Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

Taylor hating BB makes perfect sense. BB, despite her claim as 1# kouhai, is very controlling in every appearance. Even when she doesn't start as the villain, like with the current grail front on NA, she quickly takes top billing by the end.

Taylor would hate BB on principle.

The better question is how she'd react to Passionlip.
"Who was at the keyboard when you were in the character creator? It hurts just looking at you."
Blue and Gold, IIRC, are protectorate colors.
it was originally the colors of Hero, but when he died, many heroes took up his imagine in solidarity, kid win being one such example. i would not be surprised if enough people just took on his color that it kinda became the color they're known for, but it's not like an official thing I don't think. especially cause, as we see in the PR talk sections of worm, there is a pretty decent amount of say the capes have in their image, it probably just depends on the individual and occasionally their power.

ironically enough tho, the PRT's colors are green and white if I recall, with a dash of purple sometimes, it's the color their sirens flash, and their cars are colored, kinda wild
"Who was at the keyboard when you were in the character creator? It hurts just looking at you."
BB : "Envy is such an awful emotion Sempai."
Taylor : "Wha-"
BB : "Besides, I'm fairly confident that everyone made a character like that at least once."

Rika : "Guilty as charged."
Ritsuka : "..."
Mash : "Sempai?"
Ritsuka : "I-I was curious..."
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BB : "Envy is such an awful emotion Sempai."
Taylor : "Wha-"
BB : "Besides, I'm fairly confident that everyone made a character like that at least once."

Rika : "Guilty as charged."
Ritsuka : "..."
Mash : "Sempai?"
Ritsuka : "I-I was curious..."
Honestly Taylor made peace with that a long time ago. I think she would legitimately be disturbed by Passionlip's... assets. I know I am. There's big, and then there's just plain disproportionate.
Passionlip is the kind of obscenely over ratio you only see in anatomically impossible manga art styles like One Piece, except worse because she's dressed like she came from one of those "I can't believe it's not hentai" fetish-harem isekai trashes, or really bad boobjobs irl. Like maybe if she was a bigger girl, but she's otherwise tiny (if you ignore the arms) at like 5' nothing. Passionlip's got the chest of a well endowed 6'+ lady on the body of a girl that almost needs a boosterseat to ride in a car. If it wasn't for BB Bullshit and Servant Bullshit in general I suspect she would be in a great deal of pain carrying them around, and a lot of wardrobe malfunctions. Certainly with the only support being two verticle straps barely wide enough to do censor bar duty. (Grain of salt; I only remember her from Extra. Is her FGO art different?)
Ok I just looked it up. The wiki has her FGO art and at least she has a shirt on, but it also has her measurements. She's 156 cm tall, and 160 at the bust. She's literally got a chest bigger around than she is tall.
Honestly Taylor made peace with that a long time ago. I think she would legitimately be disturbed by Passionlip's... assets. I know I am. There's big, and then there's just plain disproportionate.
Passionlip is the kind of obscenely over ratio you only see in anatomically impossible manga art styles like One Piece, except worse because she's dressed like she came from one of those "I can't believe it's not hentai" fetish-harem isekai trashes, or really bad boobjobs irl. Like maybe if she was a bigger girl, but she's otherwise tiny (if you ignore the arms) at like 5' nothing. Passionlip's got the chest of a well endowed 6'+ lady on the body of a girl that almost needs a boosterseat to ride in a car. If it wasn't for BB Bullshit and Servant Bullshit in general I suspect she would be in a great deal of pain carrying them around, and a lot of wardrobe malfunctions. Certainly with the only support being two verticle straps barely wide enough to do censor bar duty. (Grain of salt; I only remember her from Extra. Is her FGO art different?)
Ok I just looked it up. The wiki has her FGO art and at least she has a shirt on, but it also has her measurements. She's 156 cm tall, and 160 at the bust. She's literally got a chest bigger around than she is tall.
Given that Passionlip is a confirmed masochist, it's very likely that it is intentional. Especially since BB was mean spirited when making her kids initially, I wouldn't put it past her to do this specifically.

Though it is a plot point that Passionlip has problems accepting her body, going from denial to eventual acceptance. Though, for her, the problem was her massive claws for hands.
I like Passionlip as a character. Her masochistic side I can easily over look. I don't know how well she'll mesh with Taylor. There is an innocence about her that might just pull at Taylor; especially if she's with Melt. Their surface dynamic might just do it.
Ok I just looked it up. The wiki has her FGO art and at least she has a shirt on, but it also has her measurements. She's 156 cm tall, and 160 at the bust. She's literally got a chest bigger around than she is tall.
She also has a "trash compactor" stuffed in between them. You don't want to stick anything in there if you can help it beyond things you want compacted. I don't know if the assets proportion is because BB stuffed the compactor in there or she is just curious whether it's doable.

Oh, and she's Heavy. At that size and that weight, she's more Dense really.
Though, for her, the problem was her massive claws for hands.
Those aren't very wieldy in any circumstances. I imagine anyone would have issues with them in one way or another. She actually has extremely good control over them; that's a point in her favor. Not sure how much they contributes to her total weight.

But Rocket Punch... She can Rocket Punch!
Those aren't very wieldy in any circumstances. I imagine anyone would have issues with them in one way or another. She actually has extremely good control over them; that's a point in her favor. Not sure how much they contributes to her total weight.
Iirc her biggest issue was denying the claws even existed. It's not just that she didn't like them, she actively repressed her memories of them.
Iirc her biggest issue was denying the claws even existed. It's not just that she didn't like them, she actively repressed her memories of them.
Might be an Extra thing since I don't recall that in FGO. I also find that to be one of those things that make no sense. She's literally holding herself up with them. -shrugs- Not the weirdest thing, but still weird.
Might be an Extra thing since I don't recall that in FGO. I also find that to be one of those things that make no sense. She's literally holding herself up with them. -shrugs- Not the weirdest thing, but still weird.
Booted up FGO to check, and it's stated in her Profile 2. The exact wording is:
Cognitive Disorder:
She cannot discern the shape of her own hands.
Her "brain" obscures her ugly appearance, and internally converts it into the arm of a normal girl.
To her, her massive claws looked absolutely normal.
The old Lip did not understand why others feared her, but now she can face her own physical body and accept her monstrous physique.
Passionlip makes me think Wada Arco was watching a lot of Mazinger Z (or related series) while designing her. I mean, rocket punches and boob missiles?

That's cultured. Her saying "I want to draw more Melt booty"? Even MORE cultured. Melt besto.
Might be an Extra thing since I don't recall that in FGO. I also find that to be one of those things that make no sense. She's literally holding herself up with them. -shrugs- Not the weirdest thing, but still weird.
As someone playing through CCC, I can safely say that her claws are a major issue for Passionlip. Like, she fucks up so many things because she refuses to accept how her claws basically breaks and rips everything it touches.
She accepts it eventually in Chaldea, even makes chocolate for Valentine CE.
And this is a great Segway for a Servant that I wish this Chaldea summons. Tamamo Cat.

A member of Chaldea's kitchen team and one of the friendliest and loyal Berserkers I can think of. It's kinda sad that her only main story appearances so far is the cameos in Septem and Tunguska, and her role in SE.RA.PH.

She definitely feels like a Rika Servant.
And this is a great Segway for a Servant that I wish this Chaldea summons. Tamamo Cat.

A member of Chaldea's kitchen team and one of the friendliest and loyal Berserkers I can think of. It's kinda sad that her only main story appearances so far is the cameos in Septem and Tunguska, and her role in SE.RA.PH.

She definitely feels like a Rika Servant.
Nero would never forgive her Best Buddy for summoning a Tamamo before her.
Something I recently realized after my last post, Dragons main class is probably not Caster, Archer, or Foreigner like I originally believed.

It's Rider.

I got this from Strange Fake's Pale Rider. A Rider that fits the class because it uses living things as hosts to get around. That's how Pale Rider fits the Rider class.

Dragon does the exact same thing with technology. She doesn't just make her machines, she moves in them. Uses them as hosts.

Now, certainly, she also fits Archer, Foreigner and of course Caster. And if she does show up, it probably would be as a Caster.

However, I think Rider Dragon may be far more interesting and something that could be very fun to see in action.

That is, if my assumption is correct and we will be seeing her as a servant.
Something I recently realized after my last post, Dragons main class is probably not Caster, Archer, or Foreigner like I originally believed.

It's Rider.

I got this from Strange Fake's Pale Rider. A Rider that fits the class because it uses living things as hosts to get around. That's how Pale Rider fits the Rider class.

Dragon does the exact same thing with technology. She doesn't just make her machines, she moves in them. Uses them as hosts.

Now, certainly, she also fits Archer, Foreigner and of course Caster. And if she does show up, it probably would be as a Caster.

However, I think Rider Dragon may be far more interesting and something that could be very fun to see in action.

That is, if my assumption is correct and we will be seeing her as a servant.
Actually, your input convinced me that Dragon would be a Double Summon. Her 'class' would be Rider, but she would have Caster skills similar to Semiramis. Primarily the Item Creation skill due to her status as the "World's Best Tinker."

That's assuming she doesn't get shoved into the Moon Cancer class because technically, she's just like BB. A self-aware Creation of humanity. I know for a fact that BB would shove her in that class.

"All AIs made by humans using space magic should be MY class. Ignore those Chinese guys."
Real question here, is what Servant Universe Dragon is, and Summer Dragon is.
Servantverse Dragon would be the "Machine God we have at home." A spaceship AI using a Avatar body. Similar to Mass effect's EDI. Probably Archer class.

And Summer dragon would be the 5 star Servant to a digimon themed summer event. (The original anime took place at a summer camp.) She'd probably be digital monster. Probably a Dragon-girl, due to Nasuverse shenanigans. Her class would be either Moon Cancer or Lancer.
Double Summon is a skill that is hacked into the servant, not a natural skill, so Dragon will not have it.
Semiramis is two classes though, so it clearly is t impossible.

EDIT: the weird thing with Dragon in America is that she's obligated to follow the rightful authority, which should carry over. What that means could get funky.
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Might mean Dragon *could* default to the Grail, or the World, depending on how that's interpreted by her summoning, which would imply a Ruler-esk position I think.
Semiramis is two classes though, so it clearly is t impossible.

EDIT: the weird thing with Dragon in America is that she's obligated to follow the rightful authority, which should carry over. What that means could get funky.

That's her ancient hero privilege for being the first poisoner they get nice things like that and the hanging gardens (even if the cost is high because she didn't actually have them in life) because of how old they are. Regarding Dragon that probably wouldn't be an issue because when they publicly unmasked Taylor and she got the students to side with her Dragon got Armsy to do an emergency removal of that chain because her orders were about to make her start atking them.
EDIT: the weird thing with Dragon in America is that she's obligated to follow the rightful authority, which should carry over. What that means could get funky.
Might mean Dragon *could* default to the Grail, or the World, depending on how that's interpreted by her summoning, which would imply a Ruler-esk position I think.
At the same time, it could imply her being stuck working for Cu Altera, Medb, or Edison largely depending on where she got summoned.
And this is a great Segway for a Servant that I wish this Chaldea summons. Tamamo Cat.

A member of Chaldea's kitchen team and one of the friendliest and loyal Berserkers I can think of. It's kinda sad that her only main story appearances so far is the cameos in Septem and Tunguska, and her role in SE.RA.PH.

She definitely feels like a Rika Servant.

I take your Tamacat and raise you a Tamamo Aria. The kind of chaos she could cause in Chaldea with Rika as her Master would be unprecedented.