Yknow, I should've realized the servant wouldn't be Jack Slash hosting Jack the ripper when it was said he was a demi servant and not a pseudo servant.

Doesn't mean I'm not a tiny bit disappointed tho. Still a good chapter, but ngl... with the exception of a few character moments, London has been the weakest arc so far for me.

The main reason being that we're following taylor and taylor can't really go anywhere here. Because of that were basically always in the same place. When it's good, it's good, but honestly this is an arc where I'd play around with the perspective of who we're following.
They do have a "surgeon" at home right now
TBH, between Flamel, Jackie and a general purpose polymath tinker you COULD probably heal just about anything short of dead.

You'd need a necromancer for dead.
So to fill Kojirou's slot in the Throne of Heroes you have to find someone who is a normal person that can still match and potentially overcome Musashi's and their Zero. So under those limitations the only available choice is Regend's Infinity.
Oh yeah, I do recall that bit from the VN - the nameless wraith is not Kojirou and never fought Musashi but he WAS summoned anyway because he achieved the Swallow Cutter out of sheer monomania, and blindly attaining a sliver of a Magic out of sheer bloodyminded desire to cut birds is notable.
Hm. I get where everyone is coming from guessing Ama/Tamamo, but I'm thinking it's more Nobunaga. The banner looks very similar to the crest of her hat.
That more likely than not Persian Farmboy Shirou is the candidate/contender for the Fifth?
So long as there are plenty of callbacks to FHA and a tale of two Angras I'm down for it. The memetic Angra empowered by (insert plot device here) to ascend to the Beast of Retribution, and the 'human' Angra that we all know and blame for causing both traffic congestion on our morning commute and Rate Up being a lie (truly, All the Evils of the World).
The BoR Angra needs the Human Angra to become complete as the Human Angra is the facet of 'Love for Humanity' requisite for becoming a Beast that splintered off at their Advent as a Beast, and the Human Angra wants to stop the BoR because there are some humans and a facimile of a life that he actually likes in the world. It culminates in Human Angra being absorbed by the BoR, and breaking The Rules by usurping its power from within and inverting its nature as a Beast to become some kind of pseudo Grand Avenger with a very potent Anti-Beast attribute because "he is All the World's Evils, and the Beasts are only 7 of them." He loves/hates humanity just fine as it was, and that is why he lends his power to Chaldea for its salvation.
Naturally Bazett and Caren would have to have prominent roles too. Maybe a return to Fuyuki, 201X Shirou from an undisclosed Route (not on his way to a Bad End or becoming Archer), and a whole bunch of Blackened Servants, 'Dark Kiritsugu,' 'Dark Iri,' Kirei Kotomine, and 201X Dark Sakura. So pretty much if FHA was about a decade late, and went full on Grand Order levels of tits up.
So long as there are plenty of callbacks to FHA and a tale of two Angras I'm down for it. The memetic Angra empowered by (insert plot device here) to ascend to the Beast of Retribution, and the 'human' Angra that we all know and blame for causing both traffic congestion on our morning commute and Rate Up being a lie (truly, All the Evils of the World).
The BoR Angra needs the Human Angra to become complete as the Human Angra is the facet of 'Love for Humanity' requisite for becoming a Beast that splintered off at their Advent as a Beast, and the Human Angra wants to stop the BoR because there are some humans and a facimile of a life that he actually likes in the world. It culminates in Human Angra being absorbed by the BoR, and breaking The Rules by usurping its power from within and inverting its nature as a Beast to become some kind of pseudo Grand Avenger with a very potent Anti-Beast attribute because "he is All the World's Evils, and the Beasts are only 7 of them." He loves/hates humanity just fine as it was, and that is why he lends his power to Chaldea for its salvation.
Naturally Bazett and Caren would have to have prominent roles too. Maybe a return to Fuyuki, 201X Shirou from an undisclosed Route (not on his way to a Bad End or becoming Archer), and a whole bunch of Blackened Servants, 'Dark Kiritsugu,' 'Dark Iri,' Kirei Kotomine, and 201X Dark Sakura. So pretty much if FHA was about a decade late, and went full on Grand Order levels of tits up.
It would be pretty sweet to see what Angra would have looked like had Shirou failed to prevent his incarnation back in HF all the way back in FSN. Would be fitting if Chaldea had to deal with the Uber boss that Shirou narrowly prevented.
Would be fitting if Chaldea had to deal with the Uber boss that Shirou narrowly prevented.
I sort of recall Chaldea having to deal with the corrupted Greater Grail. I think it was an event, specifically the Fate/Zero one's "afterward" thing. So Chaldea sort of took Shirou's HF's role there if a decade early in that timeline.

As for the anniversary banner and the clues there, I don't blame people thinking Ama the Yandere Goddess manifesting. It looks like a sun, yet at the same time not. (I mean, when you think about it, how many sun-themed Servants we got?) I can sort of see Nobunaga from the whole crest thing, yet at the same time I'm not certain.

On that note, I don't know why London summoned those particular Servants near the end; the power of Skip is powerful. Anyone can shed some light on why that beyond just sheer potential firepower?
On that note, I don't know why London summoned those particular Servants near the end; the power of Skip is powerful. Anyone can shed some light on why that beyond just sheer potential firepower?
Kintoki was summoned due to Tesla's lightning as a catalyst. Tamamo... hitched on to his summoning because she wanted a vacation. Presumably, from her joint rulership of the mooncell, though THAT part is just headcanon on my part.
Kintoki was summoned due to Tesla's lightning as a catalyst. Tamamo... hitched on to his summoning because she wanted a vacation. Presumably, from her joint rulership of the mooncell, though THAT part is just headcanon on my part.

You know what? Let's add a twist to that event.

Instead of Kintoki being summoned, let's pick a Pseudo-Servant with a connection to a child of a god of Thunder. Then, with her, have one of the Tamamo Nine: someone with an oversized sword and carries on like she's baked 24/7.
i think that the golden light is kinda reminiscent of scion, not as in scion will show up, but in that taylors past will come back to haunt her, her peak of potentially becoming a beast was mid fight against scion, knowledge of what taylor did could be revealed by goetia or something.
My heart beat a rapid tattoo inside my chest.
This was gathering dust in my Insert Quotes section and I only saw it now, lol.
Anyway, I don't think tattoo is the word that's supposed to be there.
I looked at Mash last. "And you, Mash?"

She blinked at me. "I-I don't want to take sides, Miss Taylor. Um, both Emiya and Renée are incredible chefs, so I don't want to say one is better than the other."
I love Mash. Truly.
"As much life and money as you could want!" Rika breathed. "Holy crap! Oh my god, you're —"

"Nicolas Flamel," I said.
It's my headcanon that Rika shot a glare at Taylor for stealing the spotlight from her at the last second.
Third Anniversary "cinematic"
Can you stop the end of the world?

A sprawling city. A bay stretching outwards to the horizon. A radiant sun casting light upon the towers of glass and steel beneath its gaze.

"Whoa! This place is…!"


"Hey, hey, this is like coming home, isn't it?"

Cold gray eyes shining like steel. A naked blade. A coat woven of oaths and brotherhood. Beneath the light of the moon, she stands in opposition, ready to kill.

"This is my Master's city. You are not welcome here. Don't move — I promise you I'll end it quickly."

Gentle curves, hard steel, a familiar face. She offers a welcoming smile and a warm presence.


"Hello, Taylor. This…isn't how I imagined we'd meet again, but it's good to see that you've made it this far. I'm glad."

"…Yeah. You, too."

A figure wreathed in shadow. Anger, fury. The light of the Holy Grail shines ominously.

"No. No! I've come too far to let it end here! I don't care who you are or where you come from, I'm not going to let you stand in the way! I refuse! Holy Grail, hear my wish!"

A broken smile.

"So that's how it is, huh? All this time, you…"

"I'm sorry."

"I…feel like she would say, 'that's just like you.'"

A mysterious woman, adorned in gold. She gives a cheeky grin and a wave, standing in a place where she doesn't belong.

"Yoohoo! Long time no see! You guys look as spirited as ever! Well, I guess you weren't completely hopeless without me, but have no fear! Your goddess has arrived to deliver you in your hour of need!"

A familiar grin, a jaunty wave. Dark eyes meet.

"Yo! Good to see that you guys made it out of that alive! I wasn't sure how it was gonna go when you first showed up, but I guess you managed to prove me wrong, huh? Looks like we can work together just fine."

A traitorous knight.

"Huh? What's that got to do with me? Listen, you fools, I dunno what dream world yer living in, but I haven't met any of you before in my life! If you think you being all buddy-buddy with another version of me means I'm gonna let you go, then you can just stand still and die dreaming!"

A towering temple. A king upon a throne, head thrown back and lips pulled into a maniacal grin. Echoing laughter.

"Bwahahahaha! How ludicrous! How absolutely ludicrous! The sheer irony of seeing that face before me amongst your party! Chaldeans, do you truly not know who it is that walks among you? Have you not the slightest inkling to what she has done? How befitting that she would appear as the world is poised to end!"

A son rebelling against his mother. Matricide. A light as bright as the sun pierces through the darkness.

"I'm not sure I can reach you anymore. You're so far gone. But, if there's any chance my words find their way to your ears, Mother, then I'm sorry, but I can't let you go any farther. If you truly love us, then please, quietly go back to sleep."

The sins of the past, returning. Defiance in the face of death.

"Did you think I would shy away from you? Like the fact you're a goddess scares me? Sorry to disappoint, but I've seen something a lot worse than you. I killed him, too."

A world outside of time. A boundless sky, bordered by bands of searing light. A head haloed by white hair and set with eyes that peered through the world.

"So you've come, Chaldea."

Or will the weight of your past crush you first?
A sprawling city. A bay stretching outwards to the horizon. A radiant sun casting light upon the towers of glass and steel beneath its gaze.

"Whoa! This place is…!"


"Hey, hey, this is like coming home, isn't it?"
Oh? So we are getting to see BB? *Ahem* I mean Brockton Bay. Though the other BB showing up could be fun :drevil:
A traitorous knight.

"Huh? What's that got to do with me? Listen, you fools, I dunno what dream world yer living in, but I haven't met any of you before in my life! If you think you being all buddy-buddy with another version of me means I'm gonna let you go, then you can just stand still and die dreaming!"
Definitely Mordred in the Camelot Singularity
A towering temple. A king upon a throne, head thrown back and lips pulled into a maniacal grin. Echoing laughter.

"Bwahahahaha! How ludicrous! How absolutely ludicrous! The sheer irony of seeing that face before me amongst your party! Chaldeans, do you truly not know who it is that walks among you? Have you not the slightest inkling to what she has done? How befitting that she would appear as the world is poised to end!"
And this one seems like Gil in Babylonia.
A son rebelling against his mother. Matricide. A light as bright as the sun pierces through the darkness.

"I'm not sure I can reach you anymore. You're so far gone. But, if there's any chance my words find their way to your ears, Mother, then I'm sorry, but I can't let you go any farther. If you truly love us, then please, quietly go back to sleep."

The sins of the past, returning. Defiance in the face of death.

"Did you think I would shy away from you? Like the fact you're a goddess scares me? Sorry to disappoint, but I've seen something a lot worse than you. I killed him, too."
Likely the fight against Tiamat. Said son may be Kingu.
A world outside of time. A boundless sky, bordered by bands of searing light. A head haloed by white hair and set with eyes that peered through the world.

"So you've come, Chaldea."
Finally Solomon's Temple
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Definitely Mordred in the Camelot Singularity

And this one seems like Gil in Babylonia.

Likely the fight against Tiamat. Said son may be Kingu.

Finally Solomon's Temple

Agreed tho I don't really think traitorous fits Mordred there or that would fit Gil's attitude if he even knows who Taylor is plus I don't think it'll get through the rest of London, America, Camelot, the rest periods between them and whatever else is chosen to happen during them (especially if the BB thing is an extra thing instead of America) let alone Babylon within the next year.
Agreed tho I don't really think traitorous fits Mordred there or that would fit Gil's attitude if he even knows who Taylor is plus I don't think it'll get through the rest of London, America, Camelot, the rest periods between them and whatever else is chosen to happen during them (especially if the BB thing is an extra thing instead of America) let alone Babylon within the next year.
I think the BB thing takes the place Dante's tower would normally be in. I mean, 'Solomon' makes his appearance in London. And there's no way he's gonna let Taylor get away scott free.
Agreed tho I don't really think traitorous fits Mordred there or that would fit Gil's attitude if he even knows who Taylor is plus I don't think it'll get through the rest of London, America, Camelot, the rest periods between them and whatever else is chosen to happen during them (especially if the BB thing is an extra thing instead of America) let alone Babylon within the next year.
We're probably not getting even as far as Camelot before next year, but considering how close I am to finishing London, we'll definitely be deep into America and maybe even done with it by this time next year. This cinematic is just a "teaser trailer" for things to come.
Though the other BB showing up could be fun :drevil:
Well, she is cutest villain.
I'm of the honest opinion that Taylor wouldn't be able to tolerate B.B., either because of her personality or just her entire schtick. Or she wouldn't by herself. If Ritsuka or Rika can keep a leash on her then all the power to them. An A.I. from "the Future" is a boon if you ignore her personality.

Mind you, I don't hate B.B. In fact, i rather like her.
Okay, so, I have a theory. Deleted the previous post, but I'll say what I said there, here. I'm guessing that the figure that we see, the one that welcomes taylor and has graceful curves and gives a warm smile, is Dragon. Based on the reactions of the twins, their seeing a modern city in a situation, supposedly a safe situation, where they normally would not. Based on the fact that they aren't worried or seemingly not afraid, then the city they are seeing isn't dangerous. At least not to them. Maybe.

My guess, then, is that Dragon is going to be replacing Edison in the American singularity. She's an inventor, she knows taylors name, she's someone we know Taylor likes and is warm with, and Taylor was cut off guard by her presence. Not to mention, if anyone would be able to construct a modern settlement in the American Revolution, it would have to be a caster. Particularly an inventor. Thus, Dragon.

I did, for a moment, think she, Dragon that is, might be the villain of the story based off the making it this far line.

However, that could just refer to making it to this singularity, or making it in terms of distance to where Dragon is. Rather than, as I initially thought, opposing her enough to be able to reach her.

Another credit to this is the banner, which has red and black in the ring of light with blue and gold on the outside. Red and Black are associated with alters, probably cu chulain alter. Blue and Gold, IIRC, are protectorate colors.

If it is Dragon, however, that is the villain. It could be Dragon Alter versus Armsmaster on the side of proper human history. That is, however, significantly less likely in my eyes.
Red and black if I'm not mistaken are also the colors that Shards take while in shardspace, if I'm not mistaken, with red being Eden and Zion while black is Abaddon's.
I'm of the honest opinion that Taylor wouldn't be able to tolerate B.B., either because of her personality or just her entire schtick. Or she wouldn't by herself. If Ritsuka or Rika can keep a leash on her then all the power to them. An A.I. from "the Future" is a boon if you ignore her personality.

Mind you, I don't hate B.B. In fact, i rather like her.
Taylor hating BB makes perfect sense. BB, despite her claim as 1# kouhai, is very controlling in every appearance. Even when she doesn't start as the villain, like with the current grail front on NA, she quickly takes top billing by the end.

Taylor would hate BB on principle.

The better question is how she'd react to Passionlip.