I got bored, and it was slow at work for a bit, and I was really having fun playing with Analytic Cormorant...
Soooo, having been musing randomly on the local VC weaponry once the Diamond Dogs show up, I wrote up some of my thoughts (from Cormorant's viewpoint IC) on a possible interpretation of the Valkyria Chronicles infantry-portable weapon systems!
I mean, if other people can come up with lists of people to
steal fulton RECRUIT, I can ponder on VC weapons to reverse engineer so we can build our own personalized SHINIES
Yaaaaaaay!~ Shinies!~
Analytic Cormorant's R&D's New? Local? Weapon Report (Rough Draft, Come Up With Better Title Before Sending It To the Boss, Kaz, and that Ass Ocelot. Also, Delete This Note Later)
Cormorant's Commentary: Probably not going to be of major interest to the DD's, Boss. While they have some that are pretty well-made, we've frankly left this
humble bolt-action (
Note to self: Chide Chattering Cockatoo most severely for mislabeling the Gallian Rifle and the Gallian Sniper Rifle. Although, not too severely, they do look similar, and Steve does spend more time playing with Theoretical Science than 'previous' generation weaponry.) style of rifle that most of the local military units use for their general troops behind ages ago. On the other hand, though, developing a DD-variant rifle for arming local allies and our own troops who need precision more than automatic rates of fire might be feasible. A niche weapon.
As an aside, I'd have loved to have a few crates of even the basic ones for my unit back during the Great Patriotic War, to say nothing of the high-quality models out there. Probably not a particularly high priority for R&D, though.
Rifle Grenades
Cormorant's Commentary: Oddly, more interesting than the rifles that the locals use, sir. I've mused before that Ragnite and Ragnite-based explosives have a surprising kick to them, given the era's general technological level, so developing a weapon mount (note to R&D Staff, we need that mounting system eventually) to allow our troops to use local rifle grenades isn't a bad idea, both for the utility of things as well as easing logistics in the field. Moderate priority.
-Machine Guns- (Note to Self: Fix header later)
Cormorant's Commentary: Just to clarify, Boss, we'd probably classify most of these as sub-machine guns. There are bigger ones out there, mind you, then the man-portable ones our troops are liable to run int, but they tend to be either mounted weapons, whether on vehicle or dedicated deployed weapon platforms, or used by elite troops.
Regardless, these are probably an area where the locals aren't too far behind us. Differences in materials and what not, but when you get down to it, they understand the concept and usage of shock troopers quite well. Local variants won't be as fancy as some of ours, as well as bulkier, but they're also usually extremely durable as well. Cockatoo has been trying to break one of the basic models that we bought off the Gallians, and hasn't found anything that will keep the gun from shooting after a bit of cleaning. Kalashnikov would be proud. Low-to-Middling R&D priority, as while it could be useful to manufacture a weapon for our troops that can use local ammunition, we have an embarrassing surplus of weapons that fit the 'spray bullets really fast' model.
Cormorant's Commentary: ...Ragnite strikes again, Boss. Flamethrowers just aren't casually used in our old world, and when they are, they're bulky as hell. Here? The local engineers have figured out how to take advantage of Ragnite to make a short ranged flamethrower that they can
casually clip onto elite shock trooper's guns. The sheer audacity of such fellows is terrifying, in its own way. Frightening from a tactical standpoint, too. Do advise the troops going to the field that getting too close could end poorly, yes? Moderate R&D priority, depending on how much trench warfare you expect.
Sniper Rifles
Cormorant's Commentary: Ah, another field where the locals are actually rather close to some degree of parity with us.
It doesn't matter if the rifle is something we would have used 40 years ago or not, a single heavy round to the head is going to be dangerous to the Diamond Dogs' infantry.
...With some exceptions, depending on equipment. I'm honestly not sure getting shot in the head by a sniper rifle would do more than just make Insatiable Whale mad, for example.
We've noticed that the Western powers prefer sharpshooter rifles, while the Imperial snipers tend to be issued weapons that are more of a designated marksman rifle that is shorter ranged, but higher powered than the Western counterparts.
Moderate R&D priority, even if it's just to ease logistics by modifying some of our stock to use the local ammo.
Cormorant's Commentary: I'm torn on these, Boss.
On the one hand, they are frankly incredibly awkward, requiring a dedicated trooper to carry, and the fact that they're so large pretty much screams 'SHOOT ME NOW' to pretty much everyone on the other side who wants to keep their tanks intact. Compared to some of the higher-tech guided missile weapons out there, they seem primitive. Iron sights aimed and all that.
They are primitive, but...that's not always a bad thing.
You see, Boss, the other side of the coin is that Lances? They are
dirt cheap. Pretty much every military force in this world has at least a couple of these floating around their armories, down to the militia level, and properly used they are absolutely murderous on heavy armor in the correct circumstances. Maybe we can whip something up a bit lighter weight? If it wasn't for the bulk and size, I'd actually be all in favor of getting these in the armories.
As long as our own logistical supplies and production capabilities are fine, this is a low priority option, but if you decide we need to downtech a bit to ease the logistical supply lines, I highly recommend making this a priority. The local armed forces are all quite aware of how effective armored support can be for infantry, with armored units often integrated into the main infantry forces as support as well as in dedicated tank companies, so we're likely to need some sort of anti-tank weaponry for our troops to keep things even.
Well, even in our favor, of course.
I'm quite aware of the old chestnut about how if one is not cheating, one is not trying.
Mortar Lances
Cormorant's Commentary: I'm much less enthusiastic about these, I'll admit. They're what I would call a niche weapon.
The evolution of the weapon is logical, mind you.
The local anti-tank troopers, or Lancers, as they are called, do tend to be issued with heavier armor that lets them shrug off lighter injuries. It didn't take a super-genius to take that starting point and swap out the dedicated anti-tank warhead on a lance for a heavy blast charge to deal with clustered infantry.
Still, I suppose we can see about looking into these if you need us to, Boss, but I'd frankly say that our own grenade launchers are probably going to be a better starting point. Lower priority, in my opinion, but could still be useful with a bit of work and refinement.
Cormorant's Commentary: Mmm. I think this is one area where we can, frankly, beat the pants off the locals, Boss. It's an impressive system, to be sure, but the man-portable mortars the locals use are still fairly early in their development phase, with fairly short ranges, all things considered. More like super-heavy man-portable grenade launchers, I'd say, than, oh, a proper man-portable mortar able to launch a payload at least a mile.
The local systems are quite large, quite bulky, require a good bit of set-up time, and do slow their users down quite a bit.
Still, not to be underestimated as a threat, as they do throw out some rather heavy charges, and some of the field reports from the Intel Team mention they have anti-tank munitions that can just ruin a vehicle's day, or heavy blasts from anti-personnel shells that are quite wide enough to cover a street.
Primitive doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. A rock to the back of the head can kill you just as easily as a bullet, after all.
It would be interesting to see what we could do with a hybrid system between our own technology and Ragnite, mind you.