway again sorry for the rant, but you have to understand my point is that alien races tend to be more assholish and evil in nature since the fall of the eldar empire as well as fucking everything up even WORSE when the fourth was born in the warp.
The best way to protect young races is to expand into space as fast as possible and grow the web until we can be sure we can create a federation under our guidance. that's probably the only way I would support such a thing considering were the best chance this galaxy now has to not have KRORK ravage it, Chaos ruin everything, Eldar Fucking Everyone Over, or other horrible, horrible, horrible nasty things happening to it. (like seriously, what has the milky way galaxy done to reality to deserve the hell it has become!?!)
Again back to the parasites, the parasites just aren't worth the effort in my opinion...unless you want them in zoo's which I can tolerate as they would be stasis vaults and probably landed on some forgotten world and turned it into slow advancement into sapience under our watch and care to become symbiotic rather then parasites. that's the only way I can see they be any kind of worth. Again the prophecy led to the final nail in my opinion of the parasites coffin...right now they are in the "Useful against our foes until our Foes are dead...then must be purged and the surviving samples kept in stasis until the Slann decide on what to do with them".
Too dangerous to have around, because parasite species? That's like trying to turn Xenomorphs into Bio-weapons...and how many times has this been successful without backfire? Or when Kryptman set the Orks and Nids against each other...slowly creating the New Devourer? Or how about the Thing? ect. ect…again parasite's do NOT have the best reputation with me period. I can respect you wanting to make them better, but I feel its too much of a risk with too little reward down the line as we would phase them out eventually.