Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

I think one of their mistakes this time was picking picking Jeanne Alter and not Aife (in addition to not bringing in reinforcements when it was clear things weren't going well). Emiya is actually an okay pick, especially in light of Arash since an archer is honestly the best counter for another archer. They shouldn't have sent him down alone though, especially when they didn't know where Arash was. By the rules of which servants you were allowed to pick, Taylor picking Siegfried and Arash was very predictable so they should have picked servants best suited for countering them. As for doing worse than before... true, but Taylor was also going a lot harder on them than before with picking two top tier servants. And Emiya (if he doesn't use UBW) and Jeanne Alter are just not top tier. Very good, but not top tier like Siegfried and Arash.

Some mild addendums/corrections for your list.

- The US Marine Corps earned the nickname of 'leathernecks' during the First Barbary War because they wore literal leather collars in combat to protect their throats, not for especially defiant spirit (as much as that was very much on display).

- Despite being in his own words 'only moderately skilled' with long arms (his given reasoning for why his weapons of preference were dual-wielded revolvers), Bass Reeves was so talented with a rifle that he was eventually banned from participating in his local rifle shooting contests, because him being a contender made it stop being a contest. He was also noted as a very snappy dresser, insisting on always wearing shoes that had been polished to a mirror shine and massive hats.

I am aware and that is true, but let's be real here if they hadn't fought so fiercely it wouldn't have been worth giving them a name over. it could also be said that the accolade goes to the Marines as a whole and does not belong to O'Bannon alone, which would also be a fair statement, but it was O'Bannon who led the force, it was O'Bannon who led the charge, it was O'Bannon that received the prince's sword in recognition. so for the purpose of events that led to a Servant, i personally attribute the nickname origin to O'Bannon
I do the same with Dan Daly and the much more (in)famous Devil Dog moniker...which i just realized wasn't on the list
ah well

Everything I learn about Bass Reeves is a blessing :D
if i could add a single Servant to the American Singularity it would be a hard choice, but Reeves is up there on top
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Yaaa i think the logic involved with Bringing Jeanne alter was to have fire to burn the Bugs with and a Mellee capable Combatant

Another of their mistakes was talking out loud in the control range of Taylor which I think will get Brought up

Because from a practical perspective is that a Servant Taylor is a Caster with a thematic Focus on Arthropod Familiars granting her localized omniscience and ability to target foes at range with impunity so long as they can't shrug off alllll the Bugs alongside directing whatever allied forces with a major information advantage for optimal effectiveness

but yaaa me thinks there is going to be a Whole boatload of things for those observing to make a note of
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Re: Modern Heroic Spirits and why some of them can never appear
Basically look up any medal of honor recipient/ the guys in fat electricians with plot armor irl.

If Shiro can be a heroic spirit, if the throne of heroes is beyond time, if fictional characters like Dr. Jeckle, Sherlock, Frankenstein's monster, etc. are on the throne, then there is zero reason modern day heroes cannot be in there.
There are several reasons why "modern" Heroic Spirits are exceptionally rare. Nasu has already given the PR friendly version about how it's hard for modern people to distinguish themselves in the way that would earn them a spot on the Throne. But real talk? It's messy. There's a whole rigmarole you have to go through when you use the likeness of a living person — that whole thing about "any relation to any person living or dead is completely coincidental" you see on stuff like Robot Chicken — and it's at least as messy when you start talking about a "recently" dead person who had the fame and the accolades to be a Heroic Spirit.

As much as I had that joke in London about Taylor constantly praying to a god she doesn't believe in that the next "author" Servant they meet isn't Tolkien, I'm not sure I would actually dare to use him. Because those "recently" dead famous people often have estates that exist to protect their trademarks, copyrights, and the usage of their likenesses, and depending on how scared the holders of those rights are about having them tarnished or diminished, they can get quite defensive about them. To this day, there are certain fandoms that cannot exist on FFnet because the estate of the original creator has told them they're not allowed to host stories based upon their properties.

So don't expect to see, "Caster Servant, J R R Tolkien," anytime soon.
I wonder what that servant would look like, would he have a litigious NP cause he is like it or not quite famous for his estate being extremely litigious.
Reading into this. I don't know why Taylor Hebert would be anywhere near the Nasuverse, but wouldn't hurt to be bleak.
Personally, if I had to pick a 20th-century Caster, it would be Erdős, but that's pure professional chauvinism speaking. (Gödel is obviously Ruler.)
Following Nasuverse conventions, Amelia Earhart is possibly a Saberface Rider who got kidnapped by aliens due to an ancient prophecy that a woman with her face will come and save them one day.

But yeah, jokes aside, Heroic Spirits from the second half of the 20th century and onwards are a very hot topic.

Copyright aside, the problem is also selecting who ascended to the Throne. People are going to have very strong opinions about that.

So you're essentially left with only OCs and beings who might as well be OCs, like Voyager.
Reading into this. I don't know why Taylor Hebert would be anywhere near the Nasuverse, but wouldn't hurt to be bleak.
Reading along at a much slower pace than I want, because work is a bitch -- but I've managed to get to Siegfried slaying Fafnir. Would be an amusing thought if Taylor somehow accidentally bathes herself in dragon blood, granting her (and her prosthetic arm?) Siegfried-like durability... but now she'll trigger a Fafnir chain summon in every singularity (and lostbelt?) she shows up in.

And then Taylor somehow successfully tames Fafnir I dunno how... very out-of-date lore question, probably stupid too: does Fafnir getting chain-summoned mean the dragon can somehow be summoned as a Servant?
And then Taylor somehow successfully tames Fafnir I dunno how... very out-of-date lore question, probably stupid too: does Fafnir getting chain-summoned mean the dragon can somehow be summoned as a Servant?
All she needs to do is get Seig, the homonculus turned Fafnir from Fate/Apocrypha to join. In one of the events he makes a Terminal that he ends up having join Chaldea as a Servant
All she needs to do is get Seig, the homonculus turned Fafnir from Fate/Apocrypha to join. In one of the events he makes a Terminal that he ends up having join Chaldea as a Servant
Yes, yes, of course... but pet dragon! Fafnir shall carry Taylor and friends on its (his? her?) back! She shall pat it (him? her?) on the back, fly to the most distant bounds of the truncated earth to start each singularity (each lostbelt?), doing away with Chaldea's transport issues, and have wonderful apocalyptic (apocryphal!) adventures!
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And then Taylor somehow successfully tames Fafnir I dunno how... very out-of-date lore question, probably stupid too: does Fafnir getting chain-summoned mean the dragon can somehow be summoned as a Servant?
I mean, probably? We know that Red Hare and allegedly Bucephalus (actual horses) are summonable. We know that Vritra (an evil dragon) is summonable. There's even that thing about how Fafnir used to be a dwarf before he got turned by his greed if you really want them to be humanoid. I don't see any reason why Fafnir wouldn't be summonable.
I mean, probably? We know that Red Hare and allegedly Bucephalus (actual horses) are summonable. We know that Vritra (an evil dragon) is summonable. There's even that thing about how Fafnir used to be a dwarf before he got turned by his greed if you really want them to be humanoid. I don't see any reason why Fafnir wouldn't be summonable.
Taylor riding Fafnir into battle, but it's just Taylor getting a piggyback ride from a dwarf.
Taylor riding Fafnir into battle, but it's just Taylor getting a piggyback ride from a dwarf.
The Riding skill qualifies skillholders to mount anyone but Phantasmals like dragons, but Taylor got to tame her rival dragon, so once she's dead and something from her is used as a catalyst...

**gacha.mp4 playing**

... out comes Rider Taylor Hebert! The (arguably un)enviable fusion of woman, dwarf, and dragon!
Actually, what am I even speculating for? The whole reason Siegfried was in the Orlean Singularity is because Jalter summoned Fafnir and the chain summon goes both ways. Not only is Fafnir summonable, it happened in-story.