Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
I can't help but cry reading this yet the tears won't come easily. Konami you are set to out do yourself. I think we are about to see something Legendary. I am now feeling motivated to actually create something for this quest. Just got to do my research.
[X]Plan Exiting In Style
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] Side Ops 11: Beach Party *Must take Denuke 3*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes
oh god guys I just realized something...

DO NOT GET THE MAN ON FIRE!!! if Ishmael comes to our base the man of fire will awaken! and he wont stop until Ishmael is dead!!!

so please use common sense, do not poke the supernatural thing with science unless it is properly cleanse with enough holy stuff to not be able to come back EVER!

sorry if I'm sounding paranoid, but if Ishmael comes during this final turn of the tutorial, then we do NOT need the man on fire boss fight. This is critical if we want Ishmael to survive and then take up the torch for us in this world to get back on the path were carving out!

edited: now that I'm home and now have vented my paranoia properly (I'm serious guys, I don't trust that supernatural crap and wont poke it with a ten foot pole!) I reread the QM's posting...and played the music while reading...

dammit the feels are back 5X better then before!
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+WMG running wild+

+imagines a Joy!Mantis-controlled Sahel duking it out with Lord of Dust on the skies of Seychelles+

+in the foreground, Ahab, Ishamel, Ocelot, and Quiet tag-teaming Fire-raging Volgin+

+on the background, DD and XOF troops frogmarching confused and terrified elite commandoes of various world superpowers away from fight+

+on the forefront, the reporter is doing a live broadcast+
oh god guys I just realized something...

DO NOT GET THE MAN ON FIRE!!! if Ishmael comes to our base the man of fire will awaken! and he wont stop until Ishmael is dead!!!

so please use common sense, do not poke the supernatural thing with science unless it is properly cleanse with enough holy stuff to not be able to come back EVER!

sorry if I'm sounding paranoid, but if Ishmael comes during this final turn of the tutorial, then we do NOT need the man on fire boss fight. This is critical if we want Ishmael to survive and then take up the torch for us in this world to get back on the path were carving out!

edited: now that I'm home and now have vented my paranoia properly (I'm serious guys, I don't trust that supernatural crap and wont poke it with a ten foot pole!) I reread the QM's posting...and played the music while reading...

dammit the feels are back 5X better then before!
Well shit, he's right. Volgin only passed on because he realized that Venom Snake wasn't Naked Snake. Actually bringing him back when we expect Naked himself to possibly be on Mother Base is a...bad idea.

[X] Plan The Man Who Showed the World 2.0
[X] Plan The Man Who Showed the World 2.0


I just had a horrible premonition. Let's NOT get Volgin, pls. Because I have a horrible premonition of him somehow managing to possess the dustlord thing.

That would only happen if he is still "alive" to do so which is what the Main Mission of recovering his body is for neutralizing.
oh god guys I just realized something...

DO NOT GET THE MAN ON FIRE!!! if Ishmael comes to our base the man of fire will awaken! and he wont stop until Ishmael is dead!!!

so please use common sense, do not poke the supernatural thing with science unless it is properly cleanse with enough holy stuff to not be able to come back EVER!

sorry if I'm sounding paranoid, but if Ishmael comes during this final turn of the tutorial, then we do NOT need the man on fire boss fight. This is critical if we want Ishmael to survive and then take up the torch for us in this world to get back on the path were carving out!

edited: now that I'm home and now have vented my paranoia properly (I'm serious guys, I don't trust that supernatural crap and wont poke it with a ten foot pole!) I reread the QM's posting...and played the music while reading...

dammit the feels are back 5X better then before!

He's not that scary when you find his weakness is water .
...Couldn't we use Naked Snake as bait to lure The Man on Fire to duke it out with the Dust Lord if he does wake up post-recovery? Once either one has bit the dust (heh) we deploy Sahel and railgun the survivor.
Just to confirm, by this point of the game, our weapons and tech would be the equivalent of mid-tier progression in the Phantom Pain, right?
One question why are we recovering the man on fire?

Because it's a Main Mission action not a side Mission action. So far Main Missions have been world improving actions and this Main Mission is the last one of the ones we started the tutorial with so will probably be lost after it ends. No other reason.
*checks the amount of pages and the date*

Not even a month and we got 181 pages. Probably 200 by tomorrow. And damn, the feels.......By this point, I'm waiting for the day where Venom genuinely laughs in the future.....and the entire Diamond Dogs' reaction to it. Seriously, does anyone see him laugh?
Why would I hype something up, make ominous foreshadowing starting from Turn 1, and go through the trouble of even giving you guys an extra action on top of flooding the Omake Ops section?

I want everything that can be possibly voted for to succeed so I can write the most hype piece of my writing career.

Like, I'm looking at the thread discussion about the immediate future and you guys have no idea.

Not a fucking clue.

It's going to be wild~

You're going Digimon/Gate on the Isekai. The Lord of Dust shows up and depending on how well we did in the tutorial and the battle against it Outer Haven is either sent to Europa world or it gets stuck in it's own little pocket dimension created by the corpse of the Lord of Dust or the corpse of the Lord of Dust became a bridge between MGS Earth and the VC Earth in it's death throes.

This means that you get to play with both MGS and VC and it also allows for far more interesting interesting interactions between the two worlds, their politics and their war machines.

Edit: The OP has made an Insightful rating on my post. Well then. Thread?:

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