Did we even see any aliens who'd be sympathetic to the human cause?
Sort of - you have encountered aliens who are sympathetic to humans, but not necessarily the cause of humanity.
Are we turning into Strangereal Advent with Future? I'm extremely confused.
You're not turning into ADVENT unless you lose, but you're going to be more open to the idea and possibility of alien defections or negotiated peaces earlier.

But a significantly more important than the alien consideration is the human factor. Who will Long Caster call for the people going with him to believe in? This is not a private decision - as the Usean commander, he can't exactly keep it a secret, and as the Usean commander, if he chooses anything other than Nation he's going to need to justify it to the other Oseans who've gotten the recall order too.

Who would be swayed by an appeal to Future, versus who would be swayed by an appeal to Humanity, versus who would be swayed by an appeal to Nation?

(And for the people who are not swayed by whichever argument you pick, to whom will they turn?)
I feel like it's not a coincidence that Pasternak, Mihaly, and Pixy all talk about the future in their last battles with their respective protagonists. Well, first and last in the case of Pasternak.
Some of the psychic alien pilots have pretty human feelings at times, such as feeling sadness at having to blow up fellow skilled pilots at the behest of their governments. I think it was Unbreakable Guard that beamed their sympathies into noggins.

Hunter-Killer just has all of the pride, indignation, and ruthlessness of sterotypical Belkan Aces.

So far nothing too unknowable, really.
It's been a while, but I can't recall when this happened. All our encounters witb aliens consist of us blowing each other up. When did we meet a sympathetic alien on-screen?
You can be sympathetic to each other and still blow each other up :V

(Flowing Guard Unbreakable mentioned wishing that they met under better circumstances, and then promptly had long inconclusive duels with 0 casualties, so, you know)
Does choosing humanity mean we won't be returning any of the assets Osea lent us, or just that we'll be staying with XCOM and encouraging fellow Oseans to do the same?
Does choosing humanity mean we won't be returning any of the assets Osea lent us, or just that we'll be staying with XCOM and encouraging fellow Oseans to do the same?
I mean, you can return your planes to try and curry favor, but, well, in Osea's shoes would you rather have a bunch of "totally good planes pinky promise" or "Strider Squadron"?

(Also, unilateral defections has one very public association in world memory, so, you know)
(yes, Razgriz files have not yet fully disseminated)
I mean, you can return your planes to try and curry favor, but, well, in Osea's shoes would you rather have a bunch of "totally good planes pinky promise" or "Strider Squadron"?

Well it probably wouldn't make much difference to Osea, it might make other countries less reluctant to grant supplies to XCOM. Especially if we make it clear that anyone and everyone who stayed did so of their own personal choice.

That way, everyone is forced to publicly acknowledge that the only scenario under which men who have been temporarily seconded to XCOM would not return when ordered is if they themselves decided not to. This would hopefully make other nations far less reluctant to provide XCOM with additional men and material, confident in knowing that the only reason XCOM wouldn't return them is if those men decided to defect.

This cuts the legs out from under anyone who objects to sending additional personnel to assist XCOM on the grounds of them possibly not being returned, as doing so is an implicit admission that they do not believe their troops are loyal to them, and a direct insult to their troops.

This should prevent anyone from voicing such sentiments as criticizing the military in such a manner, especially in the middle of a war, is political suicide.

TLDR: The idea is to shift the blame from XCOM for stealing to Osea, for causing their own pilots to defect.

(Also, unilateral defections has one very public association in world memory, so, you know)
(yes, Razgriz files have not yet fully disseminated)
What if we disseminated it immediately after stating that we would not prevent anyone from returning to Osea, and that we were giving back the planes?

If Razgriz decided to stay, that might even help to get the Osean public on our side (or at least hating a slightly less).

Basically, I'm relying on the fact that Osea is a democracy, which means that PR matters as much if not more than diplomacy. If the Osean public wants to rejoin XCOM, or at the very least is hostile to the idea of the Osean government acting against XCOM, then that's something we could use to help shield us from Osean retaliation.

TLDR: Osea is a democracy, let's exploit that.
Well it probably wouldn't make much difference to Osea, it might make other countries less reluctant to grant supplies to XCOM. Especially if we make it clear that anyone and everyone who stayed did so of their own personal choice.

That way, everyone is forced to publicly acknowledge that the only scenario under which men who have been temporarily seconded to XCOM would not return when ordered is if they themselves decided not to. This would hopefully make other nations far less reluctant to provide XCOM with additional men and material, confident in knowing that the only reason XCOM wouldn't return them is if those men decided to defect.

This cuts the legs out from under anyone who objects to sending additional personnel to assist XCOM on the grounds of them possibly not being returned, as doing so is an implicit admission that they do not believe their troops are loyal to them, and a direct insult to their troops.

This should prevent anyone from voicing such sentiments as criticizing the military in such a manner, especially in the middle of a war, is political suicide.

TLDR: The idea is to shift the blame from XCOM for stealing to Osea, for causing their own pilots to defect.

What if we disseminated it immediately after stating that we would not prevent anyone from returning to Osea, and that we were giving back the planes?

If Razgriz decided to stay, that might even help to get the Osean public on our side (or at least hating a slightly less).

Basically, I'm relying on the fact that Osea is a democracy, which means that PR matters as much if not more than diplomacy. If the Osean public wants to rejoin XCOM, or at the very least is hostile to the idea of the Osean government acting against XCOM, then that's something we could use to help shield us from Osean retaliation.

TLDR: Osea is a democracy, let's exploit that.
This rationale is not as strong as you think.
We don't have acces to the Razgriz files, so that plan's a bust.

Trigger and the old Spare Squadron members are likely to stay, but the Razgriz and the surviving members of Strider? They have always been loyal to Osea, even when Wardog was falsely accused.

That's completely okay mind you. Osea needs its Super Aces if we don't want a entire continent to fall to the Belkan-Alien coalition.
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Yeah, I see this as a choice of conscience - Belka is a fight worth fighting. Anything we do so they can come back from that fight sooner, we should do.
XCOM Osea would lose all of their pilots, we'd lose Strider Squadron (except maybe Trigger and Count), Druid Squadron and Bard Squadron, but due to the truth about Razgriz not being public, Razgriz Squadron is most likely going to stay in XCOM Verusa. And then there are other assets, like scientists and engineers.
Yeah, I see this as a choice of conscience - Belka is a fight worth fighting. Anything we do so they can come back from that fight sooner, we should do.
That assumes that due to Osea no longer being part of XCOM they'd even allow those assets to return.