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Caught up in the aftermath of a suicide attempt by a being far beyond the mortal ken, a man from a different Earth is transported to a universe not his own. With a form not his own, she now tries to stop a war she hopes is not destined to come. While juggling the abilities, responsibilities, and consequences of her own alien biology.
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A Lancer TTRPG x Mass Effect Crossover What began as a routine inspection of Relay 314 becomes a bloody introduction to an unknown species that has proliferated in the Orion Spur of the galaxy. Completely Isolated from the Relay Network, and seemingly ignorant of the Protheans and Mass Effect technology, these "humans" have nevertheless costructed a vast interstellar civilization and advanced their technology along utterly divergent paths. As governments vie for dominance, companies sniff...
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After an unexpected betrayal the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan finds themself very far from home.
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In a universe a step to the left of the one you know, follow the rise of Queen Raine Tendi all the way from her humble beginnings as a lone child on the streets of New Chicago to the ruler of an interstellar Empire.
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When Operation Exodus falls victim to a catastrophic misjump, they find themselves in a galaxy eerily like there own. Only it ain't kansas anymore. Here be aliens.
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"Many years have passed since our great victory. But as we rejoice in light of what the future has for us, we also equally weep, shed tears of sorrow, for the dearly departed who have fallen for this victory to be a reality. But what was our suffering to the innocent? What was our morals to the haughty? What was, our efforts, our sacrifices, to the complacent?" Attempt #2 at writing a Mass Effect/Kantai Xover. Kek
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As vengeance for the Skyllian Blitz, the Alliance anti-piracy campaign comes to Torfan. Their intent is to stifle piracy and slave trafficking in the Verge for years with this blow. It all goes wrong, and yet somehow succeeds because of something entirely unexpected.
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In 1958, NATO and the Warsaw Pact come into contact with a hostile UFO. It seemed to defy the laws of physics with the way it moved and the way it's mass seemed to almost...fluctuate. A joint NATO-Soviet mission managed to defeat the alien incursion, but only barely. To defend against possible future incursions from hostile alien entities, the two great powers form the Xenonauts: a clandestine organization designed to give humanity a fighting chance against the alien threat. Mass...
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Heroes rise, heroes fall. Often, their fall is as legendary as their rise. But sometimes, once in a very long time, when one hero falls, another rises in her place. Jordan Shepard is a hero. Lion of Elysium. Butcher of Torfan. A hero to some, a devil in disguise to others. Stained and scarred, but unbroken and unbowed. But Lions can be killed. Butchers can be brought low. It's only a matter of time before Shepard falls. But sometimes, a hero is more than just a hero. Sometimes...
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Since FFN's a bit wonky lately I've decided to post the first six chapters onto this thread for the sake of archival purposes so that I can have a redundant backup in case things go down south. "Humanity, a race forged in the complex interactions of war and peace, of bliss and suffering. The Citadel, once great and mighty, now prideful, arrogant, and haughty, the sacrifices of which their foundations had been forged in forgotten to the passage of time. When an ill-fated expedition to open a...
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The galaxy is a vast, wonderous place, filled with life and connected by science and something just a shade beyond. But what is old watches and waits in the darkness, biding its time as the garden before it blooms. The year of that final flowering is 2183. And for one Commander Nathaniel Shepard, it's about to become a busy year indeed. But no one, not even the ancients who still live and set their long-awaited dance in motion, could anticipate just how vast Reality really is.
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After taking part in the Eden Prime War as a member of Commander Shepard's Primary Combat Team and after the Commander's death Sara Elaine Ryder accepted a position in her father's Primary Pathfinder Mission Team as part of the larger Andromeda Initiative. How will such a veteran deal with the Andromeda Galaxy? And how will Andromeda deal with a soldier who is a bit unconventional in their thinking? That is this story.
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A man, dies at the end of the Reaper War. He is no great hero, just a man who loved his wife and children, and is sent back by either a strange quirk of fate or ability. He has been given a second chance, and now he will do everything he can to protect his family this time. . . Hopefully they don't think he's a weird crazy stalker.
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What if humanity was diplomatically isolated from the Citadel races, left to fend for itself against the Batarians and other threats? This is an AU story of a humanity forced to struggle and fight for its place in the stars, with many points of divergence and some pretty significant changes made to the background lore. Contains violence and some mature themes.
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In a world in which capitalism has arrived at its hideous extreme -- lives are cheap, time is money, and money is everything -- Night City's Home for Wayward Boys makes its income by lending out its children to the megacorporations for their under the table illegal human experimentation. L, our protagonist, could be considered an old man in a profession that most die young at the ripe age of fifteen, and he can feel that he doesn't have much longer left. Worse, he knows that the next...
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Rebecca is a war criminal, a disposable asset, and ill socialized. After accidentally killing Jeff Bezos with her Subaru while fleeing the police in Seattle, she is kidnapped to The Crossroads, a place where worlds interconnect. Read along as she tries to solve a multi-verse ending threat, fight the Old Gods, and find true love. Trigger Warning: Rebecca is foul mouthed, aggressive, and lethally competent in combat. There will be explicit sex scenes, glorification of drugs, gratuitous...
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A hanar exploration vessel detects signals emitting from a rather dim yellow dwarf, and determine an unknown species resides there. Initial survey attempts reveal a once beautiful planet starting to become sickly, and the hanar won't let that happen again, not after the drell.
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Author's note: Well...I always wanted to try my hand at a SI. we go, onto the...
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This is a rewrite of the Dream effect (as people have been asking for it). The dream effect is a continuation of the Deep Dream series set hundreds of years in the future when humanity encounters the Citadel races of the mass effect universe.
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AN: This is an idea for another ME story - no crossover this time. What if the Council was...
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One misadventure was all it took to change Ruby's life forever. Thrust from uncovering a White Fang conspiracy to waking up on a desolate moon in a galaxy beyond her wildest dreams. A galaxy devoid of Aura. A galaxy that has never heard of the planet Remnant. Adrift on an endless ocean of stars, one wayward soul tries to find the way home.
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Mass Effect universe with a self insert character being a techno organic life form, was able to transform into a small ship
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Humanity has some monsters under the bed.
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The most surveilled Krogan in the Galaxy tries to obtain a happy ending to the Reaper War. Hijinks ensue.
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Got inspired by the Dyson Sphere Program and Industrial Annihilation, the plot bunny ran rampant so now I'm writing.
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It has been 57 years since the Martians came with their dread machines and ended man's blissful ignorance of the greater universe, before falling to the smallest organisms to exist on the Earth. The empires of man rebuilt, and using the power of captured Martian technology launched a great crusade across space that found the Red Planet a dead world, unoccupied except by catacombs and automated defenses from an age long past. In their arrogance and lust for power, the great nations of...
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A black box
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During a routine Warp journey, a rogue trader finds a worm hole that connects to another galaxy. A galaxy of Xenos species and a different variation of humanity, one that worships technology and not the Golden Throne. Both galaxies will quake and nothing will ever truly be the same again.
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There is a darkness amongst the stars. Something that looks for anything good in the universe before taking it and corrupting it. Many call it by different names but most simply call it the Union.
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A Mass Effect fan gets ROBed into the series a little over a century and a half before all the craziness goes down. So they do their part, helping (and HALPING) the best they can to prepare the Galaxy for what is to come. But remember, the question is not 'if there will be butterflies', but 'how thunderous will their flapping be?'
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