The original point being made was that vanilla Artoria could fight Herk without any trouble. Perhaps the original intent in that post was, "OG Saber," and not, "Artoria without a Rin tier Master," but that's what I was responding to, because OG Saber puts up a decent fight in every route, but without Excalibur — which she is usually very judicious about using in FSN, although not always — she very decidedly cannot casually take several of Herk's lives. She has to resort to her Noble Phantasm, because she literally doesn't have enough ways to kill him to take more than a single life. Otherwise, in a battle of attrition, Herk is going to pound her into the dirt eventually.

Like, I can't believe I actually have to say it, but don't underestimate Herakles, guys.

Re: Caliburn, we don't actually know how many lives it would take normally. When Saber and Shirou used it in the forest to take seven lives in one go, they stabbed it into his body before it activates, bypassing the impenetrable skin. We also, for whatever reason, never see Emiya actually using it. It's entirely possible that, like Avalon, he loses his "image" of it after the Grail is dismantled and his connection to Artoria is cut.
Rin, Ritsuka's and, to a lesser extent Kiritsugu on the other hand are good masters, and provides all she needs. Ritsuka has the same as parameters as Rin's.
I actually do have to correct one tiny part of this: Kiritsugu is not a good Master. He can provide Saber enough energy to fight, sure, so he's not incompetent, and he's better than Shirou for sure, but the smartest thing he did and the thing that makes her so strong with him as her Master is that he summoned her in Germany, where the Arthurian legend is much stronger than in Japan. Her Luck stat is so low for a reason.

The thing about Artoria? If she gets a steady supply of energy, she's mostly self-sufficient. She does benefit a lot from a really good Master like Rin, but even without that, she can keep herself going on her own a lot better than, say, Iskandar can.
I mean, we already knew it doesn't work like canon. Canon says that Chaldea can have Literally All The Servants, and here they're limited, even if the grails they pick up allow them to expand, they still have energy limits.
Things would quickly get out of hand if I let things go that way. At that point, there wouldn't be any reason for the team not to spam summon everyone they could, picking up every contract for every Servant to ever appear in the franchise, and not only would the cast bloat beyond belief, there would be almost no tension whatsoever in the combat portions of this story. Every problem would be solvable.

Hell, just having Space Ishtar would trivialize most of the enemies.

What I tried to do was introduce logistics and a little more realism to Chaldea's situation. They have a lot of magical energy to throw around, but most of it goes to powering CHALDEAS, SHEBA, TRISMEGISTUS, and other vital functions, because the sabotage hit them hard and it's going to take months to repair all of the damage and rebuild their normal generators. They're not miraculously back up to full functionality less than two months after taking that hard a hit, and so their ability to hold and maintain Servant contracts is diminished.

Chaldea are very much the underdogs in this fight. I think it makes for a more compelling story when the team is soldiering on and still completing their missions while half the facility is held together by duct tape, a dream, and Da Vinci's Noble Phantasm.
For all "The twins are nerfed" have you considered the fact that in canon there was only one Ritsuka? So if you were to say... factor it as Rits and Rika each having half of canon Ritsuka's potential/circuits/whatever you wanna call it, then is it really a nerf?
I'm not sure where the idea that Ritsuka being a mana generator anywhere near the level of Rin is coming from. Canonically, Ritsuka has absolutely nothing going for them as far as magecraft goes, they are a 1st generation and barely qualify for the lowest rank within the Mages' Association. What makes Ritsuka stand out as a Master is not their magical ability like with Wodime but instead their ability to empathize with, get along with, and ultimately gain the loyalty with a frankly absurd range of personalities. They are canonically described as "remarkably lacking in biases and prejudices" which is what is basically used as the justification for why the player is able to find themselves getting along with and earning the loyalty of Servants that for all intents and purposes, would send any sane person running for the hills.
are canonically described as "remarkably lacking in biases and prejudices"
They're also depicted as distorted individuals. It's no wonder, how else would they get along the most nefarious of antagonists and the greatest of heroes?

but the Lion King, one of Chaldea's enemies, defined them as a soul who "knows good but commits evil, and allows evil while being good."[11] James Moriarty similarly describes the protagonist as "good, yet not hating evil, tormented by evil, yet carrying on doing good".
yeah once ritsuka gets going, there's a reason he/she's just kinda going through team A members, either making them allies, them dying or losing. it's not a fluke, ritsuka's got the ability to get along with just about anyone, including literal Beasts, and eventually gets experienced enough to be able to outfight most team A members in combat with servants and i am fairly sure is trained by multiple servants in a variety of things, lb 6 kinda shows exactly why ritsuka is actually managing things, it's a bit of a slow start, but like a train, once it gets going it's very hard to stop.
Chaldea are very much the underdogs in this fight. I think it makes for a more compelling story when the team is soldiering on and still completing their missions while half the facility is held together by duct tape, a dream, and Da Vinci's Noble Phantasm.
That's pretty much how it is for everyone's first year in the game. Then you get your roster solidified and start looping most of the content, lol.
Argument here is not "why so little servants contracted\summoned", but "why present servants throttled in performance". Do you perceive it fundamentally tied elements?
That's...not what I replied to? I quoted that post because I was responding specifically to that post. I've already given my reasons why the Emiya v Herk fight went the way it did.
That's pretty much how it is for everyone's first year in the game. Then you get your roster solidified and start looping most of the content, lol.
In my personal experience, Singularity 5 is where you see most accounts get their proverbial shit together. Camelot's multiple hard walls will force you to have a solidified roster or you will not get past the Sphinx, Gawain, or Mordred.
In my personal experience, Singularity 5 is where you see most accounts get their proverbial shit together. Camelot's multiple hard walls will force you to have a solidified roster or you will not get past the Sphinx, Gawain, or Mordred.
I just CS marched it and leaned heavily on support. In less than a month and a half I was able to reach the end and was able to participate in the raid on the temple of time.
The original point being made was that vanilla Artoria could fight Herk without any trouble. Perhaps the original intent in that post was, "OG Saber," and not, "Artoria without a Rin tier Master," but that's what I was responding to, because OG Saber puts up a decent fight in every route, but without Excalibur — which she is usually very judicious about using in FSN, although not always — she very decidedly cannot casually take several of Herk's lives. She has to resort to her Noble Phantasm, because she literally doesn't have enough ways to kill him to take more than a single life. Otherwise, in a battle of attrition, Herk is going to pound her into the dirt eventually.

Like, I can't believe I actually have to say it, but don't underestimate Herakles, guys.

Re: Caliburn, we don't actually know how many lives it would take normally. When Saber and Shirou used it in the forest to take seven lives in one go, they stabbed it into his body before it activates, bypassing the impenetrable skin. We also, for whatever reason, never see Emiya actually using it. It's entirely possible that, like Avalon, he loses his "image" of it after the Grail is dismantled and his connection to Artoria is cut.

I actually do have to correct one tiny part of this: Kiritsugu is not a good Master. He can provide Saber enough energy to fight, sure, so he's not incompetent, and he's better than Shirou for sure, but the smartest thing he did and the thing that makes her so strong with him as her Master is that he summoned her in Germany, where the Arthurian legend is much stronger than in Japan. Her Luck stat is so low for a reason.

The thing about Artoria? If she gets a steady supply of energy, she's mostly self-sufficient. She does benefit a lot from a really good Master like Rin, but even without that, she can keep herself going on her own a lot better than, say, Iskandar can.

Things would quickly get out of hand if I let things go that way. At that point, there wouldn't be any reason for the team not to spam summon everyone they could, picking up every contract for every Servant to ever appear in the franchise, and not only would the cast bloat beyond belief, there would be almost no tension whatsoever in the combat portions of this story. Every problem would be solvable.

Hell, just having Space Ishtar would trivialize most of the enemies.

What I tried to do was introduce logistics and a little more realism to Chaldea's situation. They have a lot of magical energy to throw around, but most of it goes to powering CHALDEAS, SHEBA, TRISMEGISTUS, and other vital functions, because the sabotage hit them hard and it's going to take months to repair all of the damage and rebuild their normal generators. They're not miraculously back up to full functionality less than two months after taking that hard a hit, and so their ability to hold and maintain Servant contracts is diminished.

Chaldea are very much the underdogs in this fight. I think it makes for a more compelling story when the team is soldiering on and still completing their missions while half the facility is held together by duct tape, a dream, and Da Vinci's Noble Phantasm.
I mean when you say OG Saber, you should really clarify if you're referring to living, FZ, or HS Saber. Because there are vast gulfs in power. Shirou-Saber<Kiri-Saber<Rin-Saber<Living Saber<Avalon Saber<HS Saber.
Why doesn't Chaldea summon in singularities to gain the fame boost?
Ehhh, more accurately they're so undistorted that it's a distortion. They are the Most Humany Human.
Yes, under the primary principle of Heroic Spirits, the dead must not lead the living, technically any human can count. But a true blank slate can be moulded like clay with each contract gained.
For all "The twins are nerfed" have you considered the fact that in canon there was only one Ritsuka? So if you were to say... factor it as Rits and Rika each having half of canon Ritsuka's potential/circuits/whatever you wanna call it, then is it really a nerf?
It would make tantric rituals easier...

On an unrelated note, the federal age of consent was still 13 in Japan in 2015-2017(only raised to 16 this year), depending on where they're from the local ones could be similar. Technically speaking either Chaldea is international territory or other the jurisidiction of the UK, any laws of consent?
In my personal experience, Singularity 5 is where you see most accounts get their proverbial shit together. Camelot's multiple hard walls will force you to have a solidified roster or you will not get past the Sphinx, Gawain, or Mordred.
I never really noticed the difficulty of V and VI, I mean VII was a total bitch(took three days and half my leyline stones). Although it could be because of my distaste for the story, I much prefer events.
Interesting analogy, wonder what their reaction would be to Riyo! Gudao/Gudako.
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I never really noticed the difficulty of V and VI, I mean VII was a total bitch(took three days and half my leyline stones). Although it could be because of my distaste for the story, I much prefer events.
Interesting analogy, wonder what their reaction would be to Riyo! Gudao/Gudako.
Leyline stones, huh. Those are them newfangled whats-its that act like a triple Command Spell to save you from game over, innit?
(laughs in Day 1 player, cries in Day 1 player)
Leyline stones, huh. Those are them newfangled whats-its that act like a triple Command Spell to save you from game over, innit?
(laughs in Day 1 player, cries in Day 1 player)
My current account was back in 2020-2021 to deal with COVID time, I actually completely forget about the Leyline stones and end up having 50 left each time, no matter how many times I try to die in a boss battle, I keep surviving with 1-3 digits of HP.

Command Spells and time work better for me, especially when I have AP to burn.

I accidentally deleted my original back on my Kindle.
It would make tantric rituals easier...

On an unrelated note, the federal age of consent was still 13 in Japan in 2015-2017(only raised to 16 this year), depending on where they're from the local ones could be similar. Technically speaking either Chaldea is international territory or other the jurisidiction of the UK, any laws of consent?
I don't think that'll be a concern on this forum. No sexy times allowed here. Especially with minors.
It's more complicated than that, but regardless, I don't think this fic will feature any serious ( romantic ) relationships, so the point is especially moot.
How seriously James will take it I don't know, but iirc Rika's shipping her brother and Mash, and if canon is anything to go by Mash'll get mighty territorial over him around other girls.
I don't think that'll be a concern on this forum. No sexy times allowed here. Especially with minors.
Ask Letter_K about her smut fic.

It just has to be marked as mature and be between consenting adults, in that light we're the middle ground between SB and QQ, with the legality of the host country(CAN/AUS, I think) taking priority.
"Ritsuka summons Fate Reach out Shirou Emiya" - by ndh
Omake here
Ritsuka summons Fate Reach out Shirou Emiya

I watch as Ritsuka fidgets as she finishes the incation to resummon Emiya after we lock down his spirit origin. With a plume of smoke, the shadow of a familiar figure appeared in the summoning chamber. "Servant Saber... and Caster answering your summons, huh never knew that Servants could be of two classes though that works given how I fight. My name is Emiya Shirou I hope we work well together." The figure stated. As the smoke cleared it was clear Emiya was different from the one we knew his skin wasn't tanned and he had red hair.

"Damn it. I thought we fixed this issue." Olga muttered.

"So you were trying to summon the Counter Guardian version of me?" The younger version of Emiya -no Shirou need to keep them separate- tilted his head. The fact he knew of the other version of himself meant he encountered him somehow and mentioning he was Counter Guardian aligned with what Waver suggested. Alongside the fact, he should not know about him unless he was integral to the legend that got him to the throne.

"Given that before you showed up the most recent servant was from World War One it was deemed impossible unless they chose to possess a person." Da Vinci answered.

"Given how I got to the Throne seemed impossible in this era you can see it that doesn't mean anything." Shirou snorted. Well, at least he hadn't lost his snark.

I quickly checked Shirou's skills and was surprised to see of all things Godslayer EX, and Divinity (Fake) A+ how did he gain those skills of all things?

"How?" Olga sputtered out.

"Izanami decided to test humanity and I was one of the ones she chose." Emiya shrugged.

"The Shinto goddess, how did she give you Divinity?" Da Vinci inquired and a quick glance her way settled fears that she was going to pull a Bonesaw on Shirou.

"Forced a piece of Izanagi's soul into me. Gave me a headache in the process." Shirou stepped off the platform, "Now care to tell me why you need multiple servants, I suspect with my counterpart having been here the Throne confused the two of us given you were trying to summon him."
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"Apeiron is beckoned" - by ___
Omake here
Ritsuka summons Fate Reach out Shirou Emiya
That gives me an idea...

Apeiron is beckoned
: Prologue

Fujimura Ritsuka "Rika"
Variant Singularity (Type: Event, Status in progress)

She just stared at this thing in front of her that wore her face.

"You nerds are all total hackers, how did you get a five-star that's not even out on JP!" A deranged orange-haired freak shouted.

This singularity had been the strangest so far, the multiple timelines(and wasn't that a surprise coming from Senpai) also meant the existence of multiple Chaldeas, but they assumed the function would be roughly the same. Not this weird timeline where everyone was either delusional, perverted or in the process of becoming either. Least of all being her counterpart.

"But, you know this Senpai of yours would be the perfect Catalyst, Mash!" She commanded and another Mash appeared.

No, there were two of them, one in a super cool futuristic suit and one that looked more like our Mash.

But more importantly, they were lying Senpai on top of her shield.

"Senpai!" I tried to wake her up, but it was futile.

Throne of Heroes
Let Silver and Steel be the Essence.
Let the archduke of Contracts and Gacha be the foundation.
Let Humanity be the colour I pay tribute to.
Let us raise a wall against the wind that must fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

A Servant Summons?

Let it be declared now;
your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your hammer.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.
Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.
Is that Taylor I sense?

An oath shall be sworn here.
I attained the virtues of all of Heaven; I have dominion over all evils of Hell.
No, not her, but still the Daughter of Professor Hebert

From the Seventh Heaven,
attended to by three great words of power,
Time to save the world, sounds better than the bay anyhow

come forth from the ring of restraint,
protector of the holy balance!

Taylor Hebert
A blinding light and crackling of thunder woke me up.

"Servant Crafter answers the call." A low, calm, voice resounded.

Was that a Servant Summoning?

I looked up and my breath was taken away.

"Henceforth, my Hammer is yours to wield, my Cape Name is Apeiron( Without That Limited Boundary) ." An extraordinarily handsome man spoke with perfect candour, far surpassing the beauty of any previous Servant.

"But, you Taylor." He said gently, "Can call me Jozef Duris"

"After all, what would I say to Professor Hebert, if I let you get hurt." He grinned, and I felt the weight of the world lessen for an infinitesimally small amount of time.

"A five-star gold unique class, this is the best!" the thing shrieked, Rika brained her with a brick.

But the moment was already ruined.

Using the @readerdreamer 's as a base for First Ascension, but he retains his unique class, but not as a demi servant.
Since someone thought to make Apeiron an SSR Caster, I thought to make a Servant Profile for him:

As a veteran FGO player, I wanted to design him as the utterly bonkers character that he is, while also nodding towards FGO's gameplay. Thus, a Castoria-tier Servant was born, with two potential gameplay styles that are a nod to Joe's own character design:

1) As a support Caster, Joe can quite literally do it all. Well, most of it anyway. He can support Arts, he can support Buster, he can support Quick. He can charge the team, he can enable NP loops. And with his values, as per Apeiron style, he can very easily kick even most of the Big Five Casters into the curb, save for Castoria herself who ekes out slightly better on the Arts support and defensive department. The closest thing Caster Apeiron has for a weakness is the fact that the help of his NP isn't immediate (as Support Casters generally do) and is more selfish than most supports, as well as his lack of defensive capabilities like Waver's DEF buffs, Merlin and Castoria's Invul, Tamamo's targetable drain, and Skadi's dodge on NP. But given that most of the game is a damage race, this is hardly an issue most of the time. Essentially, this is me looking at Joe just casually throwing around superpowers and absurd equipment at people and thinking, "Yep, that's support Caster material. Good, that means more Chen Gong ammo."

2) He can also be played as a DPS of his own. As a nod to the Celestial Forge's snowballing nature, Apeiron is designed to be able to snowball buffs and buffs over himself through the Unremovable/Permanent buffs on his NP. Not only that, as his NP gets spammed more and more, so does his skills due to the cooldown reduction mechanic, allowing him to potentially stack his skill buffs and debuffs - especially in a Double Apeiron team. His best team in this scenario would be someone who either provides heals to stall longer (like Merlin, who can also enable stargen) or someone like Himiko who accelerates his NP spam through judicious Overcharge. Despite this, the fundamentally random system of his NP means that while he will inevitably become absurdly powerful over time, on the short term he can be unreliable as you could get buffs that you aren't going for.

Also, thanks to @Pettrip for the image. I hope you don't mind me using it.

Thank @Ananasmagos and @ndh for the inspiration.

The greatest gratitudes are to @James D. Fawkes and @LordRoustabout for such amazing works to base it off.
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"Henceforth, my Hammer is yours to wield, my Cape Name is Apeiron( Without That Limited Boundary) ." An extraordinarily handsome man spoke with perfect candour, far surpassing the beauty of any previous Servant.

Didn't BCF have its own in-universe Nasuverse that was... rather different from ours? (but similar enough that when he got powers from it he identified it)

What, if anything, does alt-FGO look like?

Through the story there have been numerous references to the series Avalon: Web of Magic as a replacement for the Nasuverse (which would not exist on Earth Bet due to the collapse of Japan). The rough idea was that the series Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders was much bigger on Earth Bet, leading to its sequel series Avalon: Web of Magic becoming a long-running animated series rather than a series of young adult novels. The project was handed to Kinoko Nasu who basically turned it into Fate with the serial numbers filed off. The production team included a lot of Japanese animators who had immigrated to America. They were throwing everything they had at the project to try to make a name for themselves, leading to a high quality and massively popular series.
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"The Celestial Forge" - by ___
Didn't BCF have its own in-universe Nasuverse that was... rather different from ours? (but similar enough that when he got powers from it he identified it)
Yes! That's definitely going to be a disconnect, I assume, he knows of a more similar series in Aleph

Apeiron is beckoned
I: Arrival
Jozef Duris( Apeiron)
It was a familiar sensation, like slipping back into a computer, an old coat.

Even though this had never happened, I realized that I Apeiron( The Enigmatic Artificer) was in a true Servant body.

Which meant I was in Web of Magic, and a Taylor Hebert was here as well. Wait, that incantation mentioned Gacha.

Joe groaned.

I'm trapped in a crappy mobile game from Hong Kong, that addicts kids to gambling.

Still, there was hope, that it was more similar to the Aleph version.

Seeing that there were two redheads with a striking resemblance to Shawn Emiya, although female, they had a habit of doing that in the show right?

"Hey, what organisation are you guys a part of?"

"Ch...Chaldea" The taller girl responded, although she was staring at my face.

At least it's the Aleph version. Nothing about the Moon Cell at all.

My blessing from Aphrodite pinged off an appreciation of my granted beauty from the pair of girls in the vicinity.

I immediately applied seven separate seals on my appearance, charisma and subconscious movements.

The pressure immediately relented.

"Crafter?" Taylor asked.

"It's an obscure, variant class of Caster, I believe it's unique except for me," I replied to Professor Hebert's daughter.

"How do you know me?" She demanded.

"Do you not remember me?"

She shook her head.

"Haywire's theory was even more incorrect than I thought." I mused.

They all stared at me quizzically.

"Very basically, I am a Tinker who supplies the Undersiders with weapons." I summarised.

"Since we're still trapped in a temporal-dimensional anomaly, do you guys want to enter my Workshop?"

"Sounds like fun, Pretty Boy, my name's Rika, Fujimaru Rika"

Pretty Boy? Also, wasn't that a James Bond introduction?

" The Celestial Forge( May Ye Hands Remake All Of Creation) " I incanted.

Bringing forth my very first creation, that which I was unable to create even with all my powers at the peak of the forge.

A simple metal key.

I thrust it forth into the air, and drew forth my Workshop from beyond millions of universes away.

A blazing white doorway opened, with the immaculately carved door, warming my heart with nostalgia, this key and that door.
They were the only creations of mine to accompany me so far, before even Garment.

I stepped back Home.

"Welcome in, Masters"

Chaldea Interlude and reactions next.

Edit: Thanks for the threadmark

That gives me an idea...

Apeiron is beckoned
: Prologue

"A five-star gold unique class, this is the best!" the thing shrieked, Rika brained her with a brick.

But the moment was already ruined.

Actually I think I just inspired myself
IS: ***** Interlude
A orange haired chibi figured girl wakes up.

"I almost got that five star!" Gudako shrieked.

"He was a unique class too" She whined.

"I will kill them all, both my evil twin and that black-haired Senpai of hers."

The ritual circle on Mash's shield still active, triggering a summon.

A mere spark on the throne answers in return, although lacking in fame, it is enough to reach the throne by the barest hint of an idea.

Sufficient, for a doomed timeline that has been pruned, in the throes of a new Age of Capes.

"Servant Caster, did someone mention Mammon!" A slight girl in her tweens appeared in a flash of malevolent crimson-black light and shouted this nonsensical phrase.

"Who?" Even in that one girl's twisted mind, she had never heard of such a name in her game.

"He is also known as-" her face twists into a snarl "The Enigmatic Artificer"

The name( Apeiron) resounds in the heads of the pair in the heart of a dying Singularity.

And thus a new pair was to become the slightest hint of an annoyance to Taylor and crew.
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