Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

I feel like having a 12 Step Program is completely crazy for dealing with the situation. We have a diplomacy skills this votesays let's use Diplomacy.
Yeah like i'm trying to do a carrot and stick approach with my vote: everyone is good at something, everyone has something to gain. We all need each others help. Benefits us without hurting anyones feelings, and the main reason I want to help Naruto is bc having him as our friend as opposed to having him hate us would be so much nicer if we do get him on our team.

Like just try to think about it: motivated naruto who actively likes us. As opposed to early canon naruto which only insults us and doesn't know how to train.

Like I spent basically my teens through mid-twenties teaching children and reasonable conversation is way less effective at building empathy than just getting them to work together and realizing they have something to contribute.

The whole update comes off as literally everyone except us, Jubari, and Yui having major self-confidence issues, which teaching is really good at solving. So two brids w/ one stone type of thing. All we have to do is swap our daily eveyrone pick a game to daily everyone teach a lesson.
Quest Acquired: King of the Classroom!
To be rookie of the year, your skills need to be the unquestioned best in the class! That's no easy feat considering your competition. But if you can prove the then the honor, the glory, the prestige of being number one can all be yours!
Success Condition One: Demonstrate your skill to your teachers in 8 of the 12 following fields: Bunshin no Jutsu, Chakra Control, Genjutsu, Kawarimi no Jutsu. Henge no Jutsu, History, Mathematics, Ninjutsu, Outdoor Survival, Shurikenjutsu, Stealth and Tracking, Taijutsu.
Success Condition Two: Demonstrate competence in at least 3 skills or techniques not taught in the Academy. (1 Currently Demonstrated (Kenjutsu))
Skill(s): Many
On Success: Gain title 'Rookie of the Year', gain Achievement 'What Does It Take To Be Number One', Gain Reputation with 'Konohagakure', ???.
On Failure: Penalties vary depending on degree of failure.

We have three months to work on our current quest, failure has consequences.
Fuck Naruto in the next three month, fuck helping everybody and their mother.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

K.I.S.S is key here, and the Talk no Jutsu is the most powerful technique in Naruto anyway :p
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

I feel like having a 12 Step Program is completely crazy for dealing with the situation. We have a diplomacy skills this votesays let's use Diplomacy.

Absolutely we're also frankly very accomplished in diplomacy, if we go by the mechanics. Lean on the skill that will solve the issue as we're currently 420xp in diplomacy which puts us at
  • Adept (400 XP): You know the ins and outs of this skill, and even know some tricks with it that others don't. A career genin tops out at this level.
Which is actually pretty damn good.
and the main reason I want to help Naruto is bc having him as our friend as opposed to having him hate us would be so much nicer if we do get him on our team.

That's a non-issue. Everyone becomes friends with naruto at some point, don't force things. Naruto doesn't even hate us, we never did anything worth earning his hatred.
@Slaggedfire also about the Mom thing the only reason I brought her up is because as toxic as she may be she has definitely shown potential at manipulation, so her advice might actually be one of the few ways she can help us in our ninja career.

Also i meant early on. His training for the first half of the series was worthless bc the first persons advice he took was jiraiya like 2 years in.
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

The issue is that if we give it to them straight without any preparation they're almost certinaly just gonna continue arguing about these stupid things again. It would serve to worsen the issue, not improve it.

The best solution is to boost their confidence in the weaker areas, and then use that foundation to get them to interact in a more positive matter.

Honestly, it looks like the "sit down and talk to them" option isn't just going to be absolutely blunt about the situation, or it's going to be absolutely blunt in a way that Daisuke knows will pierce the situation. He's a generally above average+ social manipulator with nearly a decade of experience involving the two subjects, so I have some faith that "sit them down and talk" will be more involved than the surface of it.

"Get everyone together to do focused lessons on their specialty skills" is something I support though.
[x] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.
also about the Mom thing the only reason I brought her up is because as toxic as she may be she has definitely shown potential at manipulation, so her advice might actually be one of the few ways she can help us in our ninja career.
We can get advice from her when we aren't on a time-limit. At the moment I doubt her advice would be any better than doing things on our own.

TBH you're right. These are just thoughts i've had percolating for a while and this probably isn't the best time or format for them. Maybe after we make genin team we can maybe see about setting up multi-team training sessions or something along those lines.

Sorry about the massive derail.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Welp, I guess we better don't use too much time and end up don't get roty. They can still reconcile after we graduate even if they meet less.
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Well, does the Mr. Straw and Mr. Stick shtick count toeards the Rookie of the Year?
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

I really want to go for Iandude's write in, but I feel like tutoring Ino doesn't actually help the problem in anyway-She is upset because she thinks Sakura is being lazy, not because she's jealous of her academics. In fact I thought Ino was supposed to be at least as good as us at academics.

@Vesvius Would we be able to sit-in and moderate their conversation now the we know what the other is upset about, and they've proven unable to effectively communicate with each other?

edit scratch my question. Deathbybunnies just asked you the same thing.
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Spreadsheet is updated, looks like XP gains were: 20 Int, 20 Cha, 40 Sense Motive, 20 Diplomacy and 10 Taijutsu. Not bad considering the short period of time covered by the update. Sense motive is likely from our first conversation with Sakura to the conversation with Ino. Also interesting to see what we need to hit for rookie of the year.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Knight-Radiant on Oct 29, 2018 at 5:59 PM, finished with 170 posts and 61 votes.
@Vesvius please put my remaining 160xp into Chakra Control.

That puts us only 20xp away from Superhuman Chakra Control.

Also, here. Have a tally.

Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Oct 29, 2018 at 6:04 PM, finished with 172 posts and 62 votes.
Honestly this write-in seems ridiculously patronizing to me. This isn't a friend helping you through a problem, it's the annoyed teacher separating two toddlers for interrupting class.

A proper teaching for the young ladies indeed.
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Well, guess that swings the vote one way at least. You guys have any idea how to swing the Rookie of the Year? I assume we cant get it the normal way due to time constraints.
[X] You won't. This goes deeper than you thought it would. You'll just let them sort it out in time.

Time will heal this fight as it did the Sasuke one in the OTL.