Cerulean Stars: An Asari Security Officer in Commander Sisko's Court

Thinking about it, whilst trade is a possibility the full title of Quark's bar needs to be kept in mind "Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade". What better than a second location than a cargo ship that can also serve as a floating/flying advertisement for your fixed location(s) (especially as a place to negotiate/conduct business) with a comparatively small volume concession?
I mean I'm sure after all this Grilka has gotten the point about economics being a weapon most Klingons are not equipped to deal with. Beyond getting a ship he gold plated will Quark have lines of communication with Grilka and Kor to have economic dealings with a Klingon Great House?

I mean for all that was said about Odo freaking out over Quark having a last generation Klingon warship, crime strictly speaking, is not profitable for Quark when playing it straight and using lawfare like he did to profit off D'Ghor's death gets him more.

The K'tinga ship is a status symbol. That a Ferengi can get a Klingon ship. That he can get it gold plated. That Quark got it because the last guy who fucked with him got beheaded by a Dahar Master. That Quark survived a challenge by a Dahar Master. A Ferengi who has a gold plated Klingon Warship has lobes made out of duranium.
I mean I'm sure after all this Grilka has gotten the point about economics being a weapon most Klingons are not equipped to deal with. Beyond getting a ship he gold plated will Quark have lines of communication with Grilka and Kor to have economic dealings with a Klingon Great House?

I mean for all that was said about Odo freaking out over Quark having a last generation Klingon warship, crime strictly speaking, is not profitable for Quark when playing it straight and using lawfare like he did to profit off D'Ghor's death gets him more.

The K'tinga ship is a status symbol. That a Ferengi can get a Klingon ship. That he can get it gold plated. That Quark got it because the last guy who fucked with him got beheaded by a Dahar Master. That Quark survived a challenge by a Dahar Master. A Ferengi who has a gold plated Klingon Warship has lobes made out of duranium.
And he can also, easily upgrade the ship, to more modern standaards.
Which, considering it's gold plated, might actually have been done.
Meaning, crew & weapons might have become more compact, engines more powerful, cargo-bays, bigger.

But yeah, if you are a Klingon, which Ferengi are you going to trade with?
The one having a Ferengi trade ship or the one having a Klingon Capital Warship.
Looks to me, that Sisko, besides asking for Worf, in the future, also has to add Quark to his list of Klingon Experts, besides Jadzia(?).
Man, will they be able to do a tag-team, when the time comes.
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This looks like two drafts of the same paragraph.
She's saying that that she's been using the Commissions attempts to throw her off the trail to show her where to look for the trail.

Well for the federation gold is actually quite cheap. It's the latinum that is pressed into the gold that has value. The ship itself is probably far more valuable than the gold plating. Although, gold is highly conductive so it would be funny if quark's modification actually improves defence against phasers, by dissipating any heat.
There's only really one kind of gold, outside of Gold Pressed Latinum, that has any value, and that's hand worked gold.

Absolutely, there's a reason why his D'Kora in the admiralty system in STO is basically fully gold (even if it is rather worthless).
Exact reference. ;)

Whilst still useful in a military context a K'Tinga is a very old ship with presumably a rather large crew requirement (and Quark's preferred interests mean that the cargo bays are probably going to end up expanded, to the detriment of the magazines, to say nothing of crew quarters needing to be expanded/rebuilt to non-Klingon standards if he wants decent crew), and as you say he's going to want it making money rather than just sitting around catching dust.

It could prove quite useful during the wormhole mining operation, however, to say nothing of the evacuation of DS9 following the 2nd battle of DS9.
He's currently debating between two different options for it.

I wonder if Jadzia will give Bashir her permission. She probably has a better idea of what impact this getting out would have than Raine does, and a much more personal stake in it.
Not for about a year. 😇

The best part is? He could easily modify it into a SPACE!Riverboat Casino. Slow cruise it around, sell heavily marked up drinks, install some slot machines and card tables, a few hotel suites, and make a big deal about how it's technically outside of Federation jurisdiction, and just watch the money roll in.
That is in fact one of the two options he's debating on.

Fair. Though by current standards the K'tinga is neither big nor powerful. Also small ships are really not a big deal. A resold warship like Quark's Treasure is a pretty large deal but by all apperances armed civilian ships owned by their captains or cooperatively by their crews are very common in federation space. While both independent merchants and large trading companies have plenty of armed merchantmen plying the trade routes in the quadrant as a whole.
To begin with on this one, the K'tinga Quark got wasn't the best ship house D'Ghor had, it was just the best ship of those they had that Quark thought he could get away with abusing a very specific rule to take without Gowron going "That's cute, no.".

That said, the issues of Ship commonality is actually an interesting one.

For the Federation? It depends on what kind of ship, what your qualifications are, and whether your trying for the ship as part of a group or on your own. Have high level piloting qualifications, pass the psych evaluations, and want to be a warp courier? The Federation will hand you a free of charge top of the line courier ship and say "Go for it". Have middling piloting qualifications, get an eh on the psych evaluations, and want to fly around in an escort class doing whatever catches your fancy, enjoy waiting forever unless something about you changes.

For most races though? It's whatever you can buy outside of relatively current generation military hardware.
Well, Gold is pretty cheap in the galaxy, so Quark would do something like that. The 'thing' for humans I would say is that they hate 'augmentated humans'
It's not so much that they hate augmented humans, it's that they learned the lessons of the Eugenics Wars, and that historically, EVERY augmented human has had heightened aggression and volatility, such that the whole genetic engineering branch of science is seen as incredibly problematic, and so, research in those areas is banned.
It's not so much that they hate augmented humans, it's that they learned the lessons of the Eugenics Wars, and that historically, EVERY augmented human has had heightened aggression and volatility, such that the whole genetic engineering branch of science is seen as incredibly problematic, and so, research in those areas is banned.

I find it amusing that Augmentation inherently leading to aggression and volatility is something that we never see fully proven in canon. All of the "evil" augments that we see suffered from a combination of abusive childhoods and indoctrination into a cult of Augmented superiority. The one example we have of an Augmented human (Bashir) who grew up with a relatively normal and healthy background ended up as a downright heroic figure who never displayed any unwarranted aggression or fits of erratic behavior. It is also noteworthy that the erratic behavior of the "Mutant" Augmented that were introduced in DS9 can be attributed to the poor application of their genetic modifications or life spent as mistreated patients of an asylum rather than an inherent flaw in all Augments as none of the other Augments we see are similarly troubled. They were also right on the Dominion winning the war in the absence of a Deus Ex Machina from the Prophets but that is an entirely different discussion.

A related idea is that Khan only becomes an unequivocal villain after Kirk drives him to madness by stranding him and his crew on a barren planet. This is what Khan had every reason to believe as it seems far more likely than the Enterprise somehow missing that the planet they were giving to the Augments would experience such a complete shift. Suffering such a betrayal after everything Khan experienced in the Eugenics wars and watching his new love die horrific death that he was helpless to prevent would drive anyone to seek terrible revenge.

Before this Khan was depicted as a ruthless leader who was not unnecessarily cruel and possessed many admirable qualities. His ruthlessness could easily be explained as a consequence of his upbringing and the chaotic nature of the pre-Eugenic Wars Earth. The initial episode heavily implied that there would be nothing stopping him from growing into a better leader and person now that he could lead his people on a peaceful planet. Khan does not fit the archetype of the genetically destined supervillain that came to define the depiction of the Augmented in later canon and was used to justify the anti-Augmented policy of the Federation.
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I see the anti-augment stuff as being part of the same underlying philosophy that underlies the worst applications we see of the prime directive - anything subverting the 'natural course of evolution' is presumed to be inherently bad because it will stop people from eventually naturally evolving into enlightened energy-based beings.
gold is highly conductive so it would be funny if quark's modification actually improves defence against phasers, by dissipating any heat
Actually, Gold isn't that conductive, for that you want Silver, though Copper is pretty good. Where gold wins is its corrosion resistance, and ductility (you can make amazingly thin sheets), and so connections that won't corrode can be made with tiny amounts of gold.

The yellow colour confuses many - gold should really be silver in colour. But, apparently, there's a (weird?) relativity effect that gives that.

Gold armour being a good idea? It's soft and dense. You'll always be buffing dents out of it, and, if mass is an issue, gold-plating your ship just made you a bigger problem. As gold is soft it may rub-off on harder materials, even get in bad places in machinery... Big advantage? Being a noble metal means metal poisoning issues are very unlikely - the Trek-verse tends to be a bit short on Cybermen. :)

You want really useful, serious, *bling*, on your ship? Raine needs to persuade Q to mithral-plate the thing (mithral being 'true silver'). Mind you, ensuring supplies for later repairs might be wise...
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Yeah. A K'tinga isn't as impressive as a moon like Quark's weapon's dealer cousin Gaila (he is much less discerning than Quark is about his customers) or a proper modern D'kora Marauder but as the owner/captain of his own ship can style himself "DaiMon Quark".

Be even funnier if he used the Klingon rank equivalent. He may not be a member of the Klingon Defense Force, but that vessel is still registered with the Klingon Empire, and while he may not lead Grilka's Klingon House anymore, he may still be considered the head of the House of Quark as far as they're concerned. It may even come with some obligations to the House of Kor in the event of war.
You want really useful, serious, *bling*, on your ship? Raine needs to persuade Q to mithral-plate the thing (mithral being 'true silver'). Mind you, ensuring supplies for later repairs might be wise...
Or even better, use the neutronium hull of the planet killer that enterprise destroyed in 2267. Either figure out a way to reshape it; or simply build a new ship, inside the original hull. And use enough transporter jammers to prevent it being destroyed from the inside, like the federation did.
She's saying that that she's been using the Commissions attempts to throw her off the trail to show her where to look for the trail.
... oh!
I finally get it! Something about the structure of that dialog made it very hard to figure that out, even with you explaining.

The repeated phrasing about "dodging the commission's attempts" was just way too distracting, when the critical bits to link were "I've been able to put together a general idea" and " Mostly because"

A phrasing like this would have been much less confusing, imo:
"Mostly because having to dodge those attempts was telling." She admitted with an annoyed glance to the currently blank monitor on her workstation.
It's also a major status symbol. remember the images of the Divine Treasury, the Ferengi Afterlife in that episode? Gold bling everywhere.

If a Ferengi wants evidence of his success, Quark won't even have to point. His relationship with other Ferengi is going to be wildly different.

How would Brunt react to being told "You can't argue with success."?
Not just that; it's a Klingon warship. One that is gold-plated.

That's not something you can really buy with just money. That Quark has one is a massive status symbol not just of his wealth, but his skill and daring. Saying he won it through honorable battle and business deals with Klingons just makes it even more impressive.

It also means that Odo now has to factor in Quark's gold-plated Klingon warship as an asset in DS9's security situation.