To Serve Man : An ADVENT City Builder Quest

Voting is open
Scheduled vote count started by 10ebbor10 on Jan 29, 2021 at 6:39 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Nothing Suspicious Here
    -[X] Recruitment(Decommissioning)
    -[X] Perimeter Patrols
    -[X] Administration One : District 0
    -[X] Unification day preparations
    -[X] Increase food imports : ADVENT
    -[X] Manage food distribution
    -[X] Prep Integrated Networks
    -[X] Acquire Elerium Reactor (Decommissioning)
    -[X] Oversee project
    --[X] Manage food distribution
    --[X] Unification day preparations
    [X] plan setting up and food
    -[X] Recruitment(Decommissioning)
    - [X] Security Base
    -[X] Administration One : District 0
    -[X] Unification day preparations
    -[X] Increase food imports : ADVENT
    -[X] Manage food distribution
    -[X] Acquire Elerium Reactor (Decommissioning)
    -[X] The implant
    -[X] Meet : Accursio

-[X] Recruitment(Decommissioning)
- 1 Consequence handled by Advisor
-[X] Perimeter Patrols
- 1 Consequence handled by Advisor
-[X] Administration One : District 0
- 2 Consequences handled by advisor
-[X] Unification day preparations
- 0 Consequences
-[X] Increase food imports : ADVENT
- 1 Consequence handled by advisor
-[X] Manage food distribution
- 2 Consequences handled by advisor by personal oversight
-[X] Prep Integrated Networks
- No consequences
-[X] Acquire Elerium Reactor (Decommissioning)
- 1 Consequence handled by advisor
-[X] Oversee project
--[X] Manage food distribution
--[X] Unification day preparations
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Decommissioning Total: 31
4 4 8 8 19 19
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Perimeter Patrols Total: 25
10 10 15 15
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Admin One Total: 25
9 9 16 16
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Unification Prep Total: 6
1 1 1 1 4 4
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Increase Food Import Total: 25
20 20 5 5
10ebbor10 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Manage Food Distribution Total: 48
19 19 3 3 10 10 16 16
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Prep Integrated Networks Total: 24
9 9 15 15
10ebbor10 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Acquire Elerium Reactor Total: 56
15 15 16 16 5 5 20 20
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: City Events Total: 30
10 10 20 20
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: European Administrative Zone Total: 37
4 4 19 19 14 14
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: ADVENT Total: 33
14 14 19 19
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2025 Q1 Results: Unification Day
March 1 2025

Unification Day

The sharp tones of the electronic alarm roused you from your uneasy sleep. You got up quickly, shutting down the alarm before it even got to it's third beep. You didn't have time to tarry. With how late your work had kept you up these last few months, you'd cut your margins in the mornings to the absolute bare minimum to reclaim at least a minimum of sleep. If that didn't quite do it, you also had a small packet of little green pills sitting on your nigh table. You grabbed one and swallowed it down, the drowsiness immediately lifting from your brain. Reinvigorated, you get up and get started with your morning routine. Another day awaits...

All to soon, a second alarm reminds you that you need to depart. You leave your breakfast half eaten, and make your way down from your penthouse flat to the skyway. You remember how you had at first objected to the idea of a residency inside Admin One, fearing you might become isolated from everyone else. Now however you are simply grateful. Living within the Admin security zone means not losing time on the security screens, and that means just a few more minutes of sleep. It also allows you to be the first in the council chamber in the morning, and gives you some time to prepare.

The day's news tells you little new. The food situation in the city remains precarious, but your long nights have paid of in keeping real hunger of the street. You have a duty to humanity here, so the sacrifice is worse than that.
And, between the increasing numbers of people coming to the city to avoid the escalating plague, gross initial undercounts of population figures and a collapse of traditional food imports, the situation is unlikely to resolve itself in the near future, so it will be quite a while before you get a good night's rest.

The news coming in from the rest of the European Administrative zone is far murkier. The newsfeed shows you a long list of victories against Chrysalids and Lost, and the reports detail the significant losses that those victories have cost. ADVENT is winning that is clear but you won't be rid of the Chrysalid menace anytime soon.

You were planning to go through the global feeds when your fellow councilors came in. For a moment, you wondered why they'd dressed up so much, but then the global feed turned on.
"City centers across the globe are preparing for the decennial celebration of unification day"...
You turned the screen back off. Of course. The whole city had been preparing for Unification Day, but even through all the preparation (or perhaps because of it) you'd forgotten it. It had become something that was less than real, just one of the many things you were supposed to handle, instead of a real event you'd take part in.

Credits : 1880
Site Security Representative

You've never seen Aurelius outside his power armor, and so you're not surprised to not see him in it now. Even so, he has given consideration to the formality of the event, with his armor cleaned of even the slightest blemish and fitted with some additional decorative features.
(2 actions)

Alternatively, Aurelius could call upon his old contacts within the administration and try to get several to-be-decommissioned units reassigned to the city. This will result in an ecletic bunch of non-standardized units with heavier gear, but which a veteran like Aurelius will know how to use.

As Aurelius gives his report on the recruitment attempt, a hint of anger creeps in the old Mutons voice. "We have an excellent opportunity to pick up a great number of proven, loyal soldiers. Entire battle proven formations are being dismantled or replaced by new ADVENT elements. This decision gives us the opportunity to acquire a considerable number of forces and material, but we will have to act fast. The decommissioning process has high priority among the ADVENT administration." It's pretty clear the Muton doesn't agree with the decisions and priorities of ADVENT high command.

"On your request, I have prepared for you the possible transfer orders. The forces below come with my highest recommendations, regardless of what others may say." As you look through the files, you note that the forces are indeed highly rated, but ADVENT might have decommissioned them for a reason. These units were the tip of the spear that brought down. Their actions were needed, but it does not change the fact that a large number of humans and civilians died at their hands.

Vote : Forces (Pick up to 3. Aurelius would prefer you pick all 3)
[] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.

Perimeter Patrols
People are constantly leaving and entering the city, without even the slightest attempt at checking who goes where and with what justifications. Stepping up patrols will demand more of our scant forces, but should be able to crack down upon smuggling operations.
Cost : 50 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 2

"The perimeter is secure. Stepping up the patrols and increasing the punishments appears to have intimidated would be violators." the muton continues his report. "We didn't have to shoot anyone. Just make it clear what the stakes were, and the people fell in line. And as regular traffic declined, the smuggling operations became all the more obvious. A handful of arrests have been made".

From what Aurelius tells you, it appears that most of the cities perimeter violations were just regular people, violating the restrictions for a minimal gain in personal comfort, or simply because they could. People entered and left the city at will because they'd become accustomed to the lax security, rather than because they willfully sought to subvert it. In some ways, this is good. The presence of active resistance against ADVENT protocol is rarely a good sign, but in other ways, it is bad. The degree to which perimeter violations were tolerated suggests a widespread disregard for ADVENT, and a lack of knowledge of why these rules even exist. If you had been an ordinary citizen, you'd have filed formal complaints long ago about these violations which endangered not just the violators themselves, but everyone in the city.

Uncontrolled traffic serves as a shield for criminal and subversive activity, and the arrest you made so far have proven that. Various criminals were arrested smuggling essential medicine, components or materials out of the city. No doubt this smuggling activity is responsible for a great deal of the delays you've suffered in various projects. The material smuggled into the city is of lesser concern, consisting primarily of foodstuffs and other simple materials.

Infrastructure Liason
Callirrhoe seems to be well prepared to enjoy the festivities of Unification Day, and you do not begrudge her the chance to relax in the slightest. You've heard a lot about the troubles she's had getting Admin One delivered on time. Instead of her regular outfit, she is wearing a fetching modern dress. The iridescent red fabric works particularly well with her scales, and the fact that you know that the dress came from the same machinery that created everyone's regular boring uniforms doesn't change it's beauty in the slightest.

Administration One : District 0
Working out of temporary facilities is hardly a prestigious or effective thing. Ensure that proper permanent administration buildings are completed by Unification day.
Cost : 500 credits
Time : 1 turns
Complexity : 2

You didn't have the opportunity to give Admin One the time it deserved, but Callirrhoe appears to have done well with the free hand you've (by necessity) given her. Given the time constraints, Admin One had to be build with prefab components and whole fabricated sections. Despite those restrictions, Callirrhoe has created an interesting and imposing design. The complex consists out of 3 squat towers, solid hunks of terrocrete foam and prefabricated metal segments, arranged around a larger central tower. While the lower levels of each tower consist primarily of administrative offices, miscellaneous storage and empty areas that sill await purpose, the upper levels have been equipped with broad glass windows that allow the people within to look out over the city. Skywalks on the middle levels connect the 3 towers with the central building and one another.

Security has been pushed towards the outer areas of the Admin One complex, with a solid wall securing the perimeter and ADVENT soldiers manning check posts on every entrance to the complex. In doing so, the need for internal security measures has been lessened, making it far easier to move through the complex on you day to day business.

Culture and Education Co-ordinator
Demophon appears to have changed out his regular suit for a classic three piece suit. You've always found the old-earth clothing styles a bit dated, but the Thin Man makes it work, even if he had to have gone through some effort to get it custom tailored..

[] Unification day preparations
Formally prepare for Unification day, portraying the city in the best possible light. This means going above and beyond regular preparations, which given that this is a decennial celebration might be warranted.
Cost : 20
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 3

Unification day is the largest celebration on the ADVENT calendar, the great celebration of the day that Elders extended their benevolence to humanity. It is traditionally celebrated by military parades, a formal address by the speaker, which are followed on by extensive celebrations. Such marvelous celebrations are unfortunately outside your reach. City 22 has neither the resources nor the infrastructure required for such great festivities. Instead, preparation for Unification day focuses on organizing the myriad of smaller festivities, ensuring that the Speaker's message can be brought to all, and reviewing security arrangements.

The end result is most definitively untraditional, with a dozen different celebrations occurring at different times throughout the city, but Demophon assures you that this is a common occurrence. The large cities may host their monolithic formal celebrations, but the greatest and more sincere festivities are those that the citizens themselves organized. And, though you feared otherwise, the small festivities turned out to be considerably easier to handle than a great celebration would have been.

The only question then remains, is if you will be attending, and if so where?

Vote :
[Unification Day] District 0 : Celebrating Unification Day in the confines of the administrative district means a relatively traditional celebration, primarily attended by ADVENT personel.
[Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[Unification Day] Sleep : Do not attend a party, just take some well earned rest

Vote : Do you invite one of your fellow councillors
[] Write-in?

Outreach Liason
Accursio isn't present for the meeting. He's currently at European Administrative Zone's main headquarters
[X] Accursio: You remember him from your days in the Outreach project. He's an excellent negotiator, flexible when he needs to be, though with a definitive focus on bringing wayward humans into the fold. Unfortunately, you two did not get along.(2 actions)

[] Increase food imports : ADVENT
City 22 faces a significant food shortage. While supplies are adequate for now, any disruption may cause unrest. Ensure that food is supplied for everyone by importing additional food supplies.
Cost : 100
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 2

Like all ADVENT city centers, City 22 receives additional food supplies from ADVENT based on the needs of it's citizens. This distribution ensures that none have too much while others have too little, taking into account both local production and local demand. However, the numbers for City 22 simply do not add up. Demand on food supplies is far greater than that assumed by the central administration, and so supplies have been falling continually short.

The misallocation appears to have a dozen different factors (overestimated local production, underestimated population figures, incorrect estimations of spoilage, local imports and more), but the end result is the same. City 22 is facing a major shortage of food, something that went unnoticed so far because most of those who were facing starvation were just desperate Chryssalid refugees.

The solution is less obvious. Before he left, Accursio proposed two paths of action. Either he could start the long path of getting the administration to re-evaluate it's distribution (something which you know will take time), or he could invoke an emergency. The latter would require your explicit authorization, but it will release food supplies immediatly.

[] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[] [Food] Declare an emergency : Immediately resolves all food issues. ADVENT will expect you to solve the emergency ASAP.

[] Manage food distribution
Food distribution is always a place where temper can raise high, especially when people are hungry. Accursio offers to keep an eye on the crowd and keep them calm.
Cost : 20
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 4

It's only by personal working on organizing the food distribution, that you've realized the full scale of the problem. City 22's population has grown explosively the last few years, and registrations have lagged behind as the result of a lack of administrative zeal and deep skepticism among the refugee population. Behind every person who's formally registered to pick up food from the food delivery, are 3 more hiding from the systems. Thus, what on paper are supposed to be generous rations, turn out to be far too limited in practice.

The result is unrest, theft, and smuggling. Keeping the order is a hard task, and with perimeter controls re-estabilished, you feel the situation is slowly coming to a head.

Vote :
[Unrest] Deploy ADVENT forces to the distribution centers
[Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.
[Unrest] Release additional food supplies without authorization, in direct violation of ADVENT procedures.

ADVENT Tech Integration
Eustathios looks the same as always. It seems there's little you can do to a form made of pure energy.(2 actions)

[] Acquire Elerium Reactor (Decommissioning)
With several invasion era battleships being scrapped for parts in the coming months, a significant amount of aging but still functional elerium power sources are available. See if you can acquire one to serve as a powersource for the city in the future.
Cost : 250
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 4

The massive battleships of the Alien fleets are a sight to behold. Even at the academy, people would stop and look whenever one came flying over.
Seeing the imagery of one of their massive power cores thus provides you with rather mixed feelings. On one hand, the massive elerium core presents a serious opportunity for the city, powering it's future. On the other hand, the fact that the reactor is sitting here in a warehouse indicates the demise of another of these marvelous machines.

Even so, you will have to deal with the reactor soon. The older an elerium core gets, the more temperamental it becomes, and without proper housing and containment system the device is incredibly vulnerable to sabotage or accident. Leaving it sitting around would not only be a tremendous waste of resources, it would be a danger to the entire city.

[] Prep Integrated Networks
Eustathios was originally intended as a pilot and operating system for a UFO. Modifying the cities electrical and data infrastructure to co-operate with his systems and those of other ADVENT constructs could have promising results.
Cost : 100
Time : 4 Turns
Complexity : 2

City 22 has a complex network infrastructure. In Admin One, the network is a simple standard advent installation, but the further you go into the city, the further you go back in time. Microwave links crudely patched into advent systems make way for a tangled mess of optic fiber and copper wire, in some cases decades old and partially lost to time. Integration is feasible, but Eustathios is willing to just advocate for ripping everything out and building a clean network from the ground up.

Action continues next turn/

Personal Actions (2 actions)
You're managing. You think. The last few months have been hectic, but once you get things in order, it should start to level off, right?

[ ] Oversee project
Effect : You will absorb (skill/3 failures) on the chosen project
-[X] Manage food distribution
-[X] Unification day preparations

See relevant actions.

Bleh, this did not go anywhere near as smooth as I hoped. Let's hope that things pick up later.
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For convenience's sake, these are the votes you ought to vote for.

Vote : Forces (Pick up to 3. Aurelius would prefer you pick all 3)
[] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.

Vote :
[][Unification Day] District 0 : Celebrating Unification Day in the confines of the administrative district means a relatively traditional celebration, primarily attended by ADVENT personel.
[][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[][Unification Day] Sleep : Do not attend a party, just take some well earned rest

Vote : Do you invite one of your fellow councillors
[][Friend] Write-in?

Vote : Food supply
[] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[] [Food] Declare an emergency : Immediately resolves all food issues. ADVENT will expect you to solve the emergency ASAP.

Vote: Distribution
[Unrest] Deploy ADVENT forces to the distribution centers
[Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.
[Unrest] Release additional food supplies without authorization, in direct violation of ADVENT procedures.
So we have a bit of a food crisis. I'm thinking we gain all the old military hardware, use to cull the insect population, use that as leverage to convince the outlying settlements to grow food for us, and then cover the difference with internal food actions and trade.
Vote : Forces (Pick up to 3. Aurelius would prefer you pick all 3)
[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[x][Unification Day] District 0 : Celebrating Unification Day in the confines of the administrative district means a relatively traditional celebration, primarily attended by ADVENT personel.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[x][Unification Day] District 0 : Celebrating Unification Day in the confines of the administrative district means a relatively traditional celebration, primarily attended by ADVENT personel.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[X] [Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.

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[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[X][Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.

We should get to know who has influence within the city beside our administration.
edit: Don't forget to vote on the unrest option.
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[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
I am District 2
Omake: "I am District 2!"

Lukas Hahn was cross. Very cross. Six years of hard work was what it took for "Mr. Hahn" to become one of the biggest names in city 22's underground. ADVENT wasn't like the old world, it was a lot less lenient when it came to people like him so it came to be a point of pride for Lukas Hahn to make it to where he was today. He and his partner Teddy were the top dogs. Illegal old world items and such were a good amount of income, but right now what people wanted was a bit more basic: Food. Grab some "extra" food from some larger shipments and sell them to the people at a marked up price. Business was booming! Now business was suffering.

All of Lukas' old "friends" in the old city government practically disappeared overnight, either arrested or reassigned. Now some new hotshot is behind the wheel of the city and changes were already moving for the worse. Lukas wasn't concerned over those few stupid couriers who got caught, they only knew that they dropped things off someplace and pay would get to them later. No, Lukas was angry at the change in the air. Perimeter patrols, centralization in District 0...

"So what's the plan boss?" Lukas looked up from his desk in his dusty office, Andre and a few other of his lieutenants standing around waiting for his instructions. They were nervous, afraid to actually step forward and try and offer anything of value.

Lukas glanced at Andre before speaking. "We adapt. Now. We've been mostly prepared for when the Aliens crack down, so we start digging." The smuggler stands up and slams his hand on the map of City 22 before him. "I want this underground operation underground, literally if thats what it takes. Understood?"

As his employees starting nodding and hesitantly talking among themselves, the idiots that they are. Mentally Lukas reminded himself to check on his safe house outside city limits and make sure it was well stocked and still hidden. With friends like these, who needs alien enemies? God, Lukas missed Teddy.

He almost regretted killing him.

[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[x] [Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.
[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[x] [Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.
2025 Q2 : The Party
[x] [Forces] "Dam Busters" Muton Unit : A specialist Muton unit equipped with Heavy Plasma and explosives. They held a dam alone against strong assault from French forces in the early phases of the war. Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down the structure rather than letting it be captured, killing a large number of attacking forces and wreacking havoc downstream. During post-war operations, they've primarily being used to bring down underground Chrysalid nests with limited success.
[x] [Forces] Cyberdisk Squadron : A biomechanical organism, the cyberdisc was feared during the war for it's tough armor and highly powerful beam cannon. Keeping one in operational state will be a challenge.
[x] [Forces] Mechtoid Pair : A sectoid in a mechsuit, the mechtoid is a formidable combat unit. Genetic upgrades to the sectoid species have rendered the armor incompatible. Continued operation will require waivers from ADVENT to postpone enhancement programs for the forces in question.
[x] [Food] Push for re-evaluation : ADVENT food imports will increase in 3-9 months
[X][Unification Day] District 5 : Some of the cities wealthier inhabitants are hosting a formal celebration, and they've invited you. While you suspect that the invite is either pro forma or because they want something from you, you can still follow up on it.
[X] [Unrest] Change Nothing. Keep alert.

Unification Day :

The party was terrible.

You'd hoped it would be a simple celebration, a simple expression of unity and faith in the Elders, like you had at the academy. Of course you had expected some attention (you were after all, the Cities administrator) , but you'd specifically chosen to bring none of your fellow councilors along to hopefully communicate the informal nature of the event. Instead, you were the center of the attention, and the fact that you were there alone (the security team was of course, present, but they are discreet) meant that you had to handle all the questions yourself.

What followed was an overwhelming night during which you barely got anything to eat or to drink, before crashing back at Admin One. Most of the questions you answered were a waste of time, but it did gave you some insight into what groups were operating in City 22, or at least, which groups were willing to show their face to you. The first group, the group which organized the festivities and even invited you, was a loosely affliated collective of the cities wealthiest people. Most of them owned considerable real estate in the elder districts, and with the growing refugee population rents were a very lucrative practice. That, of course, would come under threat once you decide to settle the issue, but cooperation is always a possibility.

The second group, more covert in their inquiries, yet also prominent, where the merchants and the traders. Most of the cities trade before your arrival had been questionably legal at best, and the enforcement of the perimeter though nessecairy, had been disruptive. They hoped for the restoration of normalcy soon.

The final person was no one spectacular, though unlike everyone else, he at least had a pleasant, if odd, conversation with you. The man turned out to be a bit of an amateur enthusiast of ADVENT tech, so you discussed the latest news in ADVENT tech and commiserated the decommissioning of some of the most impressive vessels in the fleet. At the end, he offered you an invite to some kind of discussion group, the Promethians.

- When travelling outside city limits, remember to file your itinerary at least 7 days before leaving. Together we can ensure you a safe and happy voyage.
- Chrysalid update : The current alert level is 3. Maintain aware and do not travel outside city limits unescorted.
- Notice to all citizens : Remain alert. Severe weather is currently disturbing city services. Food delivery in the following districts will be postponed until the weather clears : Unification plaza, ...
Global News : Demobilization continues as peace reigns across the globe. ADVENT announces new peace dividend with the construction of 20 new City centers.

Starting Credits : 1880 (+1000)

Plan vote :
[ ] Vote by Plan

Site Security Representative
With the introduction of the new assets, Aurelius now has a small but capable fighting force. Even so, he continues his request for additional forces, as City 22 needs more units (2 actions)

[]Recruitment(New Forces)
Aurelius proposes to contact Advent HQ to commission the recruitment of additional security forces for City 22. The forces will be green and lightly armed, but they will be made out of predictable ADVENT units fitting in ADVENT's designed paradigms.
Cost : 100 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 2

Alternatively, Aurelius could call upon his old contacts within the administration and try to get several to-be-decommissioned units reassigned to the city. This will result in an ecletic bunch of non-standardized units with heavier gear, but which a veteran like Aurelius will now how to use.
Cost : 100 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 3

[]District Patrols
With control over the cities outer border assured, we can now turn to enforcing inner borders. A cohesive network of internal checkpoints is essential to catch the internal spread of contrabrand and track the movements of dissidents. Cost : 50 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 2

[] Outer Perimeter Reinforcement
The outer perimeter is now patrolled, but our forces can not be everywhere at once. Placing Security towers along the primary pathways into and out of the city can lessen the burden upon our current forces.
Cost : 200 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 2

[] Calming the Streets
When there is unrest on the streets, the deployment of the city's security forces heavy assets (Muttons, Cyberdisks, Mechtoids) can help bring order to the chaos, by dissiduading any mal adaptive elements in the population from sowing further chaos.
Cost : 50 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 4

[] District 2 Crackdown
District 2 is home to considerable illegal activity, ranging from the presence of unregistered humans to the far more serious crimes such as smuggling and black marketeering. Though so far we have no information on weapons or subversive material being sold in the black market, we also lack the ability to detect such activity if it did happen. Send in the security forces to raid the market and restore order to the city/
Cost : 75 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 3

[] Training Expeditions :
A Chryssallid nest has been spotted near the city. While not an immediate danger, it offers an opportunity for a life exercise for our forces. The risk is considerable, but it'll be one less worry to deal with.
Cost : 200 Credits
Time : 1 turn
Complexity : 4

[] Security Base
Currently, our security forces do not have a dedicated base of operation. Expanding their compound in district 0 into a permanent facility is needed should we desire more effective military options.
Cost : 400 credits
Time : 2 turns
Complexity : 3

Infrastructure Liason
Callirrhoe has a number proposals for you. City 22is due for official opening on Unification Day, a ceremony which will require a presentable city. However, at present most of the city is still in shambles, and recovery will take a while. Callirrhoe has focused plans on 3 immediate priorities : Assembling the administration infrastructure in Distrinct 0, constructing housing for Alien Specialists in District 3, and commencing industrial development in District 4. Should we have excess funds, she has also provided solutions for City 22 housing and food problems. (2 actions)

[] Integrated Housing : District 0
Though ADVENT standard prefers to house each species in adapted housing, the academy proves that integrated housing is possible, perhaps even desirable. Building integrated housing within District 0 allows you to provide the future employees of your administration with housing close to their workplace and coworkers.
Cost : 400 credits
Time : 1 turns
Complexity : 4

[] Elerium Power Plant : District 1
Leaving an Elerium power in a warehouse is a dangerous proposition. By constructing a new generating facility in District 1, we can store the core safely and ensure a stable powersupply for future ADVENT projects
Cost : 200 credits
Time : 1 turns
Complexity : 2

[] Alien Housing : District 3
The standard ADVENT housing block comes in a number of variations for each alien species. Suited to each species needs, these blocks can be buildly rapidly and precisely where needed. The initial phases of this project will provide ample capacity to house workers for future admin and industry projects.
Cost : 600 credits
Time : 1 turns
Complexity : 4

[] Alloy Forge : District 4
Advanced alloys are part of nearly all modern construction. Having our own production facilities for these systems will benefit the city in the long run, though intial production might be handicapped with limited raw material supply and lack of capable workforce.
Cost : 600 credits
Time : 1 turns
Complexity : 2

[] Mass Housing : District 4
The skyscrapers of District 4 are still intact, though no longer habitable. Rehabilitating the skyscrapers and converting them to modern habitation units should allow us to house a considerable number of unhoused citizens, reducing problems in District 3 and 2.
Cost : 300
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 3

[] Agricultural Renewal : District 6
District 6 produced a small but limited amount of food. Resolving City 22's dependence on emergency food imports will require increasing production, The provision of advanced farming materials should be completed when possible.
Cost : 100
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 3

Culture and Education Co-ordinator
Demophon is a bit of a mystery to you. Or perhaps that's just the way all thin Men are. Nonetheless, he has provided a collection of documents and proposed plans to help stabilize the city. (2 actions)

[] I am your Leader
A formal announcement of the creation of City 22 will follow on Unification day, but that doesn't mean you can't do a show. Formally estabilish and introduce the council to the general population, creating order in the chaos of different administrations that has so far controlled the city.
Cost : 10
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 3

[] Public Broadcasts
Though Advent 1 is provided as a free channel, it fails to reach the general population due to lacking infrastructure. By providing additional screens, mobile projection booths and speakers we can ensure 24/7 communication capability.
Cost : 40
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 2

[] Local Broadcasts
Currently we recieve our broadcasts centrally, from Advent 1. A locally optimized broadcasting solution requires the construction of additional infrastructure, but would allow for new messaging.
Cost : 200
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 3

[] Ear on the street
In order to inform, one must first know. Demophon knows a fair bit about infiltration, and can develop a primitive organisation to oversee what goes on within the city.
Cost : 20
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 5

[] Rationing Program
A rationing program can help ensure more equitable distribution of scarce food aid, but it won't resolve the fundamental shortage. It also reflects badly on ADVENT, and it's core promises to aid humanity.
Cost : 50
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 4

Outreach Liason
Accursio is your connection to the outside. You don't like him, he doesn't like you, but you are his superior and he is loyal to ADVENT, you can work with that.(2 actions)

[] Contact outlying settlements
City 22 faces a significant food shortage. While supplies are adequate for now, any disruption may cause unrest. Ensure that food is supplied for everyone by increasing contributions from the countryside.
Cost : 50
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 4

[] Manage food distribution
Food distribution centers are always a place where tempers can run high, especially when people are hungry. Accursio offers to keep an eye on the crowd and keep them calm.
Cost : 20
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 4

[] Request additional budget
The City's development project is ambitious, but you clearly do not have sufficient resources to execute it. Request additional funding.
Cost : 0
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 2

[] Investigate countryside settlements
The countryside is wide and your connections are limited. See who's out there.
Cost : 10
Time : 1 Turn
Complexity : 5

ADVENT Tech Integration
The Outsider pilot stands ready to execute a variety of solutions. Given your current lack of adequate facilities or support personnel, it's ability to aid is limited. (2 actions, 1 locked)

[] Drone Solutions
Cyberdisc forces are usually attended by hosts of smaller drones as scouts and to make repairs. If we are to support our own cyberdisc units, having a supply of drones will be essential. Though outdated, setting up the tooling for these units will not be too hard.
Cost : 100
Time : 2 Turns
Complexity : 2

[] Prep Modified Crops
City 22 faces a consistent food shortage. A project can be started to explore more advanced food sources.
Cost : 100
Time : 4 Turns
Complexity : 2

[] District 8 : Reclaim airport facility
The airport in District 8 stands abandoned. Turning it into a spaceport will be an expensive affair, but can be done.
Cost : 400
Time : 2 Turn
Complexity : 5

[X] Prep Integrated Networks
Eustathios was originally intended as a pilot and operating system for a UFO. Modifying the cities electrical and data infrastructure to co-operate with his systems and those of other ADVENT constructs could have promising results.
Cost : 100
Time : 4 Turns (3 remaining)
Complexity : 2

Personal Actions (2 actions)
You are fine. You think. You're managing. You can do this. You really want to believe that.

[ ] The implant
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the implant.

[ ] Meet :[ Insert council member]
Try to open up closer relations by talking to one of your council members. Depending on who this is, this can be stressfull or relaxing.

[] Follow up on the Prometheans

[] Relax
Just no stress, relax.

[ ] Rush Project
Effect : Halves turns, doubles complexity

[ ] Oversee project
Effect : You will absorb (skill/3 failures) on the chosen project

Sorry for taking a while, and yet not actually writing anything good. The party summary is especially bad, but I couldn't write anything better.

I managed to spook myself into not doing anything, so...
[X] Plan: Set-up Phase 2
-[X] Outer Perimeter Reinforcement
-[X] Security Base

-[X] Alloy Forge : District 4
-[X] Agricultural Renewal : District 6
-[X] I am your Leader
-[X] Ear on the street
-[X] Manage food distribution
-[X] Investigate countryside settlements
-[X] District 8 : Reclaim airport facility
-[X] Prep Integrated Networks
-[X] The implant
-[X] Oversee project : Outer Perimeter Reinforcement

Leftover Credits : 20

Edit: If anyone is wondering why I put Investigate countryside settlements in instead of asking them to give us food is because I though it wouldn't make sense if we had no idea if they COULD give us more.
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