Alright then. No more alluding, I want this done with. You take a fortifying breath and start. "Give me an unbreakable guarantee that my sister will be cared for to the best of your, or if you die, your most trusted persons ability."
Her reply is quick and sharp. "Hold out your hand." You stare at her for a second, taking in the way her eyes have almost completely iced over, her magic actually pressing out in a slightly impressive manner. You hold your hand before her.
She moves one of hers to hold it, lacing her fingers through yours as she maintains eye-contact. "I swear that so long as I or another I trust completely lives, I will ensure that Una will be cared for to the best of my ability in the case of your absence." Her words echo with a soundless quality, her vow touching something inside of you briefly. "Will you accept this vow?"
You let out a harsh breath. "This is a one sided deal, you are going to regret this before the end." She just nods, waiting for your answer. You glance down, a tiny slip of paper underneath your mug spelling out the words of acceptance or refusal. Clever Bitch. You lock eyes, noticing the way her pupils flex and contact slightly, the tiny layers of her iris held steadfast on you. You feel a reluctant sense of respect and gratitude in your chest, solidly locked away from sight.