[X] Spend Eldar Minor Favour for Strike Force
Killing the enemy leadership has knock on effects - Turoq dying would result in his treacherous lieutenants turning on one another as they vie for power, and the usual bullshit that happens when your chain of command is based primarily on "I am have killed off all who dared to oppose my leadership".
Posting this one first so the tally program doesn't count it as part of the below plan...
[X] Plan Force Distribution 1.0
Generals: Admiral Freyr, Chapter Master Julius
Heroes: Master of Sanctity Horatius, Grandsmaster Aria, Jane Oakheart, Jacob Oakheart
Fleet - 30 points.
- Dreadnought - 4 points
- 2 Command Battleships - 2 points
- 24 Task Groups - 24 points
Psykers - 100 points.
- 3 Primaris Execution Forces - 6 points
- 2 Alpha Psykers - 2 points
- 46 Psyker Choirs - 46 points
- 46 Battle Psyker Brigades - 46 points
Army - 220 points
-40 Varangian Guard Battle Companies - 40 points.
-Black Irons, 3 Helguard Corps, 18 Helltrooper Corps, 23 PAG Corps - 180 points.
Free Elites - Nulls and Voids, Fire Giants
Generals: Governor Rotbart, General Schwarz, Governor-General Aelfic
Heroes: Grandmaster Xavier, Grandmaster Jameson, First Counciler Aryz
Fleet - 50 points
- Dreadnought - 4 points
- 2 Command Battleships - 2 points
- 44 Task Groups - 44 points
Psykers - 61 points
- 1 Alpha Psyker (Ophelia) - 1 point
- 30 Psyker Choirs - 30 points
- 30 Battle Psyker Brigades - 30 points
Army - 400
-40 Guard Armies - 320 points
-6 Grenadier Corps - 12 points
-15 Varangian Guard Battle Companies - 15 points
- 2 Varangian Guard Scout Companies - 1 point
-1 Helguard Corps, 2 Helltrooper Corps, 20 Avernite PDF Corps - 52 points
Free Elites: Phase-Tigers, Last Hunters
I basically cribbed
@agumentic's plan for this. Credit goes to him.