Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Well the lets help our friends solve this miscommunication problem by simple means seems to be winning which is good. On other news, will be interesting to see what level we need various attributes and skills at to claim rookie. It does seem to be Journeyman for skills and Intermediate for technique. Presumably super human for attribute related.

There is 990 XP open currently, for spending we probably want to get close to Journeyman and then let our training take care of the next. I think the big thing will be if we have any additional posts coming so we can see our progress towards our goal and what we need to improve on.

Bunshin no Jutsu- Intermediate? 310/500 190 XP needed
Chakra Control- Superhuman? 1280/1300, 20 XP needed
Genjutsu- Journeyman? 400/800 400 XP needed
Kawarimi no Jutsu- Done
Henge no Jutsu- Intermediate? 350/500 190 XP needed
History- Superhuman Int? 970/1300 330 XP needed
Mathematics- Superhuman Int? 970/1300 330 XP needed
Ninjutsu- Journeyman? 420/800 380 XP needed
Outdoor Survival- Journeyman? 340/400 460 XP needed
Shurikenjutsu- Journeyman? 450/800 350 XP needed
Stealth and Tracking- Stealth and Perception skills? 200/400 and 320/400 currently (can be a lot of XP here)

Of note survival is a mental skill which thanks to the academy student perk we get a bonus gain on for now. I do feel like investing XP into Chakra Control (just 20 more) and Int (330) would help both in hitting requirements directly but also with making associated skills/techniques easier. Superhuman Int should help with skill gain as well as meeting the History and Mathematics requirements. For the two jutsus, getting them to 400 should hopefully let us get there with training over the last three months, though it is easier to do this if we have summary posts after each month to give us time to see how we are making progress and what needs more work. Boosting survival skills is probably useful just as something for use on missions, boosting it to 600 XP should hopefully let us get closer by normal XP.
[jk] Put them in a trapped field that they can only escape by working together.

@Vesvius I don't remember, did you end up saying yes to the Technicolor Dreamhoodie? If not, I guess I'll put 20xp into Chakra Control and the rest into Perception.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

The winning write-in seems needlessly complicated and it doesn't actually address the miscommunication problem.
@Vesvius - Buying

Sleep Stamina: 400
Mnemonic Master: 300

Total: 700/750.


Also this, if I can snag it for 50:

Well stocked Wardrobe: Between your mom and Ino, it was inevitable. You've got clothes for all occasions, from the nicest suits to the most comfortable training clothes, put away in your closet. And they're all cut to just your size.
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[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.
Well... Getting Well Rested is a lot easier now, given the new Perk adds an additional 50% reduction to Energy drain speed. Geez, already at 75% percent and various Achievements would probably get Daisuke to 125%.

@Vesvius: What actually are the drain speeds? I mean, 75% reduction sounds impressive, but there's no way we could neutralize drain for certain Motives- like Energy. I could see Fun being undrainable or only dropping in reaction to significantly Unfun situations, though.
Something I don't think I've seen pointed out: the text for the quest is "Demonstrate your skill to your teachers," emphasis mine. Even without leveling it up, Daisuke's Chakra Control is probably good enough; it's just that his Taijutsu and Substitution are often demonstrated without active effort to show it off (spars and jutsu drills, respectively), while there's probably not any training that shows off just how good Daisuke is at Chakra Control. It probably would have been prudent to check whether this is the case (or even just ask the QM) before spending the EXP.

Oh well. At least Chakra Control is useful.
Hm could we twist something else into a non academy skill? Particularly if demonstration is the name of the day?

Like... diplomacy into battlefield negotiation, or interrogation, or something like that
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

@Vesvius Can I put 20xp into chakra control, and the remaining 60xp intelligence please?
Heard and done!
Ok, this should be the last one, had to finish up my crossovers with other Ves quests.

Ino - Bart, AMDND
Yui - Allie, 10PG
Jibari - Gold Ranger, Myth Masters

...I don't even know anymore. Take 150 XP and get out of my sight.