Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Kinda hit a personal button for me on this one. Drunknami shall soon explain :3

1 Action. I skipped passed the capitalization errors. Even rewatched MGS3 cutscenes to get Sokolov's voice right in my mind.

Having experienced a psychedelic induced time loop of inevitable death myself, I can wholeheartedly see Nicholai's mind playing everything out. The denial, followed by fantasy filled what if's, and finally acceptance coupled with the burning need to fight the coming end by hoping beyond hope that someone out there will put your regrets to rest.

You plead to your last breath, begging for a chance to redo life and undo your sins. Except you can't. There's nothing you can do.

Nicholai died with his last thought being his regrets, pleading for the forgiveness of those closest to his heart, and with the heart rending knowledge that this was it.

I don't know many people who've touched the idea of death quite like I did, but the thoughts you wrote prior to it come pretty close to what it's actually like.

You play the most insignificant and torturous parts of your life over and over in your head, stuck in a loop you can't escape from. Cursing and hating yourself for everything that you have and haven't done in life.

And then comes the thought.

What about my parents? My lover? My children? My friends? What will happen to them? What will they believe?

What have I done?

Makes you really sit back and look at life differently.

Ahh, the booze is starting to take hold~

Couldn't have wrote this better myself. Loved how Eli is coming to his own conclusions just like everyone else before him.

4 CP

2CP 2DB. Decidedly one of the 'darker' omakes written and Kona likes :3

Am I reading that right?

Did we just get a whole nother action?
No one's really commented or tried to discuss this post, so I figure I'll bring it up again.

Just to be sure it gets seen.

Okay so.

To all the Player Character Omake Writers, @Cavalier brought up something interesting.

Collaboration in character omakes.

I am personally all up for this.

Anyone who wants to use Gecko as a support or side character in their omakes is free to do so... well provided they don't fuck up her character.

I would also not be adverse if someone wants to write a joint omake with me at some point in the future, (Not necessarily right now, got something else I have to pay attention too writing wise.) But I would not reject the idea.
So, here are some thoughts I have for post-Turn 3:

FIrst, we need to start investing in Building Actions.
First, High Priority:
  • Command Strut: Communications Center LVL 2, for Continent End of Turn Reports so we can be on top of the situation in Gallia. Maybe TSOC LVL 2 as well for more money-making options ...Pax Hamburgana.
  • Tank Simulators and Aerospace for immediate combat options that can put us on at least equal terms against the Imperials in combat engagements, and maybe open up research for anti-tank tactics.
  • Supply: Conservation and Farming in order to give us some economical independence and perhaps generate some goods for trading/sale. Also, Dining Facility LVL 2
My current thought is that we should invest in at least one building option every other turn, starting with the High Priority ones.
Turn 4 will also be a good time to start R&D 9: Refugee Integration Program, since General Education should complete by then, and R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree) to improve our forces, plus, of course, doggos.
[X] Plan The Man Who Showed the World 2.0

The lack of Paz doesn't bother me since IH has said he plans to add her action in once we vote on the extra actions.

Also I don't care about Man on Fire. Let BB deal with him.
Tank Simulators and Aerospace for immediate combat options that can put us on at least equal terms against the Imperials in combat engagements, and maybe open up research for anti-tank tactics.
We don't want to be going head to head in "equal" engagements with the imperials. DD should play to its strengths; this means striking at the Imperial's rear, sowing chaos and confusion by targeting their HQs, supplies, etc.

It's what the thread voted for, it's the hand that's been dealt.
People have pointed out how the troopers might blame Huey for the Wormhole shenanigans if we don't do the trial right now. Meanwhile no one has come up a good reason why we need to take the Paz action now other then 'They want'.

The Paz option is marked New Game +. The only other option that was marked like that was talking to Huey. This is the last tutorial turn. So if we don't take the option this turn we will lose something with Paz. Maybe lose her entirely or maybe just lose parts of her or maybe get a multi-stage chain of action to do what one action would have done. Either way people want it done now because in the long run it will cost us less in the best case scenario and in the worst case scenario is a loss to one of our Hero units.
To the Man Who Guided the World
From To the Man Who Guided the World

Naked Snake

Voice Actor: David Hayter



I wonder, what am I supposed to say?

Now that the moment is here, it's as if all the thoughts that were in my head have fled into the darkness.

But maybe that's only right. Right that it's you who is to face the world and all of its combined horrors.

But you've already made peace with that already, haven't you my friend?

Without reservation, without fear, you are the proud, unbent symbol who faces the cycle of hatred and greed.

The innocent people who've felt the touch of war, huddle behind your aegis and come to see the cruel world in another light.

The soldiers who watch defiantly by your side, unflinching at their coming doom…

They follow you because they believe.


There you stand, proud underneath the warm rays of the shining sun, ready for the tide that comes to sink you beneath it's cold waves. You know it's coming, but for you it's the only path left.


It's the only choice that is acceptable.

The only way forward.

There can be no other way. No other path that leads to salvation.


No, not salvation.

A Future.

The only future you can see, spinning through the emptiness of space... Slowly spreading to the eyes of all who follow at your side.

Full of love, hope, and the voice of humanity that so desperately cries for absolution.

Soon, all those who remain at the sidelines will rise.

Your vision, Ahab.

It's impossible.





In another time, another age, I would've…



When did I change. Become this distorted shell of who I used to be…

*The crackling of clenched fists, ripples through the recording*

I'm no longer that man. Not anymore.

I guess that idealism has never left you, even after nine years.


Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do?

I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you, I've left my mark.

You have too. You've written your own history.

You're your own man.


I'm Big Boss. And you are…



That's a lie.

A falsehood.

You're not me.

Not anymore.

You were always the best of us.

Strong, skilled, uncompromising.

Good. Moral. Heroic.

The one who would wade through bullets, fire, and certain death to reach out to those calling for salvation.


The voice, the heart of Militaries Sans Frontieres.

The one who kept us on our path…

Kept me on the right path…



If only…

*Breathes deeply*

Where you are today, this story, this legend. You built it.

This story, this legend. It's yours.

You've changed the world. And with it?

The future.

You're the guardian of Outer Heaven. Carry that with you, wherever you go.


Thank you my friend. From here on out, you're Big Boss.

I'll see you soon.

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Frak, Drunk?nami has Liked my world-smashing WMG.... I was talking literally, not figuratively! Please don't make me more paranoid! XD

Or maybe it was the earlier part about changes to PMC missions...

"Big Boss is here, shit!" "We surrender! We surrender!" "Please CQC us, Boss!" "Autographs!" "Please let us join!" "I am sooorrry~ I surreeender~ +blubbering noises+" "...Wait, isn't that the Sandinista guy?"
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OK reposting my plan from before and my arguments for it. Will get back to writing the Omake Op I called dibs on just as soon as I read what happened in this thread while I was asleep.

Plan Of Dreams and Hopes:
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] PMC Ops 6: Contra War

Everyone of the Main missions needs to get done this turn:

-We need Man on Fire recovered so that we have a concept of Death Psycho Mantis can manipulate.
-The Trial being done means that Huey and his tech is trusted by DD again.
-Denuclearization 3 gets us money Omake Ops on top of everything else.
-Sahelanthropus in canon was able to keep the Lord of Dust pinned with just a functional railgun.
-Last New Game + option. Want.
-Large portion of new meat for the meat grinder.
-So that the world knows why the nukes went missing.
-So that Paz and Amanda can interact with one another and maybe also get Amanda as a Hero Unit.
Ahab has finally received his rightful title, the Title of Big Boss is now his once more. Ishmael has relinquished it and most likely will either let himself fade away with history or let himself be defeated so that Big Boss can continue to lead the world.
My god we were completely wrong and yet right at the same time!!!

We're the big boss now!

Ishmael, there is still time...

Okay dammit QM has given me the feels.

I will reread when I'm at home and not on my phone.

Dammit now im going to drink enough Dr. pepper to stay awake all night finishing my omake.

Damn it @konamikode!!!
At this rate your going to make us give you bonuses for sheer awe of your postings!!!
But my true legacy, my last great work, is the desperate and selfish request that I burden you with now. Please, my friend, my love, invest the wealth we have been given wisely, and lock it away, so that none may ever touch it. Then when that fateful day finally dawns, to shatter the cold night that nuclear power and mutually assured destruction has forced upon us, give whatever wealth has accumulated to the person responsible. They will surely need it when the world seeks to crush them for daring to hope for a better tomorrow.

This, is my final request to you both, and I beg that you complete it. It is what will truly let my spirit rest easily, knowing that for all of my sins, and the crimes my creation will commit, that I will play atleast some small part in fixing it.

Sincerely, with love and fond farewells, Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov.

Beautiful. The music, the atmosphere, the writing. It has moved me to tears. It's the honest wish of a man that sees far more into the future than his colleagues. The Hope that, one day, the rest of mankind will realize that, above everything else, we're all human. It made me remember Carl Sagan speech on the Pale Blue Dot. Hell, I'm certain Sagan would love Venom Snake and Sokolov.
[X]Plan Exiting In Style
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] Side Ops 11: Beach Party *Must take Denuke 3*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes

… Goddamn that was amazing!
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Damn it Ishmael it's not too late you know. You can still try and live up to it the dream you once had. It's never to late to do the right thing even if your brought down and killed it'll rally others to do the right thing and push for a better world.

Ahab still believes in that dream. When we're gone I hope maybe that dream of his will pass onto you. This world still needs a Big Boss the legendary solder to strive for it the true outer heaven. Till the time that Soild comes to inherent the ideal we need you.

Don't give up on our shaired dream so easily.
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From To the Man Who Guided the World

So does this change Ishamel's tape's Omake Op?

Damn it Ishmael it's not to late you know. You can still try and live up to it the dream you once had. It's never to late to do the right thing even if your brought down and killed it'll rally others to do the right thing and push for a better world.

Ahab still believes in that dream. When we're gone I hope maybe that dream of his will pass onto you. This world still needs a Big Boss the legendary solder to strive for it the true outer heaven. Till the time that Soild comes to inherent the ideal we need you.

Don't give up on our shaired dream so easily.
Thank you my friend. From here on out, you're Big Boss.

I'll see you soon.

Some things just have to be done in person. Do you think Ishmael would abandon his friend on the auspices of such an important moment?
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Oh my god.
"Its beatiful. Yes Ahabs vision may be naive.
But he will stand for it, he will march into hell to keep on making this dream, this future world, filled with love and care for simple man.
The future!!! Filled with posibilities!!! With hope!!!!!!
That we will stand together and withstand the uncoming storms.
For we are man, and theres nothing that stop us when our hearts beat together."
Jesus im crying, just from reading it. Konamikode thank you.