Im voting existing in style because it has Paz ad Paz is time sensitive.
It does not.
It'll be added in later during the second vote after Konamikode looks at the second wave of omakes. So don't worry, your precious Paz will be just fine.Im voting existing in style because it has Paz ad Paz is time sensitive.
It'll be added in later during the second vote after Konamikode looks at the second wave of omakes. So don't worry, your precious Paz will be just fine.
[X] Plan The Man Who Showed the World 2.0
My only issue here is the lack of a Paz action, but otherwise I like this one well enough.
I believe people are underestimating The Lord of Dust. If all that was needed to beat it was a high grade PMC and Metal Gear, then it wouldn't have eaten so many other worlds before now. I doubt it's something we can fight and win as we are. We should therefore look at our actions with that in mind, knowing that anything we don't take here and now is going to be left and turned to dust. That's part of the animal conservation platforms appeal I think. We don't take them, no one will ever see them again.
Not that I recommend that action. We have too many other more worth while actions, but it's something to keep in mind.
It'll be added in later during the second vote after Konamikode looks at the second wave of omakes. So don't worry, your precious Paz will be just fine.
they beat with like five dudes (None of which were a snake), an AI pod, and a broken sahelanthropus in Survive.
Honestly i'm not really sure how it ate so many worlds to be honest.
Tangentally related, but apparently Persona 3 dog's concept art looks like DD.
Speaking of dogs, which option gives them to us again?