Winning Votes
[] Yes -350 bits
[] The Hazard Coast and Bulwark.
[] Tell Flamemon that he doesn't need to join some army to be a hero. He's already like that for you and Sparks. You think Flamemon could do it independently. (No change to Major Goal)
During the latter half of the week, Sorcerymon gathers the village's residents together for another story, though it proves to be more of a warning and explanation than anything else. Your magic mentor explains two subjects to the village's remaining inhabitants: *Bulwark* and *The Hazard Coast*.
According to him, Hazard Coast is the label given to the very northmost area of the main continent, a stretch of land by the ocean which posseses the very highest concentration of powerful feral virus digimon in all the entire digital world. It boasts very powerful combat species like Guilmon and BlackGrowlmon, rare and powerful species which can fight above their level in a way few species can. More normal rookies and champions rarely last long there before being deleted by the very aggressive inhabitants, with most outside digimon that enter rarely being able to leave.
That particular piece of information leaves you a bit stunned. Considering what Gnaw and the Mechnorimon can do you'd never imagine being able to hurt them. Even Flamemon, the strongest rookie you've ever known so far, hadn't been able to stand up to either one at all in a straight up fight. The thought of maybe fighting one that could is... terrifying.
While you try not to shiver, Sorcerymon continues on, explaining that the few Ultimate level mon that evolve around there are noted to be extremely powerful and that if a Mega manages to digivolve… Well they tend to be so powerful that they threaten the rest of the digital world. In the one recorded time he heard about, the dragon-type digimon in question deleted thousands of opposing digimon by his lonesome before being defeated by a team made up of a half dozen Mega's with several times their number in Ultimate's.
Of course you don't know what that means, beyond being *Very powerful and scary*. Academically you think you understand what the levels are, but you have trouble even grasping what the sheer scope would look like.
From there the magical digimon goes on to say that beyond the coast itself, the waters are just as dangerous as well, making traveling by boat over there nearly impossible. Most vessels or even fleets that have tired were quickly destroyed by the large swarms of Ultimate level marine digimon.
The concentration of mon is highest by the the sea, but things thin out the further south you go from said area, until finally more less normalizing. He concludes by informing you that the village rests in an area a relatively short distance past the point where it tapers out.
The Hazard Coast is largely considered an eternal war-zone of sorts, both because of the constant conflict between its Inhabitants and something else, which brings him to the second half of his explanation.
*The Bulwark* or *Bulwark* technically refers to two things. The first is an organization which boasts the most powerful army in the digital world and a powerful fortress on the edge of the Flux Mountains that serves as said organizations main base. It's unfortunately neutral (Well in Sorcerymon's opinion at least) in the conflict between the Gloaming and Blessed Host. Instead its main focus is neutralizing threats to the digital world itself such as powerful feral digimon. At any given time it has dozens mayhaps hundreds of *hunters* traveling around the digital world deleting potential threats.
When Flamemon tries to ask more about them, the white champion quickly says that they're not *Heroes*, as their leader enforces a strict policy of anonymity. Then after Flameon asks what that means, he clarifies that the various members aren't allowed to try and gain fame across the digital world. Naturally your best friend is disappointed by that, but you're more than relieved than anything else. It means he probably won't try and join up with Bulwark.
Continuing on, the merchant says that the majority of Bulwark's attention is drawn towards a continuous conflict all along the hazard Coast. The bulk of their forces spend their time patrolling the coast, identifying and hunting down as many dangerous viral digimon as possible to prevent more Ultimate and Mega level digimon from being created. It is a constant and very, very dangerous affair, which Sorcerymon himself has stayed far away from. He warns all of you to never venture that far north for any reason.
Finally he ends off by saying that the Bulwark itself is supported by all 20 Great Cities to various degrees because of how important their job is. Even the states that absolutely hate each other like the Z and S Ridge cities send aid in the form of foodstuffs.
After the conversation with Flamemon, you head to bed and are pleasantly surprised to find that the next dream isn't like the last seven. Rather you get weird images about a
strange mutant Gabumon and a weird Candlemon (certainly not Sparks) with green fire of all things.
It was a frantic, blurry and choppy series of events and by the time morning all you can remember is that you all
teamed up to fight something that made you extremely angry. In the end however you're just glad that the messed up dreams seem to finally be over.
The next day went by semi-normally, though the *break week* is over. Now, every mon in the village that can work is being sent on new errands by Gramps in order to prepare for the oncoming festival. Lunamon stays behind with Fu to help tend the village's fields while you're sent out to gather stuff. By now Gramps considers you strong enough to head out on your lonesome even if you don't particularly like it. Sparks with his new Mechanorimon also proves to be quite the boon when it comes to gathering and transporting wood, though because he's so young Flamemon still goes along with him.
Once evening strikes and all the chores are finished, you remember your promise to Lunamon about the tiara, and after confirming that you do have the bits for it you talk to Sorcerymon about buying it for her. Of course, your mentor in the arts mystical is more than willing to sell it to you… but suggests that you don't buy it just yet. Instead he suggests you wait until the day of the festival so you can give it to her on a special occasion.
=== In the end you decide to:
[] Buy it now, you can store it in your bag until the time comes.
[] Wait on it like he's suggested.
[] Buy it and give to Lunamon now.
=== Choose One: (For that evening's actions)
[] Strength Focus (3 Strength, 1 Endurance, 1 Fortitude)
[] Fortitude Focus (3 Fortitude, 1 Endurance, 1 Strength)
[] Endurance Focus (3 Endurance, 1 Agility, 1 strength)
[] Agility Focus (3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance)
[] Sparring (Balanced Gains + Fighting Skill)
[] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell)
=== Stat Changes: (From Breakfast and Bonus Stat Points, which are Endurance, Fortitude and Agility)
- Strength: 83.00->90.00
- Fortitude: 83.75->89.00->90.75
- Endurance: 75.00->80.25->82
- Agility: 60.5->66.5->67.25
Authors Note: Not the longest update, but there's not much to cover right now. Also Breakfast as a stat boost gets pretty large over periods of time. Shame that it'll get less effective after a certain point.