Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Astra Myst on Nov 1, 2018 at 6:24 AM, finished with 118 posts and 50 votes.
Um, why are y'all discounting outdoor survival? It's pretty useful. I'd suggest voting history and math since I don't see much use out of them and math is meh if you don't have physics
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[] Henge no Jutsu
[] History
[] Mathematics
[] Ninjutsu
[] Outdoor Survival
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[] Stealth
Well, the skills we don't focus on have to be at a bare level of competency, which I assume to be practiced, which survival is. It should have some difficulty bring demonstrated; not really sure how to demonstrate survival.

By it's difficult to tell where we are with math and history, but if we peg it too intelligence then we're slightly above average. On the other hand, it's simple to demonstrate and training method (intelligence) should be compatible to let us improve both with one xp dump instead of dividing it.

Compare to bunshin, which is at a basic level, easily demonstrated, not far from improvement, and has synergy with other things we want to train. Which means we really shouldn't be ignoring it.

Ninjutsu and genjutsu are high, but difficult to demonstrate without another technique that we'd have to put xp in. Which makes them ideal for putting off while we work on other skills. Assuming we can't demonstrate them with the academy three. Iffy with ninjutsu, definitely not with genjutsu.
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Why do people want to focus on genjutsu over say ninjutsu?

[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Genjutsu

Because Genjutsu is shit.
genjutsu is just as usefull as ninjutsu and we have a higher rank in it than in nin.

Genjutsu gets a bad rep from the manga only because few characters use it (it's not a very shonen-like power). Do remember that Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami are genjutsu. Kurenai's tree binding thing is good as well. And we could even go for something simpler and less obvious.

Yes, the first two are sharingan ones. Still it's possible to create something similar to them, if probably weaker. For example a genjutsu that helps in diplomatic talks, making people more amenable to our requests.

Another example would be the genjutsu Itachi used on Naruto. That was NOT a sharingan one, and all it took him was a finger! And Naruto was not able to get out of it by himself

Basically, Genjutsu includes everything we can do by directly influencing the brain. Not just illusions, but influencing emotions, thoughts and memories as well.

Our stealth is garbage, so that's out. We're not bad at outdoor survival, but it seems difficult to demonstrate skill in. I don't like Bunshin is lame and we're bad at it, so it goes. And if we're not going to get all the academy 3 up to intermediate, ninjutsu seems a harder sell.
[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Ninjutsu
Bunshin is a bit underestimated. Mind, it's worse than any other clone techniques in existance, but as those are nearly all elemental (and thus more advanced and harder to learn/get) it's the only clone at our disposal for now. And knowing a clone technique might just help with learning the others easier.

I'll admit I'm a bit biased as i really want the three intermediate jutsu though. They're the only jutsu we are taught right now, and i want to learn them. There MUST be a reason why it's taught! Maybe with Advanced you can combine it with the Kawarimi to make your enemy believe they hit you like Kakashi did against the Demon brothers, for example. Or an Advanced/Master level application might let us fake having multiple limbs/swords.

I do agree with survival and stealth though. They can be raised later when needed.
*shrug* just saw the botes, no way 'none' is winning right now.
if it was possible i might have voted to only drop 3 of the options. Sadly it doesn't seem possible.

Um, why are y'all discounting outdoor survival? It's pretty useful. I'd suggest voting history and math since I don't see much use out of them and math is meh if you don't have physics
Math i agree. History i think will have its uses, like knowing more about the other villages, or the techniques used by other ninja. There was also a "learn from history" achievement that might be related to it.

I also assume Math and History will train Intelligence, and we have a perk that makes them easier.

The thing with outdoor survival is that it's both not a priority, and a bit harder to demonstrate in class than the others.

Ninjutsu and genjutsu are high, but difficult to demonstrate without another technique that we'd have to put xp in. Which makes them ideal for putting off while we work on other skills. Assuming we can't demonstrate them with the academy three. Iffy with ninjutsu, definitely not with genjutsu.
I can't really imagine ninjutsu competence not being proven from having the three academy jutsu at intermediate.

And we can probably prove genjutsu by dispelling them when the teachers use them on us, or learning one (somehow. Daisuke might ask Gai to introduce him to someone, or could pay a d-rank to be taught by a genin/chunin)
the "-" before the "[" screws the tally a bit, splitting the votes. Luckily NetTally seems to adjust for it by itself

Vote Tally : Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest | Page 259 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 6459-6580]
##### NetTally 1.9.10
[x] Outdoor survival
No. of Votes: 40
[X] Stealth and Tracking
No. of Votes: 30
[X] Shurikenjutsu
No. of Votes: 28
[x] History
No. of Votes: 24
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
No. of Votes: 21
[x] Ninjutsu
No. of Votes: 18
[x] Mathematics
No. of Votes: 15
[X] Genjutsu
No. of Votes: 10
[X] Henge no Jutsu
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Chakra Control
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 52
Not sure what to vote for. But definitely want Chakra control. That's just something good to get down, especially when we're not chakra god like Naruto so efficient use of chakra just seems smart no matter what we do.

Choosing Henge because, well. Transformation's really useful.
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[X] Chakra Control
[X] Henge no Jutsu

Not sure what to vote for. But definitely want Chakra control. That's just something good to get down, especially when we're not chakra god like Naruto so efficient use of chakra just seems smart no matter what we do.

Choosing Henge because, well. Transformation's really useful.

You're voting for what we don't want to focus on. Re-read the update.

What skills do you choose to ignore in your Rookie of the Year quest? This vote can be done either individually or in plan format. Vote for up to (4). The top four with a clear majority will be chosen. If none wins, Daisuke will ignore this advice.
[] Bunshin no Jutsu
[] Chakra Control
[] Genjutsu
[] Henge no Jutsu
[] History
[] Mathematics
[] Ninjutsu
[] Outdoor Survival
[] Shurikenjutsu
[] Stealth and Tracking
[] None.

I really do wonder how many people have dropped a vote and think they're voting for what we focus on.
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[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] History

Hmm, I'm changing vote from bunshin to history. It might be useful for our kenjutsu and clise in for melee.
You're voting for what we don't want to focus on. Re-read the update.

What skills do you choose to ignore in your Rookie of the Year quest? This vote can be done either individually or in plan format. Vote for up to (4). The top four with a clear majority will be chosen. If none wins, Daisuke will ignore this advice.
[] Bunshin no Jutsu
[] Chakra Control
[] Genjutsu
[] Henge no Jutsu
[] History
[] Mathematics
[] Ninjutsu
[] Outdoor Survival
[] Shurikenjutsu
[] Stealth and Tracking
[] None.

I really do wonder how many people have dropped a vote and think they're voting for what we focus on.
whoops =x. Ignore me!
[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Ninjutsu
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Mathematics
[X] History

Math is overhyped
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Nov 1, 2018 at 9:05 AM, finished with 135 posts and 56 votes.
i'm surprised people want to drop History more than mathematics. The rest is what i expected
This is because ninja math is actually pretty useful in combat.

A skilled ninja mathematician like Temari could, as a genin, calculate the max range of Shikamaru's shadow jutsu (down to the centimeter) from the height of the wall he was using, and adjust it to account for the drop of the sun with time.

Shikamaru beat her by leading her to the pit Naruto had made against Neji, but that required an even more terrifying ability to calculate the exact distance she had to traverse to reach said pit, while maneuvering himself so that he was next to the other pit at that moment.

Since we have Above Average Mental Stats, and might possibly reach Superhuman one day, feats like this aren't impossible. If we man up and study math.
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[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Outdoor Survival

I Really want to keep history in there, it's more useful than you think, not knowing a crucial piece of information about the country you are in could kill you, and knowing more about the world will make missions much easier
We'll probably need pinnacle reserves and maybe Senjutsu (if we were inside the golem we might even keep still to continue gather more chakra while the golem fights for us), but it could work. It would be a very high level technique though, at least Kage-level and likely above that. And it depends on the element we get, it would be pretty hard to make a wind or lightning golem after all (and even harder to ride them)
This reminds me - my favourite Gamer Naruto fic had a Wind Golem! It must be fate that I subconsciously mentioned golems here.

Anyway, it has sadly been dropped for years, but it would be an incredible thing to get a golem of any stripe. The various mini-Straw / mini-Wood / mini-Brick summons seem to be like golems, so is it possible for us to sit inside an advanced version of them and puppet it with Chakra Strings*?

*Chakra Strings + Mini-X summons seems like a nice way to have a private mini-army if it comes down to it, and being able to use our summons like a tactical mobile game is interesting. It also seems to use chakra control a lot, which seems to play to our strengths?

And does math include physics?
I'd certainly imagine that a math focused ninja can calculate trajectories at combat speeds or other relevant stuff like triangulating distances / encrypting messages / game theory [if they focus on being a strategist] / mapping topography.

I can't really imagine them learning about undiscovered aspects of physics like nuclear forces or atomic physics, but they should learn most of the combat relevant stuff like how kinetic physics and parabolas apply to shurikenjutsu.
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Hm, I know that this is off topic, but what if you put an explosive seal that's small enough on the back of a projectile? Isn't that bullets? And has the printing press been invented? Why don't they mass produce seals with that?
Because you need Chakra to actually program the seals, though I suppose a biotech printing press using specially made meat clones could work. Biggest problem is making sure they don't mentally evolve into "Real People", as well as making each press capable of handling multiple seals as an optional challenge.