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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


This was an idea that I had intended to just not really do, probably born from a mixture of the idea of a riot god quest, and an evolution quest that's recently been shut down by its QM If you follow any of my other quests, and are exasperated by seeing me make yet another one, do not worry, I don't intend to drop any of my currently running ones. So lets just enjoy ourselves :)
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You are a survivor of the Apocalypse and now reside on an Alternate Earth. Try to rebuild from the ashes of the Old World and hope that things don't fall apart at the seams. Oh, and watch out for the Smilodons.
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In a far away land, an old empire crumble, and it's up to you to rebuild it, do not fear the enemy blade, for death is only a moment while cowardice is ethernal
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Ahh, Humanity, so much potential, now wasted on trying to kill each other again... oh what's've nearly destroyed all of space-time and led to a multiversal convergence and its near-collapse and got the attention of nearly all intelligent life with a pulse, and now they want to for breaking it. But that's not your problem, let the guy's on Saturn deal with it, you've got bigger problems to worry about. Everyone with ambition or a plan wants to get control of the species for their...
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You are going to another world. Though this fantasy world seems to have been played straight. People who are claimed to be good are actually good people. Those who are labelled as bad are actually bad. This is a world where the evil forces are actually evil, and the forces of good are truly shining examples of humanity. A world where everything that the other claims are actually true, as it is played straight. Can you survive in this kind of world? Are you going to save this world from...
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Taylor was supposed to trigger with the power to control Bugs, but this one is different. She can acquire every types of abilities, but she have to work for it. (Trigger Warning: Self-Harm, Suicidal Tendencies, and Dark Themes)
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2000: The Batman and Robin film was a disaster and no one wants to touch this franchise. And now a new DC producer is stuck with orders to make it work as his first film. Sink or swim is the name of the game now.
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Basically? An anime quest with a lot of cliches, Power of Friendship, and Magic stuff. Hopefully this whole year will turn out alright.
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It's been several years since XCOM failed its mission to protect Remnant, but that doesn't mean they're down for the count. With information on the commander's location, XCOM rallies itself once more to fight against ADVENT's reign.
Latest Threadmarks not easy. Sometimes you stumble and get a lot of people killed . Sometimes you screw up and nearly start a war... But being a hero is never easy even in the best of times. These are not the best of times...
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You are the Smallest of Dragons, of the Freehold. But even the Smallest of Things can grow into something wonderful... and Terrifying.
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Booting in Replica Mode… An error has occurred while executing C:\loc\luminous.exe Unknown...
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The near-Third impact has JUST happened, thousands are dead, humanities defences are in near ruins, and the only scapegoat in the mess is gone, so now you got to pick up the pieces in this long and painful climb to salvation. Hope you come prepared.
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A anime fan is given the opportunity to be in one. What will happen to him?
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Gaia is not pleased with the entities and wants them gone. You get to control the champion she creates to deal with them
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Prologue: Will to Power “My Life has been a clusterfuck for as long as I have been alive, It...
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The Main quest and all that happens within
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Intro Imperial Russia 13 of March 1885 Asuncion Cathedral Moscow It was a quirk of fate that...
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Rise to the call in a new era. Become the shining light in the world of darkess and shoulder the responsibility that comes with it.
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*Foreword* This Quest will, in almost all cases, use a Vote By Plan format. Rolls, if any are...
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So. So you were drunk. Clearly. And ouch, you have a killer hangover. Ugh. Your head is a...
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The Stars of Change --- An Original Science Fiction Quest It was the soothing metallic...
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You wake up, drenched in cold sweat from head to toe. Your body shakes slowly, in the horrendous...
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Your schedule for today is busy, so let's keep things simple and summarize your backstory. You...
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What does it mean to be Exceptional? Is it becoming more than what is expected of you...
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Before you even step into the first post, let me stop you riiight there and point out the major...
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Note: 80% of the system I am using was invented by @Arthellion. All credit to him. Please, check...
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11/04/2011 | Rainy | En route to Yaso-Inaba Train Station | 15:15 PM JST Looking out of the...
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(Name is subject to change, maybe.) TRIGGER WARNING: This quest is oozing with subtle...
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