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Quests Archive

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A Pathfinder x M:tG multicross quest with five characters for the questgoers to choose from. Explore the multiverse, pursue personal quests, and, with any luck, save the world(s) while you're at it.
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You are a surviving Ethereal, one whose body was uniquely undamaged by the illness that struck down your kind, escaping death via X-COM through an unknown psionic anomaly. Arriving in this new Galaxy full of life, you have ample opportunity to be better, or worse, than before. Elder's Blessings upon ye.
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The Ethereals were defeated. ADVENT was broken. Humanity Awakened. Now, more than a century later, unified humanity must respond to a new threat and perhaps a new opportunity.
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The year is 1979. A New World for supervillainy. Gone is the old world of vacuum tubes, tape memory and cold war power plays. Instead, transistors drive your computers, evil plans are stored on Betamax, and aliens rule the world. But why would that stop you?
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The Year is 2025. The war started 10 years ago and has been grinding on since. And now Vahlen built a "Star Gate", explore, make new friends, steal everything thats not nailed down and try to ignore earths looming fall while you race the clock on the other side of the gate into a new universe. Apparently they got giant stompy robots over here.
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Take command of the Anti-Biomorph and Breach Containment Taskforce. Build your forces, fight monsters from beyond the Breach, keep the world from ending. Oh, and prepare for your people to die.
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Your name is Dr. Thomas Bartmoss, and you have a problem. They're called Rookies, and they're terrible at killing Aliens. Fortunately, you're in XCOM. You can build a robot for this- now all you need to do is make the robot better than the rookies before they outpace it.
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X-COM 2 resistance cell quest
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Ashley Collins doesn't know it yet, but an already broken and conflict world is about to go completely insane and she's going to be on the front lines. A shadow war against alien invaders is kicking off, but dangerous forces long thought sealed away are being woken up. Ash isn't going to get much choice in being caught up in the affairs of nations and monsters, but some old relatives and new acquaintances might be able to give her and all of humanity a fighting chance. But when playing with...
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Welcome to an Earth Glowing Green (WIP)
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"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far." —H.P. Lovecraft The world has changed a lot in the intervening forty years since the 2015 Invasion. The three largest political, economic, and military alliances lay claim to almost all territory on earth. The Omega Conglomerate, The People's League, and The Unity Pact have been at each other's throats for decades. A new threat has arisen from the sea, and the...
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It is quiet here. You know not how long you have been in this place, this small tube of glass...
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Lead X-COM from its humble beginnings hunting oversized rats, to a world superpower to contest an unknown alien menace.
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Greetings, this is a reboot of a game over on Spacebattles. Here you shall take the reins of a domineering alien race. And in the process? Determine the fates of countless races, not just those within Xcom itself! Hey there Questors of SV! I have a deep enjoyment of the plan quests that have arisen, but I am always left with a simple question. What if we were Stalin instead of a Lackey? Well haven't you ever wanted to be Alien Space Stalin commanding underlings to make it so? Here you can...
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It's been several years since XCOM failed its mission to protect Remnant, but that doesn't mean they're down for the count. With information on the commander's location, XCOM rallies itself once more to fight against ADVENT's reign.
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It was once said that the sky could not fall. Then it did, and it was said that the sky could...
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It's the tenth anniversary of Unification day, the celebration of the accords between humanity and the Elder. The Earth still bears the scars of the war, but the Elders promise to humanity must be fulfilled. You have been appointed administrator of the City 22 project, one of the many city centers that will stand as beacons lighting the way of humanities future. You are part of ADVENT. You must wipe away the sins of the old world, and usher in a new glorious future.
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WARNING: The following brief is classified as Beyond Top Secret. The sharing of information...
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In a world which Alien, Magic and Miracle both exist, Lily Shen - Chief Engineering Officer of XCOM become a Magical Girl in exchange for alien miracles. Her action will affect both the Resistance and Magical Girls around the globe!
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A Conjuror's Journey. Cynric Tyne was known throughout the region of Winterhold for his...
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Murdered in a back alley. Hardly a proper way for a Shaper to die. But then, there wasn't much proper about you at all... (Marked as Mature primarily owing to the mature content in Xpiratez itself.) (The title is meant to be a pun and also kinda a placeholder depending on where things go.)
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The year is 2035. Twenty years ago, XCOM failed to defend Earth from an alien invasion. Now, they liberated the world. ADVENT has been cut off and decapacitated, and while they're not yet defeated, defeat seems enevitable. This is not your war. You're leading an organisation seeking to recover and steal whatever alien technology you can to craft your own future, to realize your own goals. With the world in Chaos once more, you have an opportunity.
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Hello Commander, In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of nations has convened to approve the activation of the XCOM Project. You have been chosen to lead this initiative.To oversee our first... and last line of defense. Your efforts will have considerable influence on this planet's future. We urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed. Good luck Commander.
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INCOMING MESSAGE FROM THE COUNCIL OF KINGDOMS Hello Commander, In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of kingdoms has convened to approve the activation of the RED Project. You have been chosen to lead this initiative. To oversee our first... and last line of defense. Your efforts will have considerable influence on this planet's future. We urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed. Good luck Commander. Vigilo Confido.
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A directory of all important threadmarks and posts.
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Hello, Commander. In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of nations has convened the activation of the RED (Remnant Extraterrestrial Defense) Initiative. You have been chosen to oversee our first, and last line of defense. Your efforts will have a considerable effect on Remnant’s future. We urge you to keep that in mind while you proceed. Vigilo Confido. Farewell, Commander. [Hiatus, need to rethink a lot. If it doesn’t ever continue don’t be suprised]
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Welcome to H4Q! Select Your Language! >English Select Your Difficulty! >Hard Select Your...
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Humanity lost the battle in 2015. With the betrayal of the Council and the subsequent capture of The Commander, there was little that the people of earth could do to stop the alien invasion. The destruction of X-com did more than take the shield of humanity away. The brightest minds, our best soldiers, the most cutting of edge technology was lost, captured or destroyed. Of the time. Now, as resistance cells are forged under the cruel tyranny of Advent and their extraterrestrial masters...
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