Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Problem is this just feels like un-necessary artificial drama, and a way to force tension with Karen.
Teenage girls don't have perfect memory.
Magical girls don't automatically have perfect memory.
And we may have just been mentally effected.
This last one is the only one that seems really relevant. While questers may have forgotten the details of the initial vow over the months of IRL time, it hasn't been anywhere near that long for Cerys and the matter is considerably more important to her, and thus memorable, than it is for any of us.

And, really, when the fact of the matter is brought up almost immediately after the story post by the questers themselves, I'm not sure you can really claim they forgot it in the first place, never mind how specious claiming "questers forgot, so obviously the MC did too" is as a justification.

Problem is it just feels like un-necessary artificial drama, and a way to force tension with Karen.
Also this.
...and? That's not an excuse you can just wave to justify anything that doesn't make sense.

At first read, this honestly feels more like the QM forgot that detail themselves and introduced it as a way to start drama, than anything like the character forgetting the very important bargain they made and what it actually meant. Whether or not that is actually the case I don't know, since there are other explanations, but none of them make as much sense.
This last one is the only one that seems really relevant. While questers may have forgotten the details of the initial vow over the months of IRL time, it hasn't been anywhere near that long for Cerys and the matter is considerably more important to her, and thus memorable, than it is for any of us.
I would like to mention that there were month-long timeskips.

It was at least two months for Cerys since that conversation. Probably closer to three.
...and? That's not an excuse you can just wave to justify anything that doesn't make sense.

At first read, this honestly feels more like the QM forgot that detail themselves and introduced it as a way to start drama, than anything like the character forgetting the very important bargain they made and what it actually meant. Whether or not that is actually the case I don't know, since there are other explanations, but none of them make as much sense.
It's called your overestimating the memory of someone who just nuked a base and you know the stress of being involved in WW3. (lets be honest it's going to happen)
I mean look.
Morgan leans forwards, drawing your eye. "What proof do you have that you will keep this promise? The word of your kind means nothing." You frown at her wording, but you don't disagree with the point.

"What sort of proof do you desire? You can have my word, an agreement in writing, a contract made before the world on television." She tilts her head. "A hostage of importance? We may not be able to make a False Vow like you can, but there are many methods available."
She out right says she cant do as good as it but is willing to go for a good substitute.
And yet everyone is utterly ignoring it?
Also why is the 17-18 year old looking girl in charge of both meeting with us and writing to the families of the dead ones?
And yet she now in a flying rage because the person made a better deal then anything the other side can do in terms of awareness of betrayal?
Look back at the update that the vow was given.

Alright then. No more alluding, I want this done with. You take a fortifying breath and start. "Give me an unbreakable guarantee that my sister will be cared for to the best of your, or if you die, your most trusted persons ability."

Her reply is quick and sharp. "Hold out your hand." You stare at her for a second, taking in the way her eyes have almost completely iced over, her magic actually pressing out in a slightly impressive manner. You hold your hand before her.

She moves one of hers to hold it, lacing her fingers through yours as she maintains eye-contact. "I swear that so long as I or another I trust completely lives, I will ensure that Una will be cared for to the best of my ability in the case of your absence." Her words echo with a soundless quality, her vow touching something inside of you briefly. "Will you accept this vow?"

You let out a harsh breath. "This is a one sided deal, you are going to regret this before the end." She just nods, waiting for your answer. You glance down, a tiny slip of paper underneath your mug spelling out the words of acceptance or refusal. Clever Bitch. You lock eyes, noticing the way her pupils flex and contact slightly, the tiny layers of her iris held steadfast on you. You feel a reluctant sense of respect and gratitude in your chest, solidly locked away from sight.

She didn't ask for a magical vow. She asked for an unbreakable guarantee.

In return she got something that explicitly could be broken.

That is the problem. The source of conflict here.

Cerys specifically asked for something unbreakable. Karen responded by giving something that is breakable.

It would be one thing if Karen explained that magic vow wasn't unbreakable. It would be one thing if Karen found a way to guarantee it without a magical vow.

What it is though, is Cerys asking for an unbreakable guarantee that Una would always be safe, and Karen giving Cerys a magical vow, letting her believe that it was unbreakable. Acting like it was unbreakable.

At a time that Cerys no longer fully trusted Karen. At a time that Cerys was no longer fully on her side, and doubted her.

In this update Karen said:

"They will lie to you, try to bring you to their side or suss out your secrets."

but, really, who is it that lied to bring her on their side?
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[] Don't

I understand why this is happening but flying off our handle again isn't going to solve our problems right now. Us being mad as hell when our VERY POWERFUL boss is already mad as hell cannot end well. Yes the vow May or may not be broken but why the fuck should we give her a reason TO break it without at least having a plan is at worst putting Una in danger at slightly worse suicidal and at best damaging our already strained relationship with the person who controls where we live.

This seems like 2 people starting a war for reasons that from Morgans irritation clues us to being just SLIGHTY a bit personal when we have no stake in it needs a cool head and more info.
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I would like to mention that there were month-long timeskips.

It was at least two months for Cerys since that conversation. Probably closer to three.
The information about Vows was part of a story post in mid-August, which is the better part of six months ago, and occurred near the end of the Canada arc. I'm not sure precisely where Karen makes an actual Vow, as it was not a part of Cerys's initial sign-on, but it would be notably more recent than that.
The information about Vows was part of a story post in mid-August, which is the better part of six months ago, and occurred near the end of the Canada arc. I'm not sure precisely where Karen makes an actual Vow, as it was not a part of Cerys's initial sign-on, but it would be notably more recent than that.
I was talking about IC-time.
The Canada-arc was in the middle of April while Karen made her vow a week ago IC, which was the beginning of July

Almost three months passed since Cerys had that conversation with Morgan. Three months where the topic was not brought up at all, by anyone.
Cerys does not have a perfect memory. Cerys never researched the topic. She never even asked anyone about it to confirm.

Which means that no, just because this was about Una does not mean she magically remembers the little detail that could have given her an early warning.
One thing that's a bit odd about the vow that Karen made, now that I think about it: How exactly does it work for a person to make a vow for someone else, since Karen bound a person she trusts completely to follow that Vow?
I was talking about IC-time.
The Canada-arc was in the middle of April while Karen made her vow a week ago IC, which was the beginning of July

Almost three months passed since Cerys had that conversation with Morgan. Three months where the topic was not brought up at all, by anyone.
Cerys does not have a perfect memory. Cerys never researched the topic. She never even asked anyone about it to confirm.

Which means that no, just because this was about Una does not mean she magically remembers the little detail that could have given her an early warning., we're supposed to then assume that Karen, who has to-date been depicted as both smart and politically savvy, deliberately withheld this information, knowing what could happen when it was inevitably made known?

Like, you can't have it both ways. There's an idiot ball here somewhere, and the only question is who is holding it and for what reason., we're supposed to then assume that Karen, who has to-date been depicted as both smart and politically savvy, deliberately withheld this information, knowing what could happen when it was inevitably made known?

Like, you can't have it both ways. There's an idiot ball here somewhere, and the only question is who is holding it and for what reason. You are still operating from incomplete data, though.

Karen made her moves for a good reason. Just because you do not know what it is does not mean she did something stupid.
Let's see... honestly this woman is even more suspicious and off than Karen(a feat really, can't be an accident) plus I am tired of IC and OOC in their favour so fuck them, Karen all the way. Which means not barging our way in.
"The counter Force are dumb, fuck them for having no good reasons!"
*Newsflash: Karen is a terrible person*
"Fuck them for having good reasons!"

I do not understand this playerbase.
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[X] Ask Morgan what she's thinking about, and why Karen would trick us.
Seriously, Morgan might be able to explain to us why Karen would lie to us like that
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