I would say that the Worm Entities themselves are closer in nature to a being like ORT, which is a variant of Ultimate One/TYPE. They're both interstellar apex predators of astronomically vast power that consume entire planets and operate on foreign physics logic that overrides the normal laws of reality.
Practically yes, technically and by classification no.
To begin with Types are technically the strongest existences of a celestial body or region, while enitities are merely ones of many. In second place TYPES are called to the planet by the planet itself, while entities are active in their pursuit. In third place TYPEs goal is the eradication of the prime species, while for the entities it is merely collateral.
That kind of brings a question; i wonder if the Gods Chaldea encounter know or have suffered from Entities infestation.
I mean, we know the Machine Gods are spawns of Chaos and all that so no unless they had a passing encounter, but the mesoamerican pantheon was rather chill, and there has to be a reason they left their original planet.
Of the babylonian pantheon probably only Tiamat knows, but her title as 'Ark of life' kinda implied that there was a need of a lifeboat to begin with, so it is a maybe.
We tangentially met the norse one, and when we met Odin taylor was not yet connected so he might not have noticed.
The Japanese one origin is currently unknown as far as i can tell, although their number i think suggest they have simply been born as divine spirits i guess?
Am i missing someone?