Til I Change Your Mind (Mass Effect Krogan SI)

Holy shit the feels of this chapter.
Krell really pulled his 'Father Cap' here. Or I suppose 'Uncle Cap' considering his relationship with Tali...
Dammit Krell! Why are you such a great uncle, but keep dropping the ball as a father!?

Funny note, Legion probably DID listen to this, and took Krell's words into account alongside the rest of the Geth for future Foreign Policy.
'There's no way you actually planned this.' She stated with an amazing amount of confidence for someone without any evidence.
"Oh no,not in the slightest. I just smile and nod when unexpected things happen and people assume it was some kind of intricate plan."

"W... what?"

"No one will ever believe you."

Krell you do not need to unfake your death. You faked it enough times that nobody believes you really died

No, this time it was a Citadel Councilor. They are actually gonna have pushback there.
And to unfake my death, of course.
Wait... Krell's not dead? This wasn't just a hallucination while he was slowly dying and going to his afterlife? Wow what a plot twist! </sarc>

No, this time it was a Citadel Councilor. They are actually gonna have pushback there.
And they are going to be mad at him for all the paperwork... And the egg on their face for being wrong. Because they have never been wrong before.
Wait... Krell's not dead? This wasn't just a hallucination while he was slowly dying and going to his afterlife? Wow what a plot twist! </sarc>

And they are going to be mad at him for all the paperwork... And the egg on their face for being wrong. Because they have never been wrong before.

Have they ever not been wrong during the games trilogy?

Edit: I couldn't help thinking about this:
*Main lead, sung*
The Council are all bastards they have bled us till we're white.
They've taken everything we had as if it was their right.
How we've got nothing in return, though they make so much fuss ...
What has the Council ever done for us?

What has the Council?
What has the Council?
What has the Council ever done for us?

Spectre Shepard?


They made Shepard a Spectre

They did give us that, that's true.

*Sung in solo*
Asari Dancers

Yes, that too

*Main Lead, sung*
Spectre Shepard, I grant is one. Thing the Council may have done.

*Sung in solo*
Citadel Fleet, now it's all new

*Sung by other person in solo*
And the Thessian Wines too

*Main Lead, sung*
Well apart from the wines and Citadel Navy

And the FTL buoys for communication

*Main Lead, sung*
Apart from those, which are a plus. What has the Council ever done for us?

What has the Council?
What has the Council?
What has the Council ever done for us?

Brought peace?

*Main Lead spoken*
Oh shut up!
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Ooo, I like the updates, Krell is being unsurprisingly sound in his advice when he realized just how badly Tali needed straightforward advice rather than his usual jokes and hints of how to do things

Also playlist updated
CHAPTER 57: All You Have To Do Is Wait
CHAPTER 57: All you have to do is wait

The citadel was... Not what I was expecting. There was a party going on and everyone was wearing scarred Krogan masks. Even the Krogan!

It made it ridiculously easy to get onto the station. All I had to do was tell them I was there for the Krell-Day celebration (which had been going on for far longer than a day, by now) and the guards just let me through like I was some kind of Geth infiltrator. C-Sec even congratulated me on my costume when my ID scan came back as Nakmor Krell!

Of course they asked who I really was, so of course I had to tell them.

'I'm Commander Shepard and this is the best Krell costume in the Citadel.'

The officer blinked.

'Are you sure? The last I heard she was locked up tight on Earth. And, well, your records are coming up as Professor Nackmor Krell.'

He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. Luckily, his desk had a nameplate.

'I assure you, Captain Bailey, that I am definitely Commander Shepard. You know how much we SPECTRES get paid. How could I possibly not have the best costume of my beloved older friend?'

He looked at me, I looked at him.

He nodded. 'Well, if you're sure? It's only that I can-'

'I'm sure.' I replied, quickly cutting him off while he was still convinced. The sooner I got past this C-Sec nonsense the quicker I could fix the inaccuracy regarding my demise.

He nodded again. 'Understood. I'll put in right here that you're Commander Shepard, and definitely not Nackmor Krell; who is dead. Have a great time Commander Shepard. You SPECTRES really do get all the best toys.'

Huh. That was an odd monotone there, wasn't it? Well, whatever, as long as he wasn't going to cause any trouble in my quest to fix the inaccurate reports of my demise.

'I definitely will! But if not for my personal knowledge of my good friend Professor Krell I never could have pulled off a costume this realistic.' I laughed back before hastily beating my retreat.
That was close.

I remember C-Sec Security being a lot worse than that!

Did the Council finally decide to reform it in preparation for the Reapers?

That must have been my fault then. I can't believe I almost screwed up my own plan to get declared alive again!

I wonder if I should compliment Shepard on her disguise? And her escape?

Nah. I'll let her find out later.


First stop? My favorite shop on the citadel! Honest Jim's Honest Disguise Center.

The entire Citadel looked like a Masquerade and if even C-Sec could almost tell I was me, then I was severely under-masked.

I strode into the shop, wondering if the proprietor had the fortune to be born with the first name 'Honest', as I listened to the dulcet tones of 'me' telling everyone that this was 'my' favorite shop on the citadel.

Man, Shepard really did love committing advertising fraud, didn't she? Why did she even need a discount to a cheap costume shop like this? The masks were all thin flimsy plastic! And they only had one kind of mask!

Well, I probably shouldn't throw stones while disguised as 'her'.

'Hello. I'm here to buy a mask.'

The proprietor blinked. 'Are you sure? Because that's already an excellent Krell costume. Did you have a plastic surgeon do it?'

'No. It's all prosthetics. I'm surprised you don't Recognize me. After all, This is my favorite shop on the Citadel.'

Matching Shepard's exact tone and intonation wasn't hard. Not after hearing it from every single shop on the Citadel every time I visited over the last year.

'Commander Shepard? Amazing! You SPECTRES really do get all the best toys!'

'Yes. But for reasons that are classified I need to buy a much cheaper Professor Nakmor Krell mask. How much are yours?'

'Well... Factoring in your discount? 2 credits.'

'Excellent.' I said, transferring two credits.

'Oh, wow! you even managed to get your credit transfer to look like it's from Professor Krell!'

'Oh, yes. due to our closeness, he gave me control over all of his accounts.' I lied, transparently.

'Oh, I thought it was some super-cool SPECTRE program, or gear or something. But I guess using his actual money while you're in disguise is better. You know I heard that Krell has faked his death before. Is that true?'

'Definitely not.' I lied.

If people knew I faked my death to get out of awkward conversations it would never work again!

'Well, here's your mask, Commander Shepard! Enjoy the celebrations! I hear Counselor Valern is giving the next part of the Eulogy at the Human Embassy after Lunch!'

'Thank you!' I replied.

The Human Embassy. That was where I would reveal my survival.

With my mask on I no longer had to fear discovery. I looked just like one of my fellow Krogan, dressed up as me.

It really was interesting seeing so many Krogan milling around the Praesidium.
And... was that-?

It was! Someone had painted the Krogan Statue to look like me! They'd even given it a labcoat!

Awww... That was so touching!

And... were those suits of Vol-tech Battle Armor modified to look like me?

When I was young I made weapons. The shifting technology that lets you compress your weapons for easy storage? I had absolutely nothing to do with the invention of that. Stupid idea. The Salarians came up with it before my time. But I did have to study it as a weapons engineer. The Salarians were adamant about that in our training.

That experience carried through when I began to work on Mass Effect research. My focus was mostly on vehicles, I didn't actually build all that many; but I did create blueprints.

A thousand years is a great amount of time for boredom to build up. You start creating concepts that stretch the limits of what anyone thought was possible. You theorycraft improbable and impractical devices. You combine technologies that were never meant to be combined.

Some of them were more impractical than others; as in, 'costs the gross domestic product of multiple races just to build the thing' levels of wildly impractical. That was okay, they were never meant to be created anyway.

But apparently the Volus saw something in the idea I didn't and one day, a few days after I saved the tech, Vol-Tech called me and asked if they could license the design for military use and create a scaled down less complex version of it for them as a personal mobility assistant and safety device.
Armor, in other words.

I agreed, of course. While the design did require biotics to operate, it would help a lot with Volus survivability offworld. And given the danger volus are in if their suits depressurize... Well, even if they were planning to make the armor for military reasons I didn't see any issues with helping them. The more sentients that survive, the more there would be to combat the Reapers.

Which led to the Vol-Tech Battle Armor. Take the general silhouette of a Krogan but turn it into a robot. Put the pilot in the hump, and give them the ability to control the suit directly with subtle uses of their Biotics, with VI assistance.

It was practically self-driving.

And now a pair of volus had modified and painted their suits to look like me.

With my foolproof disguise on, I couldn't resist the temptation. I had to approach.


'It's true! My ancestor, Nefra Cal once delivered a package to his daughter! I have sent you the video file of the contract negotiation and Krell describing his invention. This was many years before the Humans came onto the galactic scene! Krell created the bow tie! Humans must have copied it!'

'The chances are minuscule. The Humans had the bow tie for well over a century before the incident which brought them to Turian attention. You must be mistaken.'

'Look at the timestamp! Look at the change log and the encoding! Niftu Cal is not a liar!'

'The timestamp matches, and the encoding. Yes. It checks out. This was registered in the hall of contracts before the humans arrived!'

'Hah! Doubt me will you!'

'But how can this be? Convergent development would not lead to the same name for the item, nor the same development of garments!'

'This is is cross pollination. Krell must have encountered Earth before it officially was exposed to the citadel!'

'Impossible! Krell's whereabouts are cross verifiable for over a millennium! By multiple different races! At least daily, if not more often! There was no opportunity!'

'Then a human must have come to citadel space early!' Niftu Cal proposed.

'And returned? Without being noticed by anyone else in the Galaxy? Not even Krell's many watchers? Impossible!'

It was time for me to step in.

'I have heard that Krell could see the future. Perhaps this is evidence in favor of that?'

'Ah yes, the calendar.' Niftu Cal agreed, doing air quotes with the Krogan-esque fingers of his power armor. 'We have dismissed such claims.'

The other Volus nodded. 'If he could see the future, he would have been rich many times over on the stock market. But instead Krell was a very conservative investor. He barely touched his assets.'

Those jerks! Don't they know I was the most surveilled Krogan in the universe! Every time I touched the stock market I created a financial panic! If I tried aggressively investing the whole system might have come down!

'Perhaps he feared creating a run on the stock market?' I offered in my own defense.

'Easily avoided by the simple expedient of creating a non-coordinating trust to handle the accounts.' Niftu Cal replied.

'But how would that allow him to use his knowledge of the future if he couldn't coordinate?' I asked, wondering if these Volus were perhaps criminals.

'What? Oh! You mean you think he'd use knowledge of specific events to profit? That's possible, this one supposes. However, there are many theories as to what form of precognition Krell had. To rule them all out we must compare Krell's earnings against the average return on investment. In other words: since Krell's accounts posted below average returns year after year, even after accounting for compound interest, he couldn't possibly have any sort of precognition. Even the simplest form of precognition would have posted at least average returns.' Niftu Cal refuted.

I stood, shocked.

'Perhaps he didn't care about money?' I tried to defend myself.

I mean, as long as I had enough money for personal purchases like Noveria and family expenses like secretly enrolling Liara in a human online library science course without telling her about it, I didn't really care how much I had in the bank.
At a certain point even a Krogan had issues spending all of it.

'If that is true then there's no sense divining Professor Krell's motives even if he did have precognition. So the question is irrelevant either way.'

'Then why are you here celebrating him then?' I asked, curious.

'The use of Vol-tech Battle Armor is normally restricted on the Praesidium. However, as a costume we are allowed to wear the suits. This allows for conspicuous consumption and also informs potential clients and patrons of the personal power we possess entirely separate from our financial power.' The other Volus explained.

'Personal power?' I asked.

The Vol-Tech battle armor was a fairly low grade personal protective device. Sure, it was rated to protect against most if not all Tuchankan hazards, but beyond that it wasn't particularly strong.

'The Vol-Tech Battle Armor is the premier in Personal equipment. It turns even the most lacking biotic into a tank capable of carrying enough personal weaponry to take on a thresher maw, and with enough defenses to survive the attempt! As a method of turning biotic power into fighting power, it is more efficient than any other product on the market. While wearing this armor, I am a god of war!' Niftu Cal proclaimed with a boastful roar.

'Indeed.' The other Volus agreed. 'Professor Krell may not have been able to to see the future, but this does not reduce his worth as an engineer.'

I blinked.

Maybe insisting the armor be able to tank at least one shot from Kalros was too much?

It's just, she was right there, and it wasn't like she was busy doing something else. So why not take advantage?


Obviously ensuring that a suit made for personal protection and survivability actually protected the user and allowed them to survive was just industry standard.

I needed to get away from these crazy Volus before they tried to start making me cheap out on quality control in the name of profits!

'I see.' I nodded, desperately seeking some way to escape.

Then I noticed it.

'Well, have a wonderful celebration!' I added, trying to take my leave.

It was time to go anyway. Chancellor Valern had approached the dais and was about to speak.


This song is a lovely little ditty from the musical City of Angels.

Hopefully the next bit comes out pretty quickly. Chancellor Valern has a speech planned (a eulogy, in fact), which is a different sort of writing than I'm used to.

All the setup has been laid for the next chapters so now I just need to type it out.

Actually, there's some setup in this chapter specifically for further in the future than that even. I don't think it's too hard to catch, but I'm curious if anyone realizes what i have planned.
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Nobody will believe him and he must play Shepard disguised as Krell during Mass effect 3, while the real one is stuck on earth.
Nobody will believe him and he must play Shepard disguised as Krell during Mass effect 3, while the real one is stuck on earth.
Worse, everyone will think that Shepard is actually her clone.
So Actual Clone Shepard will be even crazier and hate them both more, because Shepard not only took the position of Shepard from her, but even stole the position of Shepard Clone from her, making the poor clone a non-entity.

He looked at me, I looked at him.

He nodded. 'Well, if you're sure? It's only that I can-'

'I'm sure.' I replied, quickly cutting him off while he was still convinced. The sooner I got past this C-Sec nonsense the quicker I could fix the inaccuracy regarding my demise.
God, fucking, DAMMIT KRELL!
Why do you always do this!?

That must have been my fault then. I can't believe I almost screwed up my own plan to get declared alive again!
Either that or you are nothing more than a puppet on strings, guided by the whims of an omnipotent and omniscient author. XD

Man, Shepard really did love committing advertising fraud, didn't she? Why did she even need a discount to a cheap costume shop like this? The masks were all thin flimsy plastic! And they only had one kind of mask!
...Again, because Spectres get paid 'OH SO WELL' and get 'ALL THE BEST TOYS'.

Matching Shepard's exact tone and intonation wasn't hard. Not after hearing it from every single shop on the Citadel every time I visited over the last year.

'Commander Shepard? Amazing! You SPECTRES really do get all the best toys!'

'Yes. But for reasons that are classified I need to buy a much cheaper Professor Nakmor Krell mask. How much are yours?'

'Well... Factoring in your discount? 2 credits.'
...the fact anyone believes him means everyone but Bailey and those with actual working brains is going to believe that he really is Shepard in disguise...
Fucking hell. Time to bring out the cork board and try to figure out how this will spin out to help him and save the universe.

But apparently the Volus saw something in the idea I didn't and one day, a few days after I saved the tech, Vol-Tech called me and asked if they could license the design for military use and create a scaled down less complex version of it for them as a personal mobility assistant and safety device.
Armor, in other words.
...scaled downed, makes it Krogan size... Fucking hell Krell! DID YOU BUILD A GODDAMNED MECH!?!?

'It's true! My ancestor, Nefra Cal once delivered a package to his daughter! I have sent you the video file of the contract negotiation and Krell describing his invention. This was many years before the Humans came onto the galactic scene! Krell created the bow tie! Humans must have copied it!'

'The chances are minuscule. The Humans had the bow tie for well over a century before the incident which brought them to Turian attention. You must be mistaken.'

'Look at the timestamp! Look at the change log and the encoding! Niftu Cal is not a liar!'

'The timestamp matches, and the encoding. Yes. It checks out. This was registered in the hall of contracts before the humans arrived!'

'Hah! Doubt me will you!'

'But how can this be? Convergent development would not lead to the same name for the item, nor the same development of garments!'

'This is is cross pollination. Krell must have encountered Earth before it officially was exposed to the citadel!'

'Impossible! Krell's whereabouts are cross verifiable for over a millennium! By multiple different races! At least daily, if not more often! There was no opportunity!'

'Then a human must have come to citadel space early!' Niftu Cal proposed.

'And returned? Without being noticed by anyone else in the Galaxy? Not even Krell's many watchers? Impossible!'
This is a scaled down, much less violent and more sane version of what happens every time an unprepared Salarian hears the name 'Nakmor Krell'.
Over a millenia and noticeable fractions of the entire species GDP have gone into such 'discussions'... almost as many lives as credits have been spent.

'If that is true then there's no sense divining Professor Krell's motives even if he did have precognition. So the question is irrelevant either way.'
Hah! Volus being Volus. If not making money, why exist?
'If can't make money while doing so, then why bother?'

The Vol-Tech battle armor was a fairly low grade personal protective device. Sure, it was rated to protect against most if not all Tuchankan hazards, but beyond that it wasn't particularly strong.
...fucking Krell and his 'Krogan Standard'.
Like Hachiko.
I wonder if Earth and their Tech get as much interest and respect thanks to him making that a thing for them.

'The Vol-Tech Battle Armor is the premier in Personal equipment. It turns even the most lacking biotic into a tank capable of carrying enough personal weaponry to take on a thresher maw, and with enough defenses to survive the attempt! As a method of turning biotic power into fighting power, it is more efficient than any other product on the market. While wearing this armor, I am a god of war!' Niftu Cal proclaimed with a boastful roar.

'Indeed.' The other Volus agreed. 'Professor Krell may not have been able to to see the future, but this does not reduce his worth as an engineer.'
...why doesn't Shepard have a Volus Crewmate?
They can make a parody of it! It will be Shepard disguised as Krell. 'Clone' Shepard. And Shepard disguised as a Volus in Vol-Tech Battle Armor disguised as Nakmor Krell.

Maybe insisting the armor be able to tank at least one shot from Kalros was too much?
...fucking KARLOS!?

It's just, she was right there, and it wasn't like she was busy doing something else. So why not take advantage?
...Krell, I am like, 9001% sure that you are the ONLY FUCKING BEING that thinks like that.
Even among Krogans.
...scaled downed, makes it Krogan size... Fucking hell Krell! DID YOU BUILD A GODDAMNED MECH!?!?

...fucking KALROS!?
A mech? No. Krell didn't build a mech.

You're close though. You just have some assumptions that are wrong.

Good job catching who Bailey was!
It's definitely not Krell you guys, he didn't show up to the presidium with his golf cart full of NK-47s.

Weird aside, but apparently if you personally designed the weapon in question, it doesn't count as a weapon under Citadel law for the purposes of needing to be declared. It's instead classified as 'personal luggage of sentiment.' I'm pretty sure that's a loophole the Salarians put in to help make their STG work easier; but the practical upside is that I can drive around the praesidium with a trunk full of NK-47s and no one can stop me from doing it. So of course I do it all the time.

And... ctrl+F, he didn't 'admit' anything even once. The usual rate is 7 times a chapter! It's definitely not him.
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...why doesn't Shepard have a Volus Crewmate?
They can make a parody of it! It will be Shepard disguised as Krell. 'Clone' Shepard. And Shepard disguised as a Volus in Vol-Tech Battle Armor disguised as Nakmor Krell

I want this, God I want this so much. Clone Shepard is not ready for Krogan Jesus disguised as Actual Shepard in a set of Krogan Jesus Armor.

This Krogan can build Armor that rival the standards of 40k.
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Just to confirm, is the entire Citadel celebrating a beloved Krogan in an almost New Orleans style, or are they doing the equivalent of dancing on his grave with this party here?
Just to confirm, is the entire Citadel celebrating a beloved Krogan in an almost New Orleans style, or are they doing the equivalent of dancing on his grave with this party here?

Krell's grave will be secured with turrets, mines and mechs of his own design.
It will also be in the bottom-layer of the Great Library, guarded by the Shadow Broker.
Trying to dance there will be "interesting"

Naturally the answer differs depending on who you talk to.

That sounds like the warm-up for a Citadel-wide brawl.
The situation also has a chance of Krell spilling everything about what happend on Krelltopia in revenge for the Council hindering his effort to save the galaxy and see his Grand-daughter get married.
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CHAPTER 58: The Joker
CHAPTER 58: The Joker

The Salarians have an interesting quirk in their philosophy. Statements, places, people, things, and events that are themselves meant to lead you not to enlightenment but to your sort of philosophical purpose, along with teaching a valuable lesson along the way. In an interesting bit of xeno-ethographic homonyms, they call these things 'Koans'. Literally the word they started out with when coming up with the idea, though of course they're not really at all similar to Earth Koans.

Let me give you an actual example, and I'll use one from Earth because the Salarians do make these things out of alien ideas too.

Very egalitarian those Salarians. They'll swipe any idea as long as it's a good one and there's no prejudice against an idea regardless of its origin. I really like that about them, honestly. Not gonna throw a party for them over it, at least not til the Genophage is cured for good. But I can't deny I respect the damn lizards for it.

But back on topic. Let's look at an actual koan, "The Titanic." A Salarian would be expected to focus upon the item and learn a bit more of where they fit in Salarian society from it. And they would do this by learning the history, the context of the thing and then thinking on what they would do with it. For the titanic a salarian might reveal to themselves and Salarian society that they are an engineer by finding interest in the blueprints and figuring out the flaws that led to the sinking and thinking about how to fix them. Or an ethnologist by studying the events and coming to deeply understand a truly alien concept to a Salarian, Hubris.

There's no right or wrong answer. The purpose is to make you learn something about yourself and to communicate it to the rest of society around you. Sometimes these things serve as an end in and of themselves. Someone who hears "The Titanic" and just never stops researching it might end up a salarian specialist in Titanic Archeology and history. There are a lot more of those than Human Titanic Specialists since about 20 years ago.

These Koans are multipurpose. They're used a lot in a lot of different ways in Salarian society from the important to the flippant. You'll hear teachers using koans on kids in nurseries to help sort kids into educational specializations, and as an interview question in a salarian company's hiring process, where it also serves as a shibboleth for aliens to show if they're willing to do the work learning about Salarian culture to understand what a koan is and have an answer, but you'll also hear party guests talking about their favorite koans as a way to get to know each other.

I flew on stage, dramatically ripping off my cheap plastic Krell mask.

'Nakmor Krell.' I state to the mostly Salarian crowd.

Then I pause, letting the Koan sink in. I silently count out the 30 seconds traditional for use in a speech to adults.

'I... am Nakmor Krell. And rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.'

The crowd cheered!

'I am Krell!'

'No, I am Krell!'

'I'm Krell!'

The pattern went on and on.

To my confusion, since none of them, unlike me, was actually Krell.

Some of them weren't even particularly convincing! Like that one Asari wearing a plastic mask of my face.

The Salarian counselor started clapping.

'Well said, Shepard!'

I blinked.


'Commander Shepard. We all know that's you in that absolutely amazing Christmas Costume.'

I blinked.

'Christmas Costume? Wait it isn't Christmas yet though!'

"Well, yes. But It's still a Christmas Costume. What other annual holiday to people dress up specifically as Nakmor Krell?" Counselor Valern asked, archly.

"This one?"

"Will absolutely not be an annual celebration if I can help it. Though of course I'm sure people will remember the occasion on Christmas. Rather hard not to, I think." Valern glared.

"Of course not! I'm not dead."

I paused.

"I'm not Commander Shepard either."

'What are you doing, Shepard?' Valern asked.


'Commander Shepard. You confirmed your identity with C-Sec and with several other persons on the station already.' Valern continued speaking nonsense.

'Counselor Valern, do I look like a human to you?' I asked, genuinely confused at what he was getting at.

'It is a rather masterful disguise. If not for you confirming your true identity with C-Sec, I never would have seen through it. Congratulations are in order.'

Did he think I was... Shepard?

"You can't possibly expect us to believe that you aren't Shepard. You told Armando Bailey who you are. We have it on video."

"A clever ruse to help me unfake my death!" I protested.

"Professor Krell knows better than to think you have to do anything special to unfake it, but even if he didn't know that, he definitely wouldn't be caught on tape too busy bragging to a C-Sec official about his incredible Krell costume and assuring the official that despite all the evidence that he was in fact Nakmor Krell that he was actually Commander Shepard in disguise to actually allow the official to tell him that C-Sec can fix the problem of an incorrect death report right at the customs point."

That was an excellent point.

"But Shepard is in Alliance protective custody. You know where she is. I can't possibly be her."

"Is she? Because there's certainly a woman who greatly resembles Commander Shepard in Alliance custody, but there's also a woman who resembles Commander Shepard running around the galaxy shooting people with a crew of oddballs, criminals, maniacs and a Krogan. And the one running around the galaxy seems to, as you have pointed out, have access to the accounts of Shepard's close personal friend Nakmor Krell."

" Wait, you know there's a woman who looks like Shepherd running around the Galaxy with a bunch of Maniacs, criminals, and oddballs And you haven't detained her?"

"Shepard. She's you."

"Wait. What? You think so? I look like Commander Shepard?"

"Well, obviously not while wearing your costume. It's incredibly realistic."

Things went down hill from there.


'Oh, and Shepard? We're scheduled to meet regarding this Enkindler empire project of yours tomorrow morning at the Salarian embassy. Try not to be late? Our social scientists come up with strange plans when they don't know where you are, like faking your death to smoke you out of hiding. They were certain that you would appear on the first day of celebrations. They aren't happy at the inaccuracy of having an entire month-long celebration called Krell Day.'


Had I... Just been pranked?

'See you tomorrow... Professor.' Valern added flippantly as he strolled away, leaving me stunned behind him.


Does this mean I don't have to do all that paperwork, then?

Wait, do people still think I'm dead? Or was that all part of the prank too?


It was not part of the prank.

12 different Turians complimented me on my costume.

With the humans? They might have played along. The Salarians, Asari, Humans and the rest too.

But a Turian willingly letting a bureaucratic error go uncorrected? Especially one that might be a security issue?

There was no way that a random selection of Turians encountered over the course of a single hour would produce twelve rule breaking Turians with a sense of humor.

I'd only ever met eight of those before and I'd known centuries worth of Turians.

No. Valern really made people think I was dead for the sake of a prank.

That jerk.

The walk to the Salarian Embassy was made much more inconvenient by everyone stopping me and thanking me for saving the citadel. Which I did do!

It's just that they kept calling me 'Commander Shepard'.

I was there too, you know!


Salarian practical jokes are never funny.


I'm not dead. Always planned to write more for NaNoWriMo. Try and finish this off. I'm working with an insanely small Cushion of one chapter of backlog. Still, I do have a thorough outline, so we'll see how this goes.

Song is The Joker by Steve Miller band. "Some People call me a space cowboy" indeed. No points to guessing who the title is about.