Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

Lalter's Magic Res is only B and her Luck is D. Jackie will one-shot her or near enough as to not matter.
A curse of such class as an NP in these circumstances is Gae Bolg's heart strike that still almost insta'd Saber Artoria through Magic Res A and Luck B.
So, assuming that Taylor doesn't spill the beans about Bet and the events of Worm until at some point in the America singularity (which I hope will have more of both Indians and Indians. Pushmataha? Washakie? Quanah Parker? Shivaji? Kanhoji Angre? Ashoka?), will Jackie be there for it?

It may sound incredibly stupid, but I've been amused by the idea of a teenaged JACKIE getting Peggy Sue'd to the Locker Incident after the end of Hereafter, whatever form that'll take.

"I've only had the version of my mum from high school for 5 fucking minutes but if one of you cunts pranks her again I'll kill everybody in this room and then Zoe Barnes for good measure."

The narrative there probably starts with the entire Protectorate ENE called to Winslow because the entire district got covered in, basically the atmosphere of Venus. Jackie then pulls a reverse adoption-fu on her own mother and runs around Brockton like an undetectable ninja trolling everybody the way "Auntie Rika" and "Miss DaVinci" taught her to. Taylor tries in vain to reign her daughter in. It would be funny, though totally out of character, for Danny to totally be Jackie's enabler (he bribes her to fuck with the Mayor and his administration with chocolate chip pancakes that are low key kinda mediocre but Jackie loves because her grandpa made them). Lisa has no idea what to do because there's a British girl who seems to be following around everywhere, is always smirking at her, and is, somehow according to her power, Lisa's god-daughter. Jackie never says a word to Tats the entire time she's in Brockton, until Lisa just gives up and asks "why?". Jackie: "Mum said you needed a taste of your own medicine not just sometimes but all the time." Taylor, indignantly from off in the distance: "I NEVER SAID THAT!" Jackie: "Yeah, but you WILL say it, a few years down the line, Mum."
Also she does have armor and dragon like damage resistance. So maybe if Emiya gave her an anti-dragon knife?
Last Resort might work exceptionally well for that, too. And you know Jackie would be thrilled about getting to use 'Mommy's' knife.
A Command Seal or two may be needed.

By their powers combined, she's the Captain Murdergirl!

lol, I doubt it will be resolved that way, but getting Jackie buffed out to boost her NP damage and one-shot Artoria is a hilarious idea to me. Did anyone have a Hypercarry Jackie on their FGO bingo card?
one thing i do like is how taylor's experience with her power stretches to her servants, she can talk to all of them at once, and see through all of their senses, because of this she still has that localized omniscience effect she does with her bugs, if to a lesser extent, it's pretty cool.
I dunno. You usually kill non health gate bosses with one overbuffed ST NP. This is Guda way.
"Wait didn't the calcs say Atk Up, Crit Dmg Up, and Buster Dmg Up on the NP would be enough?"
"So what's with the other 7 buffs and the double Caster buff NP Chain into the Buster NP?"
"Do you know the difference between a hero and a superhero?"
"Killing a hundred thousand to save millions?"
"No, what the fuck's wrong with you?! PRESENTATION!"
*Nukes an abnormally large pig with the force of ten thousand Aokos*
It would actually kind of fit for there to be a realatively simple solution - but basically everyone else has to take her full aggro while Jackie gets in position, because she's not standing still with her guard down.
So I started rereading this again, and this time I had a strange shower thought to myself: what if all of Taylor's lines were spoken in a thick New England accent? Massachusetts or New Hampshire.

Rika and Ritsuka obviously don't know what's off about it because they're not American, or from the Anglosphere at large, but Romani and Marie have to physically fight back an eye twitch every time Taylor talks in the Okeanos Singularity about "Paaahkin the Queen Anne's Revenge in the Port Royal Haaaahbah." Da Vinci, for her part, finds this hilarious, and only wishes that Taylor spoke Gabagool Rhode Island-style English instead.

Speaking to Emiya: "Huh. The Aaachah Class really is made up of Aachahs, huh."